In the online world, we see a lot of things. Pieces of information are rapidly going through our feed on an everyday basis. And that number grows all the time because the internet is available to everyone. Because of the easy access, people post and comment on all kinds of things so you will come across a lot of nonsense. We found 40 examples of people being cringe online - prepare yourself!
The Struggle of Feminism and Patriarchy – Gone Wrong
We will not comment on the principles of patriarchy and feminism. It is not our intention to offend anyone. But that's why we can completely freely comment on this screenshot of the discussion. Because everything that is online gives us the right to comment on it. In this case, we can say that both sides have a very aggressive approach.
Although we believe that there are no winners in this debate, we think that the debate has not stopped here. Their desire to express their own opinion is completely legitimate. But it is not very clear to us why they feel the need to argue with a person they don't even know. Isn't the best possible way out of that situation "agree to disagree?"
This Is a New Level of Showing Off
What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw the photo? We think of the moment before you read what is written in the photo. We're sure you thought the same as we did; the poor girl is crying about something. But when we saw what was written on the photo, we have to admit we feel a little sorry for the girl.
We know that people have a need to prove themselves and that they have a need to compete who has better belongings. But don't you think this is a bit too much? From our perspective, this is a completely new level of presentation and proof. Shave your head so people can see all the new headphones; why? Wasn't it easier to tie your hair in a ponytail?
Somewhere Between Funny and Cringe
Have you ever been a person who incriminates? If you're not sure, we're sure you know someone who does it regularly. It's not exactly clear to us. What is the reason that makes people do it? If you have already been accused and have a chance to get away, why channel yourself? Let's be honest; we don't know if this is funny or cringeworthy.
This guy thought he was going to keep the fart to himself and make the most of it. Instead, he made a fool of himself in front of everyone. Why? He seems to know. Maybe he was trying to make excuses or be funny. Either way, this is a horror. How does it seem to you?
Where Would This Relationship Lead?
We know that people have a need to know what preferences their chosen ones carry with them. Of course, we all want to know how much that person is willing to commit, earn and contribute to your development. But such things are not examined at the very beginning. No one expects to be asked how much he earns when getting to know each other. Do you agree?
But in situations like these, we are really unpleasantly surprised. Have you ever seen such conversations? Imagine how superficial a girl is who asks such questions. We honestly wouldn't even deal with people like this. But this guy obviously found a great way to answer her calls about his salary.
Even the Church Is Not Spared
We believe that you did not expect a church on this list. But to us, this is the funniest thing today. We hope it made your day as much as it did ours. Every next time we pass by the church, this will be something that comes to mind. Can you believe your eyes what you are reading? Because it took us a few seconds to believe it.
We are not sure if someone made a joke and changed the letters on the inscription. Or is there still a possibility that this work was ordered from the church? We are really confused, but this will definitely become one of the inside jokes with our friends. What do you think of this sigh?
Do Butterflies Disgust You?
We really love arguments in the comments. Especially when it comes to comments that make humor out of everything. This is one humorous example that ruined a girl's dreams. Someone posted a photo of a girl with a big bug walking on her face. It's probably a scene from a movie.
One girl innocently commented on the picture, hoping it was a butterfly because she must be afraid of bugs. But her dreams were shattered by a guy who replied to her comment. The sarcastic comment got way more likes than you can imagine. How would you answer her cringe question? Would they have any understanding for a girl who asked such a question?
She Must Have Skipped Science Class
We agreed as soon as we read the photo's description. We are sure that we have never experienced a greater transfer of blame. The girl in the photo had a nose job done so that her children would have small noses. We don't know if she is even aware of how genetics work. We're not scientists, but I know that's not how things work.
We think she skipped science class. What do you think? Imagine what he thinks about how human reproduction works. We're really interested in how she finished school (if she did at all). Imagine her reaction when she finds out what genetics is. We sincerely wish her that her wishes come true and that her children have small noses.
Comments That Caused a Lot of Questions
Have you ever had situations where people convinced you of something? Such situations can be very frustrating, especially if the subject of the discussion is something related to you personally. Imagine someone showing up and convincing you when your birthday is. In this screenshot, we can see a series of questions that are unnecessary.
Everyone gave themselves the right to comment on the topic being discussed. It is a story about the mother tongue. He tells the girl he's arguing about that her mother tongue is Japanese. But to someone who is an anime fan, that statement is obviously not convincing enough. How do you feel when you read comments like this? Cringe, right?
The Person Obeys the Law but Refuses To Read It
We all have to obey the law, you know that. But here is something a little different than expected. Someone made a post asking people if anyone knew doxxing was a crime. The person who answered that he didn't even know that such a law existed.
When he asked to see where it exists, someone completely third answered him with a link to a law that precisely defines the issue. The person just replied, "I'm not reading that." He made it clear that he accepted the fact that there was a law, but he did not know what it said. This is really more than cringe, but it made us laugh.
All That Cringe in Just One Text
There are some people that you can categorize just by their behavior and the way they speak. We are sure you know at least one such person. The guy who sent the message only sent one message. But that was enough for the girl to understand what kind of person it was.
While he may not have had bad intentions, he was out of his game when it came to this girl. We're really sorry, but we hope he's wised up. Because even though we are not part of the conversation and we don't know who it is, we felt ashamed as if we had written that message. What do you think of his message? Does his message even look good?
Do You Understand This Question?
The journalists who wrote this obviously knew what they were writing about. Unlike the rest of the world that absolutely does not understand what they wanted to say and achieve with their text. The title of the text itself is ultra confusing. Can you guess what the rest of the text looks like?
There is a possibility that the text is fine, but the title is cringing in itself. It could be up to us, and that's why we don't understand what it's about. But here, the struggle between the British and English languages is visible. That's all we understood; we tried to understand the rest but without success. Is anything clear to you?
Please Make Sure To Find the Real Cause of Death
This girl shared a photo of her parents from their wedding on her profile. As a gesture of love and respect. Because that girl lost her mother due to the pandemic, and her father is in palliative care. We cannot even imagine the pain she is feeling, and we truly feel for her. But some people have absolutely no understanding.
We can say that the girl who commented made us very angry. She left a comment on the said post, saying how beautiful the picture is. But that's not what pissed us off. In addition, she skeptically wrote, "please make sure you find out the real cause." What normal person would think about writing that? How do you comment on this girl's comment?
People Should Google More
This is another in a series of screenshots that will leave you speechless. We are aware that not all people are made for learning and don't like to learn, which is perfectly okay. But things like this really put us in a position to care for humanity. Someone thought that this is how abortions are performed and that babies are ground up in these machines.
We are interested in who is the person who wrote this. Because we are terribly interested in how that person and his imagination work. Because of this post, we think this person should be banned from using any social network. There is no other solution to this kind of thing. What do you think about this post? Are you cringing?
Can Anyone Help Her and Please Explain?
We really don't like to crush anyone's dreams, but this is too much cringe for us. This girl posted two photos of herself on Twitter with a description in which she pointed out that she wants to be a star on Netflix. And how will they achieve it? By inviting people to tweet and "do their thing."
We're a little confused here. We don't know where he wants to become a star. On Twitter or Netflix? Is it even valid to be a star on social networks? What do you think of this screenshot, and are you confused? We're wondering if anyone managed to explain to her that things don't work that way. But hey, who are we to judge that and crush her dreams?
This Is More Creepy Than Cringe
The whole conversation began in a normal course. The woman who answered meant to ask about the child's middle name, which is the same as her child's. However, a big turnaround happened when she came to the conclusion that people did not give that middle name to their children. Until she gave birth to her own child and named him that.
We know that celebrities who have stage names can sue if someone copies or takes over their name. But we're not sure it works the same way with normal names. Honestly, this seems more like a creepy conversation to us. How does it seem to you? Is this a normal conversation for you?
Who Taught Her This Logic?
Cheating is definitely a very bad thing. And according to religious teachings, it is considered a terrible sin. But we don’t understand the logic of this girl. She obviously belongs to Gen Z, which is why we don’t share her point of view. Maybe that is a new trend that we don’t understand.
But in her photo and description, we can see how fraud and cheating are apparently normalized in new generations. We're glad we're not part of that era. In addition to justifying cheating, this girl even gave advice on how to get rid of the person you cheated on if they catch you in your lies. What do you think about this post?
No Time – Grandma Is Choking
There are really all kinds of examples on this list that we have prepared for you. Our favorite examples are those that are between humorous and cringe situations. Here is an example of just such a situation. Although we don't know what the intentions of the guy who wrote the post were, we know for sure that he made us laugh. And left a little confused.
We understand that there are different kinds of humor, but this one is definitely special. He criticized YouTube, shared with people what was bothering him, and attracted a lot of attention. Maybe his grandma was really suffocating (hopefully, she's fine now). But it's nice that YouTube apologized to them. What do you think of this post? Does it make you cringe or funny?
The Best Answer to Racism
The topics of racism, nations, and any divisions are very difficult topics to discuss. Everyone has their own principled thoughts and access to those topics. We want to emphasize that we do not support racism and any form of division because we consider it unnecessary. We are all human. That opinion is probably shared by the person who commented on the extremely racist post.
In just a few sentences, he explained how unnecessary divisions actually are. We can say that we are delighted with his answer and explanation. We will not ask you what your views are on such topics. But we will ask you, what do you think of this comment? Did he hit the center of the point?
Imagine All the Experiences This Girl Has
Judging by the photo where we see the inscription, we can guess what led to this. In addition to the standard opening hours sign, we see that the massage girl has very strange customers. Although the girl is just trying to earn her money honestly, people are sure to come to her with all sorts of demands. One of them is that the massage has a happy ending.
As soon as she had to put up a sign with such an inscription, we believe she had different experiences. Although the sign is a bit cringe, we believe she did this to protect herself and her business. Does it make you cringe that people even have the guts to ask about such a thing?
Are the Holy Books Fiction?
Although this is another one of the jokes involving the sacred, we must admit that this one made us laugh out loud. This man posted a photo of himself along with a description explaining why he was fired. We're not laughing because he got fired; we're sorry about that. We actually laugh at the reason for getting fired.
This guy wasn't even fired like he should have been; he was kicked out. Why did it happen? Well, in his personal opinion, he moved all bibles and holy books to the fiction section. Just look at the look on his face. Isn't this hilarious? How do you feel about this post? Did she make you laugh too, or did you feel a cringe moment?
Another in a Series of Discussions in the Comments
On this list, you have had the opportunity to see a lot of people who are realistic or very harsh in their approach. This is one example that is probably a combination of realistic and harsh. A girl posted a photo of a famous actor sitting near her on the train. If you don't know who this is, this is one of the Sprouse twin brothers.
The girl added a description to the photo, clearly stating that the actor from the picture was looking at her. Although it seems to us that he pretty much minded his own business, but we judge by the photo. An even more interesting plot twist happened when a guy commented on her post realistically and a bit rudely. This seems like a very cringe-worthy screenshot to us. What do you think?
Imagine a Guy Saying This Sentence
For some reason, people look to the internet for advice. And those questions are answered by unknown people or non-experts. A bit bizarre, don't you agree? This is one such example, there are endlessly many of them, and therefore we cannot say anything wrong about it.
Asking strangers for advice has become completely normal, so in our opinion, it is unnecessary to comment. But what we can comment on this picture is the first comment made by a girl. Her advice initiated some radical moves of exploitation. Imagine if this message was written by a man. How would the world and women react to that? What do you think about such comments?
This Screenshot Causes Deep Confusion
Did you read the description and comment? Is anything clear to you? We tried to understand the point of both things, and we are still not sure about our conclusions. Presumably, the guy was trying to explain the pain that occurs when you twist your wrist. And he did this by comparing the pain to menstrual cramps.
Although these two pains have no points of contact, we will try to understand his logic. Which obviously bothered one feminist. She probably tried to answer sarcastically. But her answer is completely meaningless. How do you feel about this name-call argument? Real cringe, do you agree?
He Wanted an Explanation – He Got It
Cultural appropriation is a very important thing in every person's life. As in everything, there are people in this field who do not understand that meaning. They may not even know what it actually presents. But that's totally okay, right? Especially if the person is aware of his ignorance and lack of knowledge of certain topics.
But in this post, someone tried to be smart and comment on things they clearly have no idea about. In his description, he mentioned a lot of things, which in his humble opinion, were not correct. Thus we see that his description is in a completely negative context. But the person sought an explanation for his doubts. Someone left a comment on that post with a full explanation - in just one sentence. Pretty cringe, isn’t it?
Cringe Is a Two-Way Street Here
We have already mentioned that people like to compete and compare themselves with other people. Why? Only they know that. Our assumption is that this is how they prove to themselves that they are actually worth it. Although, in our opinion, this is the wrong approach, who are we to judge them? Do you agree?
In this screenshot, we see a two-way cringe of comparisons and name-calling. We don't find this funny, but you might find it interesting. But whatever, this seems like a huge amount of frustration and displeasure expressed in just two comments. We hope that they have changed their minds over time and have matured. What do you think? Is this kind of competition okay?
Kudos to the Comment Guy
Have you noticed how playing with other people's emotions has become a trend? For some reason, games like hot and cold are normalized in today's relationships. Although we are not supporters of it and we do not play with such things, people do it constantly. We can't forbid them. Especially if such views are held by the majority of people.
The girl published a post in which she initiates the game of rejection. It must be something she likes and something she is attracted to. But the guy who commented had the same view of such things as us. In his commentary, he explained that this is not love and that they should not play such games with loved ones. What opinion do you represent?
Too Many Wrong Signs
We don't like anything about the photo of this car. From the fact that there are too many signs to the fact that not one of them sends a normal message. We believe that the owner of this car wanted to be fun or entertaining, but a very strange message was sent. The only conclusion we can draw from this photo is that the person is seeking attention. And for that reason, it has so many inscriptions that are more than silly.
The cringe is the right word to describe this number of unnecessary inscriptions and signs on the car. Imagine someone driving this car in front of you. How would you react? Would you find it interesting, or would you be eager to tell your friends about the weirdo you saw on the highway?
He Did All This To Be “One Of”..
This is kind of cringe but also sad. Have you ever been in a situation where you and your action are not appreciated? Someone gave a lot of their money to surprise one girl. That person bought an expensive gift and probably believed he would get her attention. And maybe, in the end, they will get romantically involved.
But the results didn’t match his wishes. The girl that received presents posted the photo of gifts, calling that guy a “one of her twitches.” Sad and cringe, isn’t it? We feel sorry for the guy that spent money on this girl. Obviously, we are not the only ones who pity this guy. We are glad that one guy commented on her post showing her how cringe she actually is.
This Man Is an Eloquent Temptation
Have you ever noticed people constantly quoting someone? If so, you know how annoying these people are. They are probably trying to appear more eloquent and clever. But they are not aware that if they quote people, it is just copying other people's thoughts, ideas, and statements. This does not mean that they are as bright and smart as they want to present themselves.
We have one such example on this list that made us cringe a little. A man tried to make a post in which he presents a conversation with his wife. But that's not the biggest problem. The problem is that he tried to portray it all as a fairy tale. Which ended up being a post that got on people's nerves. How does this seem to you?
This Gender Reveal Is Kinda Cool
Gender reveal parties are becoming more and more famous all around the world. We understand that people have a reason to celebrate, but sometimes they go way too far. When it is about this gender reveal cake, we must admit; we adore this! It seems very cool and unique. Have you ever seen something similar to this gender reveal?
These parents are obviously pretty creative. Be honest; you have probably seen blue and pink as a presentation of genders. But presenting genders with glitter and guns, that is crazy. Imagine how cool these parents are. Their kid will have fun all the time, do you agree with us? Would you do something like this on your baby’s gender reveal?
How Far Does Human Stupidity Go?
We know that this list has surprising things that you couldn't even see in your wildest dreams, right? This screenshot will annoy you in some way, we're sure. Why? Because it shows how democracy works in a negative context. One Twitter page explores various issues. And they explore them by involving people and their opinions.
This time they raised the question of whether water belongs to human rights. Believe it or not, research has resulted in a negative answer. With a difference of only 18 votes, the conclusion was reached that water is not a basic human right. If this is the way democracy works, we want a change now! What do you think about this democratic procedure?
Passive Aggression and Jealousy at Its Peak
This girl surprised us with every message. With each new message she wrote, she showed more and more signs of passive aggression and jealousy. Which is not really the biggest problem. What worried us was that the messages were directed to her best friend. Have you ever had an experience like this? We did not, and we're trying to imagine how we would accept that kind of a person in the first place. Or we wouldn't tolerate that person at all.
We would rather avoid any kind of communication with that person. Also, we hope this friend shares our opinion because this is not a healthy relationship at all. Anyone would understand if it was someone that this girl didn't know at all. But having this attitude with your best friend is really unnecessary. Did you feel a sense of threat here?
Has Anyone Bought This?
You have probably seen on the internet the "fight" between millennials and the new generation (Gen Z). Here is an example of how those two can be combined. It looks awful, do you agree with us? Or perhaps you find this wearable? To us, this seems useless; we don't know who would buy this. Because this was not made for gen z, and for sure wasn’t made for millennials.
Maybe someone who doesn't understand what is written on those boots would buy them for their kids. In any case, we think that the manufacturers of these shoes wasted money on the investment. We're sure these boots have a “Made in China” sign written somewhere on them. What do you think? Is this cringe, scary, or still acceptable?
A Series of Idiotic Statements
Our favorite category on lists like this is arguments in the comments. And it seems there are endless examples of people arguing about any topic. No matter how complex or easy the topic is, there are always people with opposite opinions. Since all people are different, disagreement is completely normal, but it obviously triggers people. That is why they are discussed in the comments.
In this example, we can see a series of comments that lead to nonsense. We assume that they intended to represent their opinion. But it led in the opposite direction. And that resulted in idiotic statements in a row. What do you think of those opinions? Do you feel the cringe here?
Kings Don’t Feel Shame
Some people have no shame at all. Even if they are caught in a lie or stupidity, they have no problem dealing with it. We don't know if it's because of their opinion of themselves or if it's the level of stupidity they produce. In any case, this screenshot is very cringeworthy, and not even funny to us.
We think that a person with these attitudes would be very interesting in psychological research. We have to admit that he creatively tried to get out of the situation he got himself into. But this is still stupidity that crossed all boundaries without any shame. Do you have these attitudes? Or maybe you know someone with similar behavior?
A Decoration Reminiscent of Survival
People enjoy decorations and more interesting things for the eye. But it is not unknown that people sometimes know how to exaggerate all this. In this example, you can see how much someone actually went overboard with the decoration that should have some point. During the pandemic that swept the world in 2020, people were forced to keep their distance and wear masks.
One man wanted to remind people how important it is to survive and masks wearing. We understand that this neighbor wanted to portray a serious subject in a slightly humorous way, but this is actually creepy. 40ft blow-up sheep is not a big problem, as far as the inscription caught our eye. It is very obvious that the message he wanted to send to his neighbors has actually become an object of ridicule. Who would take this seriously?
We Missed Is He an Alpha Male?
We live in a time in which morality is only one of the concepts that have undergone distortion. Or they are completely misinterpreted. In this case, we see an alpha male or at least an attempt. We're not sure alpha males even exist as a real thing. After all, we don't know where and who created those stereotypes or prejudices that men must be like that.
But this guy has probably been rejected by girls many times. Well, probably for that reason, he felt the need to share his problem with other people through a comment. To us, this seems like a man who is too cringe. That's why he can't find a girlfriend. Have you ever wondered about such things?
What Is Her True Origin?
At first look, it appears like a normal photo, right? But a couple of things don't add up in this photo. At a second glance, you will understand what it is all about. Her sweatshirt says, "Kiss me, I'm Irish," which is actually cute as a caption. But look at the flag right below that sentence.
The flag of Italy was mysteriously found on the sweatshirt. We don't know if she bought a sweatshirt like this or chose what would be on the sweatshirt herself. Either way, this is a cringe. We would wear this hoodie only around the house or around the yard. Although even then, we would be careful. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to get out of that stupid situation. What do you think? Did she wear this on the street?
She Should Have Blocked Him
Guys mostly give themselves all kinds of rights to do or say nonsense. One of the stupid things they often do is ask girls uncomfortable questions. It is impossible to avoid their stupid questions, especially if they want to flirt with a girl. Asking someone about their virginity is certainly a tasteless question. But you can see that in this screenshot, the guy asked the girl exactly that question.
We are appalled that he tried to do this through some game that is played by asking questions. If he had encountered naive girls until now, this girl stood in his way. Everything about this photo and conversation is completely wrong. We don't like it one bit! As for us, we don't rate this as cringe. The grade this guy will get is - disgust! How do you feel about these questions? Are you uncomfortable?
Some Things Are Better To Keep to Yourself
As social networks and internet use evolve, people share every second of their day. We don't know why they feel the need to do that, but it's a trend. Here we show you why it's good to keep some things to yourself. Someone made a post and tried to pull a prank on their friends. But in his comments, someone revealed his darker secret.
We admit he left us speechless. If that was his goal - he won the game. We're not sure that guy even thought about what he wrote. But he certainly took a load off his back. We hope people didn't judge him because of this. On the other hand, we assume he feels much better after revealing this. Do you find this comment cringe or creepy?