If you are a cat owner, you're probably aware of how mysterious they can be. Unlike dogs, they typically don't come up to you with a ball or react to words such as "food" or "walk." So, it can be challenging to understand what your fluffy feline friend wants from you! That's why we collected these most-know cat owner hacks—to make you the best cat caregiver and make your life together much cozier.
Your Cat Is Actually Annoyed By Deep Food Bowls
This is a topic that is often overlooked in discussions about car care. The depth of your pet's food bowl is typically not a consideration when we purchase their bowls. Nevertheless, it appears that this is one of the most crucial factors to bear in mind. This is because deep food bowls can cause significant discomfort to cats. A cat's whiskers are sensitive, and if they keep rubbing against the side of a bowl while eating, it can be unpleasant for them.
According to PetMD, it can cause “an information overload that stresses out your cat.” So, next time you're out cat bowl shopping, try to find a more shallow one that will less likely irritate their little whiskers.
Most Cats Actually Don't Enjoy Belly Rubs
Although some cats may allow you to rub their belly, it usually signifies a high level of trust. In reality, most cats are not fond of belly rubs, particularly from unfamiliar people, as this area is one of the most vulnerable parts of their body. That's why it's actually recommended to avoid giving belly rubs to new cats you meet, at least until they become comfortable with you.
It should be noted that cats may still enjoy being petted in this area, but they are typically more guarded about it than other parts of their body.
Avoid Using a Bell Collar With Your Cat
To keep track of your cat's whereabouts when you can't see them directly, you may opt to attach a small bell to their collar. This can also help to prevent your cat from preying on birds or mice. However, there are drawbacks to using bells. Cats have highly sensitive hearing, and the jingling sound produced by the bells can be irritating to them. It's reasonable to assume that you would also find it bothersome to wear a bell around your neck all day long.
That's why it's best to avoid attaching bells to your cat's collar, especially if your cat is more easily frightened than most.
Cats Are Sensitive To The Cold
Don't forget—cats can't handle the cold like some furry superheroes. So, be sure not to leave your feline friend outside at night during winter. Vets recommend keeping your home temperature at least 70°F, since a cat's normal body temp is around 100-102°F.
If you see your cat snuggling close to the fireplace or heater or trying to burrow under the covers, they're probably feeling a bit chilly!
Lollipops Can Help Your Cat Feel Calm
Most cats are usually pretty chill, but sometimes they can get a little cray-cray. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help keep your feline friend relaxed. One option is to give them a lollipop treat, which you can snag at most pet stores. These tasty treats can be stuck to walls or other hard surfaces for your cat to enjoy.
But if you can't find any of these treats or you're too busy to hit up the store, you can always give your cat a little spritz with some water. It might sound mean, but it can actually make them start grooming themselves, which can help them calm down.
A Shorter Name Can Help Your Cat Recognize It Better
Picking names is tough, whether it's for a kid or a kitty. But, if you want your cat to recognize their name when you're calling them, you should keep it short and sweet, like one or two syllables. Trust us, they won't know what you're saying if you're calling out "Princess Fluffernutter McScratchface" every time.
And if your cat's name is already a mouthful, just chop it down to a shorter version like "Fluff" or "Scratch"
Alternate Between Wet and Dry Food For a Balanced Cat-Diet
A lot of people only give their cats or dogs dry food, but that's not always the healthiest option. It's better to mix it up and switch between wet and dry food every once in a while. This will help make sure your pet is getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy and happy. So, try feeding them dry food for a few days, then switch to wet food for the rest of the week!
Dry cat food can be like eating a bunch of chips for cats - it's yummy, but not super healthy to eat all the time. That's because it's got a lot of carbs and no moisture, which can hurt their kidneys. But don't worry, you don't have to say goodbye to the crunchies forever - just mix it up with some wet food sometimes to keep things balanced.
Showing Your Cat How To Brush Himself Can Keep Him Happy
Teaching your cat to brush itself might seem impossible, but it's actually quite simple. Just attach a cat brush to a wall, and let your kitty do the rest. Cats are natural groomers, and they'll love rubbing up against the brush. This not only keeps them entertained but also helps keep their fur healthy and shiny.
Plus, it's just plain cute to watch them brush themselves! But, that's an added bonus—our main goal is to make them happy!
A Scratching Post Is Essential, But Learn How To Repair It
If you've got a cat, you know they love to scratch things, like your couch or pillows. But sometimes, that means sacrificing your favorite furniture for a good ripping-up. Well, you can save your furniture by getting a scratching post. Your cat will actually be happy to scratch away at it instead. And when the post eventually gets worn out, don't worry, you can fix it easily by wrapping it with some twine or yarn.
It has the same texture as the scratching-post fabric. That way your cat can keep on scratching without damaging your stuff.
Watch Out When Blowing In Your Cat's Face
Blowing in your cat's face can either be a hit or miss—some cats love it, but others can get pretty annoyed and may even scratch your face! So, it's important to be cautious when you decide to blow in your cat's face to calm him down or just for a playful game.
Plus, some cats see it as an act of aggression, so it's best to avoid blowing in their face unless you know your furry friend likes it.
Keep Your Cat Happy With Laser Pointers and Treats
Dogs aren't the only ones that can be trained with treats! Rewarding your cats can be a good way for positive reinforcement for your feline friend. Especially after a laser pointer session, it can help reinforce positive behavior. After all, cats love to hunt and chase, but it can get frustrating if they can never catch their prey.
So, don't forget to give your furry friend a treat after a successful laser pointer playtime. It will help make them feel less frustrated and more happy when chasing that dot across the room.
Feed Your Cat On Schedule To Reduce Anxiety
Cats might act like they have a care in the world about anything, but they can actually get pretty anxious if they miss a mealtime. Keeping a routine with food is essential for all living creatures—even cats. Feeding your cat at the same time every day will help your cats feel much more relaxed.
If your cat has a routine and knows what's coming next, they're less likely to get all wound up and freak out, especially when it's time to eat.
Encourage Your Cat to Use The Litterbox
Want to know how to make your cat poop in the right place? Most cats are already cool with using the litterbox, but some can be picky because the weird box makes them feel uncomfortable for their intimate doings. If your cat's avoiding the litterbox, no worries! Just throw some fabric or sand in there to make it more comfy for them to do their business. Easy peasy!
If you don't have any sand or fabric lying around, you could try chucking some paper into the box instead. It might not be as cozy as the other options, but it'll still do the trick.
Build Up To Create Climbing Space
Psst, here's a hack if you're cramped for space in your crib. Build your kitty some sweet shelves and mini staircases so they can have more area to strut their stuff. Climbing, crawling and running can help them burn off that pent-up energy too if they're the playful type.
You could buy some fancy towers and shelves for your furry buddy at some pet stores, but honestly, it's a piece of cake to DIY it. There are tons of online tutorials that can show you how to do it like a pro.
Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Plants
If you're a proud plant parent, you might wanna prevent your cat from ruining your leafy babies. Some cats dig up the soil or rip off the leaves like it's no biggie. You can fix this by tossing in some dried leaves, flowers, or pine cones. These textures aren't usually cat-friendly, so they'll likely back off. If that doesn't work, you can try placing some marbles in the pot. Boom! No more plant destruction.
Basically, you need to find anything that'll scare your cat off from entering the pot. You might have to experiment with a few things before you land on what works for your feline friend.
Keep Your Cat Off The Keyboards That He Loves So Much
If you're a remote worker with a furry sidekick, you probably know how annoying it is when they strut across your keyboard like they own the place. But don't worry, there's a nifty trick to keep them occupied and off your gear. Just grab a box and plop it on a desk that's big enough.
Throw an open box on your desk, and watch the magic happen. Your cat will probably be more interested in chilling in the box than meddling with your laptop, because let's be real, cats love boxes for some odd reason.
Have Multiple Cats? How To Stop Them From Fighting
Cats can be super territorial, so if you've got more than one, make sure they've got enough room to chill and play without getting in each other's fur. Otherwise, you might have a kitty brawl on your hands. A simple solution is to construct some shelves where they can each have their own space. And if one tries to invade the other's personal bubble, a little push-back is no sweat.
The cat that's chasing probably won't be too excited about this at first and may not want to try it again. But if you make sure your cat has a spot to retreat and get some alone time, they should be alright.
Touching Their Pas Can Help With Nail Trimming
Sometimes, it's like pulling teeth trying to get cats to cooperate, especially when it comes to things like trimming their claws. But there's a trick to get them used to you messing with their paws. Whenever you can, give their paws a gentle touch or grab. You don't have to do it non-stop and annoy them, but make it a regular thing so they get used to it.
By making paw touching a regular thing, your cat will start to see it as a game and become more comfortable with it. This way, when it's time to trim their claws, they'll be less stressed and more willing to cooperate. Plus, they may even become more cuddly with you as a result!
Mix It Up With Their Meals
We kinda talked about this before, but that was more about whether you should give your cat wet or dry food. But, It's also super important to mix up the types of food you're giving your cat. You wouldn't wanna eat the same thing over and over again, right? Your cat feels the same way. Plus, giving them the same food all the time could cause some health issues later on.
Mix things up for your cat's meals, you don't have to go all MasterChef for them though. Just switch it up by trying out a new brand or flavor of cat food once in a while.
Switch You Cat's Water Bowl With a Water Fountain
Here's a cool hack that not many cat owners know about - it's all about your cat's water bowl. Did you know that cats don't like drinking from stagnant water? They prefer running water instead. But don't worry, you don't have to go crazy building a whole fountain for your furry friend. Just buy a small cat fountain from your local pet store. It's a win-win because not only will your cat love drinking from it, but it'll also keep them entertained.
Plus, let's be real, a cat fountain just looks cooler than a plain old water bowl with gross still water. And the best part is, once you set it up, it'll keep running even when you're not around to entertain your feline friend.
You Don't Necessarily Have to Bath Your Cat
You probably already know that cats hate baths, even if you're not a cat owner. But guess what? If you manage to get your cat in the tub regularly, all those scratches and struggles might be for nothing! Cats are super good at cleaning themselves, thanks to their rough tongues.
You don't wanna overdo it with the baths either, since washing too often can mess with their coat's oils. Just bathe them when they're looking particularly grimy or got into something stinky.
Keep Your Dry Cat Food in Cereal Containers
Here's a tip that's pretty simple, but it might not have crossed your mind before. Instead of leaving your cat's food in the bag, which can get stale fast, try storing it in a container like a plastic cereal box. Eating stale food isn't fun for anyone, including your furry friends, and it can even lead to health problems.
Plus, using a container makes pouring the food a breeze compared to struggling with a huge bag. And the best part? You can repurpose your old cereal containers for this!
Weird Cat Sounds Can Point to Health Issues
Alright, before we dive into this one, just remember that sometimes your cat making a weird noise is no biggie, it's just them being their quirky selves. However, it's good to know that sometimes those strange meows and purrs can actually be a sign of some health issues. According to PetMD, some of those weird noises could be a red flag for various health problems, so keep an eye out if your cat is acting a little off.
High blood pressure and thyroid problems are serious health issues, and weird sounds from your cat could be a sign of these or other problems. If you notice any unusual noises from your cat, it's a good idea to take them to a vet for a check-up.
Prevent Litter Box Odor With Green Tea
Having a cat is great because they instinctively use the litter box, so you don't have to worry about them peeing on your floor or carpet. But, you do need to clean the litter box regularly, and sometimes it can start to smell bad if you wait too long. Fortunately, there's an easy and natural fix for that.
Just sprinkle some dry green tea leaves into it the litter box to keep it smelling fresh. It's an all-natural solution to those stinky litter box blues.
Baking Soda and Vinegar To Keep Your Cat-House Clean
When you have a cat, accidents are bound to happen. So, instead of using cleaners with harsh chemicals, you should try using all-natural ones. Baking soda and vinegar are great options. You can make a spray by mixing vinegar and water and using it to get rid of bacteria. Then, sprinkle a little baking soda on the area to remove stains and funky smells.
This tip isn't just for cat owners - anyone can use it! If you're worried about harsh chemicals in your cleaning products, give baking soda and vinegar a try. They're great for cleaning all sorts of things.
Don't Fill Up Your Cat's Food Bowl All The Way
You know those cats that are super chubby? Well, usually it's because their owners are feeding them too much. Cats are like little food vacuums, they'll eat everything in their bowl if it's there. So, if you don't want your kitty to get too hefty, try not to fill their bowl to the tippy-top every time you feed them. Plus, it's a good idea to have a set feeding schedule.
When your cat gets too chubby, it can cause a bunch of health problems, and you obviously want your furry buddy to stay healthy and happy for as long as possible.
Play With Your Cat Before Bedtime To Help His Sleep
Here's a tip that benefits both you and your furry buddy. If your cat is full of energy when it's bedtime, you'll probably end up with a playful feline jumping around your bed and keeping you up all night. To avoid this, consider having a playtime session with your cat before hitting the hay. Not only will it help strengthen your bond, but it can also reduce your stress levels.
To make sure your cat is really pooped out, try playing a game that wears them out. This way, they'll sleep like a rock and hopefully, you will too.
Keep Their Food and Water Bowls Away From Eachother
Most people keep their pet's water and food bowls right next to one another, but it turns out that this might not be the best way to arrange them. Cats don't actually like eating right next to their water source, nor do they enjoy drinking right next to their food source. Your little diva prefers that they be separate because the scent actually puts them off, according to Americat.
Plus, it's kind of gross when the food mixes with the water in the bowl, which is more likely to happen when they're placed side by side.
Air Filters Are a Must-Have For Cat Owners
Owning a cat is awesome, but it does come with some downsides like hair, odors, and allergens. To make sure you and your furry friend are breathing clean air, you should change and inspect your home's air filters regularly. This not only helps with allergies but also keeps your house smelling fresh. You can usually find air filters at your local home supply store.
And the best part? These air filters won't cost you an arm and a leg, and they're super easy to replace - it won't even take you a few minutes. Trust us, your furry friend and their delicate sense of smell will appreciate the effort.
Keep The Lights On For Your Cat
Your cat's vision is pretty impressive, but they don't have superpowers, especially not night vision. They still need a little bit of light to see what they're doing. So, it's a good idea to keep a small light on at night, even if it's just a dim one. No need to light up the whole house.
And here's another perk: keeping a bit of light on will also save you from accidentally squishing your cat while stumbling around in the dark.
Leave Their Carriers Out So They Get Used To Them
When your pets see their carrier, they might think they're going to a scary place like the vet, and nobody likes that. So, you can make things a little better for them by leaving the carrier out and open for them to explore. That way, they can get comfortable with it and maybe even learn to love it.
Leaving the cat or dog carrier out and open whenever you can is a smart move, as it helps your pets get used to them. This way, when it's time for a vet visit or trip, they'll feel more at ease and won't be as nervous.
Use A Pheromone Diffuser To Alleviate Stress
Your cat might not be able to say it, but they can release some stress signals that we humans can't usually detect. Let's say you've just brought home a new kitty, and they're still getting used to their new surroundings. Well, that can be a very stressful experience for them, and they might release some stress pheromones. Luckily, there are pheromone diffusers that you can use to help them relax. Just plug them into your wall, and they'll release some kitty facial pheromones that can do wonders for calming them down.
And the cool thing is that they don't smell at all, so you won't even notice anything different. But your furry buddy will be much happier and more relaxed.
Milk Is Actually Not Good For Cats
You might think that cats love milk, but it's not really the case. They're often lactose intolerant, which means cow's milk isn't good for their tummy. So if you want to treat some kittens, it's best to give them something else instead of milk.
Your cat doesn't really need anything fancy - just make sure they're eating healthy food and drinking enough water. But if you really want to give your kitty some milk, you can find special milk formulas for cats and kittens at pet stores.
Get Pet Insurance For Those Unexpected Expenses
To keep your furry friend healthy and happy, it's smart to consider getting them pet insurance. You never know when something might happen, and vet bills can add up quick. With pet insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing you'll be covered and won't have to break the bank for your pet's health.
Vet bills can cost a lot, sometimes as much as human bills depending on what's going on with your pet. But nowadays, it's easy to compare prices from different pet insurance companies to find a good deal.
Cats (Mostly) Land On Their Feet
Although cats are known for their ability to land on their feet, it's still important to keep an eye on them and make sure they're not jumping into risky situations. While they may land on their feet most of the time, it's not a guarantee, and a fall could result in serious injury or even paralysis.
Cats have a cool trick up their sleeves called the "righting reflex" that helps them land on their feet. It's all about their amazing balance, and it's seriously impressive!
Use Rubber Gloves To Remove Cat Hair Easily
Here's a neat trick - you know how vacuums sometimes suck at getting rid of pet hair? Well, instead, you can use a rubber glove to get rid of it. This trick works for both cats and dogs and the hair will stick to the glove like magic, so you can collect it all super quick and easy.
Some rubber gloves have little pads on them specifically for getting rid of pet hair. The cool thing is that you don't need any chemicals or special cleaners to do it, just use a little bit of water to dampen the glove and you're good to go!
Pay Attention To Hair Balls To Monitor Your Cat's Health
Sometimes cats cough up hairballs, which is normal, but if your cat seems to be doing it all the time and showing other symptoms like coughing, gagging or throwing up, then it could be a sign of a bigger problem. It's always better to err on the side of caution and take your cat to the vet if you're worried about their health.
Cats are pretty good at cleaning themselves up, and their digestive system can handle any hair that they swallow. So, if you notice your cat throwing up hairballs all the time, then something might be off.
Not All Dog Products Are For Cats, Too
Your furry pals may be close buddies, but that doesn't mean they can share everything. You should stick to using dog stuff for dogs and cat stuff for cats, like their food and toys. There are many reasons for this, such as different sizes, chemical balances, and unique physiology.
But hey, don't worry, there are plenty of products that are safe for both cats and dogs. Just make sure to read the labels before buying anything.
Make Your Cat A Basket On The Window
Check out the coolest cat hangout ever! With a window basket, your kitty can snooze in comfort and spy on the world outside. And guess what? You can totally DIY it yourself! It's super simple – just grab some brackets, plywood, a basket, and cushions. Plus, you can change the colors and patterns to match your home decor. How cool is that?
All you gotta do is put the brackets under the window, screw the plywood on top, attach the basket, and stuff it with cushions. To give it an extra touch, add some rope to make it look like it's hanging. Easy peasy!
Make Them A Cat-Io To Play Outside
Cats can wreak havoc on the environment by hunting small animals, but you can create a catio to let them enjoy the outdoors without causing any harm. The great thing about it is that you can keep it simple or go all out with shelves and toys for your furry friend to play with.
If you want to make it easy for your cat to access the catio, consider building it right outside a window. Just be sure to use a strong screen material so your furry friend can't scratch through it.
Store Cat Food in the Fridge
Just like how we keep our food fresh in the fridge, it's a good idea to do the same for your cat's food, especially if it's wet food. This way, your cat will be able to enjoy their food as fresh as possible, which is better for their health. Just be sure to take it out of the fridge in advance of mealtime since cats prefer their food at room temperature.
No need to microwave it! Just leave the food on the kitchen counter for about half an hour before feeding time. By then, the food should be at a comfortable temperature for your cat to enjoy.
Scratching Post Didn't Work? Use Cardboard Instead
Don't sweat it if your cat doesn't use a scratching post or you haven't gotten around to getting one yet. You can still save your furniture! One trick is to wrap cardboard around the legs of your couch so your cat can scratch away without harming the upholstery. Another option is to use special protective tape on the corners of your furniture.
Using either of these tricks should prevent your cat from ruining your fancy new couch with its sharp claws. Just make sure to cover the entire surface and double-check for any gaps in the material you choose.