A Little Twist to the Cliché
It's not you; it's me—if only we had a count of how many times this classic breakup line has been used, we know the number would far exceed the stars in the sky. The phrase has survived as the fallback option for many lovers who want a quick, hassle-free split from their partners. For this individual, we are intrigued by how they turned the cliché on its head and laid the cold, hard truth on the table, atop a chocolate cake!
The one at the receiving end of the breakup message got a delicious treat to soften the blow, perhaps. Worse yet, they may not be a fan of either chocolate or cakes, for that matter.
Beware: You Got a Text
Breakups are hard, but breaking up over a text is downright thoughtless and cruel. While we get why someone would opt for this method, it still doesn't make it right. Alas, not everyone thinks of propriety when doing things, especially if you are going to tell someone you once loved that they are not so important to you anymore.
One fine day, Adam received a double whammy of a breakup text. His girlfriend not only bid their relationship adieu, but she also casually yet emphatically mentioned how and when she'd fallen in love with another; slight reprieve, it wasn't Sam as he'd thought. Intentional or not, she wasn't going easy on him for a second.
Practice Breaking Up Over a Text
We don't often see a breakup text being sent to an unknown number, assuming you'd have your partner's number saved under their name, but this time, we'll bite. Maybe the person had deleted it out of anger; we'd never know. Whatever the case, it's hilarious how the message intended for another got delivered to a total stranger.
What's even more interesting is how the conversation quickly did an about turn towards the end. The sender literally asked for the receiver's view on their breakup text! We hope they suggested that the sender find a better way to break their partner's heart instead of ending their relationship through an impersonal text.
New Rules of Breaking up MCQ Style
While we generally love MCQs, we aren't sure how to feel about using them as a breakup tool. The game is over the second you read the statement preceding the choices; the options are rhetorical when the message has already been delivered loud and clear via a note.
We wonder how the receiver felt; did the person follow instructions and check a box or get the message in one go and realize the pointlessness of choosing either of the three mediums of ending their relationship? Irrespective of that, we'd give anything to understand the thought process of the owner of the note, who seems to love multiple choice questions as much as we do.
Saying Goodbye Citing Chris Brown Lyrics
Let's be honest, there's nothing more heartless than breaking up with your significant other by citing lyrics of a song by their favorite singer; that's hurtful in many ways. This person knew what he or she was doing when they used Chris Brown's lyrics to the popular song 'Say Goodbye' as a breakup text.
We wonder how often people have cried over the melody and if that is what Chris intended when he released the song. Every time the R&B number plays, it will be even more heartbreaking for them to listen. Clearly, the response at the end of the text, "You Live Only Once," proves that the one who said goodbye has already moved on.
I Need to Be by Myself
One of the most common phrases, when a relationship is nearing its end, is, "I need some space." Unfortunately, this has led to several breakups, and while some people explain what they mean by needing space, others leave it to the recipient's interpretation, which could be anything.
This person had the best comeback to that message we've ever seen, and it's hilarious. They sent numerous pictures of space, giving their sender all the best they could get. It's amazing how they handled this situation, and whether they were categorically told that the relationship was over, we may not know. Yet, we bet it all ended on a light note.
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Asking someone's hand in marriage is one of the biggest things that can happen to anyone; if they say yes, that means you get to spend the rest of your lives together. Proposing to someone is rarely used as a joke, but this person thought otherwise, giving us an interesting scenario of love gone wrong.
It's one thing to ask someone to marry you via a sign; it's a whole different thing when you use the proposal to tell them that you're breaking up with them and that they have six days to move out. That's unexpected, to say the least, and we wonder how Jennifer felt about this.
Nope, You Can't Do That
Breakups work differently for everyone; there are those who would prefer to part company with the person they are with instead of the other way round. If you get a couple that would both prefer to break up with their significant other first, then you have this strange exchange.
This lad wanted the validation of separating from his woman, but the girlfriend wasn't taking it. It could be because he chose the wrong medium to break the news. Breaking up over text isn't respectful, but it could also be that the girlfriend was holding on to the relationship and wasn't ready to be single anymore.
Revenge Is Best Served Outdoors
Sometimes breakups are a messy affair, but they don't have to be, as this lady proved. Putting everything you have done in a note for your boyfriend to find is pretty innovative, to say the least, and while we don't have his side of the story, she went out of her way to teach him a lesson.
The lass executed her revenge plan to perfection, and while we don't justify her actions, it's impressive how she managed to get it done, and we understand her point of view. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you shouldn't leave your social media accounts open, or better yet, don't cheat.
Love Is Not for the Young
Young love is pretty unpredictable, and it is entirely something else. Our resident kindergarteners seemed to have joined the love train, too, but they quickly realized it was too much to bear. Poor Krystal was in for a crappy one-month anniversary after the love of her life chose to end things unceremoniously.
Delandreh, the gentleman, decided to end his young union through a note, picking the worst day to do this. We have to salute the young lad, though; he had the decency to end things instead of ghosting. He even wished Krystal a happy one-month anniversary!
Ending in a Dark Note
Savagery knows no bounds, and Will here knows how to serve it in style. Will's lover had learned from the grapevine that she'd be dumped. So instead of keeping her fears to herself, our lovestruck lady decided to express her emotions to her lover.
Unfortunately, this woman had no idea Will had just been biding his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike, and he did. We can't help but feel sorry for the lady since her fears came true. The rug was pulled under her, and we doubt she'll be able to recover from this chaos soon. As for Will, a man's got to do what a man's got to do.
Even the Pet Hates Her
We'd usually like to hear every side of the story, but we think our work is cut out for us. Falling out with your partner is one thing but falling out so much you have to bolt is another thing entirely. So this fellow had had enough of Brenda, packed his bags, and moved out in silence.
The nail on the coffin is the last note. How bad does it get to make even the dog hate you? That's wilder than the jungle if you ask us. If that's the case, we support you, Mark. Okay, we support the dog more, but hey, you get it.
She Didn’t Deserve That
This is either a troll or the biggest SNAFU in the history of infidelity. It seems, this fellow was having a full-on affair and had finally seen the light. He chose to break up with his lover via text only to send the message to the wrong person.
Unfortunately, the recipient of the unscrupulous message was the wife. It took her a minute to catch on, but this is rough. Her first response even had a smiley face. This is probably one of the most heartbreaking moments in her life and we would definitely wish this experience only on our worst enemies.
Emojis for the Win
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it seems this fellow gets it. Before we even get to serious business, let's applaud the man for his creativity. He used emojis to convey a comprehensive relationship montage. This guy deserves an award for the sheer guts.
Applause aside, we surely frown at breaking up via text. Face your problems like the adult you are and don't hide behind a screen. Despite this heartbreaking message, we doubt this relationship is over because he still has the lady saved as his girlfriend. Some of us would have already changed the contact name if we didn't delete it altogether.
Cheating Spouse for Sale! 100% Off
There's a spectrum of garage sale experiences that leave you with conflicting emotions. In all honesty, you can't blame people for decluttering their homes to make ends meet. On the flip side, if you attend a yard sale and find someone trying to sell something that's intimately connected to them—like a cheating spouse—it can be extremely awkward.
The ad shows that this person seemed to want to get their wife off their hands while making her appear cheap in front of prospective "buyers." Whatever the case may be, we feel sorry for the wife. She probably deserved a second chance!
Online Dating Makes It Easier
The first thing you learn when you start online dating is how easy it is to break up with someone. The only real commitment you have is to read the person's profile and respond to the messages they send you. This will probably take only a few hours of your time, tops.
That said, cyber dating breaks down the commitment barrier to the point that it becomes too easy to end your affair on a whim. As Greg here puts it, he wedded and divorced the person in his thoughts. Wow! To be fair, though, ending things early can save you severe pain and heartache down the road.
Published in the Local Newspaper
When you call off a relationship, it's natural to want to share the news. So why not take your breakup straight to the most public venue possible—the personals section of a newspaper? Kevin used this unconventional method to call it quits with his partner.
On a positive note, we have to commend Kevin for his creativity and attention to detail when writing the post. It's clear that he took time to think through how he wanted to convey his feelings. Regardless of what happened between these two in the past, we hope they both moved on quickly and found happiness with someone else.
Instead of Confronting, Vandalize
Although we don't condone vandalism, we understand why some people might take such drastic measures. If you've been cheated on, it can be hard not to feel like the other person didn't care about your relationship enough to treat it with the respect that it deserves. After all, you worked hard to make the romance what it was.
To have your significant other throw away all of those precious memories for another person is downright painful. In this case, this person chose to vandalize their partner's car as it seemed to be an easy way to get back at them without directly confronting them.
A Box of Gooey Goodness
While it's heartbreaking to hear that a couple has broken up, we can't help but feel for the person who received this pizza delivery. Their ex was clearly trying to be creative with an unconventional way of delivering the news. We can only imagine how devastating it must have been to open the carton of comfort food only to discover the not-so-good tidings.
At least they can take solace in knowing that, despite the breakup, their former sweetheart still took time to pick out a great pizza. It's not every day that someone gives you a box of gooey goodness for free.
Incompatible Sense of Humor
Judging by the handwriting in the note, we hope it was a young child. If not, we can’t tell which is more terrible; the penmanship or the contents of the letter.
Now, imagine your partner breaking up with you because you make them laugh. We know it’s brutal. This person could have easily said they can’t be together anymore but instead called their bad jokes the reason for the breakup. We bet this direct attack on their sense of humor hurt them more than getting dumped.
Sweet Greetings From Your Loved Ones
It’s hard to understand people who upturn their happy families by indulging in extra-marital affairs. What we do not find hard is seeing a cheater get publicly humiliated. This person grabbed his phone and some popcorn when he spotted the Ford; it was time to create some internet drama.
Destroying the properties of the cheating partner and leaving messages on them has been a prevalent behavior from the heartbroken parties. It’s actually hilarious to see Nikki wreck her husband in all possible ways. Not only Dave’s girlfriend, but the entire world knows about his dirty laundry now. A passive-aggressive message on the back of the truck is definitely a power move.
A Little Bit of Love
Is this how middle schoolers break up? At no point could we have guessed where this conversation was going. We also didn’t know a Starbucks drink was the epitome of love!
Well, this whole situation involves some jealousy and pettiness. The “I didn’t even love you” line from the green-eyed sender was out of pocket. It must have hurt. Nonetheless, the receiver recovered quite quickly and retorted with a perfect clap back. There’s definitely some love on both sides, so hopefully, they worked out this silly situation and patched up their differences.
Through a Sports Game Camera
What is the probability of getting caught on the camera while holding a sign to out your cheating boyfriend? Perhaps, the universe loves drama as we all do and made the cameraman an angel of entertainment and bearer of poetic justice that day. We all had some little laugh, and the girl had her perfect revenge.
The cheating partner's name on the placard would have been a cherry on the cake. She spared him by not revealing his name, but with her face on the TV, at least their friends and family know the kind of person he is.
A Pity and Petty Dollar Bill
So the compensation for all that heartbreak and a sold car is a dollar bill? This person clearly put ample thoughts into how to deliver a heavy blow on their ex. We can’t imagine selling our car to share one with our partner, only for them to hand us a dollar bill for the bus fare and then end the relationship.
Both of them could have held a mature conversation and ended things cleanly. A simple conversation could have done the job, too. Sadly, Jeff wanted to live his mean-human fantasy.
Let the Keyboard Do the Talking
When it comes to breakups, there’s no limit to the creative ways we can tear up a person’s heart. This one’s another clever breakup message that required the help of a keyboard.
Instead of typing out the words, sending a harsh text, or maybe saying it live, this person took the time to rearrange the keys on this computer to deliver the final blow. Plus, there’s the wedding ring and the key to the house that show that this hatred comes with a divorce. Though that’s too direct a way to put it, we dare say this person is bursting with creativity.
Poetry and Then Some Magic
Honestly, it’s not unfair to say that this breakup message was justified. Though we don’t know the full story, there seems to be no reason why this person would send such a crude piece of poetry to their significant other. Sarcasm or a harsh sense of humor comes to mind, but there are much better ways to tease one’s partner. Thankfully, the recipient has got some writing skills as well.
"Poof, you’re single"—That’s all it took to end this relationship. The poet in the room wasn’t laughing when he read that line, that’s for sure. Still, with that kind of humor, we doubt he’d ever regret his actions.
The Relationship Got Boring
Here is one infamous breakup line, hastily written on a piece of paper: "It’s not fun anymore." Surely, we all understand that no matter how fascinating a relationship can be at first, it, unfortunately, dwindles to a point where all the excitement is lost. Some couples go for counseling and find a solution, but this person took the easier route.
We’re guessing this union wasn’t the most interesting one as the writer didn’t even bother to leave a proper note or even spell "Thanks" correctly. Yet, there’s also what we think is a goodbye kiss on the side, and if that’s anything to go by, it might not be completely over for this duo.
Autocorrecting the Breakup Line
We’ve all experienced a keyboard’s autocorrect feature ruining our messages, sending something inappropriate, or maybe just messing up a really good line. The latter is the case here. After the very powerful previous shot, the autocorrect got in the way of this breakup message and turned it into something funny.
No line would have been more direct than, "Forget it, alright. We’re over," but sadly, the meddling smartphone got in the way. Chances are, the recipient of this message hoped the little typo would soften the mood and probably change the course of the conversation. Still, when a person is determined, over means over, no matter how the keyboard spells it.
When a DC Fan Breaks up With You
This has got to be one of the most unique lines on this list. In this text, this person was let down nicely with words from The Dark Knight Rises. Here, Alfred Pennyworth is addressing Bruce Wayne towards the end of the film. Instead of watching the movie just for fun, this guy wrote down the line and kept it for future reference.
On first reading, it looks like a mature breakup line, even though it’s via text. Yet, the reality that this is straight out of a movie is even more painful. Our Batman fan probably thought he could get away with this stunt, but he forgot that he’s not the only one who loves the Dark Knight.
Same Couple, Different Wishes
There is nothing worse than having your expectations high in a relationship while the other person is indifferent. This person surely knows how hard it is to have your dreams crushed. The sender was expecting an entire future with their partner, while the other party was already seeing the end.
Moreover, the breakup was done through texts, which added more salt to the wound. Yet, no one should plan an entire future with a partner through a text. It’s something to be discussed in person and planned thoroughly. Breakups are also supposed to be done in person, so this situation both awkward and funny.
I Got You a Cake!
This should be considered the funniest way to break up with someone. Instead of being too honest or hurtful, you can just give them a cake saying you are breaking up with them and hope it goes well. You can even get a cake in their favorite flavor to make it better.
Obviously, the person who wanted to end the relationship didn’t know how to do it but also wanted to add humor. We assume that the receiver of the cake didn’t find the situation funny and probably wanted to smash the cake instead of eating it.
The Number You’re Trying to Reach Is Unreachable
Some discussions are not supposed to be made on the phone and definitely not through text. Instead of asking her partner out to discuss the situation, this woman opted to text the news of her pregnancy to her partner. Maybe she didn’t know how to tell him in person and thought it would be easier to do it through text. Yet, how the guy reacted was a bit extreme and hilarious.
Nevertheless, we hope they got to meet and discuss their options. We also hope that the woman learned from her mistake and stopped telling people life-changing news through texts.
I Want the Opposite of What You Want
Here is another couple who saw their relationship differently. While one had asked their partner for marriage, the other wanted the relationship to end altogether. Either way, what they wanted in the relationship should have been discussed in person and definitely not through text. Asking someone to marry you through text is just as bad as telling them you want a breakup.
What’s worse about this situation is that they must find a way to move past the awkwardness and discuss the breakup. On the bright side, though, they both learned to never text people about things that should be discussed in person. What a way to learn!
I’m Moving, and You Are Not
This is another cake that is supposed to lighten the mood in a horrible situation. Instead of sitting their partner down to tell them about the breakup and the move, this person chose to do it through this cake. This is a funny yet harsh way to tell someone their life is about to change.
The recipient definitely had tears in their eyes when they read the message on the cake, but at least they got a cake out of this ugly situation. We just hope it was as delicious as it looked in the picture. Additionally, the recipient will always remember this breakup when they see a cake in the future.
Outrageous Texts From Exes Posted Online for the Whole World to See
Of course, not all breakups are done equally. And if one partner is still trying to win the other back or doesn't seem to realize the relationship is over, things can only get worse. Then, things can either progress to a critical stage or go horribly wrong. Here is a collection of the most hilarious and scathing text messages ever exchanged between exes. Pick one and stash it away for the next time your ex sends you a nagging message.
Not Your Own Private Club
There are some exes who are willing to say or do anything in order to bring back together their former partners. This ex-lover went to the extreme of making up a reason to get in touch again, which shows just how serious their intentions were.
However, they failed to take into account the fact that their partner most likely already knows them fairly well and is capable of playing the same games as them, only better. As a result, one shouldn't have been caught off guard by the response. What a weak and ineffective effort!
You're Going To See Me Online
Simple questions only require simple solutions. Even though it may not be the response you were hoping for, at least it is a logical one to consider. After getting such a scathing response, you won't have the guts to ask the same question ever again, will you?
That is an accurate description of what this one does! This seemingly simple question actually contained a significant amount of optimism. And their previous partner was able to dash all of those expectations with a single response that was uncomplicated. Directly stated, but with no sugarcoating!
That's the Excuse to End All Excuses!
There is nothing more effective than an excuse when it comes to avoiding a certain person. Although explanations have their uses, some of them are so lame that they stink! This text conversation between two former partners should be entered into the justifications hall of fame.
Their brilliant/lame justification for not responding to their ex right away, despite the fact that they probably just forgot to respond, makes us laugh so hard that we can't help but laugh at it (really shows how much they care about their ex). At least we know they put effort into maintaining their personal cleanliness now!
When I'm Gone, You're Going to Miss Me
In most cases, we harbor the expectation that things will be put to rest or, at the very least, that we will be given some form of resolution following a lengthy and comprehensive explanation of what took place. I just wanted to let you know that is not always the case.
Even if you put in a lot of work, it's possible that you won't be able to accomplish everything you set out to do. This poor ex-spouse has been through that very thing. After they had expressed regret for their many errors and been looking forward to the first replay, they must have been devastated when they heard that perfect response.
Never Have Time for You
There is nothing more ideal than a snappy response that is also well-phrased to an absurd question! When someone is so uninformed that they choose to ignore the context, they occasionally find themselves on the receiving end of a blow to the face.
This former partner was unquestionably motivated to initiate a conversation or take action in order to win back their former partner. And up until they got this perfectly accurate response in return, it was a good attempt on their part! Oh, the healing process for this burn will most certainly take some time.
The Ideal Way to Begin a New Year
A common goal for the start of the new year is to improve one's romantic life. Why not give an old one another shot, especially considering how well the two of you already get along? Unfortunately, not everyone will have success with that strategy.
Clearly, this was not the response that they had hoped to get from the audience. We are grateful for the gracious manner in which their ex-partner let them down while remaining adamant about their requirements. Having a constructive outlook on life will, without a doubt, assist you in making it through the year.
Brand-New Phone, Who’s Calling?
After a breakup, the most effective and straightforward method for moving on is to simply put your former partner out of your mind. That's how easy it is to understand! This seems to have actually taken place in this scenario, albeit perhaps with a little bit of an overabundance of success.
In spite of the fact that we do not know how much time has passed since they last communicated with one another or whether or not the other person meant it in a literal sense, there is no denying that it was a poor choice in any case! It's possible that they should start fantasizing about something else now!
A Dream Dies Last
Dreams have the potential to illuminate our most secret yearnings, but they also have the potential to be an incomprehensible jumble that we will never be able to decipher. On the other hand, our lives aren't always as perfect as we'd like them to be, particularly in terms of the relationships we've had in the past.
It would appear that the dream of one person was the nightmare of the other person in this particular instance. Even though this was unquestionably a devastating blow, there are times when you simply have to learn to accept reality and let go of your impossible hopes. Sweet dreams to you!
There Is No Other Way to Put It!
This kind of response is very painful! And it is abundantly clear that the exes did not plan on this happening. The contact information for this former partner, on the other hand, pretty much says it all. The most important thing that you should take away from this is that you should avoid asking questions to which you don't want the answer.
It is necessary to provide explanations. When the explanation is as sassy as this, it's probably for the best (at least for us; probably not so much for the ex...) After what must have been an extremely painful experience for them, we can only hope that their exes will finally get the message and stop trying to get in touch with them.
Sorted Priorities
It is important for each of us to examine where our priorities lie in life. It is of even greater significance in the event that your relationship ends. This former couple, or at least one of them, seems to have their act together in this regard.
This young lady has a very clear sense of organization regarding her priorities. She is aware, now that she is older, of the aspects of her previous relationship that she will miss after they end their time together. The day went very poorly for this ex-boyfriend, that much is certain.
Approach Is Half the Value
Repeating everything that another person says, or writes, is a tried-and-true method for provoking annoyance in someone you dislike or want to tease. This tactic is guaranteed to work, whether you're dealing with a vindictive ex-partner, a harping relative, a squabbling sibling, or a bothersome friend from your childhood.
This individual has reached a point where they are proficient in the use of this strategy against their former partner. It is also hilarious in its own right! As a result of either party's irritation, the conversation may come to a complete halt. This person will undoubtedly use this fail-safe strategy each and every time their ex sends them a text message.
Not Even Worth a Reply
It is extremely important to be able to say "no," and there are many appropriate ways to do so. However, there aren't many that are as simple to grasp as this one is. It is important to remember when and how to draw the line in this manner.
It's possible the boy didn't have any intent at all. It's possible that the young lady rushed to make her decision. Despite this, there are indications that the girl is aware of what will take place in the following sentences. After that, she laid down some very specific ground rules.
Holiday Text
At least once in our lives, each of us has been put through the ordeal of receiving a "holiday text from an ex." But I seriously doubt that any of us handled the situation as well as this lovely lady did! This girl is unquestionably skilled in the art of evacuating one's life of an unwanted ex-lover.
It is considered polite to reconnect with a former partner on holiday, or at the very least, to send holiday greetings and best wishes their way. This poor man almost certainly was thinking the same thing. But he was completely unaware that this was the answer that was sitting here for him to find!
Try Your Best!
There will be times when your efforts are initially unsuccessful. However, there is no harm in making additional attempts, is there? I take it back—not always! You just have to be able to recognize when to stop trying and be okay with being told "no" from time to time!
This ex was so determined to win back their lover that they didn't even care when they were told they had missed their opportunity. They have tolerated their exes for a number of months, but it appears that they have reached their limit now. They have obviously come to the conclusion that it is best for them to move on. There is no longer any possibility!
Constant Mishaps!
Accidents do occur. And every once in a while, they happen repeatedly. Possibly as a result of thinking along those lines, this former partner has come up with the completely absurd justification that they kept calling their former partner and pretended it was an accident. This justification claims that they did this repeatedly.
If you don't want to talk to your ex ever again, here's some guidance for the person who is getting all of those annoying phone calls: if you don't want to hear from them, just block their phone number. This is not a challenging topic in the least!
More Than Words
We frequently use the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words" in everyday conversation. When you want to explain something to someone or provide them with information without having to use your fingers too much, a few pictures can be very helpful.
That is precisely what transpired after the ex-boyfriend made the decision to prod a little bit. That was a quick and perceptive response, thank you. And this from someone who, without a doubt, is aware of the old adage that one picture is worth a thousand words. We are sorry, but we meant one thousand burns!