We're willing to bet that as an adult, you despise the adolescent you once were. It's true that we were fooling ourselves the whole time we were kids into thinking that adulthood would be a bed of roses. Many people have traumatic (and often hilarious) experiences when they step out of the colorful bubble, and these tweets capture that perfectly. Things are about to get very real.
Recognizing Your Capabilities and Limits
The phrase "my mom won't let me" was a standard justification for our absence at birthday parties and other gatherings when we were younger. It is acceptable to admit that, even as adults, we will occasionally come up with illegitimate excuses in order to get out of attending particular social gatherings.
When asked why they weren't able to make it, the majority of people would respond that they had to get up at an ungodly hour the following day. But if you need to tell a little white lie to get out of the house for the day, that's totally acceptable!
Adhere to the Schedule
Adults simply do not have the luxury of time to sit back, relax, and watch the hours tick by. They are constantly on the edge of their seats due to the fact that the job, their obligations, and everything else on their schedule keeps them so busy.
Even if no one ever tells you that it's okay to feel like you don't have it all together, you should know that it's okay to feel that way. Even if one of the things you have to do tomorrow is the reason you are exhausted right now, it is perfectly acceptable to lie in bed and think about everything you have to get done on that day.
The Challenges of Real Life Are Many
It's a bitter pill to swallow, but the fact of the matter is that when we were younger, we had it all wrong. You do not automatically have the ability to live in the moment simply because you have reached adulthood.
Adulthood arrives much more quickly than one might anticipate, bringing with it a whirlwind of bills, dusty surfaces, and countless questions about how to "adult" effectively. Most people's thirties are spent worrying about whether or not they have a cold every morning or have just generally become weaker than they used to be. This is a common experience among people who are in their thirties.
Conversations That Can Be Challenging to Have
Sorry about that, adults! There is no longer the possibility of having unrestricted access to food. Unfortunately, you cannot blame your parents at this time. When you walk by a store by the curb, you might have the financial means to eat at McDonald's or Taco Bell, but you probably won't want to do so anymore.
Why? When a greater amount of your money is at stake, you will start to remember that there is, in fact, food at home that needs to be consumed before it goes bad. That is the better option to take into consideration from both a financial and a medical point of view.
The Beginnings of an Understanding
Or perhaps you were simply one of the more admirable individuals. Those individuals who were absolutely conscious of the fact that they were transitioning into adult roles and taking on adult responsibilities. However, entering adulthood can be a rude awakening for the vast majority of people.
Almost immediately, concerns regarding when school will resume and who is dating whom are quickly replaced by questions regarding where to put the furniture, when to have the trash picked up, and how much the monthly bills will be. Have fun while you still have the opportunity to do so, those of you who haven't made it there yet!
Eye for Suspicion
Regarding the practice of worshipping one's teacher, students frequently engage in this behavior. It is only natural for students to look up to their instructors as paragons of virtue given the extended period of time that educators have been held in such high esteem.
When you become an adult, you acquire a perspective on the world that is significantly more nuanced and grounded in reality. After that, you realize that your neighbor, regardless of what occupation they hold, is just as broken as you are. It's interesting to note that some of the youths who cause the most trouble end up working in education.
If You Need to Rest, Please Recline
Remember the youthful, enthusiastic version of yourself you had back then. Do you remember how upsetting it was when your parents made you stay home instead of taking you on an outing because they were too tired to drive? Now that you are adults, you will know firsthand why your parents looked for any excuse to kick their feet up whenever they could.
Sometimes you cannot do what you want because of lingering injuries, such as a pulled muscle in your back or a sudden ache in your leg. These types of damages can make it difficult for you to move around. On certain days, you may feel that all you can muster is the strength to lie down and give up. There is no reason to be ashamed of who you are.
Rest Easy
There is more to life than maintaining a high level of productivity, particularly as one gets older. This is one of the most potentially harmful myths that we were indoctrinated with at an early age. You don't need to be constantly on the move in order to achieve this or that goal.
It is mentally taxing to be an adult, so in order to help ourselves out, we often reduce the amount of physical activity we do. You will finally have an appreciation for the groaning sounds made by your parents or grandparents when you are required to move just an inch.
Only Engage in Activities That Bring You Joy
Once you reach adulthood, you are at liberty to direct your life in any direction you choose. It's not necessary to seek out extreme excitement in order to get your heart racing. Discovering what brings you the most joy is one of the most important steps.
There is no telling what it could be. Perhaps there is a certain kind of competition or program on television that you really look forward to watching. It's possible that a particular burner on the stovetop won't have much of an impact on your day, but if you're a very peculiar person, it might.
Difficulties Encountered at the Supermarket
A trip to the supermarket is guaranteed to make you feel at least a little bit irritable, unless you have a household income in the six figures and put away thousands of dollars every year in addition to that. The unpredictability of these price increases has resulted in everyday goods being sold at prices that are higher than they have ever been.
Every week or month, going to the grocery store serves as a jarring reminder of how much money is required to maintain a standard of living. You'll find yourself asking, "What the heck is going on with these prices!" more frequently than you'd like to admit. When that occurs, you will have reached the age at which you are legally considered an adult.
Regular at Local Pharmacist's Shop
Your body will start showing symptoms of stress at various pressure points at the same time that your morale is at an all-time low because of your never-ending list of responsibilities. These symptoms will manifest themselves as aches and pains.
In other words, when you use mental imagery analogous to driving a car, your body reacts by giving you a headache as a form of pain relief. Soon, Advil will be the only dependable ally you have left. You'll start to rely on it like a trusted companion, and you'll want to keep it close at hand at all times, both at home and in your bag.
Taking a Chance With One's Fortune
It is imperative that children begin their education in elementary schools and continue it through college. Young adults need additional guidance from their families and educators on how to avoid unintentionally starting fires in order to protect themselves and others.
When you are unable to comprehend how something operates and no one is willing to assist you in this endeavor without acting superior to you, you are more likely to rely on your gut instinct. You will, of course, need to figure out what doesn't work before you can figure out what does, but you have to keep trying different things until someone shows you the ropes.
To Reiterate
In this day and age, it is difficult to conceptualize what life would be like without email. Email can be used for both formal and informal communication, such as business and personal letters. Instantaneously, the ability to effectively communicate takes precedence over the ability to use correct grammar or punctuation.
It is extremely concerning that adults use excessive exclamation marks in their emails. As you go through the process of proofreading your paper, you will start eliminating extraneous details. One begins to ponder the following question: "How many exclamation marks are considered acceptable?"
Mail That Is Traumatizing To Receive
As you get older, you will inevitably find that many things that used to bring you joy no longer hold the same appeal. It could be a picture of your high school sweetheart, whom you continue to hold in very high regard, or it could be an old photo album of clothing that you used to think was cutting edge.
A trend that should be of concern is the fact that the vast majority of adults actively avoid receiving mail. What items do postal carriers deliver? This category includes not only letters and bills but also notices of eviction and other legal documents. Your inbox will serve as the nerve center for all communications directing your attention to your mistakes.
Being Responsible for One's Own Financial Matters
Your reaction of elation when you received $20 from your parents will no longer be the same. You would walk out of the house with your head brimming with ingenious ideas for how you could spend that single dollar. It's possible that you'll have $5 in your pocket when you get back.
When you're an adult, two hundred dollars feels like the equivalent of twelve dollars. Consider yourself fortunate even if you are only able to put away a small portion of that total amount. There are some people who simply do not have the mental capacity to make sensible choices regarding their finances.
Who Among You Has a Reason to Go Outside?
Nothing in your twenties is easier than getting through the work week than knowing you'll spend the weekend partying it up with your friends and getting wasted. When you're in your 30s, you'll undergo a personality change that will cause that aspect to shift. Still going strong after all those late nights? Why risk having a terrible hangover in the morning?
You could, alternatively, spend the day lounging around the house in your pajamas, drinking drinks, and watching movies all while wearing your pajamas. Believe us when we say that it is more comfortable than it sounds. When that time comes, going out on the town will feel like a thing of the past.
Please Hold On! Just These Last Two Minutes
At the beginning of our lives, each and every one of us struggles with this issue. The one and only significant difference is that in the mornings before we had to get ready for school, my brother and I had to beg our parents to let us sleep in for just five more minutes.
Now that your parents aren't there to drag you out of bed, it's just you up against the alarm and the lies that you tell yourself in order to get yourself out of bed. Because your body is always running low on energy, you quickly develop the habit of taking short naps throughout the day.
Continual Pain in the Back
Our memories of our formative years are a colorful tapestry that includes both happy and sad experiences. Everyone has their own idea of what constitutes the ideal memory, but I think it's safe to say that almost everyone pines for a time when they didn't have to constantly worry about the state of their back.
It is difficult to determine whether the annoying results are the result of your strange posture at work or the fact that your body can no longer hold you straight as you get older, but in either case, they are annoying. It is difficult to determine whether the annoying results are the result of your strange posture at work.
Tri-Factor Methodology
When tasks are prioritized and specific amounts of time are allotted for them, productivity and efficiency are ensured to be at their highest levels. When we were younger, many of us had the misconception that entering adulthood would be simple and straightforward. You find yourself becoming increasingly frustrated with the completion of seemingly insignificant tasks, so you set this as your primary objective for the week.
One of the least favorite things to do around the house is to clean the laundry. The only steps that are necessary are to wash and dry the item. The fact that you have to fold them and store them is the cherry on top. You are being dishonest if you claim that you completed it without delay.
Taking Responsibility for the Urgent Need for Dramatic Change
In the 1950s, there was a prevalent belief that by the time a person reached 30, they should have their lives more or less figured out. Think of the amount of energy that is required! People slowly realized that there is no mystical age by which one is expected to have figured out the course that their life will take.
The thirties became the "cool" decade almost immediately after the twenties fell out of favor. As a result of the subsequent adjustment, a new cutoff time of nine o'clock in the evening was implemented. When there is a long to-do list for the following day, it is easy to see why people would prefer to get an early start on their sleep.
It Does Not Matter How Old Someone Is
Most children erroneously believe that all adults are in their twenties. Regardless of how old you are, whether you are twenty, thirty, forty, or eighty, they consider you to be just another grown-up with a controlled set of expectations for your tedious pastimes. The natural world can put things back in their proper place whenever they get out of whack.
Therefore, in order to create a level playing field, the ages of all children and adults are equal. Anyone, from a very young child to a young adult, can be considered a potential victim. They are, of course, considered "children" from the perspective of a fully grown adult.
This Is the Age of Shopping Online
The different points of view that come with each succeeding generation can be very instructive, and this serves as a humbling reminder that the passage of time is an unstoppable force. When we consider the lives of baby boomers and millennials, we can't help but be astounded by how blessed they seemed to be by the time they turned 30.
A secure job, a family home with a white picket fence, and a group of gleeful children running around outside are all components of the American dream. There is no question that navigating adulthood will be more challenging for members of Generation Z. Because we are so concerned about what the future holds, even making plans as simple as ordering food in advance makes us uneasy.
The Meaning Behind the Term "Self-Sabotage"
You are under no obligation to complete tasks right away. If you don't finish this within the next day or two, you probably won't end up in the hospital. People utilize diverse coping mechanisms when confronted with challenging situations. In our efforts to keep up with the rest of society, we haven't even noticed that we've picked up some unhealthy habits along the way.
There is no requirement that this behavior is aimed at particular individuals. Sometimes we manage to get our way. One example would be reassuring yourself that you will have enough time to get gas on the way to work in the morning. The conclusion looks like this. Your vehicle will not only cause you to be very late, but it will also break down in the middle of the road.
Looking for Numbers Via the Internet
Teenagers can have a high level of sensitivity, and many are petrified of getting into fights with people. There is also the possibility that they avoid starting conversations with strangers out of fear of rejection. If you don't know somebody on the other end of the line when the phone rings, you immediately give it to an adult to take control of the situation.
But what should you do in that situation if you find yourself to be the only responsible adult around? Look up any strange numbers that might be calling you so that you don't have to answer them when they're not wanted. Your anxiety about calling people on the phone can be alleviated.
Idleness Stop
Do you ever find that you are worrying so much about your worry that you forget the original cause of the stress in your life? One of the more peculiar aspects of adulthood is the experience of being overwhelmed by anxiety about one's own anxiety.
When the mind is preoccupied with an overwhelming to-do list, stress will show up in the body as physical manifestations. Unfortunately, the response hasn't been all that great so far. When something like this occurs, it is time to rely on the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining a healthy diet and regularly engaging in physical activity.
Only the Brave Can Make It
Kids typically have jam-packed agendas each day. They get up early, attend classes that last several hours, finish their homework, and find time to practice a sport, all while keeping up their active social lives. It is reassuring to know that you can count on people to take care of other matters while you concentrate on the tasks that need to be completed.
Sadly, once we become adults, we no longer have that right. If you do not have your own source of wealth, you will not be able to pay someone else to assist you with household chores because you simply cannot afford it. In other words, you will be required to return home and clean the house when you get the chance after a tiring day at work.
The Space of Time Measured in Years
As you get older, you will find yourself having so much fun laughing at how the roles have been reversed. When you are younger, you will find the mayhem, the speed, and the adrenaline to be exhilarating. On the other hand, as one gets older, a preference for stillness and privacy emerges.
Forget about sneaking out of the house to go to a party or meet up with your friends; those days are over, and you can no longer get away with it. If you want to know if someone is truly an adult, observe whether or not they leave a party early to return to their private sanctuary. Make an effort to improve yourself, but keep the process open.
Are We Having Fun Yet?
Many people in their middle years and later years pine for the carefree attitude they had when they were younger. As they get older, many adults find that the weight of adult responsibilities causes them to lose their sense of humor.
If you find yourself thinking that adult life is boring, that's because it is. It's just not cool to talk about dinosaurs and action figures anymore, unless you happen to be in the company of a young child. To put it another way, it's like traveling through time in the opposite direction. Because of this, a significant number of people own them.
One Has an Unhealthy Amount of Influence
There are costs involved in maintaining such a high level of control. This is a minor problem for some people, but it's a significant inconvenience for others. Since you're an adult, you can choose how your money is spent after working hard. When you were younger, you would waste a lot of time fantasizing about pointless things you would buy with your salary.
However, sadly, not everyone has the financial means to do so. The game requires you to put some thought into your decisions and use your brain. Even though it is possible to consume all of the food and drink that the restaurant has to offer, doing so would be excessive. This is something that needs to be brought to the attention of every adult who is currently descending.
You Will At Last Understand Your Mother and Father Now
No matter how irritated you were with your parents when you were younger, once you've reached an age where you can understand what they're going through, your perspective will shift dramatically. It can feel like someone punched you in the head when you finally realize why your parents acted the way they did.
It is impossible to remember the sheer panic that you felt when you had to dash into the kitchen five hours after your mother had asked you to remove the chicken from the oven. Your previous, more annoying self won't stop bothering you until you start living like your mother does.
The Joy in the Little Things
Every achievement doesn't need to be life-changing, and you don't need to be the recipient of any particularly spectacular acts to find happiness in this life. Because becoming an adult brings a great deal of responsibility and pressure, one must make an effort to slow down and appreciate the simpler things that life offers.
Realizing that milestone events such as holidays and vacations are no longer the only cause for celebration is an important part of maturing as a person. Do you need a new sponge for the kitchen as the old one has become too soiled and worn out to be useful? There is goodness to be found there. To continue reading this, you must be at least 30 years old.
Making an Attempt to Figure It Out
Being able to reside at home with loving parents is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. They take initiative and ensure that all of the most important chores in the house are completed. If your parents had served you the same meals for five nights in a row before, you probably wouldn't have understood why they did it.
It is not difficult to organize what you will consume for breakfast, lunch, and dinner over the course of a week or a month. They would prefer to go without food than be forced to answer the same question day after day for the rest of their lives.
Various Techniques for Keeping Things
Taking pride in one's work, no matter how big or small, is essential to coming to terms with and accepting adult responsibilities. Critical responsibilities include paying taxes and mortgages and general home maintenance. Is there a certain age at which a person comes to the epiphany that they are an adult, able to make it through the challenges of this cruel world?
Even though it may sound ridiculous, it's a good sign if you can go an entire year without losing your sunglasses. If you can do that, that's a good sign. The only time this won't apply is if you misplace your house or car keys, which is perfectly acceptable up until the moment you pass away.
Costs That Are Extremely Expensive
One of the most difficult challenges of adulthood is learning to be responsible with one's financial situation. Consider yourself one of the luckiest people alive if your parents are able to pay for your education through college or if you won a significant scholarship. In addition, money is required for every aspect of student life at a university.
Nobody is going to want to give you money now that you've reached your adult years. Simply becoming a member of a sorority can be an expensive endeavor on its own. After everything is said and done, you will be so mentally drained that the idea of taking a nap will sound like a dream come true.
Intelligent Purchasing
Who doesn't like getting a bargain? Every mature adult goes absolutely bonkers for a good bargain. The grocery store is your battleground, and your objective is to get out of there as quickly as possible without losing any cash or wiping away any of your remaining tears. It is time for you to demonstrate how sharp your mind really is.
Perhaps you were able to save yourself fifty cents by purchasing the chicken. Don't worry about looking foolish if you get rid of the one that cost more. for the straightforward reason that everyone else is engaging in the behavior as well. Taking shortcuts is one of the oldest behaviors associated with humans; therefore, put your sharp eye to good use.
Wow, What a Wild Ride That Was!
It's not hard to become an adult. It's like riding a bike through the fiery depths of hell, where the ground, the bike, and everything in it are all ablaze. This quotation is completely made up. Is that the case?
Being an adult is more difficult than being a teenager, but that does not mean that it is always a negative experience. The fact that you are now held to a higher standard is the aspect that causes most people to feel anxious. To top it all off, the passage of time!
Techniques for Prioritization
It's possible that even when you were in your twenties, you were able to stay up all night. You should be prepared to put in a significant amount of time and effort while in college, which may include pulling multiple all-nighters.
The 1930s are considered a different decade from the rest of the 20th century. It's not recommended that you try to fight sleep or force yourself to stay awake after 9 p.m. There is no shame in going to bed early. The age-old proverb "Early to bed, early to rise, makes an adult less exhausted and depressed" has been given a contemporary spin, and the result is as follows.
Grave Consequences
Is there anything about becoming an adult about which you are never given any kind of a heads-up? There will always be different things for you to do to occupy your time. Even if you have no idea how this mountain of work got there or what you'll get out of it, your mind is always thinking about something, and this thought process continues nonstop.
If you're not pushing yourself, you must be putting off dealing with a more important matter. Fear starts to set in as the length of the list of things you need to do increases, but you don't do anything to alleviate it.
A Love Story With a Happy Ending That Is Not One of Our Top Picks
Hollywood has successfully fooled all of us. Even if you're single and in your twenties or thirties, don't expect Cupid to show up at your door bearing roses just because you don't have a significant other.
Life is like a retelling of a romantic comedy in which the leads lack the chemistry that makes the story compelling. Even if there is, you will still become exhausted due to the situation. Your own self-deprecating sense of humor serves as the comedic backdrop to whatever unfortunate circumstances have befallen you. The capacity to laugh at one's own mistakes is a skill that is highly sought after.
If You Are Capable of Believing It
If you told your younger self that one day you will be happy to buy new towels or a pressure cooker, they would be very disappointed in you. The truth may be unpleasant, but I know that this is probably not the plan that you had for your future.
Strange occurrences have the potential to make grownups laugh. They won't get excited for a cheesy, over-the-top teen movie, but providing them with insurance policies and driving directions ought to do the trick. Yeah, that may be the saddest part about being an adult!