Cheerleading has evolved through the years into a global phenomenon. Crowds in their thousands are now cheering for these cheerleaders in national and international cheerleading competitions. Here we’ve compiled some hilarious photos of cheerleaders going about their business on the sports fields and, who weren’t really camera-ready when these shots were taken. So let's get cheering everybody!
Gimme an ”I”?!
Being a high school student isn't easy. Adding cheerleading to the mix with the academic side would be tough on any student, we understand, we truly do. Having a banner to cheer on your team with the word ”spirit” being misspelled with “spirt” might have the people think otherwise of their beloved cheerleaders. We’ve got “spirit”, no we don’t, we need a spell check, yes we do!
To be truly honest, this doesn’t do the whole stereotypical view of beauty and no brains, any good. Well, in any case, this was only a misspelled word. And as the saying goes “nobody’s nerfect”.
Feels Like Things Are Getting Worse
If you’ve seen The Simpsons movie then you might remember Bart saying “This is the worst day of my life” when he was humiliated in public. Homer even tried to console him in his uniquely fatherly way by saying “The worst day of your life so far”. We think about that quote a lot because for some or other reason things do sometimes feel like they're getting worse.
We’re pretty sure that these unfortunate cheerleaders were thinking the same thing. Once the top started to tumble, then it was only a matter of time before it all started falling apart.
Supporting a Friend
This is for all the wingmen, in this case, women. Thank you for all the hard work you put in when out on the town with your friends. You’re all awesome and we love you. Without your help, who knows? Some of us would never have met the person we love.
Jokes aside. Isn’t it amazing to see how strong these cheerleaders are? Not only is she her friend's support, from the bottom that is, but she’s doing it with a smile on her face. You go, girl!
Not Ready to Face Adulthood
“I want to be a grown-up.” That’s what most of us wanted to be when we were young and naïve. Then adulthood arrives and you realize that it was all a dream. Everything started to cost money. We had to start paying bills, taxes, and for food. Even those beloved afternoon naps became a thing of the past. Yip! That was was the sudden reality of being an adult.
These two comical-looking cheerleaders on the bottom right of this picture would be the young and naïve adults we were at that early stage of our lives. We knew the responsibilities we were facing, but in reality, we weren’t prepared for them.
Cheerleading Ain’t Easy
If you ever walked into a room and happened to walk into something that you should never have seen. Well, the thing is, you really can’t unsee what you’ve already seen. Some of these photos can make excellent memes especially with facial expressions like in this picture shown below.
The best thing about this picture is the fact that both cheerleaders are in the exact boat but their facial expressions are complete opposites. Whatever the case may be, they both seem to be scarred for life from their ordeal. Nobody said cheerleading was easy.
Moment of Realization
There are so many facial expressions in this picture that we don’t know who to talk about. Should it be the girl on the right who can’t believe that she’s cheerleading or the guy on the bottom? Nah! That’s too easy. Let’s talk about the girl on top.
She will be an excellent candidate for a meme about that exact moment of realization. It could be anything. Her look shows the moment the realization presented itself and, that she and possibly her fellow cheerleaders too, have to deal with the situation at hand.
Please Don’t Ring, Please Don’t Ring!
We’re pretty sure that women all over find it quite annoying sometimes when finding out that their designer clothing doesn’t have any real pockets, or if they do, they’re too small for anything to fit into them. Feels like a conspiracy, doesn’t it?
Well, here we can see what happens when this problem arises. She adapted and improvised her ordeal and overcame this pocket-less situation by making another plan. We must say, her solution was pretty good. She better hope that nobody phones during a somersault.
We Both Fell for Each Other
If you would like to exercise your creativity, then all you need to do is have a look at some photos online and try to imagine the story behind them. You might be surprised by the results. You never know what sort of storyline you can come up with.
The picture above shows a cheerleader, a football player, and a moment, a moment that might be perceived as the start of a beautiful love story. Don’t you think?
Just One More Flip to Go
Cheerleading can be extremely physical at times. Studies have shown that cheerleaders suffer more concussions than in impact sports like hockey and lacrosse. Both are notorious for being rough sports.
This cheerleader got injured while doing her stunts. This didn’t stop her determination to finish the routine, swollen eye and all. It looks like she came out of a cage fight before doing her cheering routine. Word of advice, maybe swopping activities would be better, cheerleading before cage fighting. What do you think?
Say Whaaat !?
Rich people don’t have the same problems that regular people do. Like for instance… window shopping for things that you wish you could buy. You know that feeling you get when you stroll through the mall and see something you really really want, but can’t afford.
And then, BAM! It happens. Your moment has finally come. You’re being rewarded for patiently waiting all that time. The item you wished for is going on sale. Stop everything, I’m going shopping.
This Is Who I Am!
Finding the right person to choose as a partner, isn’t easy. Even with all the dating apps out there, you still have to find the right person among all of the potential suitors. It’s always a nerve-racking ordeal at the beginning of a relationship. Both sides always trying to impress each other without having to let their hair down.
Here we see a perfectly timed photo of a cheerleader that reminds us what happens when you’ve been dating for a while and just want to let your hair down and show your partner your true colors. Hey! If your partner doesn’t run away screaming for the hills, then they’re a keeper.
Best Tumbler Ever! I Promise
It’s been estimated that forty percent of people lie on their resumes. And, lying on them can’t be considered a criminal offense, because a resume is not seen as a legal document. People love to exaggerate their numbers, give fake addresses, and even inflate the titles that they held in their previous jobs.
However, there is one thing people can’t get past is the fact that you need to perform these apparent qualities. Meaning, you have to know what do to when that particular situation or job requirement arises. Having to lie and say that you’re the best tumbler around might not be the best idea, especially if you look at our cheerleader above. Great scorpion pose, terrible somersault.
The Joys of Being Young
We all love our siblings and if there is anyone that does or says something bad to our siblings then we won’t hesitate to protect them until the very end. Because that’s what siblings do, right? Well, nobody except you, is allowed to mess with your sibling. That sounds about right, doesn’t it?
This picture above is giving us another great candidate for some excellent meme material. This looks like the face a child will pull standing behind his parent's backs while the other unfortunate sibling is getting blamed for something he didn’t do. Now that's bringing back some childhood memories.
Just Hold It a Little Longer
First, let’s just say. It’s amazing to see the power the men and women cheerleaders have and we respect them for that. The amount of pressure that these cheerleaders put on their bodies is astounding and they amaze crowds every time they perform.
We can say a lot about this picture just off the bat. But what gets us is the facial expressions this guy makes. It looks like he's holding in a sneeze in the middle of the stunt and he’s about to lose it and double his concentration effort to make the stunt work. Just one more flip buddy then you can… Achoo!... Bless you.
Can’t Wait for Friday
Have you ever heard that saying that says if you do something you love, then you will never work another day in your life? Now that saying might seem great, but it doesn’t apply to most of us that work. Unfortunately, finding a job opening where you can lounge around all day and get paid to do it, is a lot harder than it sounds. So, for most of us, this kind of fairytale job is just that, a fairytale.
With that being said, after a grueling week of work, most of us can’t wait to get to Friday. In this picture above we can see what these would people would look like when their boss wanted to approach them for a last-minute document that needed to be written up. Sorry boss, it’s Friday! Beer pong anyone?
Just Smile
We’re pretty sure that everyone knows what it feels like when things or even life starts falling apart. The helplessness of not knowing what’s going to happen and staying positive is the only way we know to help with the uncertainty of life.
This is a perfect example of trying to stay positive even when it feels like the whole world is about to collapse under you. Having a positive outlook is the only way we can try and combat the uncertainty that life throws us. So, never give up, keep your chin up and smile.
Cheerleader Vs. Basketball... Ball
We all know that cheerleaders are high-spirited, athletic, and beautiful, to say the least. To most of us, they always seem to have everything going for them, but even the most successful cheerleaders can have an off day.
Here we see a cheerleader being knocked completely off of her feet when she was hit on the head by a basketball. Ouch! That might leave a mark. In any case, this scenario looks like a film shoot for comedian Will Ferrell. Even so, being hit on the head by a speeding basketball can’t be fun.
Synchronized Landing
It takes years and years of practice to do the things all these wonderful cheerleaders do to entertain us. Synchronized running and cheering and jumping and tumbling is what we get when all of those years of training, pay off.
This hilarious image looks like the same person with two personalities that coexist in peace. The one gives you a feeling of accomplishment because she is a doer. While the other one, not so much. Hey, that might even look like everyone before the banger of a weekend and the other side, well that’s what most of us look like after the banger of a weekend.
Too Embarrassed to Ask
Ever had that feeling that whatever you do, you just can’t get the hang of it? Asking people to repeat their instructions because you don’t understand them, can be embarrassing too. Here we can see in this perfectly timed photo what it might be like when you don’t understand your boss’s instructions, and end up winging it, hoping for the best.
You can ask again for instructions, but you don’t want to sound stupid, so you decide to wing it… again. Hoping for the best. So, be prepared when you’re winging it, you might not get the results you wanted and end up making things worse than before.
Don’t Care, Get Me Out of Here!
What do you call that overpowering fear of deep bodies of water like the oceans, seas, and lakes? We don’t know how common this phobia is but it’s called thalassophobia, and it comes from the Greek word for fear (phobos) and sea (thalassa).
Now, if you have this type of phobia, imagine the spine-chilling feeling you got while swimming in one of these bodies of water when something touched your foot. Aah! What was that? Was it a shark? Don’t care anymore, get me out of here! That will be our reaction. What’s yours?
I Guess They Got It Wrong, Didn’t They?
Hey! It’s not easy to be a male cheerleader. Always in the firing line from people that can’t keep their opinions to themselves. Things will always pop up because of the misconceptions that people have towards them and end up saying stupid things like, “ he’s probably gay”, or “ a girl will never touch you knowing that you’re a cheerleader”, but they got it wrong, didn’t they?
So, to all the male cheerleaders out there. You're doing a fantastic job amongst all these opinionated fools out there, and we know that it takes hard work and dedication to reach these levels and you have to trust your fellow cheerers. Well done! While being tanned may help cheerleaders look good in their roles, the following people took their tans way too seriously.
Why Is Dieting So Hard?
The worst thing for any dieter would probably be the fact that you can’t have any of the things you’d normally have. You are constantly restraining yourself especially if your roommate walks into the room, sits down, and eats a burger.
Your mind starts reeling from seeing the juices dripping on their plate and face. It starts to annoy you, so you take a napkin to clean their face. The closer you get, the uneasier you feel, you might just take a bite out of their burger. At the last moment, you pull back and say to yourself "No! I have to be strong, but why is dieting so hard?"
You Never Know When Things Are Gonna Go South
It is said that you should never count your chickens before they hatched. You never know what will happen at any given time. You might be walking down the street, whistling to your favorite song and thinking that you are in the best possible space, and then it happens. BAM! You walked into a pole. Just to show you that you never know what’s around the corner.
With this hilarious photo, we can see a perfect example of what might happen when things go wrong. Doesn’t matter how much preparation you do, life will kick you in the face when you least expect it.
Where Did I Go Wrong?
We are all living a manic life. We forget to stop and smell the roses, always running from one priority to the next, and often feel like we didn’t do enough when we reach the end of our day. The truth is that this type of lifestyle isn’t healthy for anyone. We all need to stop and think about where we are in life.
This cheerleader has given us a perfect facial expression of how we might look when we stop and think about all our life decisions we made, and oh boy, that’s not gonna be fun.