Cats. These animals are cunning, curious, and crazy cute. They never fail to bring energetic amusement to their humans' lives. And sometimes we manage to catch them in the strangest situations. The cats on this list have all been snapped in funny, odd, and some even scary moments. From strange sleeping positions to a suspicious cat gathering, take a look at these hilarious feline moments.
It’s Important to Stretch
If you were to walk in on your feline laying over the edge of a chair like this, you may get quite worried. We’re not sure how this cat got into such an awkward position - and it's also unclear whether it’s not stuck like that or simply enjoying the deep backstretch that it’s getting.
Either way, the cat doesn’t really seem too perplexed about the situation. In fact, it almost seems to be looking at the person taking the photo and saying “what are you looking at?” There is another theory - perhaps the cat just really wanted to show off its white markings that look very much like a cute bikini! Perfect summer outfit.
Don’t Test the Cat
Anyone who has ever had a cat living with them will know that they all have their own unique personality traits. Some are cute - like morning cuddles and chasing string. Some are obnoxious - like pushing over coffee cups and biting ankles as you walk past. But once you know your cat, you know how they will react to certain things.
This is especially true for this owner who got a changeable letter board. The cat had clearly already shown its owner how it felt about the board, and yet letters kept appearing, against the cat’s wishes. So the human grabbed the perfect photo opportunity and made the sentence “My Cat Will Eat This” on the board. Sure enough, the cat looks like it’s taking a huge bite out of the letters.
A Delivery Packed With Love
The saying “If I Fits, I Sits” is based on almost every cat’s incessant need to find even the smallest box or container, and squeeze their entire body into it. They seem to find a sort of comfort in these strange sleeping spots and believe that every box that enters the house is for them.
This fluffy ginger cat has managed to find a box barely bigger than itself, and melted right into it - creating the cutest picture. Whether the cat is simply taking ownership of the box left out in the house, or would like for its humans to deliver it to a vacation spot, we’re not sure. But it really does look comfy in there.
Who’s Tail Is This?!
Have you ever watched a dog playing and chasing its own tail? It’s typically a very cute but hilarious moment, and often the dogs don’t come out looking like the smartest mammals on earth. But as always, cats can do everything dogs can, only better!
This flexible feline has managed to grab hold of its own tail (does it know it's attached to its own body?). And is now captivated in a yoga-like position, not letting go of the long and furry stalker that has been following it around all day. You have to admit, this cat looks a lot more stealthy and cunning than a dog would.
“We Shall Meet Under the Full Light”
You know that superstitious saying about black cats? While it’s not true, we think that maybe photos like this are where it started. Can you imagine walking into your living room and finding six black cats sitting in a circle on your table and staring up at the ceiling?
We have so many questions. Like, do all these cats actually live in this house? Does this happen often? Is this some sort of annual witch conference? What are the cats looking at? And what is the name of that cute one that has learned how to stand on their hind legs so well?! There are no answers, unfortunately, just this photo that will undoubtedly stay in your mind now for many years to come.
Master of Disguise
Did anybody order one container of cat? We have yet another case of “If I Fits I Sits” here, with this grey and white kitty who has absolutely melted into a white container. If there weren’t two beady eyes staring up at us, we might find it hard to believe that there is a cat in there.
This is a lesson for all who share their homes with cats - if you’re unable to find them at any time, go and check every container you own, even if it seems too small. Also, before you put away any boxes or containers, check them for sneaky cats first!
I’m Just Chilling in Here
Cats pretty much do as they please, humans can’t always understand their actions, but that’s okay. Our feline friends are not here to be understood, but rather adored and loved. So when you find your cat sleeping or sitting in strange places, it’s best to just smile and nod.
Even if that strange place is the fridge, apparently. Why any cat would feel like they need to claim a seat inside a cold fridge is beyond our understanding, but perhaps this one could smell a cooked chicken and thought they would grab a midnight snack.
Finding a New Perspective on Life
Okay so cats can be crazy and confusing, and sometimes humans simply stand and scratch their heads at what their furry housemates’ are doing. But in case you didn’t know, cats are also perplexed at times and just can’t understand their humans either.
This is why you see this absolute beauty sitting in such a strange way. This cat’s body is sitting up straight, but then its neck is bent right over so that it can look upside down. Whether this is confusion at the humans taking the photo, or simply a party trick done to gain treats, we don’t know. But regardless, it’s funny to look at.
You Missed a Spot
Cats don’t clean, that would be way beneath their honorable league. But there is nothing stopping them from being supervisors when their humans are cleaning. And by the looks of this photo, this cat is not very happy with the results.
It looks like there has been an inspection of how well the human cleaned the windows. And there is obviously still a spot of dirt, which the feline is inspecting between its claws. Is it really too much to ask that these humans clean our homes properly?!
Take Me to My Food, Human!
It’s no secret that even though we as humans think we own cats, it’s actually the other way round. They may enter our homes as pets, but it doesn’t take long for them to become the absolute boss of their territory. So is what we’re seeing here really so confusing?
It’s unclear exactly what is happening. But somehow, this lady has ended up on her hands and knees, with a feline sitting very comfortably on her back. Were they playing? Is the human piggy-backing the cat? Was this an opportunity crime where the cat jumped up as the woman was kneeling down for another reason? We may never know, but the cat’s face says they are definitely not moving!
It’s Time for a Catnap
Cats do typically have very high energy levels. You’ll often find them jumping onto and off of furniture, chasing birds in the garden, or playing ‘hide-and-pounce’ with the humans in their home. But, sometimes cats need rest too, which is clearly what we’re seeing in this picture.
We have no idea what this cat was doing all day/night, but we suspect it was along the lines of keeping their humans awake, exercising the dog, or perhaps really enjoying that impressive scratch post. Whatever it was doing, though, it sure looks tired out. Sometimes you just need a cat nap before going on with your day.
What Are You Laughing At?
Whenever you bring a cat into your home, you’re sure to find that they have a unique character and personality. But some cats are just extra special, with weird and wonderful quirks, and they provide their humans with endless laughter (and photo opportunities).
We’d be confident in betting that this smokey grey feline falls into the second category. It clearly has a very different way of sitting, almost human-like. But with those pointy ears and big eyes, the scene is even more comical. Although this kitty doesn’t look too amused, we’d guess it’s confused as to why the person behind the camera is giggling so much.
Singing the Song of My People
Even though cats are relatively small pets, you’ll never NOT know that you have a cat in the house. They’ll make sure that you never forget, either. Here we see a very real example of how crazy and yet completely hilarious cats can be when they want to.
This kitty has reached the top of a cupboard and decided to provide its humans with a dramatic reenactment of Cats: The Musical. We can’t tell you how the humans felt about this (we’d assume it depends on what time of the day this was) but it does look like this was the height of feline fun.
Get That Thing Away From Me!
Showers and cats usually don’t go together. Water is not usually something cats enjoy, and soaps and shampoos bring them no joy either. However, cats are curious creatures, and so it’s possible that this kitty got stuck in the shower after following their human in there.
But the look on its face says that the kitten is experiencing very real regret. So much so, that it somehow ended up right at the top of the shower caddy, which is not a typical cat seat. Even though the water is off, the kitty already looks a little wet - and mad - so it’s probably debating whether to ask for help to get down, or stay up where it’s dry and safe.
This Is Comfier Than It Looks
While we have some cats squeezing into boxes, and others ‘chilling’ in the fridge, there are also plenty of them sleeping in some of the weirdest positions. If an adult human had to sleep like this cat is, they would wake up with serious back, neck, and overall body pain. But that’s why felines are superior.
For reasons unknown to any of us, the cat in this picture has chosen to spread out completely on its bed. But it’s the neck that really catches your attention when you look at this photo - can you see how twisted it is? Surely that’s not comfortable? But the kitty seems unbothered.
I Am CAT - Gravity Fears Me
The thing we admire about most of the cats on this list is their impressive ability to sit, lay, and sleep in the most gravity-defying and incredibly odd positions. And we have yet another example to share with you! This time, a distinguished and poised feline on a shelf.
Well, most of this cat’s body is on the shelf - but its front legs are hanging off the shelf completely. Not in an uncontrolled, dangling way, though. Nope, this kitty is very composed and looks like it is in complete control of this situation. At least if it falls, it will land on its feet.
Do Not Wake Me For Frivolous Things
Before we get into the comic look on this cat’s face, can we point out that adorable heart-shaped patch on its back?! Just look at how precious that is. Okay, back to business… It seems that this kitty was having a very rigid nap (or a sulk?).
But then, something - or someone - disturbed the cat. It was actually probably just the human owner calling the cat, or remarking on how gorgeous it is. The face that was shot from that at, though, is a little terrifying. In the most amusing way, of course.
Get Up - Or I’ll Steal Your Blanket
No one needs an alarm of any kind if they have a pet cat. This is because cats are known to enjoy getting their humans up bright and early in the mornings - mostly all for the sake of making sure that breakfast is not late, though.
So this photo is not that surprising. Clearly what we’re seeing here is a hostage situation. This cat is using its big and bright eyes to say “Get me breakfast, and I won’t hurt your blanket.” There isn’t much choice for humans in this situation, you just have to get up and make sure that the poor cat is fed.
Can You Lick Your Shoulder?
You might need a moment to fully take this picture in - that’s okay, we’ll wait. This could have been a camera malfunction, which just caught a crazy version of this cat as it moved, or it could be that this cat was possessed (perhaps some connection with those six black cats on the dining table?).
Either way, the result was this comic photo of a cat with a twisted head, its tongue hanging out and looking unnaturally long. The cat is also hanging on to its scratch post and possibly actually trying to grab its red collar and/or bell in its mouth? This photo gives us more questions than answers, but we’re here for the laughs.
Hey! Did You Lock Me Outside?!
What a scary image to wake up to! It seems like someone forgot to let the cat in before everyone in the house headed to bed. Now, it’s morning time and the cat is extremely mad and ready to punish whoever is responsible for this awful night.
But in all seriousness, it’s best to make sure your kitties are tucked up inside each night. It can get cold as it gets dark, and things can get scary. But probably not as scary as this cat looks as it tries to claw its way through the blinds. Good luck to the humans in that house.
Not as Easy as the Dog Makes It Look
When you really don’t want to hand in your homework, but you don’t have a dog to eat it for you, is it possible to contract that job out to the cat? This feline is really trying hard to help its human out here, but it looks like it’s battling a bit.
Now, paper is not really on the list of things you should feed your cat. But if the cat is going to try and eat through an entire notebook, it’s probably best to suggest that it tries to do it one page at a time. You know, to avoid indigestion and such.
Sharing Is Caring
Someone might be taking too long in the bath, because her brother is getting quite impatient while waiting to get his drink. So he decided not to wait anymore - and rather to just drink right from the tap, over the sleeping kitty in the basin.
This is an interesting photo, though, because most cats will swipe, scratch, and screech whenever you try to put them in a bath or take them anywhere near water. But both of these stylish-looking kitties seem to really enjoy their bathtime.
A Model in the Making
What we have here is a future Victoria’s Secret model, practicing those poses for the camera. We think she’s natural, very comfortable in front of the lens, and absolutely beautiful, of course. Also, how photogenic is this furry friend?!
The eyes are a little intense, but that’s just her unique model style. It says “I’m sweet and fluffy, but I’ll claw you if you come too close.” And we have a feeling that this photo would easily make it onto the cover of a Felines Only Magazine.
Umm… What Exactly Are We Seeing Here?
Woah! This photo just gets freakier the longer you look at it. This black kitty is probably the sweetest and most cuddly cat on the block, but this photo looks like it comes from a horror movie. It would probably work for Halloween, though.
Either these humans are completely used to this cat climbing up the gate and turning its head down to look like a demon cat, or they took this photo to gather evidence and ask for help. Again, we can’t help but wonder if this has something to do with that witch cat conference.
No One Shall Pass
Cats are small creatures, compared to other pets - like dogs, and horses. But don’t let their size fool you (dynamite does come in small packages, after all). These furry felines pets know exactly how to take up the most space with the body size they’ve been given.
The proof is in this photo, where we can see a sneaky-looking black-and-white cat laying right across one step in its home. This manages to completely block the staircase, and if anyone were to try and walk down - especially in the dark - they would most surely trip and sustain injuries. But this cat does not seem phased about this.
No, I Will Not Leave My New Seat
There are no boundaries with pets - your personal space is also their personal space, and they will find and follow you wherever you go. We saw it in the shower, even in the fridge - but here we show you just what a trip to the bathroom can look like when you have a kitten in the home.
Not only has this furry little kitten made its way into its human’s pants while the poor guy was trying to get some alone time in the bathroom, but it also looks like the cat is shrieking at the dude taking the photo. If you’re about to welcome a kitty into your family, be prepared for moments like this.
It’s a Lazy Sunday
You know you have a good life when this is your average afternoon look. Chilling in the cat carrier, spread out with your best pal, without a care in the whole world. Is it any wonder that most of us are jealous of how cats get to live?
While both of these kitties look extremely happy in that carrier, it’s the grey one that catches the eye immediately. He is so unbothered by everything going on around him. He looks like the exact definition of ‘easy-going.’
Today Is Canceled
Some days just don’t start out very well, and we’ve all had moments that have made us just want to go back to sleep and avoid the world. This cat is feeling all of that in the heaviest way, it seems. And, honestly, we totally get it.
There isn’t much context to this photo of this gorgeously patterned kitty cat burying its head into the blankets, but we can guess that it just needed some quiet time to deal with its life. This whole situation may look a little sad, but it’s also so cute! And we hope that after this photo was taken, that kitty got all the cuddles.
Caught in the Act
Here is yet another example of how different dogs and cats are. There’s no doubt that dogs will often chance their luck and steal food from tables, counters, and even kitchen cupboards. But, for the most part, if you were to catch them, they’d drop the food, give you those irresistible puppy eyes, and look very guilty and sorry.
Cats, however, will take what they want, and when they want it. Usually, a cat going hunting will include bringing home a poor bird or a mouse, but this cat has other tastes. Somewhere it has found the last few slices of a loaf of bread, and the kitty decided that it would have that for lunch. Even though it’s caught on camera, it doesn’t look very sorry or guilty… We wonder what it wanted to put on the bread?
You Can Use This When I Am Done
If you’ve never lived with a cat, this picture might look strange to you. But anyone who has been lucky enough to share a home with a feline knows that cats believe that every household item is there for them. Including laptops, beds, and even clothes dryers it seems.
This furry feline has placed itself across the bars of the clothes dryer and looks quite offended at the thought of being made to move. Of course, the humans can dry their clothes when the cat is ready to find a new sleeping space - what is confusing about this?
This Is Feline Fashion
“Do you like my hat?” is what we’re sure this cute little kitten is asking its human. Remember that bread-stealing cat? We think that the stolen bread may have ended up on this kitten’s face - although it’s unclear if the middle part was eaten or not.
It might not be high fashion, but a sweet kitten face peeking through a single loaf of bread is just the picture we needed to make our day 100 times better. Have you ever seen anything so bizarre and yet so endearing as well?!
Part Cat, Part Bat
Somebody got caught playing on the curtains, which we’re pretty sure is off-bounds for any kitty claws. But when you’re a playful and energetic kitten, any household item can become the most fun jungle gym - whether your humans agree with this or not.
This kitten looks like a kind of superhero cat, with some sort of upside-down bat powers. But in reality, it has just been caught red-clawed while climbing on its human’s curtains. Those claws are thankfully strong enough to hold the cat up, but probably also sharp enough to leave many holes in those curtains.
Okay, I Surrender!
This kitten is so unbelievably cute, even with its claws out and legs up, it’s more ‘oh-my-gosh-let-me-pet-you’ than ‘ah-you’re-so-scary’. It looks like there is a very fun (and equally adorable) game of tickles and claws going on here.
The way that this kitty is laying on the bed shows that she is extremely comfortable with her humans, and vice versa. We can see that this is going to be a very happy cat for a very long time, with a comfy bed and playful humans to love forever.
Just Hiding From the Humans
If only we could all have the level of relaxation that this ginger cat has. He’s managed to climb up above the fridge, onto the very top kitchen cupboard, and is laying very calmly right there. It would seem that nothing can bug this guy - not even the annoying dog.
The only question we really have here is whether or not this cat actually lives in this house? And if the humans know that it is up there? Of course, someone has managed to snap a photo of the situation, so at least they can alert the search party and let them know this cat is fine.
Stop Laughing and Help Me
Uh oh. Cats are agile and they’re usually pretty good climbers. But every now and then you’ll hear of a cat being stuck in a tree. Usually, though, these are kittens, and they are stuck up on very high branches, so it does make some sense. But then you get this cat.
This striking kitty has somehow gone and got itself stuck in a tree on one of the lowest branches! But having its front legs on one side and back legs on another makes it really hard to unhook itself and get back onto the ground. It looks quite annoyed, at itself, at the human taking the photo, and probably at the tree too!