Babies: crying, pooping, and keeping parents awake for 76 hours. Despite the challenges, parenthood brings adorable and hilarious moments when captured on camera. From annoyed expressions to wise looks, and tiny old people resemblances, the joy outweighs the tough parts. Here are 25 funny baby photos and our take on what might be happening in them.
“What’s Your Problem? ”
We all wake up in a bad mood from time to time, but it seems some of us get started that way from the very beginning. This kid is barely hours old and she’s already got a big attitude. Maybe she was happy being all cozy and warm in the womb and isn’t exactly pleased with being pushed out into the world before she was ready.
Maybe she wants to know how she’s been alive for all those minutes and nobody has offered her breakfast yet. Maybe she just doesn’t appreciate being photographed when she hasn’t even had a chance to even sort a decent outfit out yet. Whatever the reason, this kid is letting her uncle, and the rest of us, know who is in charge, right from the start.
Cute as Button
You’ve heard the phrase “old before your time”, well, this kid has taken it to an extreme. If they were awake enough to cite their inspiration, they might credit this look to Benjamin Button. One thing is for sure, by combining the cuteness of a newborn baby with the distinguished hairstyle of a silver fox, they’ll be melting the hearts of moms, and grandmas, everywhere they turn.
The sheepskin rug is a great move by whoever put this photograph together but the real star is the old man baby currently taking a nap while feeling their own adorably chubby cheeks. We don’t know whether to fetch them a bottle of milk, or a pipe and slippers. What we do know is that they have wisdom beyond that which we are ready to receive.
No, No, No!
“I’m in charge,” reads this kid’s badge, but its face says something very different. A dozen illustrators could spend a week drawing and still fail to come up with a more accurate representation of disgust and dissatisfaction than this face portrays. We don’t know what is happening in the room but it’s clearly not to the taste of the kid in the safari onesie.
Maybe it's the wild animals that have got them all riled up. Maybe the photographer has just said something completely stupid like “say cheese” to a kid that a) doesn’t know what cheese is, and b) can’t say any words yet and certainly isn’t going to start by naming dairy products. After all, it’s 2023, this kid probably won’t even drink cow’s milk when it grows up, never mind know the glory of delicious European cheeses.
Absolute Fury
This photo is just screaming to become a movie poster. The Lord Commander of a warmongering alien race has encountered rebel activity within his territory and he’s furious about it. He views the opposing forces as a thorn in his side and he holds them in the highest disdain. He, and his mighty forces, will unleash the full force of their wrath until their outrageous disobedience is crushed in a hail of fire and pain.

The catch? This mighty extraterrestrial race are all babies and no matter what robes they wear, or what face they pull, they simply cannot stop being adorable. This kid will probably be voiced by Steve Carell, or Danny Devito… maybe Ryan Reynolds would be the rebel leader. We’re not sure, it’s a work in progress. Our people will talk to their people and we’ll get back to you.
Uh? Nah!
“You see, right now you're all cozy while I wrap you up in a towel and help you get dry. But, one day, you’ll get out of the bath and the doorbell will ring and you’ll have to go all the way downstairs in just a towel and you’ll stand on Lego and all your family will just turn around from their screens, and laugh while you try to hold back the tears.”

Maybe that’s what Mom’s saying, maybe she’s explaining that the kid will grow a full set of teeth that will only last a few years before falling out to be replaced by another set of teeth that will probably be the cause of some expensive medical bills because social media has led us all to believe we need perfectly aligned “Hollywood-style” smiles. Either way, this kid doesn’t like the sound of it.
Looking Good

They’ll no doubt say it with impeccable elegance, in an old English accent, and just a smidge of caustic wit too. Some of us live for 70 years without achieving this sort of poise and gravity, but this kid has mastered it in a matter of days. If you’re looking for a first birthday present, might we suggest a casual dinner jacket?
No Waiting
Nobody likes waiting. Whether standing in line at a coffee shop, sitting in traffic, or lounging around a doctor’s surgery waiting for an indefinitely delayed appointment. Having our time sucked away by other people and not being able to do anything about it is the worst. For old people who - let’s be honest - have less time left, it’s even more painful. That’s why so many of them have developed that facial expression that sits somewhere between weary and incensed.

We’ve all seen it, if not on our own grandparents than on strangers who are out living their most frustrated lives. This infant has got it bang on, which is hilarious. After all, if you can’t enjoy a good wait when you’re only a few weeks old, when can you? Relax kid! You’ve plenty of time to rage against the pace of life when you’re older.
What Does It Say?
There are a lot of demands placed on a baby during their first few moments out in “the open”. First, they have to learn how to breathe all by themselves, then they need to deal with the panic of not knowing where food is coming from. Plus there are loads of strange people prodding around, making noises, and even taking photos, which is extra scary when they’ve never even seen a person before, at least not from the outside.

One thing a new baby shouldn’t have to do is an eye test, but that’s exactly what it looks like this kid is doing. You can see the frustration as they squint, scrunch up their face, and try to make sense of the letters in the distance; something made even tricker by not knowing what letters are. Seriously, either get the kid some glasses or let them get some shut-eye!
Hair Today
Life isn’t linear, it’s a circle, especially for men. We’re born bald and helpless without the ability to communicate properly or control most of our bodily functions. We grow. We learn to manage our bodies, to express ourselves, and we grow hair all over. We might even grow enough on our heads to experiment with a variety of styles; perhaps even beards.

Then, as we reach a certain age, the hair begins to fall away again, sometimes in spots, sometimes moving back from the forehead. Eventually, sadly, many of us find communicating becomes difficult again and, finally, the bodily functions start taking on a life of their own. Don’t believe me? Then why does this kid have the hairline of a 60-year-old man? The evidence is overwhelming.
Baby Chef
This Twitter user either needs a couple of high school biology lessons or she’s found a really strange way to make a shocking confession to her partner. While there is no doubt about the resemblance, we think it’s possible that Miss Dempster might have already had some idea if the famous English chef really was the father of her baby.

Still, whatever the reason for the infant look-alike who was born in Wales, it’s pretty clear a lucrative career as a Gordon Ramsay tribute act is on the cards. Baby’s Kitchen Nightmares and Baby‘s Kitchen would both make great TV shows. Though they should probably stay clear of remaking The F Word, at least for a few years. In the meantime, let’s just hope the milk and baby food is considered up to scratch, or there might be some dining room scenes nobody was prepared for!
When we walk into a clothes store and see a cute little outfit, whether it's a miniature three-piece suit, a tiny sailor’s uniform, or a furry lion onesie, it’s tough not to imagine how adorable our favorite little guy might look in it. Proud parents and grandparents, fun aunties and uncles, and supportive friends are always picking up quirky costumes to help make the most of a baby’s early years and fill up the photo albums with happy memories to look back on.

Although most results are exactly as we imagine them, it doesn’t always work out that way. This wrinkly and confused young soul looks like the oldest and unhappiest lion who ever walked the African savannah, or the preschools of Brentwood. Regardless, we bet you’re smiling when you look at it. Sometimes a kid doesn’t have to look cute, sometimes they can just look hilarious.
Mini Vizzini
In 1987, the best family movie ever released was directed by Rob Reiner and featured performances from Cary Elwes, Andre the Giant, Robin Wright, and Mandy Patinkin. It also starred a 43-year-old New Yorker who played a Sicilian intellectual criminal who enjoyed using the word “inconceivable”, even if it did not mean what he thought it did. Wallace Shawn was an essential cast member of The Princess Bride, and now we’ve found the guy who will replace him in the 2057 remake!

While the happy little guy might not be great at a game of “find the iocane poison” right now, he’s got plenty of time to sharpen up his skills ready to meet the Man in Black in a few decades time. Hopefully, for his sake, the new Vizzini will fare a little better than the old Vizzini, even if it does seem inconceivable from here.
Shush Dear!
Babies often look like old people. If that’s not something we all knew before this list, it's certainly something we’re aware of now. Sometimes, though, parents get so carried away that they take it a little too far. This poor kid, with the side parting, the librarian glasses, and the frilly blouse, stands no chance of looking their age. Also, is that… lipstick?

The adults responsible for putting this ensemble together for what appears to be a professional photoshoot either genuinely think this is an adorable look for their kid, or haven’t stopped laughing since the day the print came through. In a decade or so, however, when the child celebrates their 16th or 18th birthday and this ends up as a poster, they’re gonna have one annoyed teenager to contend with!
Complex Character
Everything about this kid’s outfit says “cool dude”. He’s a rock ‘n roll’ guitarist from the “#1 rad division”, he’s got trousers with images from all the sports he’s definitely going to be a star at, and he's even got a pretty stylish pair of sneakers. If this toddler rocked up at your high school, you just know he’d be part of the popular crew.

His face, on the other hand, says something very different. “Where am I?, “Who am I?”, “What’s going on?”, “Whose clothes are these?” This is a kid so confused he’s on the edge of tears and, while we might all know exactly how that feels, that’s not an expression that plays well in your average high school. Or, and we don’t want to make any unfair accusations here, he may have just pooped.
Live Hard
Some of us are born to be computer scientists. Some of us will always be librarians. Some of us will naturally find our way into opening a chain of ultra-ethical recycled coffee stores in which the only payment we accept are drawings, or poems. Some people, however, are action heroes from the moment they take their first breath. Just like this kid.

The smooth, bald head. The wrinkled brow. The twisted look of contempt. The only way this kid could look more like Bruce Willis would be if they cut the sleeves off his babygrow. We all know that, come Christmas Eve, rather than waiting for Santa, this infant McLane will be saving NakaTiny Plaza from Hans Diaper, just as he was born to.
Little Goblin
Everybody thinks their baby is beautiful, and they are. Every baby is a miracle filled with potential and they all have something to give to the world, no matter how small. When it comes to photographs, however, as any Instagrammer will tell you, lighting and angles are everything. Sometimes, Mom and Dad’s precious little gem does occasionally end up looking, from a certain angle in a certain light, like a goblin.

This poor kid isn’t at their best. The diaper could be in better condition. The posture could be more elegant. And the face… well… there’s a reason smiles and pouts are favored by most photographers. Still, it’s the beauty inside that really counts, right? In fairness to the kid, if I had that many medical machines surrounding me, I’d probably make a similar face too.
Gummy Joy
Babies looking like grumpy old people are pretty commonplace, but have you ever seen a tiny infant make the same face as a toothless pensioner when they’re feeling pure joy? We don’t know exactly what has just happened to this kid but they certainly look happy about it. Maybe they just had their first taste of Dr Pepper from the cup on the side.

Whatever it was, those scrunched-up eyes and the big gummy grin combine to make a face that you can’t help but smile at. Maybe that’s what’s happening, maybe grandma is behind the camera beaming back with the same expression, and this room is filled with two new relatives reflecting each other’s happy little faces. Sometimes life is pretty good, y’know.
Snow Joke
I remember snow days as a kid. You woke up to a magical landscape where everything was covered in a blanket of untouched white and your ordinary suburban world felt transformed into something from an alien planet. You could get dressed up in layers of clothing and a coat that was so big it restricted your movement a little, then rush out to make the first footprints, or angel patterns, in the soft powder.

It was amazing, for about five minutes until the cold kicked in and a bigger kid threw a snowball at you. This young lad doesn’t seem too worried about the cold, or too impressed by the snow. In fairness, that’s not a proper covering and he’s going to struggle to build a snowman from it. It might be enough to create a full day’s work for his Tonka truck though.
Story Time
Here we have a rare picture of a peaceful baby in a clean and tidy room. Well, at least within the frame at the moment the picture was taken. Off camera, it might be chaos. A high chair and the rug around it could be destroyed with splashed food and debris from a turbulent feeding time. Somewhere over our left shoulder, however, a crafty parent has turned on the one thing almost guaranteed to quiet and captivate a curious child - a TV.

We’re pretty sure this is the face of someone halfway through season eight of Grey’s Anatomy and ready to binge-watch at least three more episodes before dinner. Who can blame the kid, they have plenty of time on their hands and no responsibilities to fill it with. We should address one little thing though. Is that… a shark in their pocket?
Christmas Query
“So, you’re telling me Santa flies all the way around the world and visits every single house in one night, powered by reindeer, and he gets into our living rooms by going down the chimney, but he’s also fat? I’m sorry pal, I just don’t buy it.” This cynical-looking chap clearly has some questions about the authenticity of the Christmas story he’s just been told, and that’s fair.

We think, if you’re going to put a kid in a waistcoat and bowtie they have every right to a little attitude. There are also a few more questions to answer. “He travels in a sleigh because it's snowy, right? But there’s no snow in most of the world at Christmas. How do those wooden runners fair on the streets of LA, or that place in Australia where everyone lives underground? I smell a rat, Dad.”
Just Reflecting
“Y’know, Mom and Dad, I’m getting to that age when I’m doing a lot of thinking. And do you know what I’m thinking? I started by wondering, ‘Is this all there is?’ I figured I’d only seen a tiny part of the world and I’d only met a few people and that there must be something bigger, something more exciting. There must be something else out there for me.”

“But, y’know, these days I spend less time worrying about what’s not here and more time appreciating what is. I love you guys. I love our home. I love this chair. And I love sitting here in my sports pajamas just appreciating all the things I love. Life’s pretty good when you stop and think about it for a while. You guys. This place. That’s all I really need.”
Tired Now
They say life is short, but sometimes it feels so very long. The daily grind, the old routine, the same old same old. If you get stuck in a rut, every day can feel like a century and you start to think what you need more than anything else is rest. This old guy has been working hard, sucking milk and making poop, for a whole month now.

He’s tired, he’s weary, and he’s ready to leave it all behind and cruise the world on an ocean liner. Play a little cards, drink a few cocktails, flirt with a few grandmas. That sounds like the life for him. Instead, he has to lie here, wearing this itchy shirt and this gaudy tie, posing for photos, keeping the old folks happy. One day, kid, one day you’ll get your retirement cruise.
I Have Notes
“Ok,” this kid seems to be saying, “we need to talk about the way things are run around here.” Hopefully his mom or dad are listening carefully, possibly with a notepad in hand. “I like this restaurant. The service is personal, which I appreciate, and I’m pretty happy with my table, but the menu just isn’t cutting it for me, if I’m completely honest with you.”

“I’m eating whatever you serve me,” the kid says, “because I’m polite and respectful, but a lot of it, when we break it down, is just goo. Where’s the creativity? Where’s the flair? I’ve lived for some months. I’ve got a pretty refined palette. I need you to challenge me. Bring me something new, something delicious, something I can shout about. Until then, I’m afraid, I can only give a Yelp rating of 3.5 stars.”
Family Man
This is a good guy. There are millions just like him all over America, and even more across the world, but that doesn’t stop him from being special. He grafts hard all day at the factory, he has a laugh with his co-workers, and he gets the job done. Then, when he comes home, he likes nothing more than to light up the barbecue, crack open a cold can, and invite the family around for the game.

Sure, he may never be a millionaire and he wears that same check shirt every day, but he’s got a big heart and he’ll always be there when you need him. This guy should be protected and he should be appreciated. After all, how can you feel down with that warm smile around? We love this guy, and he loves us.
Nap Time
Sometimes it's the proportions of babies which make them look older than they are; about 80 years older, in this case. The background of mom’s tartan trousers doesn’t help much but this sleeping infant looks almost exactly like a sleeping grandma. The wrinkly hands held against the chest, the tea-cozy hat, the perforated blanket, and the tiny and weary old face.

Sure, being born is a lot of work, so we can’t blame the kid for being tired, and we’re sure they’ll grow into those limbs before too long, but for now, let’s just appreciate how cute the kid looks in its old-person napping pose. Mom will definitely be appreciating the peace and quiet, even if she’s trapped and can’t get up to pee. Things will be very different in a little while when the baby wakes up and wants to make their voice heard.
Check Out The Hilarious Costumes On These Kids
When it starts getting cold outside and you see Starbucks releasing spookily designed cups and tumblers, you can be sure that Halloween is oh so close by. And what parent doesn't have fun during Halloween? After all, you not only get to share in your child's hard-earned confectionery plunder, you also get an excuse to dress yourself and the rest of your family in the most outrageous garb.

Indeed, one of the best things about Halloween is dressing your kid. In fact, one should be creative, because it's just so much more fun; instead of buying another Spiderman outfit, or that ol' witch costume, just channel your inner Liberace and make one yourself! And if you're itching for ideas or looking for inspiration, then read on, because below is a list of the most creative parents on the face of the planet who've absolutely nailed it for Halloween.
Hannibal Lecter
With this costume, you will at least get your kid to not just stay silent but also refrain from running around under the guise that it's for Halloween. Also, it's just too darn cute--it's a little Hannibal Lecter, after all, so how can it not be?

I mean, sure, you'll probably get an inordinate amount of unwanted attention from the other parents who'll be wondering why you're subjecting your child to some form of cruel and unusual punishment, but who cares. After all, Halloween happens only once a year, so might as well enjoy it.
Thanks A Latte
If you're someone who's not just bored of the standard Halloween costumes that are available but is also somewhat of a Starbucks coffee lover, then this might just be the perfect costume for you. It's easy to do, too; all you need to do is put on a green apron and dress your infant as a frappuccino (which will be easy to DIY) and you're done!

Starbucks is a hugely popular brand, too, so unless the party you'll be going to will be held at some middle eastern hinterland, then the iconic mermaid symbol seen in your young'un will be instantly recognizable.
Spider Baby
This spider baby costume is a pretty ingenious way to have one's baby fully integrated into your Halloween costume. It also looks like it will cost only a few dollars to DIY this whole thing, so you'll end up with a little more money to spare for another drink or two at the pub during the adult party that will surely follow.

It's also a win-win; your baby will be fully snug and comfortable in your loving embrace, while you get to walk with your head high, basking in the warmth of everyone's admiration.
Lil Lobster
It's simply not easy to be a baby for Halloween. Babies have no say in what their parents want them to wear, and it is often the case that what their parents want them to wear is not just so outrageously ridiculous but is also one that has the baby's comfort as the lowest priority. This little guy pictured below is a good example—just look at the expression on his face; it is an expression of utter defeat.
He's probably wondering what he's done in his past life to deserve such a cruel and unusual punishment. In any case, we can't say we are not amused, despite that he is clearly in a state of negative well-being because he's just so cute dressed as a little lobster who is ready for the stove.
The Extraterrestrial
See, you don't have to spend all that much to come up with something interesting. This dad is a great example of that. He has managed to integrate his baby into his costume and pull off something undeniably creative with just a few dollars spent. He basically just glued a basket to some handlebars, put on a red hoodie, and did the minimal amount of effort to get his baby to look like the alien from the E.T. film, and voila!

His baby won't be complaining, too, given how snug he seems to be inside the basket. No doubt, Steven Spielberg will look at this creation with absolute pride.
Pop Corny Costume
Parents who design their baby carrier in such a way that it looks like part of their costume seems to be a Halloween trend these days. And, understandably so, because it makes carrying the little rascal while dressed in a costume all the more easy. This mom got pretty creative by putting a wig on her baby to make it look like freshly popped popcorn.

The way in which she was able to use everyday items already lying around the house is quite impressive, and it just highlights an important fact that has been said time and time again, which is that a little ingenuity can go a long way.
Daenerys Targaryen, The Mother of Baby Dragons
And what could be a better theme for a Halloween costume than one of the greatest shows in the history of television? This mother dressed herself as Daenerys Targaryen and put her three adorable babies in dragon costumes.

She will no doubt be instantly recognizable as the Dragon Queen, who is one of the main characters of the American fantasy drama television series inspired by the books of.. well that bespectacled guy with the weird hair whose name currently escapes us.
Who You Gonna Call?
This daddy dressed up as a ghostbuster and ingeniously garbed his little one as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Thankfully the baby's been blessed with puffy cheeks that make him look almost exactly like the cute and gigantic Stay Puft, else this costume would not have worked!

There was definitely more work that was done for the dad's costume than the usual, simple DIY, given that he's got a headgear and a backpack that looks almost exactly like what was used in the movie. In any case, this is one great costume idea that will no doubt be getting stares from everyone around.
Napoleon Dynamite
This kid was definitely too young to have seen Napoleon Dynamite, but his mom, conversely, must have not only seen it but loved it, given she decidedly dressed him as the awkward teen who had trouble fitting in with society. In any case, this was a great job by the mom dressing herself up and her kid as characters from the movie, seeing as she got the details right, down to the makeup box.
Dressing up as movie characters are almost always a great idea for Halloween (depending on the movie, I guess) so if this doesn't get these two a whole bag of treats for Halloween, then we don't know what will.
The Black Pearl... They've Been Searching All Their Lives For
Don't get us wrong, it's a good costume, if not a bit dangerous. I mean, the dad is a pirate and his kid is an ol' trusty side-kick parrot who is balancing on his shoulder. I'm sure anyone can guess what makes this costume quite dangerous for the kid. Plus, one would have to have biceps the size of Dwayne The Rock Johnson to be able to balance a sizeable youngster such as this all throughout the trick or treating process.

Hopefully, the wife took it upon herself to carry the candies, because it's not looking like daddy-pirate here will be getting far walking door-to-door with a human-sized parrot balancing on his shoulder.
Pokemon Characters!
Unless you've just emerged from a cave, or have been living as a hermit for the past few years, then you've no doubt heard about pokemon, those fictional little monsters that humans capture and train for the purpose of doing battle with each other. These little creatures, needless to say, are a cultural phenomenon, in no small part because of the Pokemon Go mobile game that was released.

So it was only a matter of time before people started dressing up as Pokemons for Halloween. As we can see, the couple is dressed as characters from the children's game, while their baby is dressed as the most famous Pokemon of all, Pikachu! And, we have to say, this little tot is even cuter than Pikachu himself, who is perhaps already the cutest character ever invented.
Baby Chewbacca
Chewbacca, from the Star Wars franchise, is a Wookie known to speak a dialect called Shyriiwook, which is rather incomprehensible to normal human beings. Indeed, even Jedi powers will not help one be able to understand whatever the hell it is Chewbacca keeps whinging about. So, in a sense, it does make sense to dress a baby as Chewbacca—because, like Chewy, babies tend to communicate themselves in a very incomprehensible manner.

But you know what else Chewy has in common with babies? Cuteness! The dad in the picture, however, isn't a true Star Wars fan, given the fact that he dressed as a Stormtrooper. Indeed, true Star Wars fans would know that it is quite ridiculous for a baby Chewbacca to be cradled in the loving embrace of a Stormtrooper. In any case, these two look adorable together, and that's what counts!
Octopus Arms
And here's another mommy who utilized her creativity to incorporate her baby's carrier into her costume. And, why, she's now got more than a few arms to grab 'em candies from homeowners who would no doubt be bursting out in hearty guffaws over their appearance. It's a simple costume that goes a long way.

All mommy needed to do was put on some tights and a pair of goggles to look like a diver and purchase an octopus costume online and.. well, actually, come to think of it, incorporating that octopus outfit into the carrier may have needed quite a bit of work. In any case, those flippers that mommy is wearing won't make the door-to-door trek any easier, but at least her baby is as snug as a bug right in front of her.
How Cheesy!
If you're having a hard time thinking what to wear for Halloween, well, just like most situations, pizza is the answer. And this is one pizza costume that says 'you complete me' better than any other.

The kid is dressed as a slice off of the mother, who's the whole pie. After all, 'you complete me' is one of the cheesiest lines in rom-com history, and pizza is cheesy too, making this Hallow's eve costume genius on so many levels of meta-cognition.
A Cute Skunk
We're not sure that dressing your baby as a skunk, with all the negative connotations attached to skunks in general, is a good idea.

But, hey, it's kind of cute. And, we all know skunks stink, while babies can release those brown stuff into their diapers, too, which undeniably also stinks, so maybe the costume isn't a bad idea in a meta, self-referential, kind of way.