Cats Love Throwing Stuff Around
It’s not a secret that cats absolutely love throwing stuff to the floor. Whenever they see something in front of them, there is a very high probability that they’ll throw it to the floor. So next time you find yourself in the middle of an argument with someone who supports the flat earth theory, just give them this meme's argument or even show them the meme!
And actually, there is a very good reason why cats love throwing stuff on the floor. Apparently, it is a way of practicing their hunting skills. Who knew!
Cats Who Love Playing With Plastic
Cats are able to eat and play with the most random things ever, and plastic is easily one of their favorites. The thing is that some plastic bags really give the impression that there’s some food in them, so of course the little felines like to sniff around and look for the food.
And since plastic bags make a bunch of noise, they just love playing around with it. So it only makes sense that plastic bags are one of their favorite things to play with, though the environment is not so happy about that.
Cat Memes Dating Back Centuries
Cats date back centuries ago. In fact, although it is believed that they exist for much longer than what the evidence shows, the earliest evidence of feline domestication dates back to 12,000 years ago, taking place in the Middle East.
But as we see in this hilarious meme, there is also “evidence” that these little felines have been attacking things for the longest time, maybe even dating back to 10,000 B.C, who knows? We surely wouldn’t be surprised if this was true.
When Napping Is Life
Naps are literally one of the best things to do in life. And we all know how naps are certainly one of a cat's favorite thing to do throughout the day. We couldn’t relate more to this cute meme of a cat literally struggling to wake up from a much needed nap.
Did you know that cats sleep an average of 15 hours every single day? Sleeping that much helps them get the energy they need to put all of that predatory behavior in action when they’re awake.
Purring Is A Necessary Trait
Have you ever wondered why cats purr so much? It surely is one of the cutest things they do, but there’s actually a very good reason behind it. And no, the reason isn't a bunch of bees as this meme suggests, there is something else. When cats purr, they are actually vibrating the muscles located in their voice boxes.
It might not be so obvious at first, but their continuous purring happens because the muscles they vibrate take place when they are both inhaling and exhaling, making it seem continuous. It's also been proven they purr at a frequency that encourages healing!
When You Need To Collect That Insurance
Okay, this meme is both hilarious and nerve-wracking at the same time, but we’ll take it as a joke! Have you ever heard of people who do some sketchy things to collect their insurance money, sometimes even putting their life in danger while doing it? Well, this cat seems to have learned the memo since it's doing exactly the same thing.
This cat probably fell asleep in the worst place possible, and it looks pretty chilled about it. So someone had the brilliant idea of taking this picture to make it seem like this cat is onto that insurance money!
The Best Way To Distract An Egyptian God
If you didn’t know by now, Egyptian cat memes are actually a thing and they’re the most hilarious thing out there. This cat-human hybrid is one of the most popular ones, with several memes making fun of cats in ancient times. In this meme, we see the ancient Egyptian goddess of warfare, who happens to be half-cat and half-human.
The meme manages to hilariously bring up the majestic role of the goddess that is instantly lost when her half-cat side sees a cardboard box and fails to ignore it.
When A Cat Masters The Art Of Hacking
Okay, we’re just kidding, hacking is not necessarily art but we have to admit that it takes some skills. And by the looks of this meme, this cat has successfully managed to perfect its hacking game by hacking into this old computer and seemingly being stuck in it afterward.
Apparently, cats usually use their whiskers to decide whether or not they can fit into a small space. In this case, this cat’s whiskers weren’t so successful in doing so, but we’re sure it found a way to get out of it like cats always do.
Quick, He's Looking!
Ah, crushes! As much as we'd like to believe they stay back in middle school, we all know that's not the case. A good crush can hit hard at any age. And when it does, it's essential to play it cool for fear of coming off like, overeager kid.
This cat is clearly a master of playing it cool when it comes to seeing his crush - a rather fetching husky mix - around town. We wish we could only be half as good.
Well, That’s One Way To Keep That Eye Contact
One of the most common ways a cat usually shows love is by making eye contact with the person (or animal) they love. The thing is that some cats don’t love making eye contact as much, and with some, you never know what they’re about to do when they stare at you for too long.
So this cat owner decided to make things much easier and risk-free by adding these cute googly eyes to the back of their cat’s head. For a second this might look very convincing.
This Cat’s Pick Up Line
Cats react differently to inanimate toys, with some of them being smart enough to understand that that’s just a toy, and others not being so successful at it. It seems like the cat in this cute pick-up line cat meme totally failed to realize that the fur kitty lying down in front of it wasn’t actually a real kitty.
So what did it do? It lay down in its cutest position and probably threw a few pick-up lines hoping that the inanimate cat toy would respond back.
A Hovercat Just Chilling
Have you ever thought that you’d ever see a hovercat in your lifetime? Well, if not, then here’s a treat for you. This meme shows a perfectly timed picture taken of a cat sitting on a car’s front window, with an angle that makes it look like it’s floating.
And it seems like the sunroof of this car is not so hot, since cats are really sensitive to temperature. Whenever they want to find out the pressure and texture of something while hunting or planning to hunt, they use their tiny paws for it.
When The Cat Stays At Grandma’s
Okay, let’s preface this meme by saying that we truly hope this cute feline is okay. But someone brilliantly took this photo to refer to those who have been lucky to experience the treats that come with visiting grandma’s house.
Clearly, this picture refers to when a cat (or a grandchild) is left at grandma’s for a few days and comes back with several pounds more. Fun fact, an Australian cat called Himmy broke the record for the heaviest cat in history weighing 46.8 pounds.
A Weird Guard Cat
Cats can be extremely weird, but the cute kind of weird that we can’t get enough of. Take this cutie for example. These house owners put a sign in front of their house that read “beware of the dog,” just like many dog owners put in their houses.
But this time they felt like they should mention their weird kitty, which apparently does a few weird things. So in order to give people a heads up, they made sure to mention the cute cat, and even took this awesome picture to prove it.
When The Cat Isn’t Ready For It
Scared cat memes are probably some of the funniest ones out there, because seriously, how dramatic are their reactions to certain situations? Take this cat for example. The kitten was just chilling when its owner decided to snap a cute picture.
Funny enough, the cat wasn’t ready for it, and probably didn’t even hear the person approaching, so the result of it was this hilarious expression and subsequent fall. The expression on the cat’s face is simply priceless, and this person was lucky to get it on camera.
When You Have To Hold Back Your Cat
By now, it’s pretty clear that there are all “types” of cat memes, and “hold me back” cat memes are certainly one of them. This big guy and his kitty embody the perfect pair for this meme since they both look pretty ready for a fight, but they use the fact that one of them is stopping the other from going for it.
This is unrelated, but did you know that a study once concluded that about 76% of the study’s female respondents claimed that they would consider whether or not their pet liked their dates as a huge eye-opener?
Could Cats Be Aliens?
This one is an interesting one. If you’re all things cat, then you’ve probably heard one or two conspiracy theories claiming that cats are not animals, they are actually aliens. Now, we have no idea where these theories come from, but this meme is perfect in the way it makes fun of it.
The kitten seems to be making a joke about aliens when these possible theories make the joke totally on him/her! One thing’s for sure though, that kitten is the cutest thing ever with its paws up.
You Can Never Trust A Cat
It’s what it is folks, cats can be pretty unpredictable depending on their mood and the way they feel about a certain person. Take this cutie, it seems completely harmless and unusually cool, but you never know what that cat is thinking!
So whenever you’re in a situation where a cat begins biting all over you after some affectionate time, there could be two things happening. The cat could be playing with you, or it could be warning you that a little bite is about to come and you should run!
A Cat With Closed Eyes Trusts You
Now here is a meme showing the absolute opposite of a trusting cat. The meme hilariously points towards the fact that when a cat is comfortable around someone and feels that they are trustworthy, then they usually close their eyes.
This is not always the case, but it’s accurate for many cats. The cat in this picture clearly feels the opposite of trust towards whoever is taking this picture, since its eyes couldn’t be more open than they are here. This person better watch what the cat is up to.
Cats Do Not Approve Having Anything On A Shelf
If you have a cat, you’ll probably admit that your cat basically runs the house. Unless it’s one of those rare well-behaved cats that do everything you tell them to, then chances are that your cat does whatever it wants.
And one common thing around rebel cats is that they simply hate to have things tidy and placed on shelves and surfaces. As soon as they see it, they will do everything they can to drop the stuff on the floor, no matter what the consequences are.
Your Cat Is Hanging Out With The Wrong Cats
Now, this is something one doesn’t see every day. This cat has simply taken on its rebel side after beginning to hang out with the wrong crowd. Out of the blue, this cat owner realized that their cat was literally walking around with a cigarette in its mouth as if that was the most common thing in the world.
Luckily, the cigarette was off so nothing dangerous happened. But this cat owner might want to take another look at the crew hanging out with their cat.
A Cat Mechanic
If you thought that the categories for cat memes were about to be over, then you were wrong. There is something out there called “mechanic cat memes” and we are totally here for it! We have no idea what this cutie was doing, but the position it was caught in is simply brilliant.
The kitty seems to be ready to fix that car, and the person behind the camera caught the most perfect moment. By the cat’s expression though, it doesn’t seem like there is much left to do about the vehicle.
No Way You Can Teach A Cat To Fish
It’s a fact that cats feel that they are some of the most majestic animals in the animal kingdom, if not the most majestic! So this meme is a perfect representation of that while making reference to one of the most famous sayings out there.
No matter how much you may teach a cat to fish, they will probably just wait there for you to fish for them, and then serve the fish on a golden platter! Nothing could represent this better than the annoyed expression of the cat in this picture.
It Doesn't Hurt To Imagine
It's true that there are mirrors that can manipulate the image of the person staring into them. From the fun-house to the dressing room, it might be more common than you think to look into a mirror and have the person staring back not actually be quite exactly you. But this kitter is a bit over-hopeful.
We're not saying he doesn't have an inner mountain lion. But he'll need to dream on or maybe hit the gym a little harder if he really wants to look just like his ferocious counterpart.
Cats Will Play With Anything Other Than A Toy
Here’s another very typical characteristic of cats… they will literally play with anything around them with the exception of the toys one buys for them. Some people spend tons of money on their kitties, just for them to disappoint them by barely touching them.
Cats would rather play with random objects, and mostly with things that they know they shouldn’t play with. So this meme pretty much explains it perfectly, cats have been ignoring cat toys for as long as we remember them.
When A Cat Has To Make An Emergency Exit
It takes a little bit of creativity to imagine a cat driving a car, let alone making an emergency exit, but this driving cat meme totally nailed it! If you’re into Saturday Night Live’s old episodes, then you might have seen the episode that came out in 1989 in which a Driving Cat named Toonces was introduced to the public.
The driving cat would often drive off a cliff almost every time it drove the car, but somehow the cat would always be fine and the show was undoubtedly funny!
When Getting Bamboozled Isn’t As Fun
There are certain things that are so much fun when we do them to others, but when others do it to us it’s not exactly the best experience in life. So this bamboozle cat meme brings us home to that experience after the word became popular all over the internet in 2016.
The term is no longer used as frequently as it used to be, but we’re happy to bring it back to our vocabulary after this incredibly cute meme. Seriously, the bamboozling face of this kitty is just too much.
This Cat Is “Inbred”
There are so many things that this cat could be. A cat meme, a dad joke, you name it, but we certainly do love an adorable cat photo like this one! Sadly, cat breeders have continued to use inbreeding in order to get specific traits of breed-specific cats mixed up.
The practice is frowned upon in many places in the world, but unfortunately, it continues to be popular in some countries. It is easily much more fun to look at this picture of a piece of bread stuck on this annoyed cat’s face.
Oh No, You Didn't'!
It’s stronger than us, while we know that arguing sucks, there are just situations when it’s very difficult to let go. And it seems like this cat is validating that for us since little argument occurrences are much more common than not.
And while things work a certain way with humans, you might want to think twice before you sneakily whisper into your cat’s ears. They are so sensitive to sound that they could possibly even hear electrical currents and react pretty wildly.
When You’re Caught In The Middle Of The Act
Well, there’s possibly nothing worse than being caught doing something that is “prohibited''.” And animals are smart, be it a dog or a cat, they know exactly when they’re not supposed to be doing something, but the temptation is just too much.
This cat was definitely caught in the act after it somehow got into a box full of pellets and decided to play around with it. Unfortunately for the cat, it was caught pretty early into it and the pellets were all over it.
When Being Pocketless Ruins Your Moment
There is something really cozy about having pockets. Just the idea of having where to put your hands when things get awkward can make any situation better. This pocketless cat meme represents all of us when we suddenly start contemplating the choices we have been making with our lives and suddenly need to put our hands in our pockets.
Shockingly, we realize that there are no pockets and the entire moment is instantly ruined! But looking at this cat makes any ruined moment much better!
Think About What You Wish For
Here's another cat meme that probably represents many moments in our lives, as well as typical mistakes cats make. Cats are persistent, especially when they really want to play with something. This cat is an example of making a choice that should have probably not been made.
After playing around with this pile of yarn, it got completely tangled up and very quickly regretted its decision. A heads up for cat owners, it’s actually very important to keep string and yarn away from cats since they can swallow it and get severely hurt.
A Medusa Cat Meme
For those who don’t know, back in the day, in Greek mythology, Medusa was a female monster with tons of snakes acting as her hair. She was incredibly terrifying and has been used in several stories and myths to scare people around.
According to the myth, if a person (or a cat) would stare at her, they would turn into stone. While we all know that this is not exactly what happened here, the meme does make the entire myth quite funny.
Tune D-Lite
We've all seen those videos of babies trying foods for the first time. Maybe we've even seen the rather cruel one of parents introducing their children to lemons. Regardless, eating a new food for the first time is a big deal, especially when it turns into a fan favorite.
This delighted feline was just introduced to one of a cat's most favorite delicacies: tuna! And by the look on his face, this is going to be a life-long friendship.
Cats Love Keyboards
If you watch cat videos every once in a while, then you’ve probably seen a video here and there of a cat going crazy with keyboards! There is something that happens when they see one, that they just have to go and either click on them or simply rest on them.
For some reason, they tend to find keyboards incredibly comfortable and will literally ignore their beds, the carpet, or anything fluffy in order to rest on that keyboard. It’s cute, but it can also be really inconvenient especially if one is trying to work.
You Don’t Want To Mess With This Cat
For people who are scared of cats, this picture probably doesn’t make things easy or less frightening. Back in 1935, an Austrian physicist called Erwin Schrodinger came up with a weird experiment that revolved around a cat and a box.
The experiment planned to find out if a cat located inside of a box was either alive or dead. This meme was created with that experiment in mind, and we can see that the cat is alive and is ready to get its revenge.
When You Need An Expert To Deal With The Spiders
Kidding or not, it’s definitely convenient to have a cat at home when you’re afraid of certain animals. Cats will literally hunt them just for fun, so you don’t need to worry about catching any of them.
This meme is a perfect example of how fun it is to have a cat when you need some help getting rid of a spider or any other bug. The cat seems to be very concentrated and ready to make everyone proud, showing that its predator self is very convenient at times.
Different Species Bonding
It’s always interesting to see an animal trying to figure out what another animal is. They clearly recognize that the other being is an animal, but it can sometimes take them a bit of time to understand who is exactly what. In this cute picture, we see a cat gently caressing a beluga whale, which can mostly be found in sub-Arctic and Arctic waters.
They are huge and heavy, weighing up to 3,500 pounds, yikes! It actually looks like the cat is kissing the beluga whale in the photo, which makes the meme even funnier.