The digital age has made it easier than ever to connect with our friends and loved ones. When it comes to sharing and receiving short-lived images and messages, Snapchat is one of the most popular ways of doing so! One-line captions may be added to snaps to make the process of creating and sharing hilarious photos even better. We were able to retrieve these fun Snapchats before they disappeared forever!
Confused Look Will Melt Your Heart
Guess it depends on your perspective, as it might be adorable or frustrating to see animals peeping into our plates while we eat. The concerned look on this pup's face and how its arm sits on the table are just too damn cute! We'll go with adorable in this case.
This person's caption on the snap depicts this situation perfectly, as we also wish someone looks at us the same way this pooch looks at that pizza. Can we blame him? It looks quite yummy, and even the box says ''yummy''. Looking at his gaze, we believe this must be a case of unconditional love.
A Lesson From Grandma
When we think of the word ''grandma'', most of us imagine an adorable old woman who knits and makes cookies. Then again, other grandmas are complete opposites. They tell you what they think, and they do not hold back! They're adorable women who have no ill bone in their bodies most of the time.
This pelican knows what's up. Look at that grandma scolding him! Giving him a piece of her mind. We just wonder what the pelican did for her to teach him a lesson. Did he talk back? He must've earned whatever was coming his way, as this grandma sure looks heated, don't you think?
Eschewing Balloon Does the Trick
To be honest, we've all done something creative to avoid going to school in the past. Students have done it all, whether it was making up a strange illness or phoning in as your parent with some fictitious family issue. Have you? And most importantly - would you?
Some students believe their professors have mastered the art of seeing the gimmicks their students use to manipulate them. You'd be mistaken, as shown by this Snapchat. How did the teacher not see that a balloon was posing as a student? Maybe the teacher just didn't care enough to bother.
Spot the Intruder
Have you ever heard of the proverb "birds of a feather flock together?" This one rings true in this specific case. It may be true of Earth's many bird species for the most part. Everyone wants to fit in, even birds! We believe this duck perfectly camouflages itself here, wouldn't you agree?
Even yet, there are always exceptions. There are always the ones who don't fit in or the ones who find a new flock to call their own. When this duck tried to fit among a bunch of flamingos, this was the perfect example. We all need to fit in somewhere, so why shouldn't a duck as well? We doubt the flamingos will notice.
Taking a Dog to His Daily Swim
During their walk, this older man's dog either tripped or decided to go for a swim on his own. Maybe this was just another of their ways of taking a walk; it's hard to guess. Whatever the case may be, this amazing picture was captured and curated for all of us to see!
There is little doubt that the guy has no clue that he is bringing his dog for a swim instead of a walk. Or maybe he does? That would make this photo even funnier. Just imagine this person announcing it to people "I'll be right there; I just need to take my dog for a swim first."
Perfect Name for a Lawyer
Some people's names don't tell you anything about their fate, but the words of others do. According to the person who snapped this photo, this lady was born to be an attorney. She will find you. And she will Sue Yu. Probably. What do you think? The name lends itself perfectly to the career!
No matter how good she is at what she does, her name alone will bring in many clients. The image of a billboard featuring Sue Yu's photo and the words "Attorney At Law" is already in our minds. Who wouldn't want to hire an attorney with such a perfect name? We know we would if push ever came to shove.
Enjoy the Bahamas From the Comfort of Your Own Home
It's easy to feel like our lives are always on show in the digital world. It may be challenging to deal with the constant pressure to seem as if you're "winning at life" at all times - that you look terrific, you're eating the most incredible food, you have a lot of friends, and you always have wonderful experiences.
An optical illusion alone can be a great way of showing others how you as well have a wonderful and exciting life on social media. This Snapchat perfectly depicts how to go around this. As you can see, the idea was to put their fingers in front of a picture of a beach, so it looks like they're sunbathing. Ingenious, don't you think?
They Didn’t Find Nemo, but They Did Find Dory
Finding Nemo, the 2003 animated Pixar classic, was a hit with everyone. Millions of viewers were moved by the touching story of a lost baby fish in the ocean and his father's attempt to find and rescue him. It was a fan favorite once it got out, and it makes sense, considering how compelling and complex the story was.
Dory, a charmingly clueless fish that became Nemo's closest buddy throughout the story and won all of our hearts, was one of the film's biggest stars. That's why it's so upsetting to think she ended up breaded and frozen... We're not sure we would have the heart to buy and prepare this...
Lab(radar) in Action
It's reasonable to think that working with a lab partner we don't like may take the excitement out of exciting scientific projects; thus, it's no fun when it happens! Because of the arrival of this adorable canine buddy, everyone's face lit up as they walked into the classroom. Just look at him!
The look on this dog's face suggests that he is very interested in whatever is being studied under the microscope. Would you let him examine you? Even though he might lack the cognition to provide you with a diagnosis, his fuzziness will at least make your heart feel at ease. Who knows, he could grow up to be the world's first Doctor Dog.
As Time Goes By, You Care Less
First-year College students have several perks, including the opportunity to attend frat parties and meet new people. With your hair and make-up done and your outfit picked out, it's time to go out the door for the day. We have to say we miss college. Nothing compares to the excitement of getting ready for a party.
This pattern lasts all year and into sophomore year, but you're too lazy to leave home for another party by junior and senior year. The freshman to senior comparison is perfectly depicted by these two girls. You know, at one point, you just get tired of getting ready. After visiting so many parties, who even cares what you look like anymore?
Find the Odd One Out
It comes to us as no surprise that an occasional error is made in the world of mass production. We're not sure how it happened, but apparently, a piece of fusilli pasta found its way in a mix of penne. Although it's not the worst mishap that has ever occurred, it sure makes a great food pun!
This has to be one of the best plays on words we've seen. The penne is an ''impasta'' in this case, considering it's in a whole box of fusilli. What a great way to point out the absurdity of this pasta mislocation. What's your take on this? Do you have some fun food puns to share? If so, maybe next time, you'll find yourself on this list!
Ambiguous Poster Depicts a Tragic End
The person in charge of this commercial hasn't seen the sequel to The Lion King. In particular, a lovely picture, but also a sad one, was chosen for this campaign. This father-son duo is a perfect match, but Mufasa doesn't get to be a dad for a long time.
Most of all, we hope that the guys who saw this commercial took it to heart and returned home to spend time with their families instead of ending up like Mufasa. The Lion King is a tear-jerker, and if you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for? This is your cue!
If It Fits, It Sits
In the spirit of The Lion King, here's a cute little cat having a cat king moment. Cats have a habit of getting onto strange things and claiming them as their own. We can't blame this feline companion; the medicine cabinet is just the right size for this kitten. You know, if it fits - it sits!
We can't quite tell how scared the cat would be if the shower was suddenly turned on. Do you have a cat? If so, what are her favorite strange places she likes to go to? Our cat loves getting into grocery bags and climbing every cabinet she can set her eyes on.
Hotdog À La Carte
When it comes to dining out, there's no doubt that expensive restaurants may be disappointing at times - but the same can be said about eating at home. Bringing a high-end restaurant to your own home is a brilliant idea that one Snapchat user came up with. What do you think about this dish?
By slathering ketchup over the whole dish, they transformed their "simple" dinner into something fit for a chef. They have that chef's touch, which will not go unnoticed! All that's left is for them to open a restaurant and serve this Hotdog à la carte next time they have dinner guests around.
Improper Beverage Name Leads to Confusion
After seeing this photo, we're all in the mood for a detox, and the juice looks delicious. Plus, it has no added sugar- it must be healthy! We're not sure whether this dude knows what it means to "send nudes," but who can tell? We wonder if these juices work as detox...
There is just one thing wrong with this photo: the user took it while driving. Pullover if you feel the need to take a snapshot while driving. We know certain moments are too wonderful to miss, so next time, pull over! You don't want to endanger anyone because of a Snapchat photo!
Pet Chicken Witnesses Its Cousin’s Fate
Imagine this: it's a beautiful day, and you've invited some friends around for a cookout. What do you do if you see something like this while cooking your delicious chicken and pineapple? We have a bunch of questions after having a look at this picture. Is this guy's chicken a pet?
Has this guy's pet chicken been grilled? How well do pineapple and chicken mix? So many questions, yet not many answers. If you come up with a good solution, please share it with us; we're dying to know! Poor pet chicken... She has no idea what's in store for her in the future.
I Don’t Have Enough Thyme To Deal With This
When you think you've heard all the best jokes in the world, the internet comes along to you prove you wrong. It's hard to guess what the best part here is, the pun he came up with or the fact that he somehow managed to take the photo without using his hands. What do you think?
We wonder how much ''thyme'' it took him to figure out how to take a picture of his hands. Maybe he has a third hand; who knows! What's important is that he saw a chance to make a pun, and he took it. We probably would too. We're not sure why people don't enjoy puns these days anymore; they're always fun!
The Highlight of the Day
Even if you just have five minutes to spare, taking a step back and getting a sense of your day is essential. There are many ways to put things into perspective, including writing down the highest highs and lowest lows of each day. Journaling can be very fun and helpful in remembering things!
And this person perfectly depicted what her highlight of the day is. She was pretty literal with it. Such a simple yet effective pun. You know, it's no surprise to see how many genius puns are on this list, as people who use Snapchat seem to have a quick wit. Just look at all these brilliant takes on this list!
The Detergent Aisle Is the Butt of the Joke
In the laundry detergent aisle, we've never come up with anything as clever as this. It never really occurred to us that making jokes about detergents is possible, yet here we are! It takes a special kind to make out a pun from walking down a single row of soaps.
If this user was up for it, Tide would be happy to hire them as their new representative! How many great puns did we miss out in grocery stores? Next time we go, we'll make sure to pay a visit to the detergent aisle and look for the best pun to put on this list too. Just imagine the possibilities...
This Shark Is Our Spirit Animal
Exhaustion may be an indirect result of modern living. Working long hours and being constantly exposed to technology may lead to fatigue at the end of the day. As a result, if you wake up one morning and find yourself unable to care about anything, don't worry. You're not alone.
When you're exhausted, the only thing you can think about is taking a nap. If any of this rings true for you, the "whatever" shark is the ideal fit for your personality. His facial expression screams ''whatever'', and honestly, we feel like this one resonates with all of us these days. No exception!
Unavoidable Accidental Selfies
You know that feeling you get when you pull out your phone and point the camera towards a potential photo opportunity? Instead of taking a photo with your back camera, you accidentally snap a photo of yourself, usually in the most unflattering angle possible. At this point, it's better to delete it before you even take a closer look...
When you eventually open the camera, the screen shows the view from the front-facing selfie camera... something you certainly weren't expecting... When this happens, we all appear like smushed-in baby doll faces, so you're not alone. From that angle, we doubt anybody has a nice-looking face... We're not going to lie; it can feel like a blow to our self-esteem.
Anti-Depressant Conditioner Is the New Revolutionary Product
What if there was a magical conditioner that could fix the harm done to your mental health over time? One that allows you to let go of all your hatred against those who have either harmed or helped you move on? We feel that scientists should look into this topic in the future. Anti-depressant conditioner!
Working through your issues is the most effective method of dealing with emotional turmoil. Still, if there was an emotional baggage conditioner that could speed up the process, we'd buy it immediately! It would make life so much easier, don't you think? Oh, feeling down today? Just wash your hair!
Nothing Has Changed Since the Ancient Rome
Many things have changed since the days of Ancient Rome. Back in the day, the most popular form of entertainment was witnessing someone being mauled to death by a wild beast. At the same time, human urine was the most often used detergent for washing clothing. Those were some rough times to be alive, but some things always stay the same.
The customs have changed, but human reactions and emotions have not. As you can see, this sculpture perfectly depicts a grown man who seems to be grimacing as if he's crying for his mom. Some things truly never change; we're just glad that we're not washing our clothes with urine anymore. Just imagine the stench…
It’s a Bird, It’s a Dog… It’s a Seal!
His owner's gray shirt makes the perfect costume for this pup to become a seal. The most difficult part of this situation seems to be getting your dog out of there. We're not positive about whether this was an accident or if it was done on purpose, but it makes our hearts melt.
Just look at his adorable snout peeping through! If you have a pet and you want to have fun playing dress-up, a simple shirt will do the trick for starters. Later, you can maybe invest in actual costumes, but utilizing what you have lying around the house should be enough for now.
Even When Everything Is Falling Apart, Keep Calm
Pets have a lot to teach us. Because they are always in the house with us, they have the same amount of regard for their own space as we have for ours. Even when things are falling apart, they manage to find a way to make use of it. Look at that kitty and her calm demeanor! She doesn't care that her house is falling apart!
Cats are notorious for sitting in the most inconvenient places around. Everything is their potential throne, and they can somehow fit most spaces in your home. Just look at this kitty! Her scratching tower is on the brink of falling apart, but that does not stop her from sitting there, chilling out. We gotta say, we envy the dedication!
Can’t Talk Right Now; I’m Watching the World Cup
We've all wanted to impress our partners at one point or another by taking up an interest of theirs. This woman was trying to impress her boyfriend by telling him she was watching the World Cup, but we highly doubt that the first thing that popped into his head was this. It's an excellent way of showing interest without actually being interested!
You may not be aware that every four years, soccer's greatest national teams battle it out to be crowned FIFA World Cup winners. However, when she went to watch the "world cup," she meant that she was looking at an actual mug with the world map on it, so she technically didn't lie.
Is That Ice Cream for Me?
Many families enjoy walking down the beach of a seaside town, and they enjoy the gelato local shops often serve. To this person, going out and doing it on their own was no problem at all. They even came across an old pal they could share their gelato with! Okay, so maybe they didn't want to share it, but they had no choice in the end.
He was suddenly paid a visit by a local seagull that tried to steal his ice cream cone. Judging by the looks o fit, the bird took a rather large bite. You know what they say- sharing is caring! We're just not sure how clean seagulls are, so maybe the person should've given up on the dessert and given the rest to the hungry fella.
This Mixer Is Alive and Shocked
Some elements that resemble body parts make many inanimate objects appear to look "alive." Just look at the holes in this mixer, which are shaped like the pupils of two eyes, and the "mouth" that goes along with them. He looks kinda disappointed, don't you think? Or maybe in a complete state of shock- it's hard to tell. Don't judge us!
The most exciting part of this Snapchat photo is the mixer's apparent sense of guilt about accidentally breaking something in its bowl. If appliances could speak, who knows what they would tell us? Imagine a Gordon Ramsay appliance that yells at you when you mess up the ingredients... That would be pretty funny to witness but also a little scary too.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
You may come across two people that seem pretty similar, mainly because they are wearing the same outfits. When you look at an object, how many times do you notice that it looks just like someone else in the room? This uncanny resemblance blows our minds. That shade of pink is almost identical, and they have matching... Heads?
It all started when a student was sitting in class and realized, "you know what, this highlighter has the same color scheme as my teacher's outfits!!" They look next to identical; it's borderline strange. Some accidents are happy accidents, but we're not sure what this one is. We wonder how the teacher feels about being compared to a highlighter...
Life Imitates Art
There are times when real life and art collide in a genuinely magical way. Take a look at this picture, for instance. There's something about these two cats that makes them seem like they're re-enacting the terrible demise of Mufasa in The Lion King. Oh, look, another Lion King reference; we bet you didn't expect that!
We're crossing our fingers that things didn't turn out as in that moment in The Lion King. We're sure, however, that even if it had, the grey cat was able to get back up on its feet. They say that cats have nine lives, so we're not too worried about our furry friends. These adorable animals always find a way to put a smile on our faces, and this reenactment takes the cake.
Life Imitates Art
If you've ever seen a Harry Potter movie, you'll recognize Hagrid's distinctive hairstyle right away. They couldn't help but notice that the guy in front of them resembled a mythological, loving giant and even applied a filter to the hair. Maybe they suddenly tapped into another dimension where HP is a reality.
Although we love to see photos of random doppelgangers, it's questionable if the person in the picture knows that they've been photographed. Given the fact that this photo went viral, we can only hope that ''Hagrid'' didn't take offense because, at the end of the day, he was compared with one of the most kind-hearted characters on the big screen.
Bet They Didn’t See That Coming
Many people are suspicious of people who pretend to be psychics, and their suspicion is justified. These people feel that they can perform telepathy and divination through the use of extrasensory perception. Whatever that means... But don't knock it 'till you try it! Who knows, maybe the psychic in your area knows what they're doing, unlike this person.
It's a wacky concept that hasn't been proven scientifically to this day. Despite this, there are still many people who believe in psychics' theories. But this situation goes to show that the psychics can't see into the future because they would probably know that this would've happened and would do something to prevent it.
It Helps the Blood Flow, I Swear
If you travel by plane a lot, you are probably familiar with all the procedures by now. The first few times you travel, you stick to all the instructions provided by a steward. After you've been on the plane a few times, you start getting more comfortable around the rules, and you start making your own.
This one is hard to understand. Trying to get the best pose in the airplane seat is no easy feat, but this ''lady'' had her idea about making her seat as comfortable as possible. We're not sure how this pose works in her favor, but you know, maybe she's onto something. Perhaps she's allowing her circulation to flow…
The Mother of Dragons
Ever since the release of Game of Thrones, people have been imitating the show-stopping Khaleesi. Everyone knows a person who dressed up as Daenerys for Halloween, and sometimes, animals weren't left out of the equation either. Just look at this adorable doggo posing as the mother of dragons!
Long gone are the days of dressing up as princesses and pop stars; we have now adopted a more pragmatic attitude. Who doesn't want to feel like a mother of dragons? Just imagine having three full-sized dragons who listen to your command… Okay, that might be a little megalomaniacal, but you know what we're thinking…
Nobody Was Here, I Promise
Every child's dream growing up is the time their parents go out of town so they can finally reign above their home as they always wanted. Most of the time, parents leave clear instructions on what the child should and shouldn't do. Most of the time, you're told not to hold a party. And what was the first thing this person did? You guess.
They could've maybe even concealed that they held a party if there was no snow in front of the house. Then again, they can always say they didn't have the party inside but on the outside. That doesn't count, right? As long as they didn't break anything, they shouldn't face any consequences, don't you think?
After a Long Weekend, Mondays Are Hell
Workweeks were formed long ago to provide employees a day off from the daily grind, as well as an opportunity to recharge from the monotony of life and its many duties. It's more common than ever to be in worse condition after the weekend than after the workweek in today's world.
As we spend the majority of our week working hard, earning our bread and butter, we usually let some steam off during the weekend. However, even blowing off steam can have more debilitating effects than work. We often make the mistake of heavy drinking during the weekend and then come to work hungover. Like Monday Lisa, right here!
Just Ketchup, Please
If you don't care about the quality of the food, and you just want to eat a lot of it for little money, McDonald's is the way to go. Although notorious for having next to no condiments in their burgers, when you order a burger with only ketchup, the employees should know that you would like the actual burger included as well, not just ketchup.
Once this person arrived at McDonald's, they ordered a burger with only ketchup. The employee may be wanted to poke fun at the customer, or they genuinely thought that they were only asking for ketchup! We can't blame the employee here; they were just trying to accommodate the customer's requests.
Kitty Dipping the Toe
Not many things can compare in cuteness with a pet paw print in the snow. Still, it's pretty funny to see how this kitty clearly showed she was not interested in exploring the freezing white stuff. We can't blame her; as much as we love looking at snow, being in snow can feel very uncomfortable. Especially if it's mixed with rain…
As soon as she set foot on the snow, she knew that this was no place for her to be. Cold, wet, and freezing- a cat's nightmare! It probably never crossed her mind again, as kitties love being cuddled up somewhere warm and fuzzy. Your lap is their natural habitat, and why would they ever wish to leave it?
Don’t Break That Wall!
For most of us who grew up playing video games, spotting a wall like this one in real life would feel like a glitch in the matrix. Our initial response is to break it down to level up, but before you decide to knock down someone's wall, recenter. You are real. The world around you is real. Do not knock down that wall. There are no levels to pass!
This might be the reason why people love to talk about how dangerous video games are. We can't argue the notion that some games are quite violent, but you know- it's just a game. We're pretty sure people can discern between reality and fiction. Except for this guy, maybe…
Waiting in Line Never Ends Up Well for the Person That Came Last
Either this dog has been around people for an excessive amount of time, or lines exist in the animal realm and none of us were aware of it. We're not sure how he hasn't picked up on the cotton in these imposters before him, though...
Even if there were a real line, however, this wonderful boy should be given priority and be allowed to proceed directly to the front. And, after all, who hasn't experienced being at least a little diverted from reality by the prospect of eating something delicious?