With a whole range of colorful and fun wildlife to explore, zoos are an amazing recreational spot for kids and adults alike. But since zoos often look so kid-friendly and safe, it’s easy to forget that they can be quite dangerous with some of the animals kept there.
That’s why zoos have so many warning signs to keep visitors safe. As it turns out, some of them can be quite creative. Take a look at these hilarious signs spotted by zoo-goers that will surely make you laugh and stare in disbelief!
That’s why zoos have so many warning signs to keep visitors safe. As it turns out, some of them can be quite creative. Take a look at these hilarious signs spotted by zoo-goers that will surely make you laugh and stare in disbelief!
Wet Underwater?
This picture from Sea Life in London is all sorts of confusing. Was a wet floor sign really needed inside a water-filled tank? We wonder who left it there and whether they got into trouble for it. At least someone captured this hilarious picture!
The stingray seems to be posing with the unwanted sign, mocking whoever had placed it in the tank. While the sign is unnecessary, we can’t exactly deny its truthfulness. The floor really is wet inside a water tank.
Aquarium Wall of Shame
We love how this aquarium is rewarding and punishing its cute little penguins. According to this sign, Timmy had been particularly naughty that month. Clearly, you have to steal some fish from fellow penguins to land on the naughty list.
On the other hand, we have Betty who is the good penguin of the month. What landed her with the title, you may be wondering? Her perfect manners and good swimming of course. Hopefully, Timmy learned to be a good penguin and didn’t end up on the wall of shame again.
Norman Nine Fingers
Monkeys may be your favorite friendly primates but associating with them has its risks. Well-intentioned zoo-goers often like to feed these monkeys little snacks. If you think that’s a reasonable thing to do, this sign will give you something to think about.
Apparently, not all monkeys are friendly, some are out looking for human fingers. We can’t really blame the monkeys, perhaps they think your fingers are food! Next time you think of feeding some poor monkeys at the zoo, think of your precious fingers, please.
Chain Smoking Fish
It’s a known fact that most visitors at the zoo have little regard for rules and regulations. It seems as if this zoo was tired of people littering their cigarette butts near the animals. One shouldn’t be smoking in a zoo in the first place and discarding these used cigarettes out in the open is highly irresponsible.
Instead of simply putting up a 'No Smoking' sign, this zoo management decided to act a bit cheeky. Their sign is hilarious, eye-catching and it gets the message across. Perhaps now people will think twice before carelessly throwing their cigarettes on the ground!
Climbing Lions
It’s a well-known fact that lions are carnivorous animals that might see humans as a hearty meal. There have been many incidents of lions mauling their trainers or visitors at zoos. Even after these cautionary tales, some people manage to do the most ridiculous things.
Clearly, people have been attempting to climb the lions at this zoo. Perhaps they’re mistaking these beasts for a horse are simply looking for a dangerous photo opportunity. Whatever the case may be, nothing is worth losing your life over!
Normalize Smelly Penguins
Sometimes people forget that wild animals are not the same as humans and have no obligation to smell nice. Apparently, some people thought that penguins should smell as good as they look. This sign reminds visitors that penguins may be super adorable but that their diet primarily consists of fish.
To be honest, this one makes us a bit sad for all the cute penguins. We’ve really stooped so low as a society that we have to bully penguins for how they smell. If you can’t handle some stinky but cute animals, what are you even doing at a zoo?
15 Minutes To Go
Birds may be stunning creatures but they’re notorious for choosing the worst spots to relieve their bowels. If you’ve ever been at the receiving end of a bird’s little gift of nature before, you know how embarrassing it can be.
This zoo decided to save visitors from an incoming attack with this to-the-point sign. We think this is some really valuable insight that’ll help people not only in the zoo but anywhere in nature. So if you’ve been standing in one spot for far too long, maybe it’s time to get a move on.
Don’t Bang on the Glass
Everyone knows you shouldn’t be tapping on the glass as it’s highly disruptive and disrespectful to the animals. Unfortunately, people do it anyway. The impulse to startle or scare the animals into reacting is highly selfish and kids should be taught to avoid such actions.
This zoo took matters into their own hands with an ominous sign that hints at something truly terrifying. Perhaps the simple “Don’t bang on the glass” sign was ineffective so they had to add the last line to it. We hope this scary spin on it will convince people to leave the poor snake alone!
The Animals Might Get Sick
Zoos have strict rules about climbing over the fences, walls, and enclosures that separate visitors from animals. However, there are some adventurous and highly stupid people out there who decide to put their life on the line anyway.
This zoo makes it clear that its rules are primarily for the animals’ safety. If you try anything dangerous you might end up falling inside the cage and getting devoured by the animals. The animals deserve the best diet and the zoo thinks a meal of visitors will make them really sick.
High Alligators
This is one of the most bizarre zoo signs we’ve ever come across. While other signs warn visitors against feeding animals food, this is a bit different. The sign prohibits people from feeding the alligators hallucinogens.
It’s almost hilarious when you note the little mushroom featured in the illustration. We wonder what kind of inebriated people decided to feed the poor alligators their magic mushrooms. What do alligators do when they’re high? We’re dying to know the backstory behind this sign!
Who’s Punching Llamas?
It’s heartbreaking that this zoo had to put up a sign in order to protect the llamas from assault. Clearly, someone vile had punched one of the llamas in the past. Why anyone would visit a zoo to hit one of the animals is beyond us.
Llamas are particularly friendly and docile creatures so the thought of someone inflicting violence on them is truly sickening. We really hope the llama at least got to spit on the person’s face.
No Beating Around the Bush
If you tend to get lost inside zoos and can’t find the animals you went there to see, these signs will surely solve all your problems. Instead of using complicated signage, this zoo has resorted to grouping animals into categories we all can understand.
Even a little kid would know what it means when they read these signs. Although we must say, the sign is doing a disservice to animals who smell bad. Who’d want to visit them after you describe them like that?
Do People Really Do That?
We all know parents want the best for their children. But sometimes, these parents can go a bit too far to make the kids happy. This sign may seem like an over-exaggeration, but this is actually super common in zoos. A lot of parents can be seen dangling their little kids over the fences to get a closer look.
Needless to say, it’s highly dangerous and potentially fatal for kids. You never know when a wild animal may be triggered to attack. It also puts kids at the risk of falling inside the cage, creating an impossible situation for the zoo staff.
Goat Pick-Up
While we can’t deny that goats are absolutely adorable, picking them up isn’t exactly on our list of things to do. However, some people out there are apparently picking up goats at the zoo and the management is not happy.
To warn all these goat-pickers, the zoo has put up a huge red sign. The most hilarious but confusing part is that this is marked as Rule #1. We’d love to see all the other rules they’ve put up. Hopefully, they’re not as bad as this one.
Beware of Gorillas
Gorillas are super smart animals with very distinct personalities. If you’re visiting gorillas at the zoo, it’s better to respect their personal space. If you end up disturbing them too much, they might target you. According to this zoo, the gorillas are prone to throwing clumps of dirt at people.
We believe that gorillas are gentle animals but perhaps there are some naughty ones among them too. So if you see one gearing up for an attack, it’s better to run far away! We think gorillas have really good aim.
Giraffe Restrooms
There are no restrooms in the wild and animals are quite comfortable with their defecating habits. In the zoo, this can lead to quite an array of unpleasant smells. However, this zoo is a bit different. As the sign suggests, the zoo has a separate restroom for giraffes.
We love how their washrooms are also divided into two separate areas for males and females. One has to wonder how these washrooms have been built and if the giraffes are trained to use them. This seems like it’s right out of some Disney animated flick.
Fair and Square
People at zoos can be super unpredictable and often display unexpected behavior. You’d think most individuals would be aware that throwing things into cages is not a good idea. But hooligans like to cause disorder and you never know what they’ll do.
That’s why zoos have to put up signs like these. We particularly love this one because it highlights the consequences of throwing things at the crocodiles. If someone is irresponsible enough to hurt these poor animals, it’s only fair that they are made to undo the damage.
Leave the Ducks Alone!
Feeding the ducks is often prohibited at many zoos and parks. However, this sign is deeply troubling as it points to something far more nefarious. We’re not sure if it’s a grave language error or does the management really mean that?
Perhaps the message was to not harass the ducks but the poor word choice has surely stopped us in our tracks. We’re sure everyone who saw this had to look twice. We just hope the ducks are safe and sound!
Bears Don’t Need More Protein
Once again zoos have to compensate for the stupidity of visitors by putting up a sarcastic but cautionary sign. This time people are being told to beware of bears. While it’s common sense that leaning over the cage of a giant bear is a recipe for disaster, people love putting their lives in jeopardy anyway.
This zoo’s management has made it clear that there’s no need to feed their bears more protein in the form of human sacrifice. The bear on the sign looks pretty angry and hungry at the same time. Hopefully, these formidable words will keep all the daredevils out of the bear cages.
Hippopotamus Splatters
If you’re not aware of how hippopotamuses work, we have a slightly disgusting fact for you. Hippos have a bad habit of spreading their feces all over the place while defecating. They do this by spinning their tails really fast in order to cover the maximum surface area.
That’s why this zoo has warned all visitors that the hippo cage is a splatter zone. If you’re standing behind them when they’re doing the deed, prepare to be smacked in the face by hippo feces. While the sign doesn’t explain all this in great detail, the imagery should be enough to keep people away.
We Are Animals Too
We visit the zoo to take a glimpse of how animals live and function. As a human being, it’s difficult to relate to a different species. That’s why we often forget that we too are animals and on a primal level, we aren’t all that different from them.
This zoo set out to remind all visitors that we’re primates too and a part of the animal kingdom. This is a much-needed reminder for humans who think they’re superior to other species. If we all reconnect with our roots, we will surely realize the importance of treating animals with respect.
Dinner, Dinner
Tigers, even domesticated ones that live in the zoo, are a huge threat to humans. It seems that some people forget this simple fact when they’re at the zoo. That’s why this zoo had to remind visitors that they’re nothing but a huge, juicy piece of steak for the tigers.
We love the creativity the went into this sign and the visual representation of a walking, talking steak will surely force people to look again. It’s better to just admire these majestic beasts from afar instead of challenging nature and risking your life.
Slippery Slope
It’s hard to tell what this sign is actually depicting but we can assume that there’s some kind of slope that leads to the crocodile pond. It seems like a bad idea to create a slope near a pond of deadly crocodiles.
According to the sign, this area is especially dangerous if you’re in a wheelchair. The wheelchair could easily slip and land the person in a lot of trouble. We hope they don’t speak from experience because that sounds like a terrifying situation.
Jellyfish Fact
Are you a fan of beautiful jellyfish? Are you mesmerized by their blinding beauty? Well, this sign might shatter some of that perfect image. This fun fact at the aquarium reveals that jellyfish actually defecate through their mouths.
To be honest, that doesn’t really take away from their beauty. The laws of the land are different and jellyfish don’t have to comply with them. Still, this titbit will surely stay with everyone who sees it, especially the super curious kids who love gross facts!
Got Crabs?
You know those little off-color jokes people manage to sneak into children’s entertainment that only adults can understand? This sign feels a bit like that. We suppose there’s no harm in targeting all ages of audiences.
The children will be excited to go check out the crabs they have downstairs and the adults can share a much-needed laugh about it. We have to give it to them, the double entendre is quite genius. Thanks for the laugh, Aquatic Design Centre!
Fishy Water
It seems like people who work with animals have a great sense of humor because this sign is hilarious. We’re not sure who’s out there drinking water from fish aquariums but this sign will surely serve as a warning.
You have to be really desperate to resort to drinking water that fish are swimming around in. Apart from the potential health hazards, the sign warns that fish defecate in that water. Unless you’re into that kind of thing, we’d suggest you stick to normal drinking water.
Feeding Frenzy
It can be tempting to feed the animals at the zoo because they’re just so adorable. Whether it’s the long-necked giraffe or the excited monkeys, they all seem a bit too eager for some snacks. However, wise ones know that feeding things to animals can result in unfortunate circumstances.
If you want to leave the zoo with all your body parts intact, it’s better to look at the animals from afar. Attempts to sneak your hands into the cages might result in the loss of a finger or two. Trust the zoo management, they feed the animals quite well!
Car-Stealing Monkeys
Apparently, this area is notorious for some serious monkey attacks. While monkeys may look like fun and games from afar, they can do real damage. Their sharp claws and lightning-fast jumping speeds will have you running for your life.
This zoo seems to be warning everyone to stay far away from these monkeys who love vandalizing cars. Who knew monkeys were into scratching up vehicles? We’d like to imagine a gang of monkeys stealing a car which results in a high-speed police chase. It’s right out of a movie!
A New Species
At a glance, this sign looks like something out of a scary kids novel. The red indicates that this is something to beware of but we’re not entirely sure what it is. Perhaps they could have created a better rendition of the seemingly scary animal that lives in this cage.
Is it a bat? It is a hippo? No one knows. Perhaps it’s a newly discovered species that zoologists have yet to name. All we know is that we’ll be staying far, far away from this mysterious cage.
Instructions Unclear
It seems like this very emphatic sign is lost in translation because we’re really confused about what to do here. Are we allowed to give food to the monkeys or not? Is the sign instructing us to feed the monkeys? There are too many questions and not enough answers.
Good thing that the text is written in the native language as well. We hope the instructions are clearer in that language! The tourists, on the other hand, will have to figure this one out on their own. If anything, this sign has really made us believe in the power of grammar and punctuation.
Gorilla Privileges
When people visit the zoo, they expect some form of entertainment or reaction from the animals. This is a highly insensitive motive that leads to behavior like tapping on the cages and throwing things at animals.
This zoo had to remind people that just because gorillas are tapping on the glass doesn’t mean they can too. Remember, you are visiting the homes of these animals. How would you like it if someone started banging on your windows without a care in the world?
Aggressive Crane
Cranes are elegant long-legged and long-necked birds that look quite formidable at a glance. Their beaks are also pretty sharp and can do a lot of harm if they wish to. That’s why this zoo has a special sign for this particularly aggressive crane.
Just like humans, animals also have personalities which means they have their own likes and dislikes. Clearly, this bird likes its personal space and can get quite aggressive when disturbed. Next time you visit the aviary, make sure to be respectful of all the birds, especially the cranes!
Youngsters Not on the Menu
The zoo allows you to connect with different kinds of animals and see how they live their lives. Sometimes, people can get lost in the fantasy and forget that these are real wild animals that can rip you to shreds. This sign is a not so gentle reminder for such people.
For anyone who was thinking of peeking over the cages and enclosures, the sign makes it clear that they’re not on the menu. It’s better to just stay respectful and watch from beyond the cages. Who knows what would happen if someone fell inside the cage?
Beware of Everything
We’re not sure if this is a zoo or a wildlife safari but it seems like some dangerous animals are on the loose out there. Perhaps this sign is in a park reserve where people go hiking and camping. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make it any more comforting.
If you’re visiting an area like this it’s better to beware of these threats beforehand. Make sure to look it up carefully so you can plan accordingly. You don’t want to encounter a wild deer or worst of all, some poisonous snakes on your excursion.
Hot Tortoise
This hilarious sign will definitely catch everyone’s attention as it seems to be implying that they have some hot tortoises there. What this absurd sign actually means is that the tortoise shells may get hot due to sun exposure.
We’re really not sure why this sign was necessary though. Are people allowed to pick up or touch tortoises at this zoo? Whatever may be the case, this is quite a good endorsement for our tortoise friends. We’re sure this sign would make them blush!