If you’re feeling overwhelmed due to the drudgery of mundane life, perspective can help you see things from a new angle. Here’s a refreshing look at how things can transform when you look at them from the right perspective. We hope this will get you out of your funk and help you see things in a new light!
Megalodon VS. A Great White: Who Would Win?
You may have heard about Megalodons, the now-extinct sharks that were known to be absolutely ginormous. It’s hard to picture just how giant these sharks were, so we have a comparison for you. This picture shows a great white shark within the jaws of a megalodon shark.
Apart from showing us just how huge the megalodons were this picture also confirms that the ocean is a terrifying place filled with unimaginable horrors. Imagine running into one of these big boys while enjoying a pleasant day in the water! We just hope there aren’t any bigger marine beasts for us to discover in the depths of the ocean.
You’re Never Too Big or Too Small for Something
This one’s for the people who’re convinced that they’re either too big or too small for something. Well, this picture proves that your size doesn’t dictate the talent and skill you have. There are no size restrictions on how capable you can be at a job.
Here’s a great example of two cops who couldn’t be more different when it comes to their stature. Despite that, both of them are successfully doing the same job and we’re sure they’re great at it too.
Yellow or Green, You Decide
We love a good illusion that reminds us that reality can easily be warped by tricking our senses. Here’s a neat trick, which color do you think the liquid in the buckets is? If you think these are two different colored liquids, you might want to think again.
In reality, this is the same colored liquid poured into a white and blue bucket. Due to the light reflecting off of the blue bucket and the translucency of the liquid, it looks green instead of its original color. If you remember anything about the color wheel, you’d know the original liquid is, in fact, yellow.
Bananas Before And After Domestication
Bananas are sweet, nutritious, and convenient snacks. But there was once a time when they were completely inedible. The picture shows a comparison between a banana before domestication and a modern-day banana that we eat every day.
Undomesticated bananas couldn’t be consumed due to the large black seeds inside them. Over years of breeding and careful selection, bananas have turned into a delicious snack fit for human consumption. Let’s hope our beloved breed of bananas doesn’t get attacked by a pathogen that ruins them for good.
The Duality of New York City
As one of the most bustling metropolises in the world, New York City is a place full of diversity and contradictions. This picture sheds light on the duality of the city which is both a concrete jungle and a natural wonder.
We all know about Central Park, but it’s hard to imagine that this natural oasis lies in the middle of a city jam-packed with people and skyscrapers. If we didn’t know any better, we’d think this picture was edited. In reality, it’s just good old NYC on a calm autumn morning.
Excellence Doesn’t Have a Size
Pictured here are two of the most famous modern-day Olympians out there. On the right, we have Simone Biles, our gymnast queen and on the left stands David Lee, the famous volleyball star. The size difference between them is palpable but there’s no difference in their talent.
Both these athletes are the absolute best at their respective sports. What does that teach us? We think it proves that whether you’re short or tall, big or small, there’s something out there that’s made for you. Just experiment and explore to find a niche you can master.
Realistic Vs. Unrealistic Body Standards
Today, we have social media to mess with women’s self-esteem with unrealistic beauty standards and trends that we simply can’t keep up with. But it all goes back to the thin and trim Barbie who had a figure that no woman can ever hope to achieve without some medical help.
Not to mention, all Barbie dolls were super-tanned white women with bleach-blonde hair AKA, the ultimate beauty standard. This comparison of the unrealistic Barbie with a doll made according to realistic female proportions is startling, to say the least. All thanks to the designer Nickolay Lamm who created the comparatively realistic Barbie for us.
A Walk to Remember
Meet Christophe Rehage, the man who decided to walk from China to Germany. Thankfully, Rehage documented his whole journey and blogged the whole way to his native land Germany. On the left, we can Rehage before he started the journey and on the right is him one year into the mission.
It’s clear that Rehage didn’t get a shave or a haircut during the whole time. There’s a lot to learn from this traveler’s extreme goals. Sometimes the road not taken is the one worth exploring. Godspeed to Rehage and others exploring the world in pursuit of happiness.
Prague 110 Years Apart
While there are several reasons to visit Europe, many tourists are mainly attracted to the old-school neighborhoods in the region. Let’s just take the city of Prague for example. We know that a lot of European regions have held on to their roots and Prague is no different.
However, this stunning comparison just drives home the fact that Prague hasn’t changed at all in at least 110 years. Sure, there’s a streetlight or two and a bit more development but the essence of the city remains the same.
Anime Vs. Real Life
As weebs will tell you, anime is a gift that keeps on giving. One of the main features of a lot of anime is the intense detail they put into the background drawings. A great example of that is Hayao Miyazaki’s work in Studio Ghibli movies.
Have we mentioned that these are usually hand-drawn too? Just take a look at this comparison which shows how amazingly close to the real thing this anime background is. Next time you’re watching anime, don’t forget to pay attention to the backgrounds!
Color Us Curious
As it turns out, a bird’s eye view doesn’t just mean having a top-down view of something. This picture shows us just what a bird’s eye view looks like. Apparently, birds can see way more colors than humans. They can even perceive UV light and the colors they emit.
Meanwhile, just like the picture on the left, humans simply see a black bird. We wonder how glorious and colorful the world looks from the perspective of birds. Even things that look dull and dark to us may hide a vibrant side. There’s a lesson in there somewhere!
Windex From the Past
Here’s a picture that just proves that they don’t make them like they used to anymore! This woman preserved her bottle of Windex from 1979. Yes, the bottle you’re looking at has been around since the last century and survived it too.
Who knew the concept of single-use plastics was such a scam? Here’s proof that you can use your plastics over and over again, as long as you’re not consuming anything coming out of them. We can all learn something from this to reduce our plastic waste in the long run.
Like Father Like Son
Ever seen a man reincarnated as his son? Well, here’s an example of how the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. On the top is the original picture of his father and on the bottom, we have the picture this man recreated 38 years later. Apart from the camera quality and the t-shirt, we dare you to spot the difference.
We wonder if his old man looks at him and thinks he’s a doppelganger because the resemblance is simply uncanny. All in all, this is a heartwarming picture that probably made the father feel really proud for creating a clone of himself.
They Grow Up So Fast
Meet the heaviest bony fish that we know of, the sunfish. Named after their ginormous size and their love for catching some sun by floating on the surface of the ocean. Sunfish is arguably one of the most interesting marine creatures known to man.
Here’s another intriguing fact about them, they’re impossibly tiny when they’re born. Just take a look at how small sunfish babies are. They can fit in the palm of your hand! But these little fish grow into beastly proportions.
How Hong Kong Has Changed
Your life may seem like it's moving at a snail’s pace but time can be deceptive. Many little changes are happening every day that amount to a huge difference over time. Just take a look at this comparison of Hong Kong 80 years apart.
Once a hilly area with nothing going on for it, Hong Kong is now one of the biggest cities and ports in the world. The landscape of the city has changed entirely and all of this took place within a human’s lifetime i.e. 80 years.
Let the Bamboo Be
Here’s a startling picture of an untouched piece of bamboo that has escaped the machinations of humankind. While the other bamboo stalks have been defiled by graffiti and all sorts of tampering, this one stands undefeated.
This is what the entire forest could look like if the tourists left the poor bamboo alone. Apart from any philosophical meaning you derive from this picture, you should definitely take away the lesson of respecting nature. It’s about time humans learn to leave things as they are and let nature take care of the rest.
Gold VS. Silver
We’ve heard how good things come in small packages. Something that looks worthless and diminutive from the outside could hold a lot of value. Just take this small gold biscuit for example. Can you believe that it holds the same value as those giant blocks of silver?
Well, what we have here are blocks of gold and silver worth $5,000. Even though silver may look large and impressive, it can possibly never reach the value of gold. The lesson here has to be that you truly can’t judge a book by its cover.
The Planet-Hood of Pluto
For some people, removing Pluto from the list of our beloved nine planets was an affront to humanity. Since then, there have been many movements to get Pluto recognized again. This includes countless memes about Pluto and its worth.
Here’s a bit more perspective on why Pluto might have lost its planet privileges. This picture shows the planet as compared to Australia. To be fair, if one continent on Earth is bigger than Pluto then we can see why it doesn’t classify as a planet now.
The Joys of Pregnancy
It’s a well-established fact that pregnancy is no child’s play. One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is swelling. And we’re not talking about some harmless swelling, pregnant women report enormous amounts of swelling especially in their feet.
Just take a look at the before and after picture of a pregnant woman’s foot. It’s clear to see that her whole calf seems to be inflated. We can’t even imagine how hard it must be to waddle around with this much swelling. All we can say is, we have a newfound respect for all the pregnant ladies and mothers out there!
Accurate Marketing
You know a brand has hit the nail on the head when the target audience looks exactly like their promotional material. Here’s an example of this dog food company and its furry customer. We can’t spot the difference between them, can you? Even their pose is the same!
It’s like this handsome boy modeled for the company. This makes us wonder how amazing it would be if they started creating customized dog food. A lovely thought for sure but the owners better feed the poor dog because he looks pretty hungry and confused.
The Gerber Baby Grew Up
This old lady is one of the most famous faces in the world. Yes, you’re looking at the original Gerber baby! Meet Ann Turner Cook, the baby featured on all your favorite Gerber products. In fact, she’s still present on all of Gerber’s products to this day.
Cook is now 94 years old, far from being a baby but still as gorgeous as ever. This picture fills us with a ton of weird nostalgia, like looking at your favorite child stars growing old. It’s cool but it makes us feel like we have time traveled into the future.
Genetics, Baby!
Not only do we pass on our habits but also our physical traits and diseases through our genetics. You don’t realize how similar people's blood relations can look until you make comparisons like these. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of a girl and her late, late ancestor.
We’re not sure if this is her grandmother or great, great grandmother but it’s safe to say that she looks exactly the same as her. Even though we know it’s just basic genetics, it’s still a little spooky to see an old lady in some picture reincarnated fully as a young woman.
Still Together
Let this heartwarming picture motivate you to find everlasting love of your own. This couple recreated their wedding portrait 60 years later. We can’t even fathom the concept of six decades of togetherness but these adorable lovebirds made it happen.
And they seem happier than ever, even after being together for six decades. Someone’s got to reach out to them and discover the secret to their happy marriage. We’re guessing the secret is putting in tons of love, a whole lot of work, and being goofy together!
Barcelona in the Day Vs. At Night
Sometimes all you need is a different perspective to appreciate the beauty in simple things. Here’s an aerial view of Barcelona taken 12 hours apart. The city looks so harmless in the daytime but turns into a sci-fi dream at night.
Who knew Barcelona looked so interesting from up above? It’s hard to notice all this when you’re on the streets of the city. Kudos to the photographer who took these stunning shots and showed us a new side of Barcelona that we were missing.
Record-Breaking Limo: Then Vs. Now
Aptly named The American Dream, this 100+ foot long Cadillac is the Guinness record holder for the longest limousine in the world. The vehicle contained a whole Jacuzzi, two engines, and many TV Screens. In short, it was the height of luxury back in 1986.
Today, this same limo is wasting away in someone’s backyard much like the American dream itself. This is a lesson in how the biggest, flashiest things often lack utility and usefulness. Fortunately, this long limo has now been purchased by a collector who might refurbish it to display this relic in a museum.
Things Can Always Be Worse
Think you’ve got an impossibly tough job? Well, it can’t be as hard as being a basketball player on El Salvador's women's basketball team. Here’s their national women’s basketball team standing beside United States’ basketball team.
As you can see, it wouldn’t be a fair fight. We know size doesn’t matter but basketball may be one of those sports in which height and stature do make a difference. Despite their size disparity, El Salvador’s team is definitely talented and that’s why they’ve made it this far! Remember, sometimes supporting the underdogs works in your favor.
Five Generations, One Photo
It’s hard for us to quantify time as we slowly move through each day and the challenges it brings us. But when you take a step back and look at your life, you’ll realize how quickly time has passed by. Here’s a picture that makes us feel that way.
An image that shows five generations of hands together. So, this picture has the hands of a child, their mother, their grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother. That’s impressive, to say the least!
The Painting Came to Life
This is “The Broken Pitcher”, a painting made by William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1891. Bouguereau is a famous French painter whose work has been displayed in museums all over the world. This popular work depicts the coming-of-age story of a young girl.
Today, this painting resides in a museum where a woman discovered it and realized she’s the doppelganger of the girl made by Bouguereau! Surely, this warrants an in-depth investigation and a Netflix documentary or two. We have too many questions!
Baby-Faced Stranger
Some people have said that beards are just as deceptive as makeup. If you don’t think that notion holds merit, you might want to look at this comparison. While this guy looks handsome either way, the beard makes him look ten times older and more mature.
We couldn’t have guessed that this guy was hiding a baby face underneath that neat beard. In fact, we’re not sure if it’s the same person! Do the people in his life even recognize him anymore? This might be the secret to anti-aging for men.
North America Vs. Jupiter
North America is a giant continent that takes up a huge part of our world. But remember, we’re simply floating on a tiny rock in an ever-expanding universe. Here’s a comparison to make you feel a bit insignificant.
This is North America compared to Jupiter. Clearly, there’s no comparison between the two. The gas giant is way bigger than the Earth itself, let alone North America. It just makes you wonder how minuscule we are as compared to the ginormous heavenly bodies and planets we’re surrounded by.
Man Vs. Wild
It’s terrifying to think how wild animals outweigh humans. We like to think we could beat them in a fight but the incredible size difference already puts us at a disadvantage. Take a look at this comparison of a human hand vs. a polar bear claw.
Polar bears happen to be the largest species of bears that walk the Earth. You might have seen them n pictures but it’s impossible to understand just how giant they are unless you see one up close. Although this picture does a good enough job of driving the point home. Maybe you shouldn’t be looking for any polar bears or bears in general, it’s in your best interests.
The Biggest Good Boy
Not sure if this car is tiny or the dog is too big? The answer is both. This blue hatchback may be tiny but this Irish wolfhound towers way above any dog we’ve ever seen. In fact, Irish wolfhounds are known to be the tallest dog breeds out there.
Honestly, the dog may be taller and bigger than your toddler but he still looks like a good boy. We are a bit intimidated but we want nothing more than to pet him!
Galaxies in Our Eyes
There’s just something about stars, galaxies, and nebulae that simply captivates the eyes. Well, maybe our eyes aren’t too different from the stunning galaxies we observe thousands of light years away. Here’s a look at how similar the human eye is to a galaxy.
We see a lot of repeating patterns in nature but nothing is as startling as this one. This truly makes us wonder how nature embodies organized chaos. There are many recurring coincidences to discover if you’re curious enough to look for them!
Unlimited Guacamole Anyone?
You know how you have to keep peeling one avocado after another to make enough guacamole to feed everyone? What if we told you that Cuban avocados could make your life a lot easier? Just take a look at how ginormous they are in comparison to your regular Hass avocados.
There’s no wonder Cubans love their avocados. Since it’s so readily available, a lot of Cuban salads use avocado as the base. On the other hand, in some countries, even small Hass avocados are hard to come by and cost more than a whole meal.
The Other Side of Town
Here’s a look at how class divide can coexist with each other. This picture taken in South Africa shows how a single road separates two very different parts of a city. One side looks like your wealthy suburbanite’s dream.
On the other side, we see smaller homes and settlements that lack the manicured gardens and posh look. This puts the statement “other side of town” into real perspective. The people from both these neighborhoods may rib shoulders and work together but at the end of the day, they return to vastly different lives.
A Dog's Perspective
It’s a commonly circulated myth that dogs can only see in black and white. We don’t know how scientists figured this out but there seems to be a consensus that dogs can see muted colors. On top of that, their vision is also a bit blurry as you can see in the picture on the right.
However, dogs also have an amplified sense of smell and hearing that makes them way more perceptive than humans. Your dog can probably smell whatever you ate last and hear you pattering around upstairs. That’s exactly why they’re so amazing at protecting and supporting us!
Tattoos That Warm Our Heart
A condition like Vitiligo can be life-altering due to societal pressure and perceptions of people. That’s why this picture of a woman completely owning her vitiligo is so heartwarming. Instead of hiding it away, she created a stunning galaxy out of it.
We haven’t seen a better example of self-love and acceptance. This is just a reminder for everyone struggling with hate and judgment – the only person you need to please is you. The best way to defeat the haters is to thrive and be happy in your life!
Natural Boat
If you think this girl is sitting on a boat fashioned after a water lily, think again. This is a Victoria water lily that can grow as big as three meters wide. It can even hold the weight of a small child while staying afloat.
You might have seen frogs riding smaller water lilies but who knew they could hold humans too? Just stack some on top of each other and let your kids test the waters. We’re sure this little girl feels like a Disney princess!
Star Trek Stars Then and Now
Old movie franchises often struggle with telling the same story in new ways to appeal to their newer audience while keeping their old, more dedicated fan base. That’s the dilemma Star Trek went through when they tried to change the old cast in the new productions.
After some initial friction from the fans, Star Trek finally managed to bring the movies back for a new generation. This picture shows you just how different the main characters look as compared to their original depictions.
Distant Cousins
It’s impossible to ignore the merit of evolution as a theory when you look at the similarities between chimpanzees and humans. Here’s a comparison between the finger of a human and a chimpanzee. You can’t tell us they don’t look similar!
Apparently, Chimps may be the closest genetic relatives of humans. This should remind us of how humans are closely related to the animal kingdom. Beyond serving humankind, we also have the responsibility of protecting other species of animals and plants and the ecosystems that are essential to life.