A Bus Driver in Japan
“And that's how you do it. Strikes should inconvenience the people you want/need to make the change. Not every day innocent *powerless* bystanders. P#ss off people who cannot do anything to make the change you need and you very quickly lose their support; one extra opponent."
“And that's how you do it. Strikes should inconvenience the people you want/need to make the change. Not every day innocent *powerless* bystanders. P#ss off people who cannot do anything to make the change you need and you very quickly lose their support; one extra opponent."
A Heart-Warming Entry
Our second story today is from a welder who was loyal to his job but who had only recently started working for his company. He, together with his fellow welders, had been working with the company for only three months but has already received a raise of $4 per hour, a brand-new pair of boots, new uniforms, prescription safety glasses, and a lot of free equipment for protection.
His morale just kept getting higher while he put in long hours and overtime. "I work a lot of OT and I work the night shift. I was feeling burned out from the hours but once I got the raise I was so happy I went right back to work and now I’m working all the OT I can get."
Forced to Work on Their Days Off
We couldn't help but laugh harder than we probably should have while reading this text. For story number three, an employee was asked to come in on their day off. In other words, a day they are legally allowed to rest while receiving the same amount of pay. This indicates that if they are asked to come in, they should be paid extra for their hours.
According to Lynn, a Workplace Expert, employees should approach with care when communicating with their bosses. "Know your objective. If you’re acting defensively, that won’t move the needle on enhancing your relationship. Think about how you would react as the recipient, but also, set boundaries. You must be able to speak up for yourself if your work product or mental state is suffering."
Down Right Disrespectful
Entry number four is nothing short of heartbreaking. The screenshot of their conversation is all we needed to just realize again the shocking truth behind the way some bosses treat their staff. Again, we see an example of a boss demanding that an employee come in on their day off.
After stating numerous times that the employee already had plans, the boss could have at least asked nicely, but using such a threatening tone is exactly what is wrong with the world today. When stress and ego go to a person's head, you can forget about reasoning with them.
Another Perfect Example of Greed
When a waitress was tipped $4,400 for her obviously impeccable waitressing skills, things ended up in her losing her job. She was fired after not wanting to share her tip with the rest of the staff, and shockingly, for not sharing the tip with her employer as well.
Not only did the boss make a profit off every single item being sold, but he also wanted to take from the little money waitresses get paid per shift too. After word got out of this tragic affair, someone started a GoFundMe page for her. She was then awarded a further $10,000 and as you can see, it brought her to tears.
Bitter Sweet Revenge
This employer got their sweet revenge by quitting after being their top performer because of an egotistical boss who talks down to their employees. This employee had suffered broken bones in their foot and still managed to pack at the speed of light, earning them first place that day. Despite their efforts and winning first place for their performance, the boss sent the employee a rude message reprimanding them. No one in their right mind would want to continue working in such a toxic environment.
Luckily for this employee, they were in a position to leave the job. Not many people have this luxury and remain in miserable jobs to pay rent and school fees. Some experts might say that the person who was reprimanded could have dealt with it better, but we are assuming that things had been going badly for a while and that this was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
The Best Five Minutes of Their Life
The next employee went on to describe the best five minutes of their life. One afternoon, while at work, their boss made a comment that they probably regretted greatly afterward. They told their employee that they looked skinny. "You're so skinny!". After the comment, the employee looked them dead in the eyes, waited a few seconds, and said: "Yeah I don't really eat a lot." After that, the boss went on to ask why that was.
That's when the boss stepped right into it. "Well," the employee replied, “I can't afford a lot of food". After their brief conversation, a very awkward five minutes passed, which ended up being the best five minutes of the employee's life. They just knew how uncomfortable it felt for the boss. A brief moment of bliss, revenge had been served, and nothing tasted sweeter.
The Thanksgiving Nightmare
After a screenshot of yet another despicable boss talking to their employee like a piece of trash went viral, things on the internet blew up for all the right reasons. A man by the name of Ashen Rayne even commented: "Is that their boss or their kidnapper? Hard to know sometimes." The boss ordered the employee to come in to work on Thanksgiving even after granting the employee leave for that day in October already. The boss conveniently changed their mind at the last minute, forcing the employee into a very tricky situation.
This obviously turned out badly for everyone. Not only could the boss have communicated better, but he could also have apologized sincerely for the inappropriate demand. Clearly, no respect for anyone's feelings was taken into consideration, which resulted in the boss being even more short-staffed.
“Stop Being a Victim"
Workplace specialist Lynn had the following to say about an employee who, yet again, was treated like garbage: "You can’t be oblivious to what someone else is going through and behave correctly. You also can’t assume that an angry boss is angry at you, per se. Chances are other people are getting the same treatment. Don’t take it all personally, but never allow anyone to be abusive to you in the workplace."
"No bullying should ever be tolerated." Despite Lynn's calm words, we cannot help but feel that this employee had full right to quit in the abrupt manner that they did. The employee was dealing with overwhelming emotions of loss and sadness after their father passed away, and the reply from their boss was absolutely shocking. How can you tell someone to "stop being a victim" after losing a close family member?
An Employee Who Got Away
The biggest mistake we can make as humans is to think that things will always stay the same. Change is inevitable and the following employee's dramatic change was nothing short of extraordinary. It brings tears to our eyes thinking about the torture this man had to endure while working under the boss that he did. "I currently get anxiety attacks every time I see his name on my phone because there's a good chance he's about to yell at me about something that's his fault."
After enduring many hours of unpaid overtime and having to perform in certain fields that he was not qualified for, he managed to find a place to work where he was appreciated and treated with respect: "I'm about to sign the paperwork to officially accept one for a much better job that pays 40k more." Good for you, buddy!
An Extremely Rude Boss
After a dangerous game of serious bluffing, a woman lost her job after her boss used a few random terms to describe the workplace. Her boss said: "If you want to play in his sandpit you need to toughen up." To be clear, the woman wasn't fired, she quit. No woman or person should ever be spoken to in this way. The boss only made her feel trapped like she was worthless. No one wants to work in an environment like that.
Aside from the arrogance, her boss also had the audacity to threaten her by saying: "Take your cats and f**k off," after she replied to her boss's first comment saying that she preferred to stay out of a sandpit and in the garden with her loving cats. At least she has more time with her adorable furry friends now.
How Not to Communicate to Your Staff
Some workplace professionals will agree, telling your boss off is not the way to go. This generally causes some problems with future job applications for the employee who lost their temper. This is because of the fact that, with the populated world we live in today, chances are good that the person you're telling off is friends with the person about to hire you again. Unless you make some serious changes and take some really radical chances.
Brandon was called to come to work due to the company being short-staffed. Not just one or two shifts, but for the remainder of the year. After being allowed to have a week off, the boss changed his mind and insisted that Brandon comes to work. It was the way in which he said it that clearly pushed Brandon over the edge. (We can't help but feel a bit happy for Brandon, but don’t tell anyone.)
Health Insurance
We find it shocking to see how some bosses speak to their employees. Another boss demanded that their employee come to work on their day off. Not only did they message them demanding that they come in, but the boss threatened them with health insurance. We can think of a million different reasons to not leave certain jobs, and health insurance is pretty far away from the top of that list. In this job's case, well, no amount of health insurance should ever make a person sit through hell like that.
Perhaps this is a great time to take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of healthy communication. 90% of work-related drama can be prevented and resolved with the right communication.
A Lot Can Happen in One Minute
This boss messaged his employee about being late when the employer's screenshot clearly indicates that they weren't. We get it, time and work schedules were put in place for a reason, but when the employee clearly sat at their desk a minute before they were supposed to come in, that certainly does not make them late.
As usual, this boss is closed to the idea of any reasoning. It would be like talking to a brick wall for this poor employee. We hope they managed to work it out.
A Manager Who Stole From the Staff
An entire crew quit a pizza restaurant because of a lousy manager. Despite being told by his boss to not take any tips from the staff, the manager continued taking tips from them. He basically stole their cold, hard earnings. We hate to say it but we really feel that someone should have just said something sooner.
Pizza is a meal the world cannot live without, so anyone who hurts pizza restaurant employees is certainly in our bad books. Who's with us on that? You cannot steal from hardworking employees and think you will get away with it.
Know Your Rights
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate this phenomenal response to what most people would have just backed down to? Sometimes employers can use fancy words and authoritative ways of speaking to impose fear and weakness into their employees to get what they want. Well, not in this case. Karen was put in her place after this brave employee stood up for herself with very clear boundaries.
It's crucial for employees to know their rights, and even more crucial for them to know what to do when their rights have been violated. We love that this employee was able to tell her boss, Karen, not only how badly she wronged her, but also that an ultimatum was now being waved in front of her, indicating that this employee was very well away from the justice and legal system surrounding the matter.
When the Boss Won’t Accept Defeat
"I resigned from my job after facing continuous denial of vacation requests, the firing of staff without replacement, and increased work hours without my consent. My boss dismissed my resignation with a shopping trip on company time. I finished my work, left my keys, and took the day off without pay offered by HR, but declined to return. Two years later, I'm living my dream life."
An employee endured severe "boss abuse" after their resignation was denied so that her boss could go for retail therapy rather than deal with the realities of the current situation. We feel terrible for this employee but as we can see, after two years, they are finally living their best life. Let's hope this boss got some of her own medicine.
There Are Still Good People Out There
After returning to their cubicle, an employee found a handwritten note pinned to their cubicle board. The letter has given all of us new hope in humanity. Please let this be a testament that there are still good people out there. People who look out for each other, have each other's backs. The note implied that the 5% raise the employee was offered was not as great as they might have thought.
In a nutshell, a 5% raise doesn't mean anything when inflation goes up by 7.5%. a 5% raise then means a pay cut. The note wasn't signed because, as someone on the internet commented below this very public social media post, "Not signed because management won't hesitate to fire the writer of this note."
Employee One, Boss Zero
We really wonder how many times bosses actually get away with threatening their staff. Reading throughout the list, and only being at number nineteen on our list, we are rather shocked to see how many times examples of bosses threatening their employees have already appeared. Our next victim and workplace abuse are Dan. An employee who was asked to come in on his off day, and then when he refused, was threatened by his boss.
After reading a view of their chats you can begin to see that the boss clearly realized that they made a mistake. The classic "don't be hasty" lecture after the employee had already had enough of the unprofessional way in which the boss had approached him. Dan one, boss zero.
Family First
Why beat around the bush when you can be straightforward, and honest? The most beautiful part of this conversation was the fact that the employee opened up about how hurt they felt, and then also expressed how after four years of working for this boss, could no longer deal with the way the boss constantly yelled at them. The employee had to attend to a family emergency and therefore had to take some time off work.
On that note, we cannot help but feel very neutral about this entry. Perhaps the way in which the employee left to see their family was putting the company in jeopardy. Unfortunately, there is not enough information regarding this topic for it to be voted on. Perhaps it's not a matter of who's wrong and who is right. Perhaps it all boils down to professional communication.
Red Flags
Calling someone out when you seed a red flag is key to establishing the beginning boundaries of any relationship. Especially when it's an interviewer offering you a job. The following person was about to accept a job offer but when the person offering the job refused to give them the actual amount the job offered to pay, things went downhill very quickly.
As much as employers can be lectured about being open and honest in their communication, it is also vital for employees to establish what it is they need as soon as possible. satisfaction. "Employees need to communicate what they need or work conditions in order for them to perform optimally when working with a controlling boss. Employees need to convey what they can and are able to perform."
Put Your Foot Down
For our next entry, we see that an employee has finally set the bar to what is needed before a healthy work environment can be created for good quality services. Instead of adopting the very typical mindset that you need the employer, this person realized that, in fact, it's the other way around. The employer actually needs the people working for them.
This employer even did a quick Google search and found out that for their specific job, there is much demand in the area. They took a moment out of their day to quickly come up with a few basic necessities they needed in order for them to go ahead and deliver industry-standard, good-quality services that are expected of them. Well done on this person for finally putting their foot down.
"Low-Level" Jobs
A person by the name of Dirk Daring's comment to the following social media post had the right description for this messy conversation. "Managers who can't manage to do the "low-level" work, should not be managing the people who CAN manage to do that work." It is shocking to think that people still talk to each other like this in a work environment. The one place where your well-being is so important as your services make or break the company.
When people are forced to work on their off days, we cannot understand why employers or managers would even consider asking them to come in. Look, we get it, sometimes there are emergencies and these things happen, but this is no way to talk to someone, especially when you need their help.
The Boss Who Ate Their Employee’s Food
"Boss took half of my lunch during a meeting. I asked an older lady, who said it's "to be expected." I was angry but was told to shrug it off." This must be one of the most absurd boss speeches we have ever heard. Since when is it okay for someone at work to eat your food and then be told to just "shrug it off" when confronted?
We are pretty sure that nowhere in the job description did it state that an employee should feed their boss or be fine with letting their boss eat their food. Besides, hunger surely kicks in on a whole different scale when pulling a nine-to-five in an environment you are forced to be in in the first place. We really hope that this employee managed to sort the situation out.
Forced to Stay on Route
Someone with the allies "Libstag" put it perfectly when they said: "The sirens are "Just" a warning? What else would they be? Warnings are typically given to people to avoid an oncoming disaster. I hate people, I really do." A driver for Amazon was told by his manager to continue driving to deliver a parcel despite tornado alarms going off everywhere around them. According to weather reports, the worst of the storm was about to hit the area of the driver within a period of 30 minutes.
Due to fear for their lives, the driver called in to say that they thought it was best to head back to the office where it was safe. Despite tornado warnings and locked buildings all around the driver, Dispatch still told them to continue delivering the parcel and that turning back would be seen as a refusal to stick to their route.
Refusing a Resignation Letter
Our heart goes out to the 17-year-old whose boss refused to accept their resignation letter. Fast food franchises are usually independently owned and operated by franchisees, so the corporate entity doesn't have a say in the hiring processes of these locations. Consequently, it's unlikely that a blacklist would exist under the auspices of corporate management.
Furthermore, even if a particular franchise owner doesn't want to hire someone, this shouldn't be a concern for the individual seeking employment, as there are other opportunities available, including those at competing fast-food establishments. The franchise owner has limited influence over the hiring practices of other franchisees and has no control over the individual's career path. The individual has the freedom to leave and seek better prospects elsewhere, and any potential loss for the franchise owner is their own responsibility.
Forget Short and Sweet
Perhaps one of the best resignation letters to make its way onto our top 30 list is the following entry. Forget short and sweet, this employee's letter was very passionate, explaining exactly what a hot mess this company is. Reading through the letter one can immediately notice that the long line of people who have quit at this company is a clear reflection of the dysfunctional work culture going on there.
We're really happy that this person was able to get out before they went down with this massive sinking ship. One cannot expect a company to thrive if its staff is not paid, given the right amount of time off, or especially trained properly. Training is of the utmost importance. Without the crucial tools to do their job, how is the company supposed to survive?
Threatened to Disclose Personal Information
Probably the most hilarious response to a resignation letter we have ever heard of is the next entry onto our list. After handing in their two-week resignation letter, the employer asked the employee they were going to. "So I told her no I don't and she insisted by law that I do. So I told her no I don't and she can ask all she wants to but that's not going to change it. I said if it's company policy they'll just have to discipline me for it. She dropped it afterward."
This is another prime example of the importance of knowing your rights as an employee. In no way is an employee legally obligated to give their personal information, especially when that information relates to the future of their work life with another company.
Trauma Dealt With in the Most Inhumane Way
When someone in the workplace passes away, you can only imagine the emotional and psychological damage it may have on fellow co-workers, especially when they have been working together for a long time. The following screenshot was sent via the receiver's friend out of complete disbelief at the company's lack of sensitivity to the matter. It's disheartening to see that some companies view their employees as mere replaceable parts in a machine, rather than human beings.
However, not all organizations operate this way. It's important for employers to recognize the value of their employees and treat them with the respect and understanding they deserve. We are absolutely shocked by the inhumane email sent out to this company’s employees. They could have stopped talking after the first paragraph and saved themselves the embarrassment.
The Motivational Quote From Hell
"An important aspect of effective management is establishing a secure, trustworthy, and equitable workplace that encourages employees to flourish. This includes clearly communicating expectations to ensure everyone is aware of their responsibilities and expectations. When employees feel safe and secure, they can concentrate on being imaginative, imaginative, and driven, maximizing their potential."
Well, let's just say that none of the above was quite accurate when this work environment put this quote on the screen for all the employees to read first thing walking into a job they most probably hate because let's face it, no one really wants to be forced to stay inside a building working tedious hours for a payment that they dream of doubling? #cringe
Entitled Bosses Who Shouldn’t Have the Power They Do
Managerial decisions must be fair and unbiased. They SHOULD. Are they? Unfortunately, we live in an unfair world, and finding a fair boss can be challenging. Their agendas and priorities seem different then everybody else. So have a laugh or shed some tears from these bosses.
High Standards
It’s always nice to hear that this person got a promotion due to their hard work. Working in a fair, unbiased, and healthy environment would normally bring the best results in any business. But, sometimes it’s not true. Especially when you work in a toxic environment where bosses treat their staff like slaves while others like to set unreasonable goals.
This boss needed to get some info about the progress of the staff member that had to do a training session the following morning. The person didn’t answer in the way the boss wanted and this resulted in them giving a rude reply. Who speaks like that?
Time Clock Fraud?
Is there such a thing as time clock fraud? If so, then it’s a stupid and ridiculous concept, if you ask us. We understand that a boss needs to reach their respective targets but threatening their staff with a warning of disciplinary action and possible termination would be considered an overreaction, don’t you think?
This boss’s notice is just another example of the horrible bosses that some people have. It’s unconstitutional to make someone suffer the repercussions of their actions when they went to the toilet during working hours. We’re not living in the dark ages anymore! Why don’t all of you ridiculous entitled bosses grow up and grow a conscience?! Please, for humanity's sake.
Hard of Hearing
We’ve seen some terrible bosses so far and the fact is that it’s becoming harder to find a boss that has a great working ethic, which is worrying, to say the least. Everyone is trying their best to make their staff’s working days a living nightmare.
Well done to this boss for asking first. However, this employee clearly said that he couldn’t pick up a shift when he was asked to first. This boss seems to be suffering from deafness, or maybe he just doesn’t care what the employee thinks and says. We think he doesn’t care, and you?
Standing Your Ground
Here is yet another prime example of an entitled boss that’s lost their grasp on what it means to be a good manager. The ability to see right from wrong.
This employee had to resort to how can we say it? Oh yes! Extortion! This boss demanded that the employee who was scheduled to have an off-day pick up a shift the following day. This employee’s request for better pay should be met, especially if they lost an off-day, it’s only fair!
You Are Replaceable
Just imagine. You’re getting yourself ready to go on a trip, and the phone rings. Hi, someone phoned in sick, you MUST come to work! There’s nothing worse than having your week trip shattered by the people you're trying to avoid, a phone call from your boss!
Dan is our unfortunate victim of a boss that thinks he's entitled to order his employees around after working hours. Dan thankfully stood his ground and called the boss’s bluff, and resigned. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a boss change their terrible attitude to a more subdued tone. Well done there Dan!
Do Some Work... Before You Clock In?
Oh! Where are the days that people couldn’t wait to get to work and be productive? It was a healthy attitude to have, but it seems that the will and drive of people of today have changed a whole lot.
This person is ticked off because their boss is demanding that they do a whole lot of work before they clock in, for work. That doesn’t make sense at all. This boss has crossed the line when they made these stupid rules. We've never heard of anything so ridiculous that it’s borderline criminal.
Just Like That
A boss must have a good relationship with the staff. Having respect towards the staff members is also imperative and can’t hurt a business either. If a company has these fundamental issues covered, the staff would be happier and in the end, the guest or clients would be happier too.
Mark was the unfortunate victim of a boss that forgot some of the core principles of being a boss. His boss told him in a text message about his current working hours. His hours have been cut down and is now employed as a part-time worker. If the boss cared about the staff then he would have picked up the phone to see when Mark would have been back at work.
Phoned During School
We understand that managing the business and staff is a lot harder than it looks. You have to make sure there is staff to do the necessary work and you also need to manage the place at the same time. So, well done to the bosses that do this without having to use nefarious ways to manipulate their staff into doing their bidding.
However, if you are a student that has school, your priorities should first be education and then work. Not the other way around as what this boss is thinking. Asking a 16-year-old what’s more important, school or work is bad management! What are these bosses thinking?
Be Prepared
Preparation is key to running a great restaurant. As a boss, you always need to make sure there is stock for the bar and kitchen, and then there is the staff who needs to be managed, all the time. And, as a boss, you have to create a safe and pleasurable environment to work in. A boss also needs to make sure there are backup plans for when things go sideways.
This boss’s backup plan seems to be phoning for staff at three in the morning. Understandably, the boss was trying his luck with this employee, but he took the wrong approach by demanding that this employee come to work (even though it's his day off), for a long eleven-hour shift, starting at ten am. A little bit of short notice, don’t you think?
Freezing Apartment
Working far from home can be a little tiring, especially if you have to drive to and fro in the mornings and nights. Nobody can predict what might happen in the future and having a backup plan for when these go wrong, is the only way to beat an unexpected situation.
This boss does have a point though. The employee knew about his shift two weeks ago and should have made a plan. However having said that, this boss should also be a little bit more understanding towards his staff when something happens unexpectedly.
Boss Was on My Case All the Time
Not every employee out there has been blessed by working for a great boss that understands their staff and who will do anything to make sure that the bigger picture isn’t the only important thing in business. The well-being of the staff is also very important to any business. If the staff is happy then in return the boss will be happy, right?
This boss seems to have had it in for this person. Screaming at your staff will not make them do things faster or better. And in any case, this employee had a good reason to do what he did. Having a wife that’s pregnant can be traumatic for any dad-to-be.
Sick in Bed
We're all living our lives trying to stay healthy while trying to make ends meet. But sometimes life throws us a curveball and our luck runs out and we get sick. It happens all the time.
This person phoned their boss to tell them that they weren’t coming to work because he was sick and throwing up. This boss however didn't seem to care about their staff’s health and would rather have them come to work sick and coughing over everyone. He would probably get a warning for coughing too.
Don’t Want to Work Overtime
We understand that when you have a nine-to-five job, your boss expects you to be at work at nine and finish work at five. That’s the norm when it comes to working a day job.
This boss can be considered a horrible boss. His two staff members are doing a great job for him. Unfortunately, he wants more from them. He’s dissatisfied with their lack of enthusiasm when it comes to working after their time is up for work.
Wrongful Dismissal
The worst thing is having to go to work when you are sick. Especially when you're trying to live a healthy life, at least for most of the time. Sometimes, life has other plans and we end up getting sick or in this case, food poisoning.
This staff member clearly is a hard worker with standards that all employers look for when they do the hiring. This boss obviously has problems with other staff but firing a loyal and hardworking employee who is sick is unethical and should never be allowed!
Better Listen Next Time
It’s great if a person works in a place where you find great teamwork and have no animosity towards any other staff within the workplace, isn’t it? Well, it would be great if that were true for any business because not all bosses see their staff in any other way but as a working pawn with no right to say anything.
This boss, unfortunately, ignored her staff member’s request to have a look at the ventilation system inside the warehouse. Now, she's left with a whole lot of rotting stock and a whole lot of explaining to do. Word of advice, treat your staff like human beings. Listening to them is not seen as a weakness but seen as being a good boss.
Long Road to Recovery
On this journey of life that we're on, we go through different situations and experiences that shape us into who we are. One of those experiences is going to the dentist, and having your wisdom teeth taken out, is one to remember. To the people that know, we’ve been there, and walking around with a swollen face is one of those after-effects that we have to suffer.
This unfortunate employee had all four of his wisdom teeth taken out and took some time off of work to recover. Sometimes the recovery takes longer than expected, and in his case, it did. His managers didn’t like the fact that he is actually… a human, and not a robot by writing him up for not performing. Can’t these managers see that he wasn’t his 100% self? Really?! We thought that the lockjaw was a great hint.
Yeah! I Think I’ll Quit
This boss started this whole conversation in an accusatory fashion. He never asked for an explanation from the staff member and dived right into an accusing role. It’s completely unacceptable the way the boss went from being rude to absolutely ridiculous.
The staff member explained about his father’s passing and that they want a day off to mourn. But, instead of getting some support, he got a terrible response from their boss saying that he lost an uncle and a grandma too. Seems like the days of having a compassionate and fair boss could be a thing of the past.
Working Two Jobs
Life isn't easy and it's not cheap either. It’s not easy to find a job that can cover a person’s living expenses and more. Sometimes we have to take a bigger step and get a second job and juggling two jobs and life can be a daunting task for anyone. But often enough it's the only way forward.
This employee was doing exactly that and had to get a second job just to make ends meet. However, this entitled boss thinks that they can pressure their staff into picking up shifts when they weren’t even scheduled. No staff member should be subjected to this kind of abuse and should be able to live their own lives and make their own decisions outside of normal working hours, don’t you think?
Horribly Sick
It’s so nice to see that this manager who is so concerned about the staff’s well-being that they phoned continually to get a rundown of the situation. That is some great management skills right there. Or was it something else?
However, this boss’s enthusiasm was overshadowed by their tactless approach to this situation. He was so concerned about the business, and all those check-ups he was doing, was only to see if she was ready to get back to work. See! We knew it was too good to be true, it was something else.
If You’re Single, Then You Have to Work
You get all types of people with different dynamics working in businesses everywhere. Doesn’t matter how big or small the business is, the fact is that as a boss you need to maintain your composure and reason when addressing any situation that might come up.
We’ve seen this before, the boss trying to flex their ego and use a good employee in the wrong way. Demanding that a star employee give up their off day because he isn’t married is downright ridiculous. We all have our own lives to live and it shouldn’t matter if you’re single or married.
Keep On Dreaming
We all have dreams that we would like to aspire to someday. Maybe running a marathon or climbing Mount Everest or even have your employees say thank you for the terrible working environment. You see! Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Well, almost anything that is! Some dreams are just a little bit more unrealistic than some.
This employee saw a sign that the boss put up and in a way it could be funny, but in the work environments of today, it could be seen as a slap in the face to some employees. No employee will go and thank the boss for not giving a raise. Really?! This is not going to happen, boss, keep on dreaming!