Nowadays it is so hard to believe what we see because editing softwares and cameras can do wonders at altering reality. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but not all photos can be trusted these days. Pictures are being post-processed more than ever before and some of them don’t even look real. Sometimes, photographers find themselves at the perfect place and time to capture awkward moments that even seem unreal. Here are awkward moments captured on camera that have not been photoshopped.
Looking Up
Rock climbing is a perfect sport for adventure enthusiasts because it requires strength, balance, and courage. However, rock climbing with your glasses on can be even more challenging. This climber dropped his glasses only a few feet away from the top of the rock.
Even though the picture looks almost unreal, it has not been altered or photoshopped. We hope that this climber made his way up to the top despite losing his glasses and got to enjoy the amazing views.
Cat Mischief
Cats are natural explorers and they will find endless opportunities for mischief. The cat in the picture knew how to skillfully climb on the shelf without knocking down the perfectly displayed ornaments. Getting up there was not an easy task but the question is how is the cat going to get down?
Next time you leave your cat home alone, consider putting some kind of barrier around the open shelving display. We hope that this cat’s owner didn’t have to deal with a complete mess after taking this picture.
An Exotic Salad
When you are preparing your favorite salad, it is most likely that your plate will be as colorful as a rainbow. Usually, ingredients that you need to prepare an exotic salad include tomatoes, corn, cucumber, and beans among others.
However, this Checkers’ exotic salad is everything but colorful or innovative. The only two ingredients in the salad are baby carrots and peas. It seems like their idea of the exotic is different from everyone else’s since this picture shows an extremely boring and tasteless meal.
Call a Crocodile
Losing a phone can be a stressful experience, especially when you have important data on it. When this tourist visited a crocodile pit, little did they know that they would lose their phone there.
Whoever dropped the phone, they would never have imagined that it would land right in the middle of the crocodile pit. It seemed like this phone had some real high-quality hardware since it had no scratch when the crocodile grabbed it and kindly returned it to the owner.
You’re Friend Zoned
It must be hard to have feelings for someone who only wants to be friends. It seems like this guy took the friend zone to a whole new level. He picked up a girl and put her on his shoulders so she can give a kiss to her tall boyfriend.
His face tells how disappointed and heartbroken he is since he is so we’re guessing he had some hidden feelings there. We hope there is a girl somewhere waiting for this friend-zoned guy to kiss her.
Little League Baseball
It is said that children should begin playing little league baseball as soon as possible. The best age for children to engage in this sport is between 3 and 6 years old. The boy in the photo is without a doubt on his way to becoming a superstar.
It seems like the boy knew exactly what he was doing when he aimed at the camera. There is no doubt that the proud parent behind the camera has both a black eye and a broken camera lens.
The Bear Is Out
Going on a hike can be very refreshing and it can be great for your health. However, encountering a wild animal on the trail is not a very fun part of this experience. That is exactly what happened to this group of hikers who were curious about where that tunnel in front of them led to.
They were all surprised when a bear appeared right in front of them halfway through the tunnel. We do not know what happened after this picture was taken, but next time you are going for a hike consider making a noise as you walk to check if the coast is clear.
A Capsized Boat
There are many reasons which could explain what causes a boat to flip over. Sometimes, the boat is just not stable enough to handle the weight. When it comes to this picture, it seems like the two guys standing on the deck were not quite sure what went down.
They were confused to see their boat flip over in the marina as this didn’t happen very often. They were left to figure out whose fault it was or whether the boat was already leaking and neither of them knew.
The Front Row Accident
Front row tickets for a basketball game are usually hard to find since they get sold out immediately. Everyone wants to experience the thrill and excitement when the team you're cheering forgets some extra points right in front of you.
When this elderly couple was buying tickets for the game, they probably did not think of accidents that could happen on the court. They never expected a basketball player to land right before their feet and kick them in their faces. They also ended up with leg injuries, which made their front row experience rather painful.
A Splash of Water
Taking photos in front of water is risky because things can escalate quickly. It can lead to an embarrassing slip-up, going overboard or, in this case, getting completely soaked. While posing for her perfect vacation photo, this girl was not expecting to be fully drenched in water.
What was a perfect picture in the one-second became a disaster in the next. A big wave crashed into the bridge and covered this lady’s body in water. There is no doubt that she never expected such a cold shower.
The Sprinkler in Action
It is always good to include an outdoor lecture in the syllabus every now and then. However, one of the students will remember this day for the rest of his life. Everyone in this picture was so engaged in what the instructor was talking about that they did not notice what was going on behind their backs.
Unfortunately, the student decided to sit right in front of the only sprinkler that was working on the entire field. This student got all soaked and, luckily for us, the camera was placed at the right spot to capture this hilarious moment.
Two Girlfriends
It seems like no one in this picture knew what was going on at this given moment. This guy was kissing a girl while holding his girlfriend on his shoulders. Judging by the girlfriend's facial expression, she was not happy with what was happening right in front of her eyes.
Another odd thing you might have noticed in this picture is that everyone was wearing the same shirt. However, the girl was concerned about her relationship and the fact that she could be dropped to the ground any second.
A Scooter Ride
When children ask if they can go for a scooter ride, parents usually warn them to stay on the sidewalk. This kid in the picture listened to his parents and only drove where he was allowed to.
Little did he know that this lovely scooter ride would become a concrete bath in a few seconds. The kid did not notice right away that the sidewalk was being repaired and he fell right into the thick mixture. It seems like the sidewalks are no longer as harmless as everyone thought.
No Tip for You
Tips are really important for any restaurant employee because they serve as a token of good service. Sometimes, employees would do anything to get a tip and even go as far as to flirt with your spouse.
This woman did not like the way the waitress was treating her husband. Once she noticed that the employee was flirting, she decided to make a move. The woman refused to give the employee a tip and she even wrote a little note with a smiley face on the bill.
A Man in the Water
Accidentally falling in the water is one thing but it is a whole other experience if your friends push you overboard. This guy trusted his friends when he came up to sit and enjoy the company on the deck. He did not know that his best friends were plotting a prank.
The picture was taken at the perfect moment just before he was going to splash the water all around him. It almost looks like he is doing a one arm stand on the water. It is really hard to believe that this photo was not photoshopped.
Bai Chay Bridge Fail
We have heard of many cargo ship accidents that have happened on the sea throughout the time. Thousands of containers fall off cargo ships every single year. Unfortunately, the crew on the Bay Chay Bridge ship witnessed an unpleasant experience recently.
The containers on the Bai Chay Bridge started falling off in the middle of its voyage. Luckily, nothing too valuable was lost. It would have been an even bigger fail if these containers carried something valuable that would now be lost in the ocean.
Lost in the Wave
There is always a possibility that you would get splashed by water if you are standing near a bridge or a gate. However, the person in the picture was not bothered by the fact that a big wave was coming right at them.
This person was the only one walking right towards the wave while everyone around them was running away from it. Maybe they did not notice the water rising or they were not aware of other people running around. Regardless, there is no doubt that the person was soaked in water.
Helmets on
This picture was taken seconds before the real accident happened. At first glance, the picture looks pretty normal, but upon a closer look, you will see the unhinged front wheel on the bike. The boy in the picture was doing some tricks and he surely did not expect what was to happen next.
He probably leaned forward and hit his head on the cement a few seconds later. Next time you plan on riding a bike, consider putting on a hamlet because it is always better to be safe than sorry.
A Sticky Situation
Parents can make ridiculous mistakes as they get older, as this picture shows. This mom accidentally bought two gallons of glue and put it in a fridge. When the child poured it in the morning, he quickly realized that the new milk tasted funny.
There is no doubt that the packaging is almost the same and everyone would think that it was milk. However, this mom must have been in a hurry because she did not even mind placing gallons of glue in the fridge.
Winter Is Here
Winter is a tricky season; one second it can be sunny and the other it can turn into a snow blizzard. This car owner was probably tricked by the winter weather because the inside of his car looked like a little village covered in snow.
When he opened a window for a little bit of fresh air, he was not expecting this cold welcome. It must have taken him so long to clean the car and warm it all up again. Next time consider checking your car windows if you do not want to return to a frozen car.
Diego, Wake Up
Final tests can be very stressful regardless of whether you are in high school or college. It is easy to lose track of time when studying for hours. In some cases, you might even forget what day or year it is.
Diego was probably studying so hard for his test all night that he slept in and thought the final exam was taking place the next day. When the friend told him it was scheduled for that morning, Diego disappeared from the chat.
Limousine Ride Gone Bad
There is no doubt that a limousine ride is a luxurious and unforgettable experience. However, passengers of this limousine in the picture would rather walk than continue the ride. It seems like no one told the driver that this long car could not go down a steep hill.
Seconds after the picture was taken the car probably stumbled down the hill. Even though the driver and the passengers were trying hard to push it off the road, the car was already damaged beyond repair.
No Trucks Allowed
Reading road signs while you are driving is important, especially if you are driving a big truck. This U-Haul driver was either stubborn or he really missed a sign before entering the tunnel.
Whatever the case might be, he got stuck at the end of the tunnel because the truck was way too tall. Perhaps he thought that if he was persistent enough the truck would pull through. In the end, the stubbornness did not work out and the driver got himself into a really sticky situation.
Let It Burn
It is nice to have a cozy environment that will increase productivity in the workplace. Lighting a candle would be a perfect solution for setting the mood and feeling comfortable at home. However, this person did not think the whole process through.
They put the candle right behind the laptop and it ended up melting a little hole in the screen. Luckily, they noticed it on time so things could not escalate. Upon a closer look at the picture, it seems like there are two apple logos now.
Mom, It Isn’t Funny
Playing in the snow is one winter activity parents and kids love and never get tired of. This guy was posing for the camera and the same time a ball of snow came out of nowhere and landed right into his face.
There is no doubt that his cheek was all red and freezing after this photo was taken. Believe it or not, it was his mother who pulled the hilarious prank out on him. The moment the snow hit his face, he knew he was ready for revenge.