Getting Canned
It can be difficult to find love. Some people try and ask their friends or coworkers to set them up, others try other means.
This person left a little cute and wrote this funny reply which we are sure would have made the writer laugh. We do hope our friend is able to find a suitable date soon.
Let It Go
Frozen really captured our hearts, our minds, and our voices. All of us have once found ourselves accidentally singing Let It Go. Or at least heard someone else belting it
After a while, though, we get a little weary hearing the same songs over and over again. This office is keeping track because they decided to put an end to it. We'll see how long it lasts...
A Thought or Two
Why are we here? This is a question many people go through their whole lives without finding the answer. Now take the following case of a printer which suddenly shows up in one’s office, trying to fill in that vacant space the normal office printer has left due to maintenance or servicing.
If you think about it, not only is the printer temporary but isn’t everything in life the same? We’re not trying to sound too philosophical here, but you have to appreciate the sense of humor displayed by whoever had this dig at the printer’s warning label. Deep thoughts sometimes arise from the boredom of office life – another mystery we will probably never fully understand.
All Are Welcome
This office sure knows how to put out a friendly welcome! We would definitely laugh if we came across this message
Teachers are often the funniest of people and are showing off their friendliness by welcoming all their students in and not worrying about interrupting to ask a question.
Only One Microwave At A Time!
Most of the signs we're showing off today are very funny, snarky, or passive-aggressive, but this one actually makes sense. If you use both, neither of them will work.
But the commentator has a good point. If there are two and you can't use them both at the same time, then what's the point of having two at all? You might as well take the second one away and avoid future problems.
Coffee Debate
People have debated over what makes a good cup of 'Joe for ages. It makes sense for it to heighten in an office space where all people do all day is drink it.
Everyone is adding their own opinions, what's yours? Do you like your coffee with three scoops of grounds or mud water or maybe even swamp water, you decide.
Passing Notes
Some notes can be helpful and some can be funny, but not all can be productive.
Instead of taking it to HR, this person wrote a pretty passive-aggressive note about the ice machine, to which the second person notes. Don't forget to ask for what you want! Even if it's an ice machine.
Sniff Out The Rat!
It happens time and again when a coworker will eat your food! Your fruit or your cereal is stolen by a person you work next to day in and day out.
This gave us a big chuckle when we saw it because this person is cleverly baiting the person that has been stealing all the food.
An Icy Situation
Nothing beats office stress like a refreshing drink. However, not all office pantries and fridges come stocked with ice cubes. What’s the solution to this? Bring your own ice from the home of course! Just like this office worker.
To be honest, there is a multitude of ways to have cold drinks at work, and this may border on the extreme side of things. Someone must have thought the same and left an adorable note to let the person know that their ice obsession hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Food Shaming
There are those who consider pizza as one of the most complete types of food you could hope to find. After all, it contains protein, carbs, fats, and vegetables all in one easy-to-eat slice! That’s why when someone desecrated a slice of pizza as shown in the following picture, their coworker couldn’t help but create a note about it.
Did the person who took a bite, not like the pizza? Did they find it shameful to take the whole thing? This is a sorry state of affairs for every pizza-loving person in that office. Leaving perfectly good food in a partially-eaten state is pretty poor form, whether you’re in an office environment or not.
A Classical Tribute
There are many things in life that are beyond our control, and even the most mundane of things at the office are not exempt from this. What we can do though to make up for the frustration or feeling of helplessness we may have is to inject some good old-fashioned humor to spice things up!
This is a perfect example of making the mundane extraordinary, with someone misspelling the broken microwave’s handle as “Handel”, and a pun of the famous musician tacked up right beside it. All that’s remaining is to play one of his famous songs in the background, and this would have made the prank as close to perfect as they come!
Life and Sarcasm
Sarcasm arises whenever there are people interacting with one another. It has become part and parcel of human life, and no office worth its salt is exempt from this phenomenon. There’s just something about dry humor that helps people get through the humdrum of their daily lives at work.
What’s funniest about this sarcastic note is that the problem it’s addressing is completely relatable to many of us. Who hasn’t tried to press a button harder in the hope that the lift door would close, the walk signal would come on, the printer would hurry up, or that some other infuriating piece of technology would finally start working?
Treasure Map
Being asked the same question a couple of times is tolerable, but any more than that, and on multiple days, would really push someone to the limit. Now, look at the following example of an office worker who clearly got asked where Ed was one too many times.
From the looks of it, this person isn’t entertaining any further explanations regarding the diagram created or the whereabouts of Ed. Still, I can imagine some co-workers asking about Ed despite the passive-aggressive flowchart, just to annoy that person to no end. Truly evil.
A Font for All Occasions
If you look at the picture below, do you think that the font is really the issue at hand? Of course not, it’s the coffeemaker that shouldn’t be unplugged at all costs! Despite the stern warning though, there are just some people who cannot take their eyes off certain details.
The use of the whimsical font was either deliberate to drive a point home or made to attract attention to what would otherwise have been a rather bland warning sign. Whatever the original intended purpose was, it certainly did bring attention to the cause!
Clippy Strikes Again
The creator of the Clippy Word Assistant really does deserve some praise. After all, it takes talent and vision to come up with something so simple yet so usable. Now, look at the following response to the little character when someone took him out of the computer and placed him on a bathroom wall.
I wonder how long it took them to come up with that Clippy comeback. Aside from addressing the misspelled word, the creator also managed to temper down the rather passive-aggressive tone of the sign!
A Passion for Cheetos
Most people have that one thing they’re passionate about. Depending on your personality, it could be something large and astounding, or just something simple and commonplace. In the following picture, we can see that the worker who posted this sign belongs to the latter group.
His sign doesn’t waste any time getting to the point. Either they provide Cheetos in the vending machine, or the entire company misses out on snacks. If this person is not doing this out of a deeply held passion for Cheetos, I don’t know what else it could be for.
Simplicity Is Key
All companies should have evacuation plans, especially those established in high-rise buildings. Some of these plans may be elaborate, with experts pouring over the details and finding out the quickest and safest routes to exit once an emergency occurs. The employee who came up with the following idea clearly decided to take things to the next level.
Nothing could be simpler than that. It’s just one word, and it says it all. No need for crazy mazes showing the way out, or forming lines according to your department, and having drills to practice the routine. Just run. Of course, it’s important to point out that this is not the best course of action in a real emergency! Especially when there are crowds of people and tight stairways to navigate.
Wit and Humor
You have to give props to people at the office who do their best to make light of serious situations. A jammed printer or one that’s always out of ink is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. However, some things are just beyond the manager’s control. The best way to approach such issues is with humor.
Giving the printer a name, a catchy tagline, and even a picture takes considerable effort and forethought. Full credit to the person who came up with this clever sign. It’s everything you ever wanted from a printer... apart from the nonexistent ink and jamming paper of course!
The Unresponsive Mouse
So it’s another day of your office routine. You wake up, drive to work, trudge over to your desk, turn on your computer, and spend the next few minutes wondering why your cursor just doesn’t seem to want to budge no matter how aggressively you move your mouse. Only once you’ve exhausted all options do you turn the mouse over to be greeted by this:
This prank is straight out of the Joker’s playbook! Your turn now Batman. How are you going to one-up the person who managed to pull this off on you?
Literal Animal
There will always be that one coworker who loves to push people’s limits. Take the following person for example. They clearly took the meaning of “JOBS” to the next level.
You can’t say they’re wrong though! That picture of Steve Jobs isn’t large at all. In fact, as you can see, it could easily fit in one piece of standard bond paper. Is this the kind of coworker you’d love to have around for a laugh? Or do you think jokes like this would get old after a while?
The Randomness of Life
Office life becomes more manageable when you realize that everything in life is in a state of constant randomness. Take this strange and unexpected post-it note on an air freshener for example.
Who would expect that someone would actually take a jab at an air freshener’s height let alone request to have said air freshener moved because it keeps blowing its chemically scented contents into a tall person’s mouth? Office issues are so bizarre sometimes.
Comeback Time
Yes, here we are taking another bite at our sarcastic office worker who likes to leave random notes around the office full of witty one-liners. Every now and then though, that person is bound to slip up. And just like a lion waiting for its prey, someone else pounces on that mistake.
This attack was simple, direct, and effective, unlike the original sign-maker’s understanding of automatic spell-checkers!
Double Meaning
In the history of advertising and sign-making, there has been many a mixup where an unsuspecting company created a message with unintended double meaning. Even the simplest and most innocent words such as “date” can cause mischief due to the fascinating way the English language works.
We all know that this was meant to be a joke, but it is also a sly jab at whoever posted the original message. No, I do not know how it feels to date a can, and I hope I never have to find out!
Hot or Not?
Here we go with more words that have more shades of meaning than the original sign-maker realized. Why anyone would go to the trouble of making a sign to say the coffee maker isn’t hot is beyond me. Clearly, someone else in the office thought it was worthy of poking fun at.
This specific pot isn’t hot though, but that’s not the end of its story. Apparently, it has a great personality, if only people would spend some quality time with it and stop using it for its hot coffee.
The Fault in Our Fonts
There are some aspects of office life that cannot be recreated anywhere else or in any other setting. Being called out for your font choice is one, and this happens not only in official documents and emails but even with random signs tacked on the wall.
Comic Sans was the font of choice when you were a kid creating a presentation about sharks or dinosaurs for school. However, it quickly went out of fashion as we grew up. Apparently, the person who made the original sign is still stuck in their elementary school mindset!
Serious Work
Once you step into the office, it’s time to put your game face on and get productive. However, some people take it far more seriously than others do, and not even an inch of disturbance is welcome when these workers are in the zone. What’s the best way to deter others from breaking you out of your flow state? This person might just have cracked the code.
While the overall tone of the sign is serious, showing that the person means business, the list of exceptions is full of tongue-in-cheek humor, showing that even in the most formal business atmosphere, there is still space for a light-hearted joke or two.
Feel the Freeze
Most office spaces tend to run cold. The machines, computers, and most importantly, the office workers need to be well-chilled in order to function efficiently. Try to type out a report with your palms sweating, and I think you’d get the idea. Of course, there are some people who aren’t considerate of others in such an environment, as you can see from the picture below.
If you’re the only one complaining about the temperature being too low, then maybe, just maybe, you’re the one who needs to adjust. Not the whole office, right?
No Sense of Space
Space is precious. The property, real estate, and event space in the office is always a premium, no matter where you look – even inside the shared office fridge. Now comes along this officemate who brings a whole gallon of milk and stuffs it in there, taking up space for maybe 10 other people’s food.
This person had it coming, I tell you. And if you think about it, cows don’t take up fridge space that much. Just leave them grazing on the parking lot of grass, and people can pop down whenever they need a dash of milk in their coffee. This would be a much more eco-friendly (and entertaining) solution!
The Name Game
Some offices are so competitive that even the food inside the fridge has to come with post-its or name tags to keep people from taking what doesn’t belong to them. The problem is, it gets a bit confusing when more than one person has the same first name, and only the first name is marked down. Let’s take the case of Dave and his iced tea.
Dave is a pretty common name, and then chances of having more than one in a given area are pretty high, especially if the office is large. Either the initial Dave didn’t think of this issue, or he’s genuinely proud of his name and would willingly give away free drinks to anyone else at work named Dave. I think it’s the former, but it’s nice to imagine the latter might be true.
The Spitting Image
Some employees resort to drastic measures to keep the grubby fingers of other people from their food. Take, for instance, this person who is happy to spit in her own salad dressing to stop others from using it.
Alas, someone else had the same idea, and their act of rebellion initiated a food-spitting war in the office. Hopefully, they don’t recognize each other’s handwriting. Things could get personal, and no-one wants that when spitting is already involved!
Badluck With The Printer
It's funny how the most important and used equipment in the office can be so difficult to get through to sometimes. The office printer is usually a culprit here. Sometimes, the queue of those waiting to get their prints may get so long that the color gets off or it stops printing before it gets to you.
Someone who always fell victim to that decided to place a humorous note on the printer. It says, "One day, my prints will come through." Funny, isn't it? We sure have a bunch of people who can relate to this note at work. Who knows, his dream might come true one day.
Own The Fridge Instead
Office-shared items, especially those used for personal purposes, can be a source of contention. Office refrigerators are the culprits here. Everyone stores their lunch there and is quite protective of their spot. You better not use more space than required so you don't get sliced up by your colleagues.
Since this coworker doesn't care about other people's space, he was teased for taking up the entire refrigerator space with a gallon of milk. For fun, the coworker decided to play along and take them at their word. A cow mysteriously appears in the fridge. Fun or no fun, at least he's gotten the message.
An Icy Situation
Nothing beats office stress like a refreshing drink. However, not all office pantries and fridges come stocked with ice cubes. What’s the solution to this? Bring your own ice from the home of course! Just like this office worker.
To be honest, there is a multitude of ways to have cold drinks at work, and this may border on the extreme side of things. Someone must have thought the same and left an adorable note to let the person know that their ice obsession hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Food Shaming
There are those who consider pizza as one of the most complete types of food you could hope to find. After all, it contains protein, carbs, fats, and vegetables all in one easy-to-eat slice! That’s why when someone desecrated a slice of pizza as shown in the following picture, their coworker couldn’t help but create a note about it.
Did the person who took a bite, not like the pizza? Did they find it shameful to take the whole thing? This is a sorry state of affairs for every pizza-loving person in that office. Leaving perfectly good food in a partially-eaten state is pretty poor form, whether you’re in an office environment or not.
A Classical Tribute
There are many things in life that are beyond our control, and even the most mundane of things at the office are not exempt from this. What we can do though to make up for the frustration or feeling of helplessness we may have is to inject some good old-fashioned humor to spice things up!
This is a perfect example of making the mundane extraordinary, with someone misspelling the broken microwave’s handle as “Handel”, and a pun of the famous musician tacked up right beside it. All that’s remaining is to play one of his famous songs in the background, and this would have made the prank as close to perfect as they come!
Life and Sarcasm
Sarcasm arises whenever there are people interacting with one another. It has become part and parcel of human life, and no office worth its salt is exempt from this phenomenon. There’s just something about dry humor that helps people get through the humdrum of their daily lives at work.
What’s funniest about this sarcastic note is that the problem it’s addressing is completely relatable to many of us. Who hasn’t tried to press a button harder in the hope that the lift door would close, the walk signal would come on, the printer would hurry up, or that some other infuriating piece of technology would finally start working?
Treasure Map
Being asked the same question a couple of times is tolerable, but any more than that, and on multiple days, would really push someone to the limit. Now, look at the following example of an office worker who clearly got asked where Ed was one too many times.
From the looks of it, this person isn’t entertaining any further explanations regarding the diagram created or the whereabouts of Ed. Still, I can imagine some co-workers asking about Ed despite the passive-aggressive flowchart, just to annoy that person to no end. Truly evil.
A Font for All Occasions
If you look at the picture below, do you think that the font is really the issue at hand? Of course not, it’s the coffeemaker that shouldn’t be unplugged at all costs! Despite the stern warning though, there are just some people who cannot take their eyes off certain details.
The use of the whimsical font was either deliberate to drive a point home or made to attract attention to what would otherwise have been a rather bland warning sign. Whatever the original intended purpose was, it certainly did bring attention to the cause!
Clippy Strikes Again
The creator of the Clippy Word Assistant really does deserve some praise. After all, it takes talent and vision to come up with something so simple yet so usable. Now, look at the following response to the little character when someone took him out of the computer and placed him on a bathroom wall.
I wonder how long it took them to come up with that Clippy comeback. Aside from addressing the misspelled word, the creator also managed to temper down the rather passive-aggressive tone of the sign!
A Passion for Cheetos
Most people have that one thing they’re passionate about. Depending on your personality, it could be something large and astounding, or just something simple and commonplace. In the following picture, we can see that the worker who posted this sign belongs to the latter group.
His sign doesn’t waste any time getting to the point. Either they provide Cheetos in the vending machine, or the entire company misses out on snacks. If this person is not doing this out of a deeply held passion for Cheetos, I don’t know what else it could be for.