Stupid Famous People
This is one sign that we can all get behind! It simply reads “stop making stupid people famous” and it cannot be said loud enough.
Not matter the stupid famous person you think of when you read this sign, we can all agree that there are plenty of them out there. And they all make our eyes roll. This sign also serves as a reminder that next time you come across a stupid person, whether on the internet or in real life, just don’t give them the attention that would make them famous.
This One Does The Trick
Making flyers can be hard - you’ve got a lot of information to get across, but you also want to make sure it looks good and gets people's attention. And when trying to do this during an already busy workday, one simple flyer can seem daunting.
That’s why this one person’s flyer is so genius. When their boss texted them the details of their new Happy Hour for a flyer, the employee simply printed out a large version of their texts and threw it on the wall. Well, he did what he was asked!
Current Affairs
It’s been over a year since the coronavirus shut down the entire world. It feels like forever ago and yet, as the virus is still raging on, it also seems just like yesterday.
Regardless of how long you feel like this virus has been going on, the one thing we can all agree on is that it has felt like something out of a science fiction book. That’s why this bookstore’s sign rings so true! It says, “Please note: The post-apocalyptic fiction section has been moved to Current Affairs.” Tell us about it.
Just Like A Computer
Does anyone else ever feel like they’ve got too much going on in their brains? Well, this one sign maker certainly does!
We can relate to this one too well! Especially when we get a random song stuck in our heads. Next time this happens, we’ll just have to go through a reboot.
For All The Anti-Maskers Out There
This brilliant reflective mirror sign says everything that we all wish we could say to those who are still refusing to wear masks.
There’s not much more we can say about this sign. It says it all on its own. The only thing we have left to say is, wear a mask!!!
One Bad Review Does Not a Business Make
Internet reviews can be pretty scary for small business owners. One bad review could make or break their business at times.
But instead of fearing a bad review, this particular business leans into it. In fact, this coffee shop embraced a bad review that they received with this handy chalkboard sign. Clearly, they have more faith in their coffee than that one woman. But at least they can laugh about it!
A Desperate Need for a Graphic Designer
Nothing communicates a need for a talented graphic designer like a badly designed ad for said graphic designer. Whoever was hiring a graphic designer knocked it out of the park with this sign.
However, the genius doesn’t lie in the words. It lies in the fact that the sign is literally a giant screenshot of a poorly written phrase in the most amateur design program out there: Microsoft paint. Any graphic designers who saw this sign probably had a heart attack before immediately going home to apply.
Useful Highway Signs
This next sign should win an award for cleverly making a difference in road safety. Plus, it was an ingenious use for those digital highway signs.
We’re sure any driver who drove under this sign thought twice about their current speed, even if it was just a reflex. Especially since no one can resist a good interactive sign. The sign was created to keep people from speeding in the best way.
Apple’s First Rules
This sign is hilariously accurate. It’s no secret that Apple users ignore the terms and conditions any time they come up, but this synagogue in Toronto, Canada, took this fact to the next level.
Considering that Eve eating the apple when she wasn’t supposed to was the first time someone ignored apple rules, we’d say that the sign is pretty accurate.
No Earthquakes Here
Natural disasters like earthquakes can be scary, especially for children. That’s why this sign that makes a scary scenario a little more lighthearted does just the trick at one elementary school.
In this school, one teacher created an “earthquake detection kit” in the form of a sign and taped it on the wall outside their classroom. This earthquake detector is simply a pair of googly eyes that would seemingly start bouncing around if the walls started shaking in an earthquake. This seems like a great way to ease childrens' worries!
Taking Its Own Advice
It’s always fantastic to see a sign that takes its own advice. It even makes you want to take its advice, too!
This billboard sign was warning viewers about using too much electricity. Considering that the billboard was huge and had several lights along the top so people could see it at night, it seemed a bit hypocritical. That is until you realize the sign's message that simply reads “use electricity wisely” takes up only one-fourth of the sign and it's only lit with one light instead of all of them. Well done!
So True
This sign speaks nothing but the truth. It is a simple sign stationed next to a busy road that encourages supporting local stores.
Shopping local is super important and this sign drives that point home, especially because this sign is so true! Amazon is worth billions of dollars but they aren’t the ones who sponsor teams or place ads in the local yearbook to fund it. Small businesses are so important, so treat them that way!
No Accidents Here
We are all familiar with those accident signs that some businesses have that state just how long it’s been since they had an accident in an attempt to boast about their safety.
Instead of counting the days since the last accident, the sign at this work center takes a different approach. This sign says “this work center has been accident-free since” and instead of putting the number of days in the blank space, they simply put “Joe left.” And considering we know all someone accident-prone, this sign is highly relatable.
Dogs Welcome Here
The owners of this hotel are clearly dog people, and not just because they happily welcome dogs to stay in their facility, but because of how much they seem to prefer dogs over their human companions as they make known with this sign.
Their sign even implies that dogs are invited before their human owners. We can't really argue with this sign as dogs are way better than people and we know it.
It Comes With The Job Description
This sign is particularly hilarious, especially if you have ever noticed just how bad your doctor’s handwriting is.
It’s a common saying that all doctors have bad handwriting. And while logic says that it can’t possibly be true, can you name a doctor who has good handwriting? We didn’t think so. The hilarious sign concludes with a bunch of scribbles because that’s basically what any and every doctor would write with their bad handwriting.
Coffee Time
Ordering coffee can be hard. There are so many different ways to make and order coffee that it can be downright confusing when you step up to the counter at your local coffee shop.
Thankfully, this small coffee shop put up a no-nonsense guide for ordering coffee. The guide lists different coffee beverages and the basics of what they are. For instance, they list a latte as milky coffee and a mocha as a choccy coffee. However, right in the middle is a hidden message that says, “Epstein - Didn’t kill himself!” What a hilarious way to work current events into your business!
Solve This Equation
You don’t have to like math to appreciate a good math pun. In fact, you might enjoy this sign more if you don’t like math.
The writer of this chalkboard sign simply wrote a short letter to Algebra. It reads, “Dear Algebra, please stop asking us to find your X. She’s never coming back. And don’t ask Y.” Clearly, the writer is fed up with all these algebraic equations that are always asking you to find X. And we can’t blame them! If X is so important, why doesn’t Algebra keep a better eye on her?
Don’t Call Me Stubborn
Stubbornness gets the best of all of us, but some more than others. For those of us who are slaves to our stubbornness, we always end up refuting our stubbornness which makes us appear even more stubborn. It’s a constant battle.
And that’s why this sign is so hilarious. The ad on this billboard says, “This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness.” While that might make people snicker, it’s what one person spray-painted underneath it that really drives the point home. They wrote, “No we won’t.” That’s stubbornness at its finest.
Appropriately Placed Signage
Some signs are there to make you laugh while others are there to teach you something. This particular sign had a point to make.
This supermarket sign says, “A baby is never a ‘surprise’ or ‘mistake!’ You had sex without a condom. What did you expect? ‘A plasma TV?’” It certainly makes a good point. But the best thing about this sign is the fact that it was appropriately placed right in front of the condoms they sell. Clearly, they’re dropping hints.
At Least Someone Said It
Ever since the coronavirus swept the world, keeping your distance from other people has been preached time and time again.
For introverts, this has been no problem. Introverts were already socially distancing before it became cool and will probably continue to do so even as the threat of the virus dies down. This one Texan sign cut straight to the chase when mapping out their plans for a world post-corona. The sign said, “When this virus is over, I still want some of y’all to stay away from me.”
A Cautionary Tale
Sometimes, people just have an important message that they need to get across, no matter how they do it.
This particular message was smartly taped to a bright yellow “CAUTION: WET FLOOR” sign to ensure that it would receive everyone's attention. The sign they taped onto the wet floor sign stated their message that “1 out of every 3 snakes is an assh***.” It might not be the message you were looking for, but we agree that it is certainly important to know.
Give This Man Some Help
When people stand at the edges of parking lots with a handwritten sign on the torn-off side of a cardboard box, most everyone assumes the person is homeless and in need of money.
But not this man. This man, who is standing in a Target parking lot with a cardboard sign, needs help in a much more relatable way. His sign says, “NOT homeless. Wife in Target for 2+ hours. Please help!” We’ve all been there and done that, so our hearts go out to the man in need.
Runaway Roomba
When a pet is lost, pet parents immediately spring into action, posting flyers where any and everyone can see it in hopes of getting their pet back safe and sound.
But what about when someone loses their Roomba? This couple took the same approach to hunt down their runaway Roomba, Higgins, as they would a lost pet. Their flyer reads, “My husband left our bungalow door open and our Roomba escaped!!! We followed his cleaning track for 4 km down to the beach where we lost his trail. Higgins can not swim!!! Please help us to bring Higgins back!”
Police Dogs
The best signs are the ones that pose a philosophical problem and really make you think. Sometimes, they can even turn your whole worldview upside down.
This business’s sign does just that. The question they pose really makes you think. And while it’s not bringing about world peace, it’s still just as intriguing. This sign says, “Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, ‘oh no, it’s a cop?’” It's definitely something to keep in mind next time you and your pup pass a canine officer.
Beards or Mullets?
One of the biggest debates is that of which direction to feed the toilet paper when you place it on the holder. The answer is hotly debated and everyone seems to have a different preference. But which way is the correct way?
This sign gives you a handy way to remember which way to turn the roll the next time you replace the toilet paper in your bathroom. This sign states that you should feed the roll to the front, not the back, because “beards are cool. Mullets are bad.” We can’t complain about this logic.
Don’t Mess With This Zoo
We feel like there’s a story behind this sign at an Indian zoo and we’re dying to know what it is. We guess one too many people tried to rile up the snakes and crocodiles in the exhibits.
The sign says, “Zoo Rules: those who throw objects/stones at the crocodiles/snakes will be asked to retrieve them.” Who’s throwing rocks at scary animals such as these? We have no idea. But we want to know why. And if that doesn’t deter them from messing with these animals, then we don’t know what will.
Time To Start Pushing
Sometimes signs are necessary to communicate instructions. Just like signs that instruct you to pull a door to open it, this particular sign tells you that you need to push this door to enter.
However, the real irony of this sign is the fact that the door is leading to the maternity ward where everyone inside is really instructed to push. No wonder the signs that say “Push. Push! PUSH!” are so heartfelt. We have to admit, this sign is pretty clever.
No Velociraptors Here… Anymore
We’d feel safe in saying that most people can go to work without fearing a velociraptor attack. Considering dinosaurs have been extinct for about 65 million years, you can probably go almost anywhere without this issue.
However, this one workplace had to have a sign stating this fact. It says, “This is a velociraptor-free workplace.” It also stated that it had been only six days since its last velociraptor-related incident. More hilariously, they taped a picture of their coworker with a note that said “we miss you Pete.” We don’t know exactly what happened here, but now we have to know. Poor Pete.
These Hilarious Lost and Found Posters Will Make Your Day
Long Lost Librarian Love With Wings
There’s no greater feeling than meeting someone new and completely getting your socks blown off. In this case, that someone turned out to be a pigeon. What could’ve been a lifelong, fiery love affair, turned out to be short-lived as the pigeon flew away after just five minutes, leaving the man with a broken heart? Clearly, the feeling wasn’t mutual and now the rejection has pushed the man to put signs out in the hope to find his long-lost feathered companion.
There’s no greater feeling than meeting someone new and completely getting your socks blown off. In this case, that someone turned out to be a pigeon. What could’ve been a lifelong, fiery love affair, turned out to be short-lived as the pigeon flew away after just five minutes, leaving the man with a broken heart? Clearly, the feeling wasn’t mutual and now the rejection has pushed the man to put signs out in the hope to find his long-lost feathered companion.
It was said that their introduction happened under a tree close to the library which is where the man was sitting, waiting patiently for a lover to come to sweep him off his feet. Unfortunately, this lover had feathers that are used to escape the fickle claws of love.
He’s Not Missing, He Is Mine
The devastation of losing a dog is unbearable to those who truly love their fur babies. This person, however, found a missing dog even before any posters were made about the dog being missing in the first place. We do feel that the devastation of losing their most loyal companion was outweighed by the joy of this person finding him.
We cannot help but feel happy for this little guy, that he now has a new best friend. Must be one super amazing dog with loads of swag to land himself a new home and have someone go out of their way with these posters when it's usually the other way around. This guy means business and we wish them well in their new life together.
The Dumbest Dog on Earth Called Eric
Eric, the world’s dumbest dog has gone missing and his owners couldn't care less. They probably had enough of looking into his frying-pan-looking face and unneutered manhood. They would love nothing more than just sell the big bin that the poster is stuck on.
Money is running at an all-time low and they're probably in need of some junk food to satisfy their late-night food cravings. With for an email address, we can only assume that Eric’s owners are not so serious. We don't judge, we're just hoping Eric gets neutered before his goodies get him into trouble.
The Saddest Chicken Found on The Happiest Day
Fridays generally bind the world together in celebration of the weekend. It's seldom that a sad face rocks up at your house, let alone the face of a chicken. No, we don't mean your cowardice friend. We mean an actual real-life chicken.
This chicken seemed to be so emotional that its facial expressions spoke poetry, forcing the woman whose apartment the chicken rocked up at, to put out signs in the desperate hope to find the original owners. The chicken probably heard about all the vegan movements happening around the world and hit a serious depression when its owners wanted to eat her.
After Many Years Lionel Richie Still Serenades the Loneliest Among Us
It's not what you want, but how badly you want it. From dream jobs to adventurous partners, new homes, and new travel destinations. In this case, it's a winning Lionel Richie poster that speaks to the masses. The words to one of the world’s most popular songs are typed out at the bottom and you can tear a piece off in old-fashioned advert style.
The creator of this poster deserves a prize for its level of creativity and all the laughter that came with it. The chorus to this song must’ve been used in over a million punchlines across the globe but to have made the effort to print this poster, and have it stuck in a public area just for giggles, is priceless. Lionel would be proud.
Real Life Ninja Turtles and the Poster to Prove It
The debate can finally rest, turtles and nunchucks have been found, proving to the world just how safe we are against the forces of evil. Word on the street is that Master Splinter has died due to old age, but the legacy lives on. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are flying the flag high for mutant species across the sewage lines of America, blowing their cover in the name of truth and protection of mankind.
We all know how busy they are eating pizza and fighting crime and then in the midst of it all, one drops his nunchucks. Not quite the statement they wanted to come out with but a statement nonetheless. Thank you turtles. Now, where is April to report all this?
Losing Your Mind Might Not Be So Bad
Many people fear losing their minds to the point of no return, but have you ever really thought about it? When there is no mind, there is no questioning of sanity because there's no mind to do the questioning. The person who made this poster has most likely found ultimate freedom resulting in ultimate confidence, which in question, could lead to world peace as there would be no one to steal money or go to war with.
Surely there is bliss to be found in losing one's mind?. Whoever made this poster has found nirvana and as the poster states, the missing brain is not wanted back. This might also be because he doesn’t have the brain to realize that he needs it back. Either way, his brain-dead permanent holiday seems to be working for him.
Wet Cat Goes Missing And Turns Into Possum
As much as we love our furry friends, some animals are just better left wild. Our need to domesticate animals is getting out of hand, which is why we aren't sure if this cat is a normal house cat or just a wild cat that fell into the water.
What we do know is that the poor (wet) cat in the poster seems to be turning into a raging possum. Whatever it is, the owner is looking for her so if spotted, please return her using caution. They take no responsibility for any violent episodes.
The Majestically Fluffy Barking Cheese Addict
There is no better way to draw attention to your dog than through a MISSING poster. The play on peoples' emotions is rather evil, yet genius, it all depends on how you look at it. Someone took the time to make a poster about their cheese-addicted, majestically wild-haired, slightly temperamental dog, for all the wrong reasons.
Instead of the dog being missing, which is why you keep reading the sign, they opted for an attention-seeking scam to show off their scruffy mutt. We still can’t figure out if this is hilarious or annoying but the dog looks cute, so we’ll take it. Now can someone please bathe the poor thing?
Harry Is Hairy, Now Hurry!
Harry the pet fly has gone missing and the reward seems to have done the trick. We feel kinda sorry for the people who think this is serious. For the rest, it’s good to see people still have a sense of humor these days. By the looks of it, many have been curious about the outcome of this poster.
We do however feel that if it was someones missing a pet, no matter how big or small, we would be right in front of this search party, screaming out loud for Harry the hairy fly to make his safe return home.
Unicorn Exposes Drug Users at Office
We all know how serious the workplace can be. It’s a place filled with rules and deadlines and co-workers from hell who try to expose you for every second you walk in to work late. The unspoken competition that causes many people sleepless nights is highly unnecessary, so we take our hat off to the person who created this sign about the missing unicorn.
We are sure it brought about laughter and eased any unwanted tension. Not only that, but the drug users were probably all related and made some new friendships as they spotted each other laughing at different levels of intensity. Like the saying goes “birds of a feather flock together”.
No Reward for Missing Daisy
As much as we wish we could find and keep poor Daisy, the owners make us slightly scared of ever becoming her new owners. We can deal with her biting the blonde children as well as being angry with the world, but we don't want to get into politics when we get home after a long day’s work, especially with a sweet little poodle who hates the new Pope.
Also, to be fair, after Covid we could all do with some extra cash so a reward would've been nice. Couldn't they at least lie about the reward? They say dogs represent their owners to the point where they look like them, Daisy being oily has us wondering about the personal hygiene in that house. Perhaps Daisy is just out looking for some shampoo.
Ryan Gosling or Something Close, Thank You
Ryan Gosling found this poster and personally called the girl to ask her out on a date, which is what would have been the perfect ending to this romance novel. But this is not a romance novel neither is it the end, with only one tiny piece of paper torn off the bottom of the sign, this woman's quest has only just begun.
We wish her well on her journey to find true love in the form of Ryan Gosling because that is a pretty high-set bar, but you just never know these days, maybe Mr.Right is out there, looking for her too.
Babysitter Claims to Be Reincarnation of Bowie
Anyone who uses David Bowie’s face for their babysitting services is a hero in our eyes. What greater form of entertainment will you ever find to keep your little bundle of joy entertained? Jareth G. King has great taste in music and loves children. The professional manner in which he deals with relationships is well explained as a magic dance which is how all relationships should be dealt with, especially when it comes to kids.
He also lives in a castle. We do hope this means there's a jumping castle? Anyway, Jareth has been offering his services for 35 years with no takers. We wonder why? It can only be due to the 13 hour time period in which he babysits before he steals your child’s soul but that’s just speculation.