However, this is not always the case. A cruise should be a pleasant and relaxing experience. A Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association overview of the cruise industry projects that in 2018, 27.2 million passengers will sail on cruise ships that are members of the FCCA and Cruise Lines International Association. Due to the large number of passengers who board cruise ships each year, it is reasonable to anticipate that accidents will occur. The following are a selection of the internet's most bizarre stories.
Discretion Is a Must
A cruise may appear to be the ideal vacation destination because it allows you to relax, watch your children run amok, and indulge in as much food as you desire. However, if you are considering going to sea, the crew members of cruise ships recommend that you reconsider this decision.
Even though being cut off from the outside world may seem like a welcome break while at sea, couples who start leading separate lives may find themselves in conflict as a result. A former member of the crew commented that the rule was "sort of like a don't-ask-don't-tell policy."
There Is Such a Thing as Spending Too Much Time Together
Because they spend so much time together, the members of the crew frequently become close with one another and consider their colleagues to be members of their family. It is not surprising that they would start to form such strong bonds with one another and look to one another for comfort.
The following is what one worker had to say about his experience: "Even though I am a shy guy with an average appearance, I have hooked up with seven different people. This new life may be preferable to living on the land for some people." One person explained that a cruise is "really just one big thrill-fest" in their words.
No Room for Much Fun
The members of the crew need to find ways to enliven their time spent in the same place because staying put for an extended period can become somewhat monotonous. After that, they talk about different creative ways to play practical jokes, and one of them admits, "One of my favorites was saying to another crew member, while we were in a passenger area, "Meet you in the bowling alley tonight!"
They would wait for the comment cards to come in asking, "Why does the crew get a bowling alley when we don't?" when there isn't a bowling alley available. Even though some of the guests are unpleasant, the staff still enjoys having them around.
To Talk or To Gossip, The Question Is How Loud
The boat may appear large to a passenger eager to board it, but because the cabin walls are so thin, there is not the amount of privacy you might expect. Crew members on ships occasionally get more than they bargained for with their neighbors, from the smallest whisper to passengers feeling like they can let off steam in their rooms.
Therefore, anyone thinking about taking a cruise should keep in mind that being on board does not provide the same level of privacy and comfort as being at home. People are there to have fun, not to listen to you have fun, so the walls are thin, but their patience may be even thinner. Be careful!
Real Life Pirates
When pirates are portrayed on film, they can provide us with hours of entertainment, but when they are actually at sea, they are not something to make light of. They are still a very real phenomenon, as evidenced by the fact that pirates attacked cruise ships all over the world in 2009.
Pirate groups operating on the high seas are responsible for the destruction of over 200 ships and the theft of 35 million dollars worth of goods and cash. As a result, cruise ships have stocked up on massive water cannons in preparation for the possibility that they will encounter trespassers.
Asking Too Much
Given the large number of passengers that board cruise ships every year, it is not uncommon for members of the crew to be presented with some unusual and peculiar requests. Could you make some towel animals that adults could use? If you need some suggestions, talk to some young families.
One of the crew members who worked as a maid on a cruise ship stated that they specifically want naughty animals. I am sorry to say that I am unable to fulfill your request in this regard. Even though everyone appreciates a good story and a sense of humor, there are times when those things are taken to an extreme that people can't even begin to comprehend.
The Smells Are Usually Not That Pleasant
In 2013, a fire broke out in the engine room of the Carnival Triumph, which triggered an emergency aboard the ship. Because the passengers were forced to set up a tent city after being stranded in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, sewage began to accumulate all around the ship. This was a direct consequence of the situation.
Because there was growing concern that a virus would spread throughout the ship, the passengers were made to wait for their rescue in this area until they were rescued. Hygiene on board is taken very seriously, and as a result, this has become the top priority. This is the case regardless of how clean it may appear.
Getting Sick Is a Big Problem
To ensure the health and safety of all passengers, a worker who becomes ill may be required to remain in isolation for up to seven days if the illness spreads. On a cruise ship where you are responsible for your activities, who among us would want to spend time there? In most cases, passengers should avoid bringing any illness onto the plane.
Because of the close quarters on board, the member of the crew has been given strict instructions to maintain a healthy distance from the other passengers to prevent the spread of disease. Because the crew would rather be safe than sorry if one of the passengers became ill while they were on board, they take this health precaution very seriously.
Gossip Has Financial Consequences
Because the management places a high value on your opinion of the vessel, they will ask you to fill out a survey once you have returned from your trip. They value your feedback because it enables them to identify areas in which they can strengthen their performance.
Aware of the potential fallout that could result from your comments regarding a particular member of the crew. Do not simply list anyone's name on your feedback card; the comments you make, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, could lead to either a promotion or a demotion.
All Kids Onboard?
In the worst possible scenario, if something were to happen to their child while they were on board the ship, the parents would be held fully responsible for the incident. Only surviving spouses are eligible for rehabilitation under the terms of the 1920 Death on the High Seas Act; children are not included in this category.
It is best to keep an eye on your children and any potential dangers because the ship is not responsible for them getting hurt, even if it was due to the negligence of someone or something on board. Therefore, it is best to keep an eye on your children at all times.
You Use It – You Pay for It
Although employees receive free accommodations on the cruise ship and necessities, life on board is not entirely affluent. They receive assistance to make their daily lives more manageable, but they must pay for necessities like drinking water, toilet paper, and prolonged internet access.
"Wi-Fi was $10 for 100 minutes of unrestricted use or $5 per day for access to 24 hours of limited social media apps. I paid way too much for the terrible Wi-Fi. But generally speaking, nothing is free, and you can see indicators that specifically state this. Don't you think that's TANSTAAFL in its most basic form?
Have You Heard of The Cruise Ship War Room?
It was found out that cruise ships have their very own "war room" on board, which operates very similarly to how the government handles emergencies. This room's primary purpose is to serve as a gathering spot for management so that they can discuss and plot out how to respond to unexpected occurrences or urgent circumstances in which passengers may be in danger.
As a result, it functions more as a "safety center" that, as a result of recent developments in cutting-edge technology, will be helpful in the event of an emergency. Because of this, the people currently on board can have peace of mind, as they are in capable hands.
Living The Human Experience
Employees on cruise ships record what goes on around them in the same way that we might find it amusing to record the antics of a passerby on the street. They are welcomed by new passengers and new situations, which can, at the best times, provide some great entertainment because their daily lives can become quite monotonous.
It was essentially the same comedy of errors every day of the week, with a different "cast" of passengers every week, a cruise ship employee admitted. Since meeting new people is a natural part of the job, you essentially need to like people to do it. If you want to enjoy this line of work, you must get your energy filled with each interaction.
Always Keep Things Fresh
Appearance is very important while on board a cruise ship. Keeping things impressive for the passengers in terms of cleanliness and appearance is extremely important, and one surefire way to accomplish this is to place fruit that has been wonderfully carved on the buffet.
It should be brought to your attention, however, that the fruit that is used for display is also the same fruit that is served at meals, even several days later. Because there is no access to fresh food during the entire time the boat is out at sea, the food that is on board must be recycled. This is why this is the case.
No Alarms and No Surprises
Even the best chefs working on board are required to follow the directive that every dish must contain a trace amount of the top-secret ingredient. They have not been put to the test of their abilities; rather, they have been instructed to incorporate this into their delicacies to speed up digestion.
In most cases, additional fat is added, which, due to its wonderful laxative effects, is done. It is possible that hearing this before consuming one of your meals is not the best idea, but the information is provided so that the ship's plumbing can run more smoothly.
Look But Don’t Touch
The employees can watch the guests enjoy the delicacies they have prepared, but they are not permitted to taste them themselves. The members of the cabin crew are not given access to the same variety of food, but they are permitted to take whatever is uneaten after everyone else.
Others claim that they are being treated like stray animals and are only given scraps or pieces of food meant for the trash, whereas some members are grateful for the offering and take the food back to their cabins. Others claim that they are only given scraps or pieces of food meant for the trash.
No Way to Run From Death
Even though it might not be the best idea to let passengers know about it, every cruise ship has a morgue because cruise lines want to be prepared for anything that might occur while the ships are at sea. Approximately 200 passengers per year pass away while traveling via cruise ship.
The vast majority of them are senior citizens who have merely lived out their best years. The good news is that this does not imply that boarding a ship is dangerous or that you are putting your life in danger; rather, it is just a matter of unfortunate timing.
Fast Food Is a Thing
A dirty little secret has been outed, and the revelation was made by John Primeau, the spokesperson for Holland America, during an appearance on CNN. The high number of calories that are contained in the typical meal served on a cruise, as stated by Primeau, will cause the average passenger to gain one pound per day.
Because there is a limit on fresh food toward the end of the voyage, a significant portion of the food that was served earlier in the week has to be recycled in its place. This gives the impression that the buffet is always well stocked.
Missing You Ship Departure Will Leave You Stranded
When the ship pulls into port for the day, you are free to spend as much or as little time as you like enjoying the ship's facilities, as well as the surrounding natural beauty. The cruise does provide its passengers with a schedule that they can follow to ensure that they do not miss the ship coming back into port before continuing to the next destination.
Because there is a fee assessed to ships that leave earlier than scheduled, guests are typically required to return to the vessel around five o'clock in the afternoon. This is because of the fee. If you are unable to make it, you will most likely become stranded and be required to make preparations for a journey back to the ship. No one can truly evade the march of time, is that correct?
Different Social Rules Apply Onboard
Even though they may be at sea, societies at sea may still be plagued by the same issues that plague societies on land. It has been observed that crew members of the same ethnicity tend to confide in only one another and exclude anyone whom they perceive to be different from themselves.
In addition to this, it is not uncommon for people of specific ethnic groups to be tasked with the responsibility of supervising a certain activity. For example, a member of the staff stated that the Indian crew members were in charge of the food, and the Filipino gang was in charge of the alcoholic beverages.
Comfort Is Very Important on A Cruise Ship
When people are in such proximity on a cruise ship, it doesn't take long for them to start feeling more than at ease with their surroundings and the people around them. People have even admitted that once the ship has sailed out of port, they are better able to relax and be themselves without fear of judgment.
They don't have to worry about being judged by anyone they know, so they can freely investigate their tendencies. Those individuals who consider themselves to be "straight by land" and who keep their sexual orientation a secret often choose to go on cruises because they provide a level of comfort that is superior to what they would find in their own homes.
The Pay Gap Is Real
According to a former member of the crew, there is a ranking system in place for employees. This individual stated that "there is almost a caste system in place." There is without a doubt a hierarchy on board a cruise ship, with officers at the very top, followed by entertainment, front-of-house, and back-of-house, respectively.
Your starting salary can also be affected by factors such as where you were born. Reports indicate that an Indonesian cruise worker earns $600 per month working 12–14 hours per day, while an American worker could make $3,000 per month working only 6–10 hours per day.
Don’t Gamble With Gained Trust
Even after a cruise worker has been subjected to security screening, the management doesn't take any chances when it comes to trusting them because there are a few rules in place that may imply that they don't take any chances.
"We aren't allowed to take elevator rides with guests if there are only the two of you in it," clarified a former member of the cabin crew. You are not allowed to interact with the other customers for the same reason. Additionally, if you are posing with a guest, you need to make sure that both of your hands are visible.
Anyone Can Get Kicked Off – Anytime
Management won't take any chances if the policy prohibiting mingling with guests is broken or if an employee is accused of acting in a way that wasn't deemed appropriate. "Security footage and logs will be examined if you report employee harassment to any officer or the front desk (Guest Services on some ships), and the offender will be dealt with right away.
You won't ever run into them again." No matter the severity of the issue, it is a rule that should not be broken because the results are much worse. Since you want to avoid being robbed or harassed while on a cruise ship, some of them are proud of this fact. For your safety, everything is also being monitored. good observation.
Know Who You’re Talking To
Even though you may wish to believe that you are not traveling for the purpose of being judged, the truth is that you are currently being classified into one of three categories: newlywed, "overfed," or "soon-to-be-dead."
Do not believe that you are able to switch groups; once you are placed into one of the three categories, it is highly unlikely that you will switch out of that category. Nevertheless, doing so enables crew members to understand your needs better and offer recommendations, both of which are in everyone's best interests on board, which is why you should do it.
Cleaning The Uniform Properly Is a Luxury
Despite the fact that you may have been correct in assuming that a worker's breath smelled foul, you should be aware that they are making the most of the resources they have available to them. You will never find a free washer unless you wait in the laundry room for several hours and set up a makeshift camp there.
According to a post made on Reddit by a former employee of a cruise ship, there are typically between five and fifteen washers and dryers and between one thousand and two thousand and five hundred crew members. If it were up to them, there is no doubt that they would make sure that their uniforms always had a pleasant aroma.
Traveling Around the World “For Free”
There are undoubtedly many advantages to working on a cruise ship in addition to all the drawbacks. "I visited Alcatraz, had an authentic curry in Mumbai, went on a sled dog ride in Alaska, and spent a day sailing the Caribbean on a luxury yacht.
Not only that, but I also spent time in Barcelona, Athens, Rome, Kyiv, the Great Barrier Reef, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Lost City of Petra, and a lot more places. Nothing onboard that you have to put up with is important in comparison to that."
Just Doing Their Job
Do not fall into the trap of believing that just because there is additional entertainment on a cruise ship you have been provided with something unique and different from the passengers who came before you just because there is entertainment. Performers in the entertainment industry are not expected to be responsible for the production of original content.
If you want to take the same cruise a second time, you shouldn't expect anything new. "Do you really want to know all of those funny jokes that we told you at bingo? We don't want you to know that do we? On each and every cruise, yes, the exact same things are repeated."
There Is Always Someone Watching
When you board a cruise ship, don't forget that Big Brother is always watching over you and keeping tabs on your every move. It is safe to assume that if you are outside of your cabin, you are probably being recorded on camera, as stated by Gavin, a waiter working on a well-known cruise line.
In the event of any type of emergency, they could at any time retrieve footage from the security cameras. Despite the fact that this is being done for the protection of the passengers and the benefit of the situation overall, you should be aware that you are being constantly monitored.
Good Food, Great Wine
If you want to reduce your spending while on a cruise, one of the most important things you can do has become familiar with the most cost-effective way to place your drink orders. In reality, you can save money by purchasing wine by bottle.
It might be cheaper than by wine the glass on a cruise ship, but you also have the option of requesting that the wait staff affix your room number to the label of the bottle. After that, it can be stored behind the bar. If you are unable to consume the entire bottle during dinner, you will be able to save it and enjoy it at a later time or in a different venue onboard.
Pampering Yourself Is Easy
When you have decided that it is time to relax and pamper yourself, there are activities that you can engage in that will allow you to let off some steam. There are numerous showers, saunas, and steam rooms at your disposal, allowing you to unwind without having to shell out additional cash for a more luxurious option.
In addition, if you decide to shower at the spa, you will most likely have access to fresher towels and higher-quality toiletries than you would at home. Therefore, while you are on board, make the most of this wonderful opportunity to treat yourself and refresh yourself in preparation for your journey.
Outside World Is Cut Off
Because being at sea means being cut off from the rest of the world, it is unlikely that any attempt to engage a worker in conversation about current events will be fruitful. According to a former cruise worker, you are unable to maintain your interest in current events, pop culture, and sports.
You are probably quite isolated out there by yourself at this point. While you are on a cruise, perhaps it is time to take a page out of their book and simply focus on being in the here and now, at peace with the water and the environment around you.
Meeting With Whales
When a ship is out at sea, whales can be just as hazardous to the crew as fog can sometimes be. When traveling by sea, whales present a potential hazard due to the fact that it is nearly impossible to navigate through whale territory without being able to see what is up ahead and what could be hit.
Due to the fact that the ship is unaffected by the impact of running into a whale, the passengers are unaware that something like this could take place. It's also a good thing because passengers tend to have a better time when they have less information about the potential dangers around them.
Eating “Out” Is Specially Planned
There is nothing that can compare to the thrill of setting sail on the cruise, and for most passengers, that is more than enough excitement for a single day. As a result of this, on the very first night, they are typically found eating dinner in the ship's main dining room.
Because travelers are reserving their dinners at other restaurants for later, those establishments are currently empty. However, there are situations in which it is more beneficial monetarily to make reservations at a different dining establishment for the very first night. For instance, on the first night at the steakhouse, Carnival Cruise Line will comp you with a bottle of wine on the house.
Cure Motion Sickness Naturally
Because of the high likelihood that passengers will experience nausea due to motion sickness, members of the staff have developed a strategy to assist those passengers who find themselves in this predicament. Green apples and flavorless crackers, the company's go-to natural remedy, have been shown to assist passengers in regaining their footing and standing on their own.
This item is available at the purser's desk, or you can have it brought to your cabin by room service, which will save you the time of traveling to the pharmacy. In the event that the problem persists, it would be beneficial to give this solution a shot.
No Touching the Guests
As a result of problems that occurred in the past, most cruise ships now have a rule that states, "no fraternizing with guests." It is a violation of the terms of employment for members of the crew to develop romantic relationships with any of the passengers on board, and those who do so run the risk of being terminated immediately.
This is taken very seriously, and some cruise ship management has even gone so far as to threaten to abandon their employees wherever the ship docks if the rule is broken and they are sent home alone. This is a very serious matter.
With Fewer People, Experience Becomes Better
Crew members are required to make sacrifices to their privacy in order to enjoy the benefits of having the opportunity to travel the world as part of their employment. On board, crew members are not given private quarters because they are required to share cabins with other passengers.
These are not large and spacious; rather, they require everyone to pack in closely, which can be a rude awakening for the body. On the other hand, officers of higher rank are allowed the option of occupying a single room.
Choosing Your Restaurant Wisely
You do not need to worry about going hungry because there is a possibility that food will be available at various points throughout the day. On the other hand, there are times when the options are so limited that they cannot fulfill the requirements and preferences of each individual.
Food was provided, but because the majority of crew members on my ship were of Filipino and Indian descent, the crew cafeteria was frequently stocked with dishes that were foreign to me, such as pigtail stew and fish heads, as one Reddit user explained. During the time that I was working on my contracts, I ate a lot of salad and mashed potatoes.
Absolutely No DIY – Ever
If you enjoy winding down on the weekend after a hectic workweek, working on a cruise ship is not the right choice for you as a potential career path. Working on a cruise ship typically involves putting in 80 hours per week, which is double the amount of work time that the majority of people in the United States are used to.
Many workers find that the long hours they are required to work are so intolerable that they decide to quit their jobs before the end of their 9-month contracts. They gradually come to the conclusion that it is impossible to continue working under these conditions mentally and physically.
Talking In Codes
While providing you with outstanding customer service, the members of the crew will, to the best of their abilities, cater to all of your requirements and preferences. They may be there to assist you, but due to the fact that each of them has their own set of code words for the various scenarios, you may not always understand what they are saying when they are conversing amongst themselves.
A "Code Alpha" alert indicates that there is a medical emergency, a "Code Adam" alert indicates that a child has gone missing, and a "Code Oscar" alert indicates that a person has gone overboard. Probably not to frighten anyone who might overhear their conversations and listen in on them!