Tomas Valero knew he had to get to the bottom of why his daughter was coming home from school crying. He asked the poor kid what was wrong, and since they had a trusting relationship, she openly told him what was at the root of her tears. When Tomas heard his little daughter’s words, however, he was shocked. If what she’d told him was true, then he needed to take action as soon as possible. But, given the circumstances, he couldn't just barge into the school without evidence. So, Tomas came up with a sneaky plan to gather the proof he needed, document the problem, and then take action to protect his precious little girl. The question is, what did he find out?
First Day of School
Most parents find it hard to send their little ones off to school for the first time. It’s an emotional process wherein both the child and the parent have to adjust to the new routine. For the parent, it's the understanding that this is the first step towards the youngster's independence. For the child, it can be a scary experience as they are delving into the unknown.
They find themselves in a new place, surrounded by many different faces, without the comforting presence of their parents. This can be quite overwhelming for little kids. That's why it is so important for parents to condition their young minds and prepare them for this momentous day. That's exactly what Tomas did with his daughter, but apparently, it still wasn't enough.
A Huge Adjustment
Everyone knows how hard it is to adjust to a new school, especially when you’re not used to spending so much time away from your family. There's only so much young minds can handle, so a simple catty comment can make them bawl their eyes out.
Did Valero's daughter get scolded by a rude teacher on her first day of school, or was it one of the other children who was making her cry? How did Tomas uncover the truth? Read on to find out!
A Scared Little Girl
You’d be hard-pressed to find a parent who doesn't want the best for their kids. So, we’re sure you’re with us in completely understanding Valero's desire to uncover the truth about what was really going on in his daughter's school.
Seeing his little angel in pain was shaking Tomas to the core, and there was no way he could let it go. When you see what he does next, you’ll be even more convinced of how protective and thoughtful a father this man is.
The Tears Keep Flowing
Tomas approached his daughter and asked her "What's wrong, baby?" The moment the words escaped his mouth, her cry became louder. At first, Tomas thought that it was nothing more than "first day at school nerves," but a more disturbing story soon emerged.
At this point, Tomas suspected it might be the work of a bullying classmate, a scary school staff member, or a rude teacher. Was he right in his suspicions? He knew he had to act on this situation right away.
Things Didn’t Change for Days
Tomas grew more and more concerned as his daughter's after-school crying developed into a daily routine. Every day, she would cry to Tomas, telling him that she didn’t want to go to school anymore. It was a nightmare for the father and daughter duo.
Tomas knew he had to uncover the problem and make it stop. If he failed in this, his daughter would hate school forever, and that would be catastrophic for her future. What would you do if your kid was going through something like this?
Things Got Worse
Months went by and there was still no improvement on his daughter's end. She hated school as much as ever and began crying before her classes too. Despite Tomas's encouragement, the little girl failed to cheer up. In fact, she grew more scared as the days progressed.
Tomas thought about it for days. What could be the reason for his daughter’s behavior? Of course, he had some ideas, but nothing solid enough to be able to act on it right away. He knew he had to be creative to find out the truth.
Not Saying Anything
It was hard for Tomas to see his daughter having a hard time at school, but it was a lot harder for him to understand why this was the case. No matter how hard he tried to get her to be clear about what was happening, she wouldn't say anything other than that she hated school.
It was heartbreaking to see his kid in so much pain, and even worse to see that she felt unable to tell him the cause. Tomas wanted to make his daughter happy, so he resorted to a rather drastic measure.
New School, New Life
Before attending kindergarten at the Pine Grove Elementary school, Tomas’s daughter had an easy time making friends and had no dependency issues. She was a normal kid, filled with curiosity and a love of discovering new things about the world.
This is why it was so baffling for Tomas to see her make a full 180-degree turn in her disposition. She had all the makings of a kid who would thrive in an academic environment. So, to see her crying her eyes out every day was something new for her parents, and they couldn’t just take it lightly.
A Big Change
It didn't take much time for the little girl’s personality to change from cheerful to emotional. From the moment she started going to school, she became a completely different kid. Tomas and his wife felt so powerless seeing their precious daughter in this state.
Something had to be done right away. At this point, the two felt desperate to save their kid. The only question left is why? Who's doing this to her? Is it because of a rude teacher? A bully classmate? Or the institution itself?
High Achiever
Before Tomas decided to transfer his daughter to a different school, she was excelling in both academic and social activities. She got really good grades, positive feedback from her teachers, and had a lot of friends. From this, Tomas knew there must be something going wrong at the new school.
We can all relate to how hard school is, especially when you're the new kid. But how hard was it for Valero's daughter? For a kid to cry every day after school, things must have been impossibly hard for her.
A Horrible Feeling of Helplessness
The only way for Tomas to fix this problem was for his daughter to tell him what needed to be taken care of. The only problem was, she didn't want to tell him anything. He and his wife didn’t want to force her to spit it out as that would only make things worse for her. They had to be more creative than that.
Can you imagine the frustration that Tomas was feeling? He felt powerless, and that's one of the worst things a parent can feel. But that sense of powerlessness led to commitment and resolve, driving him forward to find a solution to his daughter's troubles.
A Worried Father
Parents worry a lot, especially when they sense their kids are having a hard time. But Valero's case was getting extreme. His daughter was clearly being traumatized by the events that were happening around her, but she wasn’t able to speak up, so there was little he could do about it.
Tomas was worried sick and no matter how hard he tried to uncover what was at the heart of his daughter’s distress, she wouldn’t tell him. What would you do if you were in his shoes? What would any parent do? Tomas needed to think creatively to solve this problem.
A Normal, Happy Life
Tomas and his wife made sure the kids enjoyed a normal, happy, peaceful life. But what was happening with their precious daughter was disrupting their shared bliss. The parents strongly felt that their daughter was being bullied.
Bullying is never okay, and for Tomas and his wife to see their child suffer from anxiety and stress at such a young age was unbearably painful. They needed to uncover the culprit. Could it be a student? Or it could be worse: a teacher?
Always Be Patient
An important human trait that everyone should have is patience. As the old saying goes, “patience is a virtue,” but it's always easier said than done. Many people realize how important patience is when they start having kids.
With patience, parents can ensure their kids understand important life lessons. Lessons that can help them become successful, happy adults. But it was hard for Tomas and his wife to be patient, especially when they were seeing their child falling into a deep well of anxiety and fear with each passing day.
Learning Years
When this drama went down, Valero's daughter was still in her formative years. This means everything that was happening to her would have a big impact on how she’d develop over the years that followed. This was a time to act, and the urgency was palpable.
We just hope this situation didn’t damage her for life. If anything, we hope she will be able to transform her heartache into something that makes her stronger in the future. Whatever she went through, we’re sure her family had her back no matter what.
Was It Really Because of a Mean Teacher?
Child bullies are one thing, but a harsh teacher? Now that's traumatizing. Educators can sometimes be a little bit too tough, and though this approach may work on older students, it doesn’t do much good with kindergarteners. Young ones should be nourished with love and tenderness, not rudeness and harsh words.
A harsh teacher will only traumatize kids, and if they’re scared, they won't absorb as much knowledge. That's not something Tomas and his wife wanted for their precious daughter; they wanted her to thrive in a supportive environment.
Time to Move
When Tomas and his wife couldn't take it anymore, they started thinking of a way to get to the bottom of everything. It was hard for them to do this given that their daughter wouldn't let them in on what was going on behind the classroom doors.
But Tomas had an idea formulating in his head. Parents all over the world should take note of what he did to protect his daughter because his ingenuity may well have transformed his daughter's childhood experience.
Game Time
Tomas was determined that his daughter's suffering must come to an end. He was laser-focused on eliminating the issue so the little girl could go back to excelling in school and the family could get back to their happy, peaceful life.
Though it was a bold plan, his wife had confidence in him and backed his idea. It was a sure way to safely know the real reason why their daughter was experiencing so much anguish. Do you think this rather unusual course of action was a brilliant idea?
What's the Plan?
The parents had already ascertained that visiting their daughter's classroom was out of the question. It's easy for a classmate or teacher to act normally when parents are around. So, what was the next best course of action?
They had to be creative, and they weren’t short on ideas, but they needed to go with something that would allow them to hear and uncover everything while being 100% incognito. Would you think of the same idea if they were you?
A Tech-Driven Solution
Tomas finally decided it was time to go ahead with some espionage. So, he came up with an ingenious idea that would employ technology to give him a peek inside his daughter’s classroom. All in all, it seemed like the best solution for their situation.
They had to uncover their child’s attacker, and it was the safest way of getting this done. The recording device was his chance to finally understand the reality of his daughter's situation. What will Tomas and his wife hear? A harsh teacher or a bullying classmate?
The Anticipation
As soon as the plan had been formulated, Tomas sprang into action, gathering all the necessary materials. He would finally have the opportunity to see what a normal school day was like for his newly-transferred daughter.
There was nothing he wanted more than to see his daughter arrive home from school smiling and happy. He was ready to do everything in his power to make school fun for her again. Will they fully uncover the culprit and put an end to this madness?
The Results
Tomas waited anxiously for his daughter to come home so he could uncover the truth. As soon as she arrived, he immediately took the recording device and started listening attentively to its content.
It wasn't long before he heard something that made him so angry he could barely believe it was real. Though he was furious, he also felt an odd sense of relief because he’d finally gotten to the bottom of things. All that was left to do was to set things right.
The Truth
The audio device recorded everything that happened throughout the day, and it revealed the true culprit behind their daughter's misery. As it turns out, the teacher was being way too harsh on the students – something she should never have done to anyone, let alone kindergarteners.
Tomas listened to the recording thoroughly from start to finish. Finally, he knew what was making his daughter cry all the time. But he had to be sure about the truth of the matter before he did something to fix the issue.
The Bad Teacher
Thanks to the recording, Tomas was able to uncover how the teacher was acting around the students. She was taking advantage of her power and being rude to the tiny children, a situation that was definitely not okay in his books.
Tomas was furious after listening to the shocking recording. He paid high tuition fees to ensure his kid was being taken care of only to discover that the teacher was mistreating her. If you were in this situation, would you feel the same way he did?
What to Do With the Evidence?
After finding out how much of a jerk his daughter's teacher was, it was time to plan the best course of action. This poor excuse for a teacher wasn't just saying offensive things to the students, she was using a tone that was violent and clearly terrifying to the kids.
Tomas heard her scream at the children in her class for the most trivial reasons. He had the evidence, but he wasn’t certain what he should do with it. Should he just go to school or do something more creative?
An Unpleasant Surprise
After a long wait, Tomas finally got to the bottom of everything and it made him sick to know what was happening to his daughter every day. It was an unpleasant surprise to learn that his daughter's teacher was a monster. Following his instincts, Tomas decided to waste no time in approaching the public school district.
Tomas did the right thing by bringing this major issue to the attention of a person who was in a position to do something about it. This was the most logical way forward he could see at the time.
Making It Official
After hearing everything from the audio recording, Tomas couldn't bring himself to talk to the teacher in person. She had traumatized his daughter for many months, and he just couldn't take something like that lightly.
So, instead of personally approaching the teacher and risking a confrontation, he decided to escalate it to the state school board. On the day of his appointment, Tomas did not hold back in telling everyone on the board the truth about his daughter's teacher. We think it’s a brilliant move!
A Poor Response
Tomas thought he was clear and concise in presenting the story and the evidence he had collected to the board. He was confident that his complaint was valid and the proof that he was holding was strong. However, the board members failed to understand why he was so concerned and did nothing to fix the situation.
The young father was surprised and disappointed by the weak response he got from the board. He was furious to learn that no-one in the school system seemed to care about a teacher being a tyrant at school.
No Action Taken
Despite Valero's strong points and the clear evidence he provided, he felt like no-one really understood the gravity of what was happening. He was beyond upset. Not only was his daughter being bullied by an adult who was meant to be teaching her, but now it seemed the system was willing to support this abhorrent behavior.
The board suggested they would look into the matter and potentially discipline the teacher, but they didn’t show the level of concern you would expect for a situation in which children were being mistreated. Tomas felt they weren’t taking the matter seriously. And giving a warning to the teacher would not undo the damage she had done to his daughter and her classmates.
Dissatisfied Parent
Tomas wasn't satisfied with how the authorities responded to the situation. He knew his complaint was important and the teacher's offense was a grave one. He just couldn't let the tyrannical teacher continue to preside over his daughter's class after what he’d heard.
The young father found a way to get his story heard by people who were willing to fight for change. It didn't take him long to figure out the next best step, but what he decided to do was even more drastic than sending a listening device into the classroom!
Bigger Than His Daughter's Issue
Valero got a call from the school with an offer to move his child to a different class. This did not cut it for the concerned father because he knew the problem was bigger than his own little girl. That teacher was bullying the whole class, so it wouldn’t be right to leave the other kids suffering.
Tomas couldn’t help but feel compassion for other students who might experience the same treatment his daughter received under that teacher. As a responsible parent, he made a decision that he wouldn't just fight for his daughter, but for every child being mistreated.
Saving the Kids
The fact that Tomas did not get a lot of support from the system left him thoroughly disappointed. He felt that the issue was being taken far too lightly and the school seemed blind to how much damage the teacher was doing to these children.
If Tomas didn’t speak up, the teacher would take on new students each year, damaging generation after generation of innocent young minds. By this time, Tomas had taken his concerns to fellow parents and they were helping him with his cause. Despite this, the school officials still wouldn't budge.
A Collective Effort
Soon, every local parent knew about this teacher, Mrs. Duncan, and the way she was treating her young students. It took a while for their concern to transform into positive action, but as soon as Tomas created a petition for Duncan to be dismissed, the support skyrocketed. Before long, he had 2,000 signatures.
The petition offered the perfect opportunity for parents to voice their concerns in a straightforward way. But was it enough for the tyrannical teacher to finally receive the treatment she deserved? Or did the school have some sort of protection in place for the teacher?
In the Spotlight
The 2,000-signature petition created such a big buzz that the media descended upon Tomas. The young father was placed in the spotlight when all he wanted was for his daughter to be happy again. He is the perfect example of how far a loving father is willing to go for his family!
But that was exactly the reason why they wanted to interview him: what better story is there than one involving the love of a father and the trials he’s willing to go through to make his kids happy?
On a National Level
Tomas and his daughter became instant media sensations. People across the globe learned about the situation and applauded the young father for his determination to set things right. Mrs. Duncan, however, did not get fired. Instead, she was disciplined for her poor treatment of the kids.
As his anger faded, Tomas became hopeful that she would change for the better. People were arguing about whether to remove Mrs. Duncan from her post or not. Where would you have stood if you were one of the parents?
Blocking Childhood Trauma
Screaming at young children leaves lasting mental scars that can affect their futures. Psychologists suggest that habits and fears stick to kids for quite some time. In some cases, they never fade, and the kids bring them into adulthood.
If you're a teacher who’s having a bad day, please don't take it on your students. You may do irreparable damage. We join Tomas in hoping that Mrs. Duncan has learned her lesson and changed her ways. Do you think the teacher deserved a second chance?
Almost Forever Traumatized
If the whole thing happened for a longer period, Valero's daughter could have been damaged for life. Children who develop trauma usually bring it with them when they grow up. Kudos to Tomas for being the great father he is and putting an end to the problem before it got out of hand.
His advice to current and future parents is for them to have zero tolerance for poor treatment of your kids, as it can do permanent damage. Do not ever let things go as the perpetrator may be leaving your child with mental scars that could damage them for life.
Parent and Mentor
Parents carry the responsibility of being mentors to their kids. They serve as the family's role models, and while we all make mistakes, it can be hard to forgive yourself when you make one as a parent.
Being a role model, you must be conscious of your behavior. Scrutinizing and understanding your actions is an important aspect of being a great mentor and parent. Remember, you are your kid’s superhero and they will try to imitate your actions simply because they see themselves in you.
The Best Parent You Can Be
Life won’t always go your way. Regardless of the work you put into being a great parent and mentor, you will still commit the odd mistake. What's important is that you show your kids that mistakes are okay, so long as you make amends for them and ensure your overarching goal is to be a good person.
That’s one of the best lessons you can teach your kids: you should always do your best to correct your mistakes and aim to be better next time.
A Teacher's Responsibility
Teachers carry the burden of sharing lessons with children that go way beyond the academic curriculum. They are responsible, in large part, for how kids grasp life in all its confusing glory.
Teachers have to condition the minds of their students. This means they have a powerful influence and the things they say and do can leave lasting impressions. To all the teachers out there: please take care with how you act in front of kids as even the simplest gestures can have a deep impact on their young minds.
Valero's Efforts
Mrs. Duncan sadly tainted the image of teachers all over the world, most of whom are diligent and well-meaning. Few of them display scary and abusive behaviors as they know the negative impact this has on kids. One snarky comment from a teacher can destroy a child’s progress o and make them anxious and unhappy at school.
Good thing Tomas was able to act quickly before Mrs. Duncan did permanent damage to his daughter. We just hope his swift action was enough to help all the kids in the class and to set an example for other parents on proactive protection of their kids.
Hope Remains
Today, Mrs. Duncan is still teaching at the same school. The authorities promised to punish her accordingly, and the parents are hoping that she was able to realize the error of her ways. Still, it's frustrating for parents to have to wait idly by while the situation remains in limbo.
Many parents are still reeling from the situation and paying close attention to ensure their kids are recovering well. We can only hope that the situation was a catalyst for her becoming a better teacher. After all, she was given an opportunity to prove that she deserved that second chance.
A Battle for Everyone
The moment Tomas heard about how Mrs. Duncan was treating the students, he knew he had to do something. Solving the issue meant helping his own daughter, her classmates, future students, and the families of everyone involved.
At one point in the battle, it felt like the school valued the teacher more than the kids, but with many parents backing Tomas, Duncan was finally punished accordingly, and rightfully so. A teacher being harsh to kindergarteners isn’t something to be taken lightly.
Stronger Than Ever
Everyone knows that you grow stronger every time you overcome an obstacle in life. Tomas and his daughter agree with this wholeheartedly. They emerged victorious from a huge obstacle and came out stronger as a result.
If Tomas had not pushed as hard as he did, things wouldn't have gotten better for his daughter and her classmates. Who knows how big the damage could have been if Mrs. Duncan’s behavior had gone on any longer. Future generations of kids would have been at risk.
Dad of the Year
Today, Tomas's daughter is attending a different teacher's class. She is now very happy and her outgoing personality has returned. Every day, she takes steps towards achieving her potential, and everyone can see she’s going places.
From Valero, we have learned that it’s vital to pay attention to our kids as they won't always be able to tell you what's wrong when they’re suffering. With this, we recognize Tomas as the Best Dad of the Year! Can you imagine the state his daughter would be in if no one had stopped Mrs. Duncan from continuing with her madness?
Unwavering Support
If there's one message we hope Valero’s daughter takes with her from this, it’s that her parents have always got her back, no matter what. She should never feel afraid to tell them what’s bothering her.
Good parents pay enough attention to be able to identify if there's something wrong with their kids right away. This is exactly what Tomas and his wife did. They tried to understand their daughter's situation and acted upon it accordingly.
Loving Parents
Tomas's wife, Laici, always tries to make their children happy. She takes the time to teach them life lessons, and as a result, the kids have all been recognized as being remarkably intelligent for their respective ages.
The Volero duo’s motto is to “always keep their kids' best interest in mind.” This is probably at the heart of why Tomas knew something was off with his precious daughter. And also why he tackled the issue before it could do more damage.
An Amazing Support System
If you want to see your kids acting like responsible, kind human beings, then you have to first show them how it’s done. And to teach them the right ways, you have to lead by example.
You can start by providing them with a stable environment at home. This will give them a strong foundation to hold onto in times of trouble. Aliya, Tomas's daughter, is lucky to have all the support she will ever need to create a successful future for herself.
Long Preparation
Tomas and Laici’s parental journey can serve as a model for modern society. Everyone could learn a thing or two from them. Another good example they offer is the long preparation period they undertook for each of their kids.
Before deciding to have each child, the two made sure they had the mental, physical, and financial capacity to manage the responsibility. They knew parenthood wouldn’t be an easy journey, so they were determined to go in as prepared as possible.
Their Marriage
Apart from fully focusing on their children's needs and wants, it's also important to have a healthy marriage. Laici and Tomas are a perfect example of this. The two met while Tomas was serving in the military.
The two clicked immediately and soon agreed to spend their lives together. Being surrounded by a strong and loving bond is very important for a child. Indeed, it’s quite clear that this played a big part in why their daughter easily recovered from the damage Mrs. Duncan had done to her.
When Your Husband Is In the Military
Being apart is already hard enough, but when your husband is away because he’s in a war zone? That's just a big crate full of anxiety in the making! It was hard for Tomas too as he was separated from his whole family, not just his loving wife.
In such a demanding line of work, it’s hard to be there for your family. Tomas somehow managed to offer strong emotional support to his wife, despite being away. Laici is one lucky lady!
A Peaceful Life
At the time of Tomas's deployment, there wasn't a day he didn't miss his wife and daughter. They never left his mind, despite his workload. Though he missed them deeply, he was never really worried because he knew the family was in good hands with Laici.
Tomas was on Laici’s mind all the time. She missed him and the love and support he offered when he was around. The two trusted each other in a way that no-one else could ever get in the way of.
Making Her Parents Proud
Aliyah was a well-behaved girl. She was obedient and made friends easily. Laici and Tomas are proud of their little girl and they are looking forward to seeing how much progress she makes in the coming years.
Aliyah and her mom waited patiently for Tomas to come back home from his deployment. Laici wanted Tomas to be back by her side so he could see all the amazing milestones their baby was passing. Can we all agree that he is an adorably great father?
The Best Baby Ever
When Aliyah was an infant, Tomas and Laici never had any issues with her. She was a quiet child, the kind that you wouldn't mind being with inside an airplane. Wherever they went, baby Aliyah was never a hassle.
As a baby, Aliyah rarely cried and she was a good sleeper too – every parent’s dream! Laici and Tomas felt so lucky to have been blessed with such a hassle-free baby. Aliyah was also a super cute baby. Look at that little bundle of joy!
Photos From the Past
Tomas recalls taking a lot of photos with Aliyah when she was still an infant. She was the most adorable little thing in his eyes, and rightfully so. Just look at that baby girl with that cute bow on her head – who could ever resist that cute face?
The only thing we don’t love about this photo is the resolution. Yeah, we're calling you out Tomas. You should have taken her baby photos with a better camera! Other than that, we have nothing but deep respect for everyone in the Volero family.
Beautiful Princesses
Having their second baby girl was a dream come true for Tomas and Laici. They loved every minute of it.
The two little ladies were so sweet, mild-mannered, and obedient, despite their young age.
Good Times
One of the most fulfilling achievements a parent can be blessed with is when they see that they’ve successfully created a home full of love and gratitude. Tomas and Laici were able to build that kind of life, and everyone in their little family was happy, at least until Mrs. Duncan came into the picture.
Tomas asked Aliyah to reenact an old photo so they could compare how much her teeth had grown. The result was the pair of photos you see above, and it's the most adorable thing! Do you agree?
The Third Child
For parents like Tomas and Laici, having many children was always a dream, so it was no surprise to anyone when they decided not to stop at just two kids in the family.
Everyone was excited to learn that he was on his way. Tomas and Laici agreed that parenthood was a dream come true. They couldn’t have been happier. And this only makes sense considering they had been blessed with two beautiful girls and a strong healthy boy.
Three's Never a Crowd
As suspected, the two sisters loved their baby brother so much that they became the best of friends. This made Laici and Tomas so happy, as they knew how important it was for the siblings to love and care for each other.
Seeing the kids bond so lovingly with each other made Laici and Tomas the happiest parents. Not all siblings get along well, so the harmony in the Valero household was something they were endlessly thankful for. We just hope they will remain this way for a very long time (if not forever).
Model Life
Just like the rest of the world, the Valero girls loved using Snapchat and all its application filters. Their mom also loves taking photos and posting them on social media. We see social media influencers in the making!
It must be amazing to have a quiet life with three beautiful children. We understand a little bit more now why Tomas felt the need to fix his daughter's problem without delay. Their sense of harmony had been disrupted and he needed to bring order back to their tiny universe!
Back Rides
You all know by now how much of an angel Aliyah was when she was a baby. She would rarely cry and slept longer than most kids her age. It was as if she was being an obedient infant to her mom and dad before she even knew what obedience was.
If there's one thing she loved at this age, it was hopping on her father's shoulders so she could get a clear view of everything around her. Isn't she adorable?
Attending Events Together
Probably one of the cutest things about having a family is when you get to dress everyone up and attend events together. It's always fun to share moments with people you love, especially your family.
Having someone by your side gives you the confidence boost you need to enjoy yourself without feeling self-conscious. Some people think having a family means taking on mountains of responsibility. While you do need to step up and be responsible, you'll also get to experience what it truly means to be alive.
Bedtime Read
Bedtime stories are an effective method for calming kids down and helping them sleep. That's why Tomas established a habit of reading to Aliyah, right from when she was very young.
With a binky in her mouth, Aliyah seems to be enjoying her time with her father. We wonder how deep in the story they were in before she closed her eyes and fell asleep. We're guessing not much deeper. Just look at her being all serious as her father reads the story. Adorable!
Always Smiling
Tomas and his wife swore to put their kids' wants and needs before their own. This means their main goal in life is to keep their offspring healthy and happy. New parents across the globe would be wise to take them as role models.
Tomas, for instance, has a very stressful job, but he never wears a frown in front of the kids. He makes sure they always see him smiling, so they won't ever feel sad or scared in his presence. Best dad ever!
Family Love
The girls love their dad so much. They often think about him when he's gone and dance in glee when he returns home. The two girls love their mom equally, obeying her rules and recognizing her authority.
Aliyah loves being the oldest sibling. She enjoys the fact that she gets to teach her little brother and sister everything she knows. This is a sight Laici and Tomas never tire of seeing. Would you ever get tired seeing your kids having unconditional love for each other? We think not!
Valero Holidays
The holiday season is a time for family togetherness. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year offer the perfect excuse for bonding with family and friends.
That's why it isn't a surprise to learn that the Valeros enjoy spending the holidays with each other. Their favorite holiday of the year: Christmas, of course! Fun fact about Aliyah: she used to be scared of Santa, but now she loves him. We wish we could see Aliyah’s face as she opens up her Christmas gifts!
Please Don't Grow Up
Tomas and his wife belong to the category of parents who don't want their children to grow up too quickly. If they could slow down the time, they would.
Time flies way too fast for loving parents, and the Valeros feel like their kids are growing up at record speed. They can't believe how much Aliyah has grown over the years, and if they could slow it down they would, without any question. We can’t really blame them when they have the cutest kids!
Supportive Parents
The way Tomas reacted to Aliyah's situation reflects his goal in life: to make his children happy. He did everything in his power without forcing Aliyah to tell him something she wasn’t ready to share. He could have solved the issue right away by forcing his daughter to tell the truth, but he respected her choice.
Tomas and his wife want to guide their kids toward the right paths without forcing them to do anything they don’t feel comfortable with. Their love for their three adorable children is unconditional.
Never Absent
Aliyah is one lucky child to have a father who’s never absent. He might not be there for them physically during his deployments, but he makes sure that everything is taken care of.
The issue with Aliyah and her school teacher, Mrs. Duncan, is a shining example of this dedication. He was able to expose the teacher, inform the authorities, and attract the media. And he did all of that just to protect his daughter. What an amazing father! Can we all agree on how lucky Aliyah and her siblings are to have Tomas as their dad?
The Best Father
Without Tomas, Aliyah would have continued to go to school feeling scared and anxious every day. She might not have developed the confidence to perform well in school and make meaningful friendships. It's really hard to battle it out with a bully teacher. In fact, it’s a parent's worst nightmare.
Thankfully, Tomas was able to overcome this horrible experience and let the world know that protecting your family is a duty that knows no bounds. Kudos to him and his wife for being such good parents, and for coming up with such a brilliant idea that exposed the wrongdoings of Aliyah’s teacher!