It’s never fun when you have to go to the hospital. Hospital trips usually aren’t a pleasant experience, but every now and then you may stumble across unexpected things that make you laugh out loud and put a positive spin on things. Even though hospitals tend to have a serious vibe, there can be some seriously hilarious things that happen there that make people feel a bit more cheerful. Let’s check out these pics that prove that hospitals aren’t just places for doom and gloom but can be a place for laughs!
Do No Harm
This is Medicine 101, yet you wouldn’t want to see this on your doctor’s desk! Although doctors swear an oath to do no harm, if they need a reminder or a guide book on how NOT to kill their patients, then maybe you should be looking for another doctor.
Imagine coming into your doctor's office to find this sitting on the table! We’re not sure if we’d schedule an appointment with them.
Taking Things Seriously
In the urology department of this hospital, a patient was given a pretty vague form to fill out. The questions were pretty general, to say the least, but the patient went ahead anyway and filled out the form.
Although most of the questions weren’t applicable to the patient’s condition, he went ahead and answered anyways. He had known he didn't want kids since the age of 16! Some people just know what they want, and not having kids is what this guy wants.
Adorable Doctor
Although Dr. Hedgeh was victim to a harmless prank, it’s pretty hilarious! Someone noticed the doctor’s name was missing something and decided it could easily be turned into “Hedgehog” simply by adding a couple of letters at the end.
The prankster had apparently been doing it for quite some time that the doctor felt the need to leave a note asking the person to cut it out. We don’t see what’s got the doctor all bothered, as hedgehogs are completely adorable.
Survival 101
This is perfect proof of just how resourceful kids can be. Passerbys can spot a sign that this kid put up in their window at a children’s hospital asking for them to order pizza to have delivered to their room.
Kids these days have many tricks up their sleeves and have out-of-the-box thinking. And this kid, in particular, wasn't about to suffer through any more gruesome hospital food and decided that survival meant sending out a distress signal.
Nurse, Defined
Whenever people go out to have a few (or more) drinks with friends they tend to do some pretty stupid things. And not just stupid things, but reckless - hence why nurses are who they get to see next.
There are quite a bit of people that make it into the ER after trying to pull off careless stunts. Especially if the words uttered right before a stunt are, "hold my beer and watch this!" The person wearing this shirt at the hospital hit the nail on the head!
Literally Drawing Blood
People are pretty stressed out when they have to visit the doctor’s office. No one enjoys going to the hospital. It doesn’t matter if it’s something small or serious, even though the latter is definitely worse, overall nobody enjoys visiting the doctor.
This picture is a cheesy joke that definitely helps people turn that frown upside down! A doctor stating that he’ll need to draw blood from the patient then literally drawing a drop is the epitome of a doctor-dad joke.
Not This Leg, or That One
This woman went into for a procedure and someone felt it necessary to write on her legs not to amputate. Just imagine finding that on your legs you have written “not this leg” and “or this one, don’t amputate anything” on the other.
We’d probably have a small panic attack after finding this, although it is funny. It’s pretty cool that doctors had a sense of humor to write this on their patients to get them to laugh.
Apparently at this hospital tons of people end up there because of silly fishing accidents. So many people have had to get hooks removed by nurses that they decided to turn the souvenirs into a display for all visitors to see.
Instead of catching fish, these hooks accidentally found their way to catch people instead. “People catchers” is the new nickname for these hooks and if there’s a lesson to be learned it’s that people should be careful when fishing!
Making Light of a Bad Situation
Jokes made by doctors can go either way, they’re either bad or good, but overall we love them because they come with good intentions and try to make light of a bad situation.
Puns? Anyone? “She simply cannot see herself working today” is pun-tastic and an excuse this eye doctor used for this person to be excused from work. Even though we’ve probably all heard the joke, the fact it came from an actual eye doctor makes it all the funnier.
Forward Thinking
This email suggested that since the movie Fifty Shades of Grey came out nine months earlier that the midwives department in a hospital in Britain should book their holidays and annual leave ahead of time.
The racy film that would increase “couple activity” prompted whoever sent the email to do the math as 40 weeks later you’d end up with a baby boom in the hospital. Just hoping that at least there are some midwives there left at the hospital in November!
Not Your Typical Gummy Bears
You’ve got a lot of responsibilities as a nurse such as taking care of sick people and their needs. It’s one of the hardest jobs out there! You’re working long hours, people are rude, the list goes on.
They still manage to find time to be funny somehow as these nurses decided to correspond to the colors of these gummy bears with the illnesses someone may have. Light green is named “nausea” and “he dead!” was attributed to dark purple!
The Internet Turns Patients Into Doctors
Whenever people feel sick or that something isn’t quite right, they turn to the Internet. The Internet tends to turn hypochondriacs into even more of one and will prompt people to go down rabbit holes searching for a helpful solution.
This is a doctor’s biggest pet peeve because of how misleading the Internet can be. This doctor felt it necessary to make a notice that if people came to his office with a diagnosis they got off the Internet they’d be charged more!
Be Like Superman
It’s common knowledge these days that when you get laser surgery you’ll be able to shoot laser beams from your eyes! Just kidding, but not having to wear glasses can feel like a superpower.
If we ever went to an eye clinic and saw this hanging up on the wall we’d for sure choose to get laser eye surgery there just because of their humor! You don’t need lasers coming from your eyes to look like Superman.
A New Hope, Literally
It’s an experience like no other when going through the birth of a child, and the women giving birth there’s a mix of stress, pain, exhaustion, and joy, all combined. But for some, the experience can be slightly different.
For example, this expectant father was a wee bit bored waiting for his daughter to be born so decided to combine Star Wars into the rehab center simply because the place was named “New Hope.” We love this awesome image!
A View to Die for
You know it’s not going to be a great time whenever you’ve got to check into a hospital, for whatever the reason may be. But to see a cemetery right outside your window is the last thing you’d want!
Want a nice view? Here’s a cemetery! We know people are facing a difficult time in their lives, but whoever thought it was a good idea to put a hospital next to a cemetery may have a dark sense of humor.
You Only Had One Job to Do
The person who did this job obviously nailed it! And we wouldn't be surprised if he literally nailed it (to the wall). When someone takes instructions to hang the TV in the waiting room of the hospital quite literally, this is the result.
The job is done, boss! Who cares if the TV is still in the box? Patients can just sit there and pretend to watch TV, we’re just hoping that this person isn’t doing other important tasks around the hospital.
Double Vision
This hospital had a face painter come in and paint employees’ faces to have a bit of fun on the job. Sometimes face painters can be too good at their job and make their works of art look super realistic!
Whenever a patient would wake up from their anesthesia they’d get to see two sets of eyes staring back at them. Laughter is the best kind of medicine and we’re on the fence whether patients would want to wake up to this sight after their surgery!
Time to See the World
Every parent knows that a new baby leaves them with next to no sleep, especially when the baby is crying, needs a diaper change, has to be fed, or just want to play, constant attention is required.
One parent thought this was a cruel joke to put a “Travel + Leisure” magazine next to this newborn in the children’s clinic. The last thing on a newborn's parents' minds is traveling the world. Who has time to travel after having a baby!?
Game of Thrones Joke
HBO’s Game of Thrones has been a massively popular series over the years and some people have even named their children after favorite characters in the show. Names like Tyrion, Arya, and even Khaleesi have been used.
“A girl has no name” is a famous line said by Arya and was used by these awesome parents when filling out a form asking what the newborn’s name would be. They were still searching for the perfect name.
Trust Issues
When a patient simply asked for a cup of water from the nurse while at the hospital waiting to get their blood drawn they got this instead. Either the nurse was exhausted and didn't realize the mistake she had made or she was pulling a prank!
“Urine collection container” was one the side of this cup and we aren’t sure if it was a cruel joke, but either way this person may have some trust issues for the rest of their life!
Being Cheeky
When people are coming up with signs for others to read, some like to be a bit cheeky and add their two cents. The sign in the restroom of this one hospital advised patients not to flush anything besides toilet paper.
These nurses asked patients not to flush anything but toilet paper down the toilet. A nasty situation probably arose and prompted them to add the sign, but a person had a seriously smart question. What about the poop!?
When Stars Align
When you’ve got a dentist with the name “Rachel B. Pullin” it’s hard to ignore the coincidence! The stars have aligned and it looks like Rachel really found her calling. It was as if her parents knew her calling when she was born and went with a proper middle name.
We don’t know what other sign there is for this dentist. It surely seems like her calling. I guess if she were to be a cop then she’d be pullin’ people over, but we prefer her as a dentist.
Liam Neeson Meet Chinese Medical Center
We’d imagine that if Liam Neeson had a Chinese medical center then it’d definitely look something like this. He has a very particular set of skills and you don’t really need to tell him what’s wrong with you!
He will tell you exactly what’s wrong after he tracks it down. You don't need to tell them what is wrong with you because they will find it and tell you. We don’t think these people have seen the movie Taken but the coincidence is hilarious!
What’s Your Pain Level?
Being able to not experience pain on a daily basis is a blessing. But, sometimes we do and when we experience pain we may not take it so well. Patients are able to pinpoint exactly how much pain they’re in after surgery.
Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is ending even though you’re only at a 2 or 3 level of pain, but to be honest, at this moment it feels like a nine.
Monster Spray
It doesn’t matter what you tell kids sometimes, they have an active imagination and they can be afraid of non-existent monsters hiding in their closet or under their bed. One little girl wasn’t sleeping because she thought one was hiding in her closet.
This doctor came up with a solution (quite literally) and offered a special ‘monster spray’ solution. Before the little girl went to sleep the parents would spray monster spray around her bed before going to sleep.
What the Duck?
One lady didn’t want to go to the hospital but needed to go over the night. The reason being she had ducks that also were ill and needed medication. One nurse let her sneak them into her room after sensing how distressed she was.
Imagine hearing “quacking” from another room of the hospital. You'd probably question if you weren't accidentally at a veterinarian instead. We can’t imagine anyone saying no to these cute looking guys, and the nurse surely couldn’t either!
Strong Letter From Doctor
It’s pretty uncommon to get a personalized note from a doctor when it’s for something as simple as a common cold. But, this guy was worried about getting in trouble with his employer and needed his doctor to come up with a note to confirm his illness.
The doctor was annoyed because other patients couldn’t be seen due to the company’s policy. I mean what kind of company is this suspicious of its employees anyway? This definitely isn’t something you’d expect to see!
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Waiting at the ER can be annoying and we don’t want to do it, and most hospitals have a waiting time displayed. This is to reassure you that you’re going to be seen and have at least some kind of idea.
This hospital decided to use a cute T-rex toy to explain why waiting is a good thing. Someone being rushed into the ER is maybe having a worse time than you. Perspective is everything!
Good Advice
It’s nearly impossible these days to go anywhere without having a TV screen, or any screen for that matter, in front of your face. Most of the time TVs are there to kill time and provide entertainment for kids.
Instead of simply writing “broken” on this TV that was out of order in the waiting room, some person decided to write a sassy little note that said, “try reading instead.” Do memes count as reading? Just kidding!
Oblivious Office Layout
It can be an enjoyable thing to just sit and stare out the window and contemplate life, but some situations call for privacy and we think that a gynecologist’s chair is one of those things where privacy ranks pretty high.
Everyone’s pride and glory are on display the way this gynecologist positioned their chair (unwittingly?). It’s a good thing that it looks like there are some shutters to prevent people passing by from getting an eyeful!
Beware of the Aunteater
Getting local schools involved with art projects for the hospital is nice, and many people find kid’s art to be quite adorable and a distraction. This kid had some hilarious jokes and many weren’t expecting it!
A patient in this hospital noticed this on the wall and had to take a pic of it. It was too funny to pass up. The devilish “aunteater” (not to be confused with your friendly neighborhood anteater) took this kid’s poor aunt!
Not What You Think
Many of us always feel that sniffles and headaches just mean that we've got a common cold, no biggie! But after a month of fighting it off, it may be time to see a doctor instead of just trying to toughen through it.
Besides prescribing sleeping and lemon tea, it seems that after all a virus can’t be cured with just antibiotics. This sign is something we should all be faced with. One cannot simply cure a virus with antibiotics, Batman!
A Doctor With a Screw Loose
The mad scientist stereotype is all wrong in the books, and in fact, it can look like a crazy doctor with a baseball bat for a prosthetic leg. We’re betting that this guy is a “Walking Dead” fan as the bat looks Negan-esque.
Once you settle down over the initial fright and shock, it looks totally awesome and we can’t help but think that his patients may have more worries once they look down.
A Scary Birth
People do all kinds of weird things when Halloween comes around and this doctor is no exception. They got all dressed up for the night and went all out for their Halloween costume but had to put the party on hold to deliver a baby.
It’s not every day that you see a super realistic and terrifying version of Health Ledger’s Joker handling your newborn. I’m pretty sure the baby will remember seeing this doctor and be scarred for life!
Hairdresser or Doctor?
There’s no telling what this lady needs. It’s either a hairdresser or a doctor. When you look closely you’ll realize that the lady has builder’s foam going hard! This definitely requires someone with a precise and steady hand.
This could happen to anyone of us, to be honest. She thought she was applying hair mousse but instead was in for a rude awakening (and hardening). Sometimes we just need a fresh start and it’d be best to shave it all off.
Practice Makes Perfect
When learning how the world works there’s no shortage of questions kids have. To make things less scary, sometimes people simplify the truth and this doctor decided to show the general premise of surgery to this little girl.
There’s no better way to teach surgery than by playing Operation. The little girl is even wearing a hairnet and mask to make it seem real. It’s not every day that busy surgeons take the time out to play.
Creative Bones
Seeing a guy strolling around with a super cool cane isn’t an everyday sight. Especially when the said cane is made from the dudes own hip bone! One the guy had a hip replacement his surgeon gave the guy back his hip bone when asked.
The doctor and patient both agreed and now the guy strolls around with his cool cane with his hip bone sticking out as the handle, which may seem a bit unsettling, but it’s a pretty neat idea.
Cover Your Tracks
You end up getting to know the staff and doctors pretty well when you’re in the hospital for a while with a serious illness. This patient and his doctor had an inside joke about the browser history of the patient.
The patient felt it necessary for anyone to understand where their priorities lie just in case something were to happen. The patient got a bracelet from his doctor with a message on it that claimed the person didn’t want anyone to see their browser history because it may change their opinion of them!
Stool or Footstool?
Sometimes it can be confusing when a doctor asks for a stool sample. Like who decided to call number two "stool?" But in this case, they may not be asking for your number two, but really just a wee tiny footstool.
This had some serious thought behind it. It’s not recommended that you actually do this, after all, they really just want your number two. If you don’t give them your stool, then you’ll just be delaying the process.
Conversation Starter
‘Doctor Who’ is what the art in this pic is referencing and it’s the kind of doctor everyone wants in their life. Why not paste it all over your walls then to ease any tension your patients may have?
Having a Doctor Who themed poster and a sign that says "Keep Calm I'm The Doctor" is also an excellent conversation starter for anyone who walks in. If we could swap our doctor for this one, we definitely would!
Pretty Good Advice
Found next to an actual scale in the hospital, this sign offers some pretty good life-saving advice comparable to the treatments given in the facility.
We all pack on a few extra pounds over the holiday season, it happens to the best of us. You’ll certainly live happier lives if you don’t point this out to your significant other. When she asks you how she looks in that dress, keeps this warning in mind!
Photoshopped or Not?
We assure you that this isn’t photoshopped and that the building really does exist at 12345 West Bend Drive in St. Louis, Missouri. It seems that whenever put on the spot and you have to make up a phone number, password, or address that just says 1,2,3,4,5, etc. is a bit lazy and suspicious.
“South County Surgical Center” is the place’s official name so not sure why they just called it a day and slapped “Medical Building” on it. This looks like a shady government organization coverup that’s super lazy.
One Letter Missing Makes You Crack-Up
There’s an ongoing series of an unnamed prankster who has replaced “Chiropractor” with an “R” for the last “c” to give a new medical specialization that is called “chiroraptor.” A bit difficult to pronounce but we love the play on words here.
Who knows too, there may be a handful of dinosaurs who survived mass extinction to practice lucrative careers as medical professionals. This is no less believable than Chris Pratt being a scholar in ethnology or the study of animal behavior.
“My doctor made me wear this through the entire physical” was the only caption this guy posted when he underwent an examination. The doctor joins in and even wears Grouch glasses and mustache too. It's hard to tell who is the patient and who is the doctor if they were standing next to each other.
This doesn’t instill confidence in us when something as simple as a basic physical requires a medical professional insisting that you both wear disguises. It makes us even more suspicious. What does he have to hide?
If It Works, It Works
Someone’s idea of “pain management strategy” is cussing like a sailor and it's pretty funny. It’s even scientifically proven that swearing helps alleviate pain. It’s true (we swear!).
It's our natural “fight-or-flight” response that is triggered and scientists figure that swearing is what does the trick. If you’re a potty mouth though you’d need to cut down on swearing in other situations for it to be effective. It’s up to you to determine if it’s worth it!