Dasani’s Water Has Been Called Salty
Dasani has made it to the worst category, if only for one reason—the backlash it received in 2004. Consumers did not like it when they discovered that what Coca-Cola branded as pure is actually just tap water. Additionally, the company was forced to pull its products from the UK after it was found that they contain bromate, which can cause cancer. Then, there is the claim by some people, primarily vloggers, that Dasani water has salt in them that makes people more thirsty.
The truth, however, is that most of the bottled H2O is from the tap, containing minerals, one of which is salt. Perhaps the taste of Dasani's mixture just doesn't appeal to many consumers.
Aquafina’s Got a Metal Aftertaste
Aquafina is another bottled water made by a manufacturer of sodas, PepsiCo. People who have drunk the product describe it as muddy with a metallic taste. Like most purified water, Aquafina comes from municipal water sources and is treated through reverse osmosis. Unlike its competitor, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo does not introduce back minerals after treatment.
Although many consumers prefer this bottled water over Dasani, some are not a fan of the metallic flavor it carries. Of course, it is possible that can be attributed to drinkers' wild imaginations, and the product does not have a weird taste. There's also the possibility that some consumers don't like the idea of a soda manufacturer producing their healthy choice of drink—water.
Expensive Sweaty-Sock Tasting Water
When you think of the best-bottled water, Evian comes to mind. Of course, that's because it's classified as "luxurious and expensive," consumed only by the rich and famous. It gained the said notoriety because the main water sources are near Évian-les-Bains, which was on the south shore of Lake Geneva.
Nevertheless, despite the drink having famous devotees such as Michael Jackson, taste-testers at Slate.com were not impressed by its flavor. They did not hold back when comparing Evian to water from a fountain, ditch, pool, and sweaty sock juice. Eight of the eleven tasters described the bottled stuff as soft, salty, and chalky.
A Possible Health Hazard
When choosing the bottled water you would constantly consume, taste should be the least of your concern. The important factor to consider is whether or not the product is a health hazard. Unfortunately, Nestlé Pure Life is said to be risky to drink because of what Frontiers Chemistry found in their water.
The company's 2019 study of 259 bottles of Nestlé Pure Life came up with the result that 93% of them contained microplastic synthetic polymer particles. No one would want those inside their bodies! No wonder many reviews of the bottled water brand are mainly about a metallic taste and, overall, not yummy.
A Dubious Water Bottle Brand
Dannon Spring Water made it to the worst list because little is known about it or where it comes from. When it comes to things you put inside your body, would you trust a brand you know nothing about? It claims it's "spring water," but does it genuinely taste fresh? It's better to grab a more familiar brand or drink tap when you are thirsty than to spend it on an unreliable one.
All you would find online when you search is that it's 100% spring water, with no information about its source and the process its water goes through before bottling.
New Yorkers Love Poland Spring Water
Marketing gimmicks are common in today's world. Companies claim that their products or services have certain exceptional qualities, only for us to find out later that they're lying. Nonetheless, this stunt isn't the case for Poland Springs Water. Just as this organization advertises its bottled water, the sole source of the water is natural springs, which explains its distinct taste and popularity, especially among New Yorkers.
This water is so good that it has an average of 4.9 rating out of 5 from 10,000 consumers worldwide. Yet, not everyone would agree that this is one of the best-bottled water brands. According to expert taste testers, the Poland Springs water has an unpleasant sour taste.
Propel Fitness Water, the Pioneering Flavored Water Company
Water expert Belinda Chang may dislike Propel Fitness water, which she describes as having a metallic smell, but those who are into sports, health, and general well-being can’t seem to get enough of this flavored water. Don’t believe us?
Gatorade, the company that produces this water, made $100 million in sales from this particular brand within its first year in the market. As if that’s not enough, the organization continues to note a two-digit growth annually in its production and sales, and this is because it provides those who are into fitness with a drink with zero calories and unlimited benefits.
Neutral-Tasting Ice Mountain Water Brand
We do not know where the 5 percent of water by Ice Mountain comes from, but we know that 95 percent of this brand's water is spring water. According to the company, it comes from three natural springs found in Michigan State, which explains why the majority of those who buy this particular brand of bottled water reside in the Midwestern parts of the U.S. We guess that they're fiercely loyal to the locally sourced product.
In water sommelier Belinda Chang's words, "this is one of the most neutral-tasting water brands." If you ask us, that's because the water is filtered naturally, using gravel aquifers and thick sand.
The Ever Fascinating Icelandic Glacial Water
Even though researchers are yet to prove what we're about to share as accurate, we believe that most of those who buy Icelandic Glacial water do so for its superb packaging and the story behind how the water is gotten. You would think that the slightly bitter taste of this water would put people off, making them stop purchasing this particular brand, but that's not the case.
Regardless of the better-tasting bottled water products, Icelandic Glacial Water Holdings continues to cash in on its alkaline water. For those who may not know, this water source is underground springs caused by a volcanic eruption that took place more than 5,000 years ago.
Arrowhead Fails to Hit the Target
Most, if not all, residents of the western part of the United States have undoubtedly tried Arrowhead Water. Discovered by priests stationed at Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, Arrowhead gets its water from the source of Arrowhead springs which you might think tastes fantastic, but that isn't the case.
According to Vincent Sanchez, a blind taste tester, Arrowhead Water didn't live up to the expectations. He stated, "The spring water of Arrowhead tastes less like it came straight from the freshest mountain streams and more like the water you drink when all hope is lost…." That is quite a scathing review, which doesn't favor the water brand in the market.
SmartWater, the Water With Added Vitamins and Electrolytes
We all love companies that go the extra mile by providing exceptional products and services, and when it comes to branded water bottles, SmartWater is among the favorites. Why? This water brand contains added vitamins and electrolytes, which enhance the body's performance.
Even so, scientists say that plain water works just fine for rehydration and that the added vitamins and electrolytes are only necessary if there's a case of extreme dehydration. According to them, vitamins are best absorbed through solid food, as they last longer in the body, unlike when ingested through liquids, which the body quickly gets rid of through the digestive system.
Core Hydration’s Unique Bottle Has Little to Offer
They say do not judge a book by its cover, in this case, the bottle designed by Core Hydration, but that is exactly what most consumers do. The unusual shape of the bottles does a great job of attracting buyers to its shelf. The customers love how it looks and maybe get an impulse to buy because of the aesthetics.
Those who have tasted it, however, have a different tale to tell about its taste. They describe the feeling on their tongue as that of drinking air. The drinkers of Core Hydration recommend drinking the contents a bit chilled rather than room temperature to get the most out of quenching your thirst.
The LIFEWTR Bottles Artwork Doesn’t Match Their Content
To whoever LIFEWTR credits this idea of rotating artwork on their iconic water bottles, it paid off. The marketing team thought it wise to decorate the act of quenching one's thirst, thus making the act less bland than it is. Shoppers are attracted to the artwork, and more likely persuaded to buy it if only to carry the creativity home with them.
However, no matter how beautiful the vessel is, the bottom line is the flavor of its contents. When a blind tester named Vincent Sanchez tried the drink, his reaction was quite neutral. He commented that the artwork was inspiring, but one could choose more if one could.
Crystal Geyser’s Sodium Strategy
Crystal Geyser is one of the few companies with the goodwill to save the environment which they ironically destroy. As stated on their official website, they are the pioneer American Beverage company to start a PET recycling (rPET) plant where they collect, reuse, and recycle up to a billion plastic bottles annually.
A blind test that was performed reported mixed reviews. The product was accused of containing sodium in excess while others thought it was packaged pretty well. The excess sodium is blamed for leaving one thirstier than before they drank the water, a sales pitch for the company. The said blind tests were performed by Grub Street, a firm accredited with carrying out competently the said activities.
Deer Park’s Futile Quality Control Process
As catchy and straightforward as the name is, the Deer Park water bottle brand wasn't spared from mixed customer reactions and reviews. The brand prides itself in its water being 100% natural spring water and goes further to state its efficient ten-step quality control process. Some individuals, however, don't mind the taste.
In other news, a recent 2020 Customer Report came out saying that heavy metals had been detected in 47 Deer Park samples. Now that was some scary percentage considering their rigorous ten-step quality control process. Despite this, the brand has its fair share of loyal consumers, whom it has retained.
Necessity, the Mother of Invention
The non-spring brand Penta came into existence courtesy of a father effort by Bill Holloway and Mike, in Carlsbad, California. Mike had come up with a method for purifying water to treat his fibromyalgia. Truly, necessity is the mother of invention. Mashed and their tasters concluded that Penta Water has one of the best, clean and low-key flavors with just the right blend of minerals.
The duo’s patented formula takes up to 11 hours to ensure the water is free of pollutants and impurities. They also pride themselves on being free of additives. The original intent of coming up with the 13-step process is also an added incentive for consumers.
Boxed Water Is the Best
Boxed water is doing its part in taking care of the environment by packaging its water in earth-friendly paper cartons. These cartons are made of 74 percent trees, making them easy to decompose and better for the planet, compared to plastic packaging that other water companies use.
When it comes to the water itself, they are also top of the list with their excellent quality product. Users who have consumed Boxed Water say it's one of the best; it isn't filled with chemicals and minerals, has no overpowering flavors that make the water taste strange, and compared to other water brands, it is a little thin.
Ethos Water Changing the World
Anyone who loves to get their caffeine treat from Starbucks knows Ethos Water because it's the franchise's official water brand. Apart from putting awesomeness in a bottle, the water brand aims to help children worldwide access clean water. In addition, Starbucks donates five cents of its water earnings to "humanitarian support programs in coffee-growing communities."
That's a noble cause if you ask us, and you may wonder, is the water any good? The answer is yes. Customers who have tried Ethos water say that it tastes good in the bottle or a glass and is equally refreshing.
Cisowianka Making Waves Abroad
Cisowianka is a Polish water brand famous overseas and has a massive following in the United States. Apart from its elegant bottle packaging, the brand is associated with a unique, fresh taste and is super clean compared to other water brands.
The water tastes a bit flat, though, because it doesn't contain large amounts of sodium, which is good if you ask us. Considering that it is not as popular in America as abroad, we rank it as mixed, but it's a brand we'd recommend you try if you find yourself overseas.
Boxed Water Divides the Customer Base
When Boxed Water first hit the market, it immediately stood out mainly because of its unique packaging. The brand chose the paper casing; some consumers felt the marketing was a bit overboard and pretentious.
The best way to hydrate without hurting the environment is to drink straight from the tap, as no plastics or paper containers are left to discard. Yet, we see what the Boxed Water company is trying to do, making eco-friendly packages that decompose faster. Whether that plan works remains to be seen in the long run. Nonetheless, customers are divided over their opinion regarding the whole concept.
It Doesn’t Get Smoother Than Acqua Panna
The Acqua Panna branded water, sourced from a natural spring in the Villa Panna, hence its name, is reported to travel 14 years through limestone before it’s bottled up. Initially, this spring, the only one in this area whose waters were safe for drinking was fenced off, as it sat on land owned by a powerful family.
For a company that bottled its first waters in 1880, the Acqua Panna brand sure knows how to maintain a good name. As leading online lifestyle magazine Mashed describes the company’s water, “it’s one of the smoothest, with just a little taste of minerals.”
The Smooth and Refreshing Zephyrhills
If you’re one of the few privileged ones with easy access to Zephyrhills, thank the heavens because as popular as it is, not everyone has the local stores in their state stock this bottled water. The water, obtained from Crystal Springs and Zephyrhills in Florida, is filtered through Limestone aquifers.
Yet, even as a majority of those who love this water brand agree that it’s cool, smooth, and refreshing, very few of them like its packaging. Instead, many think that for water so good in terms of its taste, it should be packed in an equally appealing bottle that will speak for the brand long before anyone drinks it.
Essentia, the Water Loved by Professionals and Athletes
The Essentia bottled water brand doesn’t stop at purifying its water; the company goes the extra mile to add electrolytes and remove bitter acidic ions from the water, raising its pH levels. No wonder professional tasters from Business Insider describe this water’s texture as smooth and clean.
It’s not just the people that taste and rate edibles for a living that love this water, though. Folks who are always on the go and even professional athletes have this as their go-to bottled water brand because of its ability to rehydrate between regular work hours and even during intense workout sessions.
Fancy Voss Bottle Matches the Water It Carries
Even though it’s good to try and be presentable at all times, those who care too much about their outward appearance end up using it as a cover-up for other areas they may be lacking. Similarly, a few companies are known to provide excellent packaging for substandard goods to divert the consumer’s attention, and thankfully, Voss isn’t one of those.
This Norwegian company’s water isn’t just ordinary water in a fancy bottle; the exceptional packaging matches the water it carries. As a taste tester at Mashed describes it, “ Voss has a crisp, food-complementary tastelessness you want with dinner but just enough minerality to know you’re not drinking wet air.”
The Dominating Ozarka Brand
The Ozarka brand might have its slogan "Born Better" in honor of the springs from which the water is gotten. Still, many do not realize that this company's commitment to excellence is also a major contributing factor to the success it enjoys. Believe it or not, this organization has its water go through 11 quality assurance steps before releasing it for distribution.
How many brands do you know that have stayed at the top of their game for more than 100 years? Many agree that Ozarka's bottled water continues to dominate the market not only because it doesn't have a lingering chemical taste but also because of its refreshing and crisp characteristics.
Bai Water Has Some Fun Flavors
There's so much going on inside each bottle of Bai water, and this is why it's considered one of the best brands out there. Each bottle features naturally sourced sweeteners that will bounce right off your taste buds and dietary antioxidants that are great for your overall well-being.
Much more than that, there are several flavors that you can choose from, like Brasilia Blueberry and coconut water, so you aren't restricted to a particular taste - you can explore as much as you want. Some adjectives attributed to this brand are "great," "flavorful," and "refreshing, " so you know that you can never go wrong with Bai water.
It's More Than Just Water
Just Water uses carton packages which even rank higher than some plastic bottles. This is because the carton is made from 88% plant materials - sugarcane for the shoulder and cap and trees for the paper, making them eco-friendly and renewable.
While that is an achievement, the icing on the cake is that Just is 100% sourced from mountain spring water, meaning that the liquid is naturally alkaline and high in minerals. This brand doesn't have to use up human resources to get water because the springs are replenished each year with snowfall and rain, and you can get this water in four different flavors. So, as a total package, you're getting highly refreshing water from an eco-friendly source.
A Hint With a Little Extra
Since 2005, Hint water has been helping the populace love drinking water because with this brand; the options aren't limited. Known for supplying fruit-flavored water with no preservatives, sweeteners, and no calories, Hint takes healthy drinking to another level.
This water bottle brand produces over 16 flavors, including popular ones like watermelon, blackberry, and cherry. Then, you can also get energy and sparkling waters from Hint, all of which contain true fruit flavor. Anyone, including children, can always stay refreshed and revitalized without worrying about the health risks of sugary drinks. Above all, this brand uses ingredients free of soy, nuts, MSG, and gluten.
Eternal Water Is a Discovery
Eternal Water is as simple and natural as it can be. In fact, it would be wrong to say the water is produced; rather, it is sourced from natural springs across America. This water has passed through several layers of old rocks and absorbed essential minerals in the process, so the liquid is naturally alkaline and produces natural electrolytes.
These rocks also protect the water from pollution, so you don't have to worry about drinking unclean water. With no flavor, additives, or preservatives, Eternal water serves refreshing water with a consistent taste. You can make this your go-to water bottle brand for years without regrets.
Waiākea, the Volcanic Water
Volcanoes don't just explode all the time and wreak havoc on a community; sometimes, they produce some of the purest and pristine water in the world. Such is the case of the Mauna Loa volcano, located in the forests of Hilo, Hawaii. Snowmelt and rain pass through the depths of permeable, volcanic rock and re-emerges as refreshing, naturally alkaline water
Waiākea harnessed this precious gift and made it into a water bottle brand that people all over the world can enjoy. To preserve the source, only about 0.003% of the volcano's daily yield is bottled for use - a responsible act, we must say.
Best: The Refreshing Mountain Valley Spring Water
The name of this water suggests that it’s refreshing, and luckily it lives up to the claims. It comes from the Ouachita Mountains in Hot Springs. Arkansas, and contains no sodium, so it’s one of the healthiest waters to buy. The water originates in a granite and marble aquifer located 1600 feet below the surface of the earth and travels through several layers of sandstone and limestone for extensive filtration.
This water is naturally higher in pH level, making it slightly alkaline. This is why it’s more rejuvenating and hydrating than other bottled water types. It’s naturally filtered without any chemicals, which contributes to its fresh and natural taste.
Best: Fresh Fiji Water Wins
All types of bottled water don’t taste the same, and this water definitely stands out with its lighter taste and hydrating effect. According to its name, this water comes from and is bottled in Fiji, where it originates in an artesian aquifer in Viti Levu.
It contains no chemicals and is packed with minerals that keep your body nourished. People who don’t drink much water because they don’t like its taste will feel different when they try Fiji water. It also comes in a distinctively different square-shaped bottle that makes it easier to stand out. Yet, this bottled water is more expensive than other types, although most people agree that it’s worth the price.
Best: Healthy Rhode Island Water
Drinking tap water isn’t recommended in several states like Florida. Washington, and Arizona. Yet, if you live in Rhode Island, you’re in luck because this environmentally-conscious state takes great measures to ensure the safety of its drinking water.
Despite being a heavily populated state, Rhode Island’s officials go the extra mile to ensure that the residents have access to healthy and clean drinking water. The Rhode Island Department of Health runs regular tests to maintain the high safety standards imposed by the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Worst: The Unhealthy Arizona Water
The drinking water in Arizona is one of the worst in the US. This is why the Department of Health recommends that people get a filtration system to avoid health issues that might arise if they drink tap water.
Unfortunately, Arizona water isn’t just unhealthy, but it also tastes so bad. So, most people don’t drink it because of the dissolved minerals that make it taste salty. It also contains chlorine to disinfect the water, but it’s unhealthy to ingest. There’s another problem with the old plumbing system in Arizona, which makes the water unhealthy and not tasty.
Best: The Tasty Water of South Dakota
According to the latest research and tests, South Dakota water is one of the healthiest and tastiest waters in the US. The water has won the award of Drinking Water Excellence for 16 years in a row. For years, the South Dakota Water Systems have maintained a great track record in meeting or exceeding the EPA goal of at least 95% of users having access to clean and healthy water.
South Dakota’s water is safe from serious contamination that other states suffer from. It’s free from heavy metals like lead, radium, uranium, copper, arsenic, and nitrate salts. These substances can lead to serious health issues when they accumulate in the body.
The Florida Water Supply Situation
Water supply is like the circulatory system complete with blood vessels, valves, and a pumping mechanism of a living being with water as the blood. The moral of the story is that a water supply is very vital to the survival of a community, town, or a thriving metropolitan city. Consequently, the residents of Florida face a threat to their continued well-being as many things negatively affect their water supply system.
It is rather unfortunate that the landscape of Florida and the toxic blue-green algae and red tide microorganisms seep into the water making tap water even more undesirable. The residents are also the target of natural disasters such as hurricanes which leech fertilizers and contaminants into the local water.
California’s Sweet Mountain Water
Bestowed by the creator with many mountains, California has the pleasure of having some of the best tap water in the world. The mountains that have many trees act as water catchment areas. Small streams flow downhill into rivers which quench the countryside. Communities near the mountains have the best water.
This is because they are closer to the source. It is also healthier because it has fewer contaminants than other areas farther away from the mountains. The rural and farming lands are forced to deal with contaminants such as fertilizers that leach into the soil. In the entire state, the mountainous regions have earned the badge for the best water.
Probably a Lead Scare, Nothing Serious!
Despite literally having the word new in its name, this might not entirely reflect the nature of New Jersey’s water supply. The state has been ranked as having one of the worst water supplies. This is according to the review by OrbMedia in a 2018 report, which revealed that the pipes crisscrossing beneath the state may be leaching the heavy metal, Lead.
While this very hazardous material poses the threat of terrible illness, the locals, however, don't find anything to complain about their water and continue to partake of the water supplied by the state unperturbed. This puts the people of New Jersey ahead of the entire country in regions with the worst water supply.
The State With the Safest Tap Water
As its name suggests, the state of Connecticut is pretty well connected in terms of water supply. It has even gone to extreme measures to enforce laws that safeguard public health such as prohibiting the discharge of waste materials into the rivers to protect the water supply from contamination by hazardous materials.
It is therefore right to say that Connecticut is the safest state for people to drink water directly from the tap. The EWG's Tap Water Database noted that there are many laws in the land put there to protect from anything leaching into the water. All the responsible parties in the state, such as factories, firms, and the people themselves, cooperate in adhering to the law.
Washington’s Water Is Loaded With Carcinogen
For the capital of the world's most powerful country, failing to clinch a good review is very disappointing. The tap water that supplies most households in Washington is highly contaminated, making it dangerous to consume as it can cause health complications among the masses. Some of the carcinogenic chemicals that have been found in the water include Chloroform, Uranium, Radon, and Arsenic.
The Environmental Working Group conducted a report in 2018 that revealed findings of above life-threatening contaminants in the "Seattle Public Utilities'' water. Anyone who drinks the water untreated is therefore predisposed to the risk of being diagnosed with cancer. For this reason, it received a very bad review regarding its water supply quality.
As Clean as Massachusetts’s Water
Drinking water in different parts of the world varies in taste and quality. Although clean drinking water is the most basic necessity of human life, some cities still have compromised water quality. Fortunately for the people of Massachusetts, they do not have to worry about that.
The reason is that the water supplied in Massachusetts comes at the top of cleaning standards. The water testing in the city is rigorous, which results in a supply of pure and clean drinking water for the citizens. They even guard the forests so that the natural water stays clean. These strict measures helped the city win the “Best Tasting Water” award in 2014!