Alicia Silverstone is a successful actress, author, activist, and most of all, a mother. Living in her Los Angeles home which she purchased with her Clueless savings, Alicia has a net worth of $20 million! Alicia and her son Bear Blu Jarecki, born on May 5, 2011, follow a strict vegan diet and promote eco-friendly living. Alicia is outspoken and highly controversial in her parenting methods. You may agree with some of her parenting methods, but others may leave you cringing. Below we have included her tips on healthy living and parenting.
Alicia Chews Her Son’s Food and Feeds Him Like a Baby Bird
All parents have gone through the milestone of introducing solids to their babies. There is an extensive market with a range of specially formulated premade meals, including bottled and freshly made, containing no preservatives or additives, with plenty of organic options in a wide range of meals. Another option is to cook food at home and blend it in a food processor.
Alicia has bypassed all of these conventional methods. She chose to chew her son's food herself and then feed it to him. Yuck! Alicia admits that people often feel uncomfortable with this way of feeding, but she adds that it has been done for thousands of years and says it is natural. She also says that Bear loves being fed this way and will crawl across the room to her if he sees her eating anything.
Alicia Is Outspoken Against Vaccines and Modern Meds
Alicia advocates natural remedies and does not use commercial or modern medicine in her home. Her beliefs in the natural approach are so profound that she co-founded a range of organic vegan supplements and vitamins. She spoke to Good Housekeeping about her son Bear. “He can get sniffles and a running nose but, he’s not down, he still goes to school. Two times in his life has he been like ‘Mummy, I don’t feel good,’ and it was only for a few hours and he was back running around.”
Alicia added that in nine years, Bear had never been on anti-biotics. She is also totally against vaccinations. She even included a section in her parenting book saying that they can adversely affect children. “There has not been a conclusive study of the negative effects of such a rigorous one-size-fits-all, shoot-’em-up schedule."
Alicia Does Not Conform to Gender Stereotyping and Feels Her Son Should Be Free to Choose How He Wears His Hair
Alicia freely posts pictures of her son Bear on social media with his long locks that she loves so much. Some people have scorned her for allowing Bear to have his hair so long because he looks like a girl.
Alicia is not the type to conform to other people's standards and prejudices, and she defended her actions by posting online that “He’s beautiful and we love his hair! We would never impose any social ideas about what hair on a boy or a girl should look like. We should all try to embrace our children and who they choose to be without any judgment.” Many of her fans have commended her for having the courage it takes to speak out against outdated ideals.
Alicia Has a No Discipline Policy With Bear
Parents have many conflicting views on how to discipline a child. People that are not parents seem to be just as opinionated on how other people should raise and discipline their children. Discipline practices vary from time out in a naughty corner to taking away privileges. Alicia is against all forms of punishment and feels that it hinders a child physically and emotionally.
In an interview with Us Weekly, Alicia revealed she is anti-disciplined and does not shout at Bear, “All I have to do is say, ‘Oh, Bear, no thank you,’ and he goes ‘Ok, mom.’ He got it. We just can talk like that because he’s not feeling crazy. When they feel bad, when they eat unhealthy food and they don’t feel good, then they don’t act well. Same as us.” She adds that Bear is very well-behaved.
Alicia Believes Leaving a Child to Cry Will Damage the Relationship Between Parent and Child
“If you let your kids cry it out or self-soothe, you’re hurting your parent-child relationship. So the baby misses out on the trust-building that’s crucial in infant development.” Alicia has never left Bear to settle on his own. She is always on hand to soothe him at the first sign of discomfort.
If you are a parent and have ever chosen to let your baby cry themself to sleep, you will know how heart-breaking that can be. Leaving a child or baby to sob can be an extremely stressful situation for the parents and the child, and according to Alicia, your child will lose faith in you if they are left to fend for themselves. Therefore, she advises never to let your baby feel that you are not 100% there for them.
Alicia Promotes a Vegan Lifestyle and Baned All Meat and Dairy
Alicia’s lifestyle promotes healthy eating, “you are what you eat,” and “healthy body healthy mind.” The actress is an animal rights activist, promotes environmentally friendly practices, and follows a vegan diet. She mainly chose to become a vegan for ethical reasons. However, she firmly believes that a plant-based diet is the healthiest lifestyle choice.
Since birth, Bear has been vegan. He has never eaten meat or dairy. Alicia feels that dairy is toxic and does not allow it in her house. Numerous dieticians believe that children may not receive all the nutrients they need if they follow a strict vegan diet. Alicia disputes this. She even told People, “He’s not being deprived of anything. For him, having amazing fruit is like candy.” She says if his diet fell short, he would not be so happy or healthy.
Alicia Believes It Is Neglectfull for an Infant to Sleep in a Crib
When it comes to raising children, everyone seems to be an expert, with such strong opinions about what is wrong and what is right. One heavily debated topic is when a baby sleeps in the same bed as the parents, called co-sleeping. Many people fear smothering the infant while sleeping.
It is also sometimes difficult for the child to adjust to sleeping in their bed or bedroom as they get older. However, it does make breastfeeding easier in the middle of the night and it is wonderful to cuddle with your baby. It is no surprise that Alicia is pro-co-sleeping. She feels strongly against babies sleeping in a crib, describing it as neglect! She says that it is like being “barred-in box completely alone.”
Breast Is Best to Give Your Baby a Head Start
Breast milk has proven highly beneficial for infants from birth to six months, providing vital nutrients, mother and child bonding, and eliminating the need for costly formula. Alicia strongly advocates breastfeeding and breast milk for infants.
She understands that some people feel uncomfortable seeing mothers breastfeed their babies in public but argues that “there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be able to give their babies the most amazing start in life with clean, mean, glorious breastmilk. And because we are a community of beautiful souls who recognize the importance of food as health, I say we help support those mamas and babies who need a hand during one of the most important times in their lives.”
Bear Grew up Without a Single Diaper
Alicia must have had a few interesting and disruptive co-sleeping nights in her house, LOL! She refuses to allow any diapers in her home. No matter whether they are disposable or the eco-friendly reusable type, Alicia would not put Bear in diapers. She claims that the whole industry is “fueled by corporate-backed pseudoscience,” and she declined to have any part of it.
She also says that a baby is “much more content leaving their business in the grass than having to sleep and eat accompanied by their pee and poo.” She may be right in certain circumstances, but the problem is they are not always on the grass. There is a time and place for everything. They must have lost a lot of sleep while she tried to clean smeared poo off herself and Bear and the bedding on a nightly basis.
Banned Diapers Number One Potty Training Incentive
Alicia Silverstone may be the most unconventional parent out there. Together with her unorthodox parenting style, close bond with her son, and the fact that she banned diapers in her home, it is not surprising that Bear was potty trained at an early age. It can take some families literally years for their babies to be out of diapers and completely potty trained.
Alicia says that being attuned to your baby and watching for cues as to when they need to relieve themself is key to successful potty training. Alicia would pick up the slight signs and could tell when Bear needed the toilet, and she would then take him directly to the bathroom and hold him above the loo to do his thing. She swears by this method, claiming Bear was completely potty trained by the time he was six months old.
Alicia Refused to Push Bear in a Stroller
Picture your baby happy in his stroller while you take a relaxing stroll in the park. Sounds fabulous, right? If you have ever tried to find an online picture of Alicia and Bear doing this, you would have fallen short because Alicia is totally against strollers and refused to put Bear in one. She believes that a baby and parent need skin-to-skin contact to enforce a strong bond, and therefore she never allowed Bear to be in a stroller.
Instead, she held him or used a pouch that ties across your chest to carry him. Another aspect of her relationship with her son that may shock you is bath time. Parents bathe with their babies or toddlers frequently, but at what age is it inappropriate? Alicia admitted to The New York Times that she still bathed with Bear, and he was nine.
Bear and Alicia Enjoy Good Old Fashion Outdoor Fun
A problem children of today face is inactivity. They spend too much time on their electronic devices and not enough time outside physically playing. Alicia says that she limits screen time in her home, and Bear does not use a phone or iPad while he is staying with her. They spend quality time together doing things together and interacting with each other.
“Bear and I have never experienced boredom. When he’s at my house, there are no media. We’ll watch a movie maybe once a week as a special treat, but he’s not on iPads or any electronics; he’s just with me. We walk the dogs every day, we trampoline, and we jump rope. In the beginning, I would trick him into thinking we were playing, but he was just helping me get exercise."
Alicia Wants Bear to Question What People Say Instead of Taking Everything at Face Value
Alicia Silverstone is a person that plays by her own rules. She is unequivocally not a sheep and always speaks her mind. Alicia questions things instead of taking them at face value. These are some of the values she has tried to instill in her son Bear. Alicia feels he is starting to embrace these values and is becoming an individual.
She says he “sees his momma not necessarily doing what the masses are doing and really questioning things, really thinking about things and looking at things through a magnifying glass, and trying to create peace for everyone. But his dad lives very differently, so he gets to have the whole picture. He can pick and choose and be who he wants to be. I love the idea of not imprinting on him.”
Her Son Gave Her a Purpose in Life
Before Bear Blu was born, Alicia Silverstone had a successful career as an actress and a fulfilled life.
However, once he was born, she said her life finally had a purpose that she didn't realize was missing, “I had so much going on in my world and my emotions, and when he was born it was like the whole world stopped… just taking care of him was just such a pleasure.” Alicia is still an admired actress and enjoys things she did before Bear was born. Her life is just so much more meaningful with Bear in it.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Alicia Silverstone firmly believes that what you eat has significant repercussions on how you feel and act. She practices yoga and maintains a healthy vegan diet for herself and her son Bear. “The food I choose for myself and him keeps us calm and centered. That is my parenting trick, that’s my tool. When I eat well, I sleep well, and then I can be patient with each little morsel of his being. We only have so much time with these monkeys.”
During an interview in January 2020 with People, she revealed that Bear was a well-behaved toddler. “Because of the healthy lifestyle that we lead, he didn’t go through terrible twos or terrible threes.” Alicia certainly seems on the right track, as nutritionists and behavioral experts have linked colorants, sugar, and dairy to behavioral problems in children.
The Time Alicia Spends With Her Son Is Quality Time
We may not agree with all her parenting approaches. However, it is clear to see Alicia is a committed parent. She says Bear “reminds [her] to be present, because [she doesn’t] want to miss a moment of him.” That is so lacking in relationships nowadays, actually listening to each other.
It is not uncommon to see a family sitting together but on their phones or tablets instead of talking or interacting. Alicia further iterates, “It’s not some kind of spoiled thing. It’s just that when you love someone, you want to take them in and soak them in. And many of us didn’t get that. If he starts to cry, I listen. If he’s upset about something, I stop and I talk to him about it. You’d be surprised [at] how much [you notice] that other people don’t.”
Alicia and Bear Enjoy Being in Nature
Contrary to her career as an actress, Alicia Silverstone spends as much time as possible with her son Bear enjoying the surrounding nature. While discussing the time she and Bear spent together, Alicia commented on what the covid-19 lockdown was like in her home.
“We would go on nature hikes and cook. We live in a beautiful home that’s humble and gorgeous and we love it. Being together is what we do no matter what. Before all of this, I had taken him to Bali, and we spent three weeks just running around Bali together — no electronics, just being together. And now, we just went to Alaska together.” Alicia not only has a love of all animals, but she also enjoys relaxing in a natural environment and experiencing the wilderness with her son Bear.
Alicia and Bear Do Their Part for the Environment
There is nothing that Alicia Silverstone does in half measures. She is passionate about the environment, animals, and the planet. She has also instilled this in Bear at a young age, teaching by example and way of life, not through verbalizing the importance. Alica drives an electric car, they are vegan, the house has solar power, and they grow their vegetables.
When speaking about how Bear views being eco-friendly, she says, “In terms of teaching him about the world, and about animals, and about being a good citizen, I think he just is. That’s how we live…It’s just a part of his life. There’s nothing really to teach. He goes to play with animals talks to chickens, and he hugs cows. That’s the experience he’s having with animals, so, naturally, he doesn’t want to hurt them.”
Co-Parenting Takes Effort but Can Be Achieved Successfully
Alicia started dating Christopher Jarecki, an American musician and lead singer of rock band STUN, radio show host, and actor, in 1997. After approximately eight years of dating, they tied the knot in 2005, and Bear Blu was born in 2011. Unfortunately, they divorced in 2018 after thirteen years of marriage. However, the couple remains absolute in their parenting of Bear.
When commenting on her current relationship with her ex-husband, Alicia revealed, “We’re so good at co-parenting with each other. We both see Bear unless I’m away shooting something where he can’t be there, but he usually comes with me anyway. We communicate every day.” She says that divorced parents need to make an extra effort to co-parent their children successfully. Separation drastically impacts a family unit, and you need to prepare for the aftermath and how best to approach it.
Bear Is in Charge of His Life
Alicia believes that children are just tiny adults and should make decisions for themselves without a parent imposing their personal preferences. For example, she loved his long hair, and so did he. However, when he decided he wanted a change, she supported him.
“I miss his hair!!!!! Was it his decision? Yes. Did I cry inside as I watched him get it cut? Maybe… but did I try to stop him? Not for one second. The reason he chose to keep it for as long as he did was that he loved it so much!!! He just wanted to try something new. Although I have a feeling he’ll find a way back to his long hair again in the future. No matter what though, I will always support my sweet, caring, and precious little boy in every decision he makes.”
Alicia Considers Bear Before Posting on Social Media
Another instance where Alicia gives Bear authority is social media. He decides what she posts about him online. As we have discovered, Alicia is not shy to speak about her life and parenting beliefs, many of which are controversial. She is also a proud mother who loves to post all about her son and his achievements or the fun things they do and day-to-day activities to her many fans and followers.
However, as Bear matures, Alicia is cognisant of his feelings and views. She asks his permission before posting pictures or videos of him online. Still, the open relationship that Alicia and Bear share has attracted plenty of criticism over the years. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe.
Can the Products We Use Cause Infertility?
Although Alicia loves Bear and is happy having an only child, the 46-year-old actress admits she would love another son or daughter. She has openly voiced her opinions on infertility and why some women battle to fall pregnant. Alicia feels that among the various other factors, diet plays a role.
Following a plant-based eating plan and omitting sugar from your diet will increase your chances of falling pregnant. She has also warned women hoping to conceive to beware of feminine hygiene products. Saying, “Unfortunately, feminine-care manufacturers aren’t required to tell you what’s in their products, which means that no one’s talking about the potential pesticide residues from non-organic cotton and the ‘fragrances’ containing hormone-upsetting, fertility-knocking phthalates.”
Bananas Are Considered a Treat or a Cheat!
We know that Alicia Silverstone is very particular about the foods that she and Bear consume. The diet that they follow is strictly plant-based. Most of the fruit and vegetables are organically grown in their garden, ensuring they are free from harmful chemicals. Alicia also prohibits any dairy and added sugar in her home.
They have reaped the benefits of following this strict regime. They seldom get sick and live a healthy, active life. One fact you may not have known about their dietary habits is Alicia's adversity towards bananas. We are not sure why, but Alicia rates bananas as a “naughty treat” and usually will not keep them in the house. She also limits the number of bananas she allows Bear to eat.
Pucker Up, Alicia Does Not Yield to Public Opinion
Alicia Silverstone was the leading actress Cher Horowitz in the coming of age teenage comedy Clueless. When speaking with Stephen Colbert in 2018 about when Bear watched the movie, she confessed, “The one thing he took away from [watching Clueless], aside from all the things I was worried about, was he kept trying to French kiss me afterward, which was very sweet. I just kept my mouth closed. That’s what I did. And I just giggled. It’s super sweet.”
It is not uncommon for parents to kiss their children on the mouth. However, some people have strong opinions about if it is right or wrong as the children get older. David and Victoria Beckham are among the celebrities openly criticized for kissing their children on the lips rather than on the cheek.
Alicia Silverstone Had Her Placenta Made Into Pills
During her pregnancy, Alicia conducted in-depth research on anything baby-related. Her reading included various natural parenting styles. One thing that caught her attention and warranted further investigation was the consumption of the placenta. Reports on the matter were conflicting, and the CDC's stance was that there were no quantifiable benefits, and they did not endorse eating it.
Regardless, Alicia was sold on the idea and had her placenta developed into pills, which she took every day. Alicia dubbed the placenta pills her "Happy Pills," which she says were revolutionary. “It got to the point that my husband said, ‘Did you have your happy pills today?’ And I was really sad when they were gone. It helped me.”
Alicia Is Holistic in Her Approach to Saving the Planet
Alicia Silverstone is constant in her beliefs and her actions. She refuses to purchase trendy clothing, which is in fashion one day and out the next. It does not mean that she doesn’t buy Bear fashionable clothes, just not fads or poor quality garments. Her choice in purchasing clothes is yet another eco-friendly way to help save the planet.
Alicia prefers to buy only sustainable clothing that will last years. She also practices upcycling and recycling when it is possible. While Bear was still a baby, Alicia would swap clothes with other mothers, but as he grew older, she started relying more on buying clothes that were well made and durable. For example, if Bear ripped the knee of a pair of jeans, Alicia would transform them into a pair of cut-offs.
Is a Strict Vegan Diet Healthy for Children?
The debate whether it is healthy for children to be vegetarian and do they get enough protein, iron, and other nutrients found mainly in meat products is ongoing. It depends on certain factors, and parents should consult a dietician before going this route to ensure their children receive a balanced diet that meets all their dietary needs.
Alicia is one of those people that would have done comprehensive research on the matter, and judging by how healthy Bear is, he is receiving a well-balanced diet. She says she finds it quite funny when people imply that vegan children are weak “I always laugh, like, ‘Oh, my poor vegan baby, he’s so weak,’ because he’s jumping all over the place and he’s so wild. But there’s a calmness to him and a centeredness. He’s not off the charts.” she tells US Weekly.
Bear Has No Interest in Acting
There is a long list of actors and actresses from families with generations of actors. Usually, it is a lifestyle that the children become accustomed to, and they have an easy foot in the door. As we know, Alicia likes Bear to make decisions involving his life, and he is resolute in his decision that he does not want to be an actor.
Bear has nothing against the profession and enjoys being on location with his mom, hanging out in her trailer while she is on set. In an interview with US Weekly, Alicia said, “He’s happy with doing a bunch of other things, so we’ll see. But right now, it’s not in his mind.” However, it is early days, and children change their minds, so maybe he will be the next big Hollywood star.
Alicia Raised Bear With Positive Reinforcements
We have previously noted that Alicia Silverstone does not believe in punishment. So how does she convince her son Bear to follow her instructions? Alicia uses positive reinforcements and suggestions to highlight appropriate actions that are permitted rather than focusing on the things he is not allowed to do.
In doing this, she enforces positive communication and a stronger bond between them. A child is less likely to rebel from positive instructions as opposed to negative commands. For example, if Bear is playing with a ball in the house, instead of communicating negatively by saying NO, Alicia would say something like, “Balls are for outside. Inside, you can throw the stuffed animals into the bathtub.” Alicia feels that this parenting method has enabled her son to value authority instead of being deterred by it.
Laughing Together Can Strengthen a Bond Between a Parent and Child
It is clear to anyone who knows anything about Alicia Silverstone that she is a dedicated mom and adores her son Bear. Alicia is also passionate about creating a close bond with Bear, and by the sounds of things, she has achieved this. Many skeptics believe that what Alicia posts is not an accurate account of how things are at home, but the Clueless actress disputes this, stating that she and Bear are regularly laughing together.
She feels that laughing affects the body on a chemical level. It increases hormones responsible for bonding while decreasing the hormones that cause stress. Sharing a joke or chuckling about something together every day can strengthen your bond on a chemical level and improve your relationship.
A Healthy, Happy Mother Is a Happy Child
We all know that Alicia Silverstone would do anything for her son Bear, and she enjoys spending time with him. However, she understands balance and the need for introspection and time to oneself. Alicia tries to set aside about an hour each day to center herself. She also keeps fit and healthy as she believes,
“The better we nourish our bodies, the better they work. The better they work, the happier and healthier we feel. And the happier and healthier we feel, the happier and healthier our babies will be. Not only because their little bodies are working the biological magic they’re supposed to, but also because we mamas have the energy to be engaged and present.” Alicia also recommends that parents try to get a good night's sleep. They will be more able and emotionally prepared for their children's emotional needs.
Bear Is a Caring Individual That Gives Back to the Community
Alicia has tried to instill compassion in Bear for all living things, and she seems to have succeeded. From a young age, Alicia exposed Bear to nature and animals. They follow a vegan diet and live in an eco-friendly manner. Bear loves animals and often volunteers at animal shelters. However, his compassion is not limited to animals.
His proud mom confirms, “He routinely cleans beaches wherever we go, on his own accord. I’m always so inspired when I see him on a mission.” She also blogged, “My young son, Bear, has done so much activism on his own. He started a stand at our community farmers’ market selling local oranges when he was quite small. He made an adorable messed up sign, used orange crates, and then donated the money he earned — his idea — to Farm Sanctuary.”
Milk Share Between Lactating Mothers
Alicia was very vocal about the importance of breastfeeding and the benefits of doing so. However, she understands that not all mothers can breastfeed their babies for various reasons. That small detail was not enough to deter Alicia. She has proudly founded the Kind Mama Milk Share program.
The initiative encourages lactating moms to share their excess breast milk with mothers who cannot breastfeed their babies. Although there has been a lot of criticism about the program from the public and some health experts, Alicia defends the initiative, “We are a community of beautiful souls who recognize the importance of food as health, I say we help those who need a hand during one of the most important times in their lives.”
Your Body Is Home to Your Baby
We have heard how Alicia blames feminine hygiene products for contributing to infertility in women. In her book, "The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning," which is available in hardcopy and electronic versions, she has dedicated a large section to conceiving.
In the book published in April 2014, Alicia talks about how “toxic sludge” can decrease your ability to fall pregnant and carry a baby to term. The toxic sludge she refers to is processed foods, sugar, meat, and dairy. She dubs the uterus a "baby house" and explains, “You wouldn’t want to bring your baby into a junk-filled house with a leaky roof and backed-up plumbing, right?” So basically, your body is home to your baby, so make sure you keep it clean.
Healthy Eating and Removing Sugar Can Reduce Your Chances of Postnatal Depression
Alicia has covered the importance of eating well to increase your chances of successfully falling pregnant. In her book, "The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning," she also explains how healthy eating can help to stave off postnatal depression.
An exert from her book reads, “though it’s less common among kind mamas, some women experience the blues after giving birth. If you want to prevent crippling postpartum depression, just avoid eating certain foods, including processed sugars, which make us feel unbalanced.” If you are a fan of Alicia Silverstone and her lifestyle and dietary choices, you could also see her cookbook, which was published in 2009, titled, "The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight and Saving the Planet".
Alicia Silverstone Shares Her Dating Experiences With Her Son Bear
Alicia Silverstone and Christopher Jarecki have been divorced for a few years now, and Alicia is back on the dating scene, hoping to find Mr. Right. “I go on dates, and I find it very fascinating meeting interesting, intelligent, different people. I’m super excited about being available and open to whatever’s next. Of course, tons about it’s confusing.” Alicia admits.
She enjoys a very open relationship with her son Bear and confides in him after each date. She likes that they share open communication and that he is kept up-to-date on what is happening in her life.
Alicia Silverstone Is Looking for an Extraordinary Man
In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Alicia spoke about her dating and the type of man she wanted in her life. “I think the main thing is wanting someone happy in their skin most of the time… someone solid. My son is extraordinary — I’m sure everyone feels that way about their kid — so it’s gotta be someone extraordinary to bring to play with him. I’m not taking it lightly… My heart is very open and I’m super happy with whatever’s meant to happen.”
Alicia admits she is looking for somewhat of an “extraordinary unicorn.” However, she holds Bear in such high regard and wants someone to share with him. It is doubtful that she will meet someone that will measure up to Bear in her eyes, but we wish her luck and every happiness.
Alicia Interprets the Jewish Faith for Herself
Alicia is a born and raised Jew. As she has done in every other aspect of her life, she does not follow the Jewish faith blindly. Alicia says she has fond memories, “I was reared in a traditional Jewish household. We lit candles Friday night and had seders. My brother David and I went to Hebrew school and had our bar mitzvahs. I have wonderful memories of my bat mitzvah.”
However, not all the customs sit well with her, and she refuses to follow the interpretations she disagrees with that are nonsensical to her. One tradition she balked against was circumcising babies, and she, therefore, chose not to circumcise Bear against the wishes of her family. She says that Bear has taken an interest in the Jewish faith, but ultimately it will be his choice on which path he follows.
People Are Entitled to Their Own Opinions
It is not uncommon for someone as outspoken and controversial as Alicia Silverstone to receive bucket loads of hate. People are far more comfortable saying whatever comes to mind on social media than they would be in-person feelings, be damned. Alicia's tactic for dealing with critics and haters is to ignore them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
She also wants to set an example for Bear so she will not be disrespectful to others, even though people can be hurtful. Alicia concentrates on the positives, and she continues to promote what she believes to those who choose to learn more from her experiences. The outspoken actress regularly advises her fans on living a vegan plant-based lifestyle and gives controversial parenting tips to those interested.
Alicia Will Not Celebrate Thanksgiving Because of the Turkeys
Thanksgiving is celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November. It is an American holiday traditionally celebrated with a turkey feast. Alicia has chosen not to celebrate it because the federal holiday is synonymous with roast turkey.
Of course, Alicia still takes the day off to spend time with Bear, but she also uses the time to promote turkey-free celebratory feasts. She will regularly post pictures of her and Bear with a living turkey adding a caption like, “Please don’t hurt the turkey, kiss it instead!” She hopes she will persuade people to do away with the turkey on the table and encourage more people to join a vegan lifestyle.
Children With Unusual Names
When Alicia was pregnant, expecting her first child, she and her then-husband, rock musician Christopher Jarecki wanted a unique name for their child. It is a pretty common practice among celebrities. Elon Musk and Grimes named their son X Æ A-Xii who they call X, and their daughter Exa Dark Sideræl or Y for short. Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost named their child Cosmo. Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow famously named their daughter Apple, and the list goes on.
When Alicia and Christopher were deciding what to call their son, two names made the top of the list, which were both thought up by Christopher's mother. They struggled to choose between the two names. In the end, they decided to use both Bear and Blu. Alicia feels all parents should think outside the box when naming their children.
A Playful Home Environment Creates a Stronger Bond
We know now that Alicia Silverstone is all about the bond. One thing she feels that contributed to the strong bond between herself and her son Bear Blu is by having a playful environment at home. Alicia feels all parents should promote this type of carefree environment in their home.
In 2018 in an interview with US Weekly, she said Bear regularly tries to trick her, their household is filled with laughter, and they constantly joke around. One time, Bear even temporarily convinced her that he had eaten lamb, which shocked her, given their strict vegan diet. It wasn't long before she realized he was teasing her.
Keep Them Close So They Flourish Apart
As strange as the logic sounds, Alicia believes that children raised using the attachment parenting method become more independent. They learn control of their emotions and actions, which allows them to take better control of their lives.
During an interview with US Weekly, she said, “The whole idea is that you love and attach so much so that they’re free enough to be and leave. It’s heartbreaking, but you have to. My kid’s so fiercely independent because he is right [in my heart] all the time. He’s so great.” Alicia admits that it is a difficult journey. However, well worth the effort, and the benefits outweigh the difficulties.
Alicia Silverstone Concentrates on the Positive Impact She Makes Instead of Negative Remarks
Alicia spoke to Redbook magazine about her experiences as an author and blogger. In addition to her successful acting career and her published books, including the parenting guide, The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning, she also founded a lifestyle and parenting blog.
Her unconventional and outspoken ways have led to a lot of criticism. However, she said she brushes off the negativity. She knows she has had a positive effect on people's lives. She added, “Because my experience was women on the street who would say, 'Your book changed my life.”'I feel very passionate and confident with every choice I’ve made as a mom and as an activist. Anyone who has issues with it can have them; it doesn’t affect me.”
Alicia Hope Bear Will Experience Different Careers
Alicia has achieved so much more than acting. She is proud of her accomplishments and wants the world to know that there is more substance to her than just being an actress.
In an interview with The Guardian, she said, “I went on a quest to change the world, to make things better – for children, for the earth, for animals. I wasn’t paying attention to my career, I was paying attention to something else. And then one day I went: ‘Wait, I want to act, too, what’s going on?’… I can happily have a husband and a child and a life, and I get to contribute in a really meaningful way to the world and I also get to be an actress. And that’s a wonderful thing to be.” She wants Bear to explore within himself and experience a myriad of careers.