In Hollywood and wherever films are made, elaborate sets are created to bring fantastic films to the screen. When the films have finished wrapping, sometimes the sets are packed away, never to be seen again. But other times, the sets are left behind, abandoned, and most of them are available to the diehard public interested in taking photos of the relics of their favorite movies...
The Fugitive (1993)
The Fugitive, starring Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, and Julianne Moore, is an action thriller based on a television series of the same name. One of the most impressive stunts/scenes in the film involves Ford's character jumping from a moving bus before it is hit by a train.
The scene amazingly only took one take. The mangled remains of both the bus and the train, though rusted and decayed, can still be found standing alongside the Smokey Mountain Railroad in Dillsboro, North Carolina.
The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games is a dystopian action film based on a series of books by Suzanne Collins. In the film, the lead character Katniss Everdeen, played by Jennifer Lawrence, lives in the District 12 village of Panem.
District 12 is a post-apocalyptic mining village, and for the film series, a real-life ghost town was chosen as the location. If you're a fan of The Hunger Games trilogy you will find District 12 at The Henry River Mill Village in North Carolina.
Gone Girl (2014)
The 2014 thriller Gone Girl is based on the novel of the same name by Gillian Flynn. It is a psychological thriller about a man, Nick Dunne, and the mysterious disappearance of his wife, Amy. The film stars Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike.
One of the sets was in a mall, and the film's producers and creative directors chose to use an existing building - The Hawthorne Plaza Mall in California. The mall has been abandoned since the '90s, and because of its crumbling infrastructure, the public is not allowed inside the actual building, though they are welcome to walk the perimeter.
Big Fish (2003)
The Tim Burton-directed fantasy Big Fish was released in 2003 and starred Ewan McGregor, Alison Lohman, Billy Crudup, and Albert Finney. The plot is centered around a man named Edward Bloom who tells the tallest stories about how he met the love of his life.
The film takes place at several locations, but the one that stands out is the magical town of Spectre. Burton traveled all the way to Jackson Lake Island on the Alabama River and build the entire town. After filming, the set was left as is. If you want to travel to Spectre there is a small fee to tour the island.
Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
This 2013 action horror film is a fresh (and more violent) take on the classic "Hansel and Gretel" by the Brothers Grimm found in Grimms Fairy Tales. The film stars Jeremy Renner, Famke Jansen and Gemma Arterton.
The film's main location is a medieval village, and that same village is still standing. If you want to visit it simply travel to Babelsberg Film Studio in Germany, and take the tour. It's a bit creepy, but if you're a fan of the film it's a must-see.
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace is the fourth installment in George Lucas' Star Wars franchise. Luke Skywalker's home, the planet Tatooine, was built in Tunisia. The small village of Mos Espa was made up of several small towns, and some of it was created using CGI.
What wasn't created digitally was built, and after the filming, the Tunisian government begged George Lucas to leave the town of Mos Espa standing. It has since become a massive tourist attraction, and rightly so.
The Patriot (2000)
The Patriot is a historical war film set during the American Revolutionary War in 1776. It stars Mel Gibson, Chris Cooper, and Heath Ledger. The Spanish Mission in the film was a custom-built set, and rather than removing it when filming wrapped, director Roland Emmerich chose to leave it behind.
The mission blends in really well with its surroundings - a 170-acre preserve of the Cypress Gardens in South Carolina. If they look familiar, other than being in The Patriot, it is because the ruins have been used in several other films since, including 2004's The Notebook.
Ryan's Daughter (1970)
Ryan's Daughter is an epic war film set during the first world war. The film starred Robert Mitchum and Sarah Miles and is set in the mythical village of Kirrarry. This village was built from scratch and is located outside Dingle, Ireland.
The set of the village for Ryan's Daughter was left behind after the film wrapped. Tourists have been able to visit the set and walk through the entire village at their leisure, though not as much of the set is left after years of erosion and general decay.
Iron Man (2008)
In the first Iron Man film, and in the opening scenes Tony Stark AKA Iron Man is kidnapped and thrown into some caves somewhere in Afghanistan. This is where he is held captive before donning his famous suit.
The actual caves are not situated in Afghanistan though. They are situated right in Inyo County, California. They can be found on Yello Garde Road, and are actually the location of the abandoned mine shafts of the Cerro Gordo Mines.
Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (2003)
The very first film in the massive franchise based on a Disney theme park attraction, The Curse of the Black Pearl is a fantasy swashbuckler about pirates, curses, hidden treasure, ghosts, and the endearing Captain Jack Sparrow. It stars Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Kiera Knightley.
Quite a number of scenes took place on the Port Royale set. The set, which has been completely abandoned along with the buildings, costumes, and other props, is situated on Wallilabou Anchorage, St. Vincent. It has become a very popular tourist attraction.
Death Tunnel (2005)
Death Tunnel is a 2005 horror film starring Steffany Huckaby, Annie Burgstede, Kristin Novak, and Jason Lasater. The film centered around five college women who are locked inside a hospital in Kentucky for the night as an initiation ritual.
The movie was filmed at the Waverly Hills Sanitorium, a hospital that once used to house patients with tuberculosis, and was closed down in 1961. Even before and after the filming, the building is considered by some to be haunted. Tourists can take overnight tours of the building situated in Louisville, Kentucky.
Jurassic World (2015)
Jurrasic World is the fourth installment in the Jurassic Park franchise. It takes place on the fictional island of Isla Nublar, and stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Ty Simpkins. Most of the film is set in the dinosaur theme park.
The park they used to film is actually an abandoned Six Flags park in New Orleans. After Hurricane Katrina, there was a lot of destruction, and the park closed permanently. Tourists and fans of the franchise are not allowed in the actual park but are welcome to walk the perimeter and take photos.
Session 9 (2001)
Session 9 is a 2001 psychological horror film starring David Caruso, Peter Mullen, Brendon Sexton II, and Josh Lucas. The plot revolves around a clean-up crew who are working to remove asbestos from an old insane asylum. The movie was filmed at the Danvers State Hospital in Danvers, Massachusetts.
The actual hospital, which is now abandoned, opened in 1878 and took four years to construct. It eventually closed down in 1992 due to budget cuts. Session 9 was neither a financial nor critical success, but since its release, it has developed something of a cult status. The hospital still stands to this day.
Field Of Dreams (1989)
Field of Dreams is a fantasy sports film released in 1989. The film stars Kevin Kostner as a farmer who built a baseball field to attract the ghosts of deceased baseball legends. The most iconic line in the film, "If you build it, they will come" encaptures this hit film, and fan favorite.
The baseball field was built especially for the film between two farms outside Dyersville, Iowa. After the film wrapped the baseball diamond was left behind, and has remained as a tourist attraction for the last 30-odd years.
12 Monkeys (1995)
The science fiction film 12 Monkeys takes place inside a mental hospital and stars Bruce Willis, Madeline Stowe, and Brad Pitt. Fans will be surprised to learn that the psychiatric hospital where James Cole (Willis) is incarcerated, is in fact a very famous prison.
The Eastern State Penitentiary once held captive the likes of Al Capone, and the infamous bank robber Willie Sutton. The prison was actually closed in 1971 but is open to the public as a tourist attraction, a historical landmark, and a film location.
Girl Interrupted (1999)
The psychological drama Girl Interrupted was released in 1999. Most of the film takes place within the walls of a mental hospital during the '60s. It stars Angeline Jolie, Winona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg, and Elizabeth Moss. The hospital used is located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The film made use of the already existing Harrisburg State Hospital that had been built in 1845. The hospital closed down in 1996, three years prior to the cast and crew of the Academy Award-winning film taking up residence in it. It is now used as a storage facility, and though fans can't go inside they are welcome to visit the outside of the building.
The Lord Of The Rings (2001) and The Hobbit (2012)
For both film franchises for The Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit, one of the main set locations is Hobbiton. This is the home of Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, and Sam Gamgee, and is where all the best plans are made, and the best meals are eaten.
The Hobbit home was built on the Alexander Farm in New Zealand. Director Peter Jackson created the set based on J.R.R. Tolkien's magical worlds, and after the films had all wrapped the iconic Hobbit hole remains as a very popular tourist attraction. The tour of Hobbiton includes Bag End, The Party Tree, and Bagshot Row.
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly (1966)
Sergio Leone's epic 'spaghetti western' The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly starring Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach, spawned two sequels, A Fistful of Dollars, and A Few Dollars More. The films were all shot on location in Spain's Tabernas Desert, Almeria.
The old western town where all the action takes place is still standing, if you can believe it. The town is abandoned but the buildings and signs, and other props from the movies can still be found eerily sitting empty out in the desert.
Asterix And Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002)
Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra is a 2002 live-action fantasy comedy film based on the comic book Asterix and Cleopatra. The film stars Christian Clavier and Gerard Depardieu and is a sequel to 1999's Asterix and Obelix Take On Caesar.
In this film, the main characters travel to Egypt in order to build a palace for Cleopatra. Oddly enough, the film was not shot in Egypt, but instead, the cast and crew traveled to Morrocco where several props were built from scratch including the Egyptian Ram statue. Tourists can now visit the sites which still stand to this day.
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
The Hills Have Eyes is an American horror film that revolves around a family that is chased by a group of cannibals when they stop at a gas station in Nevada for fuel. The gas station, Fred's Oasis, is where the family receives the disturbing warning that they should make sure they stay on the main road. Of course that obviously doesn't happen...
The infamous gas station can actually be found in Ouarzazate, Morrocco. The entire set is still intact, all these years later - complete with the abandoned car, canned goods, and even some sports memorabilia.
Popeye (1980)
The 1980 live-action film based on the cartoon Popeye stars Robin Willaims as the titular Popeye, a sailor who falls in love with Olive Oyl, the absent-minded character portrayed by Shelley Duvall. In order to recreate the world of E.C. Segar, production began in 1979.
The characters meet and fall in love in the coastal town of Sweethaven. The entire village was built from scratch on Anchor Bay in Malta. After the film wrapped the entire town was left as is and was later converted into a theme park that boasts shows, museums, and rides.
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Stanley Kubrick's 1987 Vietnam war film Full Metal Jacket stars Vincent D'Onofrio, Matthew Modine, and Adam Baldwin. The first half of the film revolves around young men being recruited into the army, and the second half takes place in Vietnam, and during battle.
In one particular scene, the city of Hue is blown up. The entire place is desolated, and the soldiers are forced to move amongst the imploded buildings. The actual town was the former site of a gasworks factory in Beckton, London, that was about to be demolished. Kubrick made sure he filmed the explosion and used it in the film. The wreckage of Hue/the factory is still standing.
The Abyss (1989)
James Cameron's The Abyss is a science fiction film that stars Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, and Michael Biehn as members of an underwater recovery team that makes some frightening discoveries. The underwater set, created at 40 feet deep, was the largest one of its kind.
Cameron's set was built on an existing uncompleted power plant, the Cherokee Nuclear Power Plant in Gaffney, South Carolina. It was such an extensive and expensive set that when the filming was complete they simply left it as-is.
The Blues Brothers (1980)
The musical comedy The Blues Brothers stars Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi as the soul and blues singing brothers, Jake and Elwood. The madcap movie follows the adventures of the two as they cross the country in search of their missing band members.
The most ambitious car chase included the brothers being chased through a mall by a string of police cars. A real mall, The Dixie Square Mall in Chicago, Illinois, had actually closed down in 1978, and which was used in the film. The remainder of the building was eventually demolished in 2012 after it became too dangerous for curious fans to visit.
Silver Canyon (1951)
Sometimes sets are built and then reused over and over again. Such is the case of the western town used in the 1951 film Silver Canyon. The movie stars Gene Autry, Gail Davis, and Jim Davis, and is about Union Scouts during the Civil War. The setting is Utah.
The film used legendary Pioneertown as the setting. This same set has been used over 50 times since but because of the decline in the market for Westerns, it is no longer used as a film set. It is currently the home of over 400 residents and is also a massive tourist attraction.
Looper (2012)
Looper is a 2012 science fiction action film about contract killers that send people back in time. It stars Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt, and Jeff Daniels. Quite a significant part of the film is set in a diner located in the middle of nowhere.
The diner itself is located in a field in Napoleonville, Louisiana. After shooting for Looper ended the diner was abandoned. Fans of the film can still visit the iconic building, though it has suffered quite a bit of decay over the years.
End Of Days (1999)
In the supernatural film End of Days starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne, and Robin Tunney, police detective Jericho Cane gets caught up in a religious conflict that involves assassins and protecting a young woman from being used to conceive the antichrist.
The film involves a scene in which Schwarzenegger's character nails a man to a ceiling in a hospital. The hospital used in the film, the Linda Vista Hospital, was originally built in 1904 to house injured employees of the railroad. It was eventually shut down in 1990 but has been used as the location for other films multiple times.
Lone Star (1952)
The original Lone Star film was released in 1952 and was then remade in 1996. 1952's version stars Clark Gable and Ava Gardener and is a western set in Texas (also known as the 'lone star state').
The location for filming was done in the town of Contrabando. Considered a ghost town, the entire site has been abandoned for years. No longer used for filming anymore, the original Casita building still stands upon the deserted land.
Anna And The King (1999)
Anna and the King is the 1999 adaptation of the 1944 novel Anna and the King of Siam. It stars Chow Yun-fat and Jodie Foster in the lead roles and was filmed almost entirely in Malaysia.
Quite a number of the set pieces, including the castle, were left behind after filming. For years the location was a very popular tourist attraction until much recently when the elements seem to have taken over and the sets have fallen into disrepair.
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Zero Dark Thirty is a thriller set in Pakistan that fictionalizes the decade-long hunt for Osama Bin Laden, the leader of terrorist network Al-Qaeda. It stars Jessica Chastain, Chris Pratt, Kyle Chandler, and James Gandolfini.
Though almost the entirety of the film is set in Pakistan, the actual filming took place right here at The Blue Cloud Ranch in Santa Clarita, California. After filming wrapped the props were left behind, including the helicopter that crashed in the desert.
Up next, more deserted locations...
Up next, more deserted locations...
These Are the Most Deserted Places on Earth
A circle of people underwater?! You'll soon find out more about that place, and it's not the only abandoned place underwater like you can see on this page too. There are so many places around the world that have been abandoned. Some of these places are still picturesque, such as deserted amusement parks. But some deserted spots, such as houses or small towns, are not that pleasing to the eye. Yet, the mystery and the details of such places tend to intrigue so many people. Here are some of the most beautiful abandoned places in the world and the stories behind them.

Christ of the Abyss, Italy
The bottom of the sea can hide so many secrets. One of those secrets is this bronze statue more than 15 meters deep into the sea. Sculptor Guido Galletti created this statue which represents Jesus Christ, looking up toward Heaven and offering a benediction of peace. Originally, there were three statues like this sculpted and placed into the water.
This statue is the first one that was built, and in 1954 it was placed near the spot where first Italian scuba diver Dario Gonzatti died. The statue was removed in 2003 so that it could be restored due to a large amount of corrosion. In July 2004, the statue was returned to the sea once the restoration was complete.
The Chatillon Car Graveyard, Belgium
This car graveyard is located in Chatillon, a small village in Belgium. All of these cars used to belong to US soldiers. While the soldiers were in Belgium during World Word II, they often obtained cars. However, once the war ended the soldiers had to return home and leave their cars behind.
The reason behind this is that it was up to every soldier to decide whether he wanted to have the car shipped back home. Since the soldiers themselves would have to pay the shipping, they decided to leave the cars behind. They drove to the countryside and parked their cars at the top of a hill that was hidden from view. Now nature has taken over, as moss has grown like a new style paint job from doors and bumpers. The abandoned cars at the center of Belgium’s forest have now been removed, mostly for environmental reasons but some stolen by thieves.
Abandoned Tu-144 Super-Sonic Passenger Jet, Kazan City
Why would anyone park a TU-144 passenger jet in their backyard, and then abandon it afterward? If someone was trying to hide this jet, they didn't pick out the most strategic location.
The jet was first discovered by people who were walking by. Then word spread quickly and soon photographers started arriving and taking pictures and videos. Some even used drones and others actually started the jet up. Certain moving parts still partially work. It is quite interesting to see what people keep in their backyards.
Six Flags Theme Park, New Orleans, USA
Six Flags, a theme park in New Orleans, is one of the reminders of Hurricane Katrina that struck the Gulf Coast on August 25, 2005. People in America and all over the world still remember the tragic event and its consequences. Hurricane Katrina didn't only ravage Six Flags but also many other properties that were abandoned afterward.
Over the years, there have been a few suggestions for this theme park. Some wanted to demolish everything while others suggested restoring the park. So far, no action has been taken.
China Ghost Towns
Yes - Towns. In plural. China has been trying to shift populations from place to place, and without any concern for price tags, whole towns and cities were built only to stay empty later on when changes have been made.
So why continue with it? Again, they have no concern for price when it comes to decisions made for "the Chinese people". The big cities come with underground train stations, giant buildings, stores and shopping malls schools and hospitals, but the only thing missing - is people.
Spooky Hotel on a Cliff, Colombia
This hotel used to be majestic - It was seated on the edge of a cliff and surrounded by beautiful mountains. Guests could enjoy observing the beautiful landscape and breathtaking waterfall. This hotel was the perfect choice for a vacation.
Unfortunately, one event made visiting this hotel repulsive. Bogota River was contaminated with industrial waste and the authorities were not willing to try and fix this problem. After some time, visitors stopped coming entirely and the hotel had to close down. What makes things even worse is that some people used the cliff to commit suicide. That is why there are some rumors circulating that the hotel is now haunted.
Deserted Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Graveyard
All these motorcycles were actually owned by the police of Puente Piedra, a district in Lima, Peru. Since they weren't able to afford the maintenance of the bikes, they eventually stopped being in use.
Some of the bikes were sold to Harley lovers who couldn't obtain parts in any other way. They used the parts for other bikes and sold them. The police bikes were sold in auctions for $1,300. But those who bought the parts for other bikes could sell them for up to $12,000.
The Navel of the Earth
The Navel of the Earth is one of the largest man-made holes in the world. But, this place that looks so empty and ugly actually was known for the production of diamonds that could make any man rich beyond his wildest dreams.
The Mir Diamond Mine is located in Mirny, Eastern Siberia, Russia. Diamonds were spilling out of this hole from 1957 to 2001. The mine was closed in 2011.
An Abandoned Store, Fukushima
After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, so many buildings were abandoned, including this store. The Fukushima catastrophe in 2011 is one of the greatest catastrophes in Japanese history. An earthquake and tsunami hit the region in March 2011, causing the evacuation of more than 300,000 people. The earthquake damaged a nuclear power plant and caused a leak forcing the entire population of Fukushima to remain in their evacuated location.
The abandoned store thus appears as a post-apocalyptic scene with over $135,000 worth of gaming consoles and goods left inside, the cash register filled with money and vending machines stocked with snacks and drinks. Fukushima, therefore, has become an eerie and abandoned ghost town.
A Space Shuttle at the Baikonur Cosmodrome
The Baikonur Cosmodrome was a secret site unknown to the West built by Russia in Kazakhstan. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut, was launched in April 1961 from this site.
The space shuttle in the picture is called "Buron" and it flew only once in November 1988. The cabin can hold 6 passengers and there is also space for extra passengers in the cargo area. The shuttle was meant to send 30 tons to space and return 20 tons to Earth. Prior to launch, 24 tests were carried out and 15 of them were fully automatic. The program was stopped in 1991 when the Communist government fell, leaving half-finished space shuttles rotting. One shuttle was destroyed in 2002 when the hanger it was housed in was collapsed in a storm, leaving the site abandoned and isolated.
Abandoned Ferris Wheel in Chernobyl
Most of Chernobyl's 1980s citizens highly anticipated the opening of the Pripyat City Amusement Park. The park was supposed to be opened on May 1, 1986. However, on April 26 the same year the Chernobyl disaster happened.
This Ferris wheel is a reminder of the former amusement park but also the incident that happened in 1986. The park did open briefly on April 27 and people could enjoy the rides for a couple of hours until the evacuation order was handed down.
Atkins Hall Apartments, Ireland
A complex that is today known as the Atkins Hall Apartments used to be a mental hospital. In the mid-1800s, these apartments were actually an asylum that was three stories high and three blocks long. Women were situated on one side and men on the other.
Besides the asylum, other buildings, such as a gate lodge and a church, were included here. Nowadays, the complex was renovated and turned into apartments. The other half of the complex is still abandoned. We truly wonder why...
Abandoned Dome Houses, Florida
It is truly beautiful to live inside a circular home on a beach. These houses were built by Bob Lee in 1980. Lee was an oil producer in Cape Romano below Naples, Florida. These houses were truly beautiful. They were even solar-powered and self-sustaining. So, why were they abandoned?
The reason why these houses are abandoned is Mother Nature because hurricanes completely destroyed them. John Tosto bought them in 2005, shortly before Hurricane Wilma which damaged the domes and also washed away a part of the coastline. Nowadays, these houses can be reached only by boat.
Control Room 4 At Chernobyl
For decades after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, the site was off-limits to visitors of any sort. But in July 2019, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky opened Chernobyl as an official tourist attraction in order to reinvent Ukraine's brand, saying, "We must give this territory of Ukraine a new life."
Tourists are able to enter the control room at Reactor 4 (where radiation is 40,000 times higher than normal levels) wearing protective gear and only for five minutes. Upon exiting, they have to take multiple tests to gauge their potential exposure.
A Beautiful, yet Abandoned Cottage in Stradbally, Ireland
There is an abandoned yet beautiful cottage in the forest near Stradbally, Ireland. The cottage was built in the late 1800s. What is remarkable about this cottage is its unusual blue roof.
This cottage is definitely an escape from the busy city life. It would be the perfect location for a weekend getaway. However, many would agree it is definitely not an ideal place to live unless you want to become a hermit. Just imagine living here all alone, isolated from everything and everyone.
Ferris Wheel at an Abandoned Theme Park, Japan
This gigantic Ferris Wheel is the only ride inside this abandoned theme park. The Kejonuma Leisure Land was opened in 1979 and had 200,000 visitors every year. It offered not only fun rides but accommodation. You could stay at campsites or in small huts. Those who do not enjoy spending time outdoors could stay at a hotel.
The theme park closed down in 2000. But, the owner did not abandon the place completely. Instead, he went on to drill for hot water, leaving the Ferris wheel intact yet out of function.
The Swinger's Tiki Palace Chattanooga, Tennessee
The Swinger's Tiki Palace is located in the Smokey Mountains, Chattanooga, Tennesse. Originally, it was supposed to be the dream home of Billy Hull, a strip club owner. The house was built in the 1970s. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, a playboy bunny pool, and a jacuzzi/sauna for 12 people. Mirrors were placed all over the house and almost every room had a TV monitor and intercom system.
Unfortunately, Billy had to give up his home for prison. In 1973, his wife's boyfriend was shot and it turned out that Billy hired the shooter. Billy was found guilty of that murder and two others and received 20 years in prison. The house was listed for sale in 2014. By 2015, the home had been severely vandalized and was in foreclosure. The property was seized by the city for unpaid taxes. The Swinger’s Tiki Palace was condemned and demolished on September 7, 2017.
An Underwater Sculpture Park, Grenada
This unusual and wonderful place located in the Caribbean sea at the Molinere Bay resort was the first of its kind to be created. It was designed by British sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor and opened to the public for the first time in May 2006.
You can access the park by boat and take a guided tour to dive through these sculptures of human shapes. Located at different depths in the ocean, they are made of concrete and aim to depict the daily life of the local population.
The Selma Plantation Estate, Virginia
The Selma plantation estate used to be a very popular place. After the original owners died, the estate had several other owners. One time, a fire broke out and destroyed the home completely. However, the new owner decided to restore the place and bring it back to life.
Eventually, the estate was totally abandoned and nature took over. Even birds can be seen flying through the home. What is interesting is that the previous owners left a grand piano inside the abandoned home. Loudoun-based entrepreneur Sharon Virts and her husband Scott Miller bought the estate and started the restoration in 2016, eager to preserve a piece of local history and make it their family home.
Abandoned Fishing Hut on a Lake, Germany
This abandoned fishing hut is located inside of the Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany. The hut was built on Obersee Lake. However, when it was finally discovered it was completely empty and now has fallen into disrepair.
No information about the owners has been found yet. It is very likely that the owners were fishermen who enjoyed fishing and observing the scenery of the German Alps. What could be better than listening to the relaxing sounds of nature while waiting for the "big" one to bite?