We all love our vacation time. Sun, sand, new places and adventures, and plenty of opportunities to capture the beautiful moments to show your future family, or make the rest of your friends jealous on Facebook. What happens when snapping those special moments doesn’t go as planned? Take a look at this selection of hilarious vacation photo fails.
Naturally Happy
We all love our vacation time. Sun, sand, new places and adventures, and plenty of opportunities to capture the beautiful moments to show your future family, or make the rest of your friends jealous on Facebook.
What happens when snapping those special moments doesn’t go as planned? Take a look at this selection of hilarious vacation photo fails.
What happens when snapping those special moments doesn’t go as planned? Take a look at this selection of hilarious vacation photo fails.
As for the ladies' faces, we’ll let them off for this. You can’t blame their reaction… and good on them for staying put for the photo! And if that's not enough, stay put for more photos that are for sure some of the Internet's funniest!
Take Me Too!
We’ve all had that friend - or been that friend - who’s wanted to tag along on the holiday. Vacation jealousy is real. And then there’s the joke about packing you in the luggage… of course, that’s not possible.
Most human beings can’t fit in a suitcase. But they CAN possibly fit in the luggage compartment. The only issue is getting out again. We wonder if this young lady was stuck before or after takeoff.
Best Timing EVER
We’ve all tried to get that perfectly timed picture that you imagined in your mind. Though often it turns out to be a case of spending half an hour, with multiple failed attempts where the best picture is a dismal rendition of the original plan. Not this one. This guy has his timing on point.
Not the guy lounging in the air - we mean the photographer. Well done for keeping the unsuspecting couple pleasantly calm with the antic of the background flyer. Photography skills: 11/10.
Another Friendly Face
Or not… on her end anyways. Maybe the mini crocodile has a lovely smile on his face. Or is absolutely terrified by her expression. Who’s more scared in this situation? Definitely not the first choice for the cover of the photo album from this beach holiday.
Maybe stick with the one that was safely on land. It seems like a running theme from these pictures that water animals and humans don't exactly make the most flattering photos.
Sacrifices for Love
We all make sacrifices for the sake of our relationships. Sometimes it’s going to your partner's parents' house when you really don’t feel like it. Sometimes it’s deciding on the holiday destination and coming to a compromise. And sometimes it’s not the couple making the sacrifice.
Looks like these two found the perfect beachside destination for their vacation and personal horse handler for all those romantic pictures too. Really though? Are we supposed to be focused on the beautiful kiss here or the blaring obvious? We hope the water was warm at least.
A Little More Original
It’s hard to be unique when taking a travel picture with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. You’ll see thousands of photos of the famed act of holding the tower up or kicking it over. It’s not a new phenomenon - though still always a laugh and a great memory.
This is why these girls get a few extra points for originality. Sure, anyone can kick over the tower… but how many people can kick over a tower whilst standing high in the air? Exactly, creativity makes for excellent pictures. As for a photo fail, it’s definitely a success rather than a mishap and it had to be included here for its genius.
A Special Site
Was it really a special place for this family? Or did they not realize that South Dakota is just another random place among the many already existing places in the U.S.
Perhaps it’s more special than we think. Perhaps this family knows a little more than us. Maybe next time re-think your New York site seeing and go to good ole South Dakota instead. Look, there’s even, grass…
Nuts in Hats
Hats are always a good idea. And when they express an important message, they are even better. Like this family wearing their fashionable hats as a nod to their great country.
People will be sure to take them seriously now, and really understand this important message of being patriotic and proud of the great flag. Right?
Get Your Priorities Straight, Buddy!
The best-known beach rule is to put on sunscreen BEFORE you carry on drinking, especially if you’ll be drinking what seems like a whole bottle of wine.
When you eventually get started, all bets are off, and this will most likely be the result.
Seasoned Lone Traveller
For all of you who have experienced traveling alone, you’ll know that there are some great tips and tricks that you learn along the way. Like how to travel on a budget, how to make friends, and how to stay safe. No lesson is more valuable than how to take your own travel picture, however.
When there isn’t another person, and when you’re just sick of asking strangers all the time, you need to be a little more self-sufficient. She’s got it down!
Flipping Fearful
She cried and cried and cried because she just wanted to see the pretty dolphins, her favorite animal of all. So finally, after a long day at the aquarium, the family finally took their sweet little girl to the place she was crying for.
When she got there, however, she cried some more. Hey, how is she supposed to understand the laws of gravity, glass, and safe spaces? For all she knows, Mr. Dolphin is about to lick her whole face!
Incidental Exercise
Travelling can be a great way to stay in shape. Walking around cities, doing active adventure sports, and hiking. There are many opportunities to stay fit and healthy when you’re on vacation. So too is the direct opposite true. Tons of amazing new food, pools to lie next to all day, and spending a lot of time napping.
This guy knows that to make his vacation a healthy one, he needs to introduce some more active movement into his travels. Hence, this is what is now known as the photo-lunge. Work those camera angles, as well as your legs.
A Special Moment…
Photobombed by a hippo. The luck of capturing such a beautiful moment of a proposal is a memory to keep for a lifetime, to show to family and friends and keep safe in the album for generations to come.
Then the rest of the family can look back in decades' time and say, ‘remember when grandpa proposed to grandma? It was so romantic, we were all teary, especially Frank the Hippo.’ He’s got the skills for getting front-row seats for all the special moments.
Snacks for Me?
Look, if you’re going to be holding a handful of snacks in front of a particularly hungry large bird, then you have to accept that it’ll try and ask you for some. This woman probably should have considered this before she asked her friend to snap a picture with her and the pretty bird.
Maybe it was just bad timing, she was probably smiling right before this moment. Right before she held up those snacks and hungry Mr. Bird started to loudly bang on the window.
Happy Days
Or not. Was it a terrible ride? A disappointing weather situation? Finding out how much the food costs? Whatever it was, this family isn’t showing off the usual happy Disney World glow that you usually see in most family vacation theme park pictures.
It’s pretty regular for one person to be a little moody on a day out - but the whole family? Maybe they should have stayed home instead.
Same Stingray?
Maybe he’s making the rounds, and hugging all the pretty girls. He just has to work on his people skills to get a better reaction to the photo.
Either that or leave her a little personal space and politely join the picture from afar - like the others. This one probably didn’t make it to her profile picture.
Smile for the Camera
The boys love their fishing trips with dad. They always come home saying how great it was that they got a few catches during the day. What the older brother always failed to mention, however, is that one of the daily catches sometimes is the little brother.
Well, at least they got him, it would have been a shame to let him swim away. And now Mom has photo evidence of what really goes on during the boys' fishing trips.
Wrong Exit
When getting off a boat, it's advisable to get off at the back, especially if you're wearing a bathing suit.
You wouldn’t want to be remembered as the thong-wearing wedgie guy.
Happy on the Highway
It seems like highway pictures are a thing. Did this couple see the signs on a movie? Or was it the first time traveling along any highway, their first venture out of their small country town?
Maybe they actually stopped roadside for a stretch during their long drive and decided that a picture by the sign is good enough. No need to travel the rest of the way there.
Creativity Comes in All Forms
Trying out different things and experimenting is what holidays are made for. You dip your hands in everything from trying on different clothes, different types of drinks, eating differently, and trying on uniquely different bathing suits.
The poor chap just wanted to find out what all the fuss was about with bikini tops but this particular experiment totally backfired on him.
This may be one of the best expressions caught on camera. The fear and shock of the moment can actually be felt through the image. There’s no wonder his reaction was intense.
When a horse’s head barges through your window, opens its mouth and you realize that your head can easily fit inside it, you’d be scared too.
None the Wiser
Just posing for a regular family photo on the edge of a bridge. No harm done, right? That’s what they think.
What about that poor baby that grows up with debilitating fear of heights and the family never understands where it comes from. They can take another look back through the family album and maybe then they’ll realize…
Not Great Timing
The big question here is what compelled them to say at that moment, ‘take a picture of us’, while they happily smile as if everything is normal. As if there aren’t two boys either rummaging through the bin or throwing up. As if there wasn’t a medical stretcher in the background ready to take an ill person away.
We’ll give them props for looking so pleasant and great in the midst of a chaotic environment - though it’s hard to notice the ladies in the foreground when there’s so much to look at behind them!
Not Creepy
It’s just a bear suit. Just a kind and sweet polar bear. Smile for the camera kids, it’ll be a cute photo of our trip in the ice caves. Everyone gets a photo with Peter the Polar Bear.
And everyone probably thinks twice about adding to their memory album when they see just how freaky Peter’s smile turns out to be in the background. They tried for a sweet memory, they left with a scarred one.
High to the Sky
The photographer here knew what they were doing. They had it down. Dress the family in a similar color scheme… check. Find a nice beachside location… check. Make the family do embarrassing moves to try and capture the right moment… check.
The only problem is that these types of photos generally take quite a few rounds to get the right one. This is probably why little Suzie was so tired by the end of it, she just wanted to lie down for a nap.
Open Family
It’s great when a family can be comfortable and open around each other. You can usually see it in their faces and bodies when taking that full family picture. Happy eyes as well as smiles and warm body language. An absence of clothes. Actually, scratch that last one. That doesn’t make the picture look more comfortable. Just more confusing.
Maybe dad didn’t get the memo. It was a holiday snap WITH the kids, not a holiday sexy snap without them.
Looking for Something?
Maybe the bull is hollow, and he lost something inside and is looking for it. Even if that’s the case though - how did he get it inside? On the other hand, if this guy is just posing for the picture, we’d like to know the artistic intention behind this shoot.
Perhaps he’s making a political statement, or expressing something deep about… ok, we’ve got nothing… there’s no justification here, it’s just weird. Full stop.
Let’s Just Pretend
They’ll be none the wiser. When the trip to Mexico gets cancelled last minute, what can this family tell all their friends about their holiday? Nothing! Just get a sombrero and act normal. As normal as you can in a sombrero.
The slight fail here though is the quality of said sombreros. Only cheap, fake lookalikes would give away that they’re not actually in Mexico. Not sure if they pulled this one off as planned.
That’s One Breathtaking View
When we decide to travel, we think about going to places with breathtaking views. This family has an acquired taste when it comes to holiday destinations. Well, they do have a breathtaking view, it’s just that their view takes our breath away in a soul-crushing way.
Even a small office has a more lively setting than this. This image is sad, and it’s not even funny anymore. We would rather spend our vacation at home if these will be the views.
Interesting Angles
No, he’s not just doing a casual stretch. This person is doing what many have done before for centuries, kissing the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle to receive magical benefits.
Because that makes so much more sense… Really though, for both the kisser and the holder, it’s not the most flattering picture. Maybe just tell people about the experience, no need to post this one online.
Well Done
We see what you did there! This picture was much less of a fail than it was a victory. But we had to include it because it was so damn good. *Pats head* well done for that grand idea for a different kind of beachside picture.
They nailed this. And also scared some small children standing behind them!
Making Waves
Jump in all together, they said. It’ll make a sweet family photo, they said. Hmmm… I think next time rethink what a heavier father may create with a big drop into the water. Massive splashes mixed with small children usually don’t go so well.
Here’s the proof that sometimes family pictures in front of the water, rather than in it, are a little safer. Let’s remember that for next time, dad.
Never Again
Never never will this kid whine and plead to go to Disney World. Nor will he take his family when he grows up. That’s a note to remember for all Disney World employees - DON’T scare the little children or you’ll all be losing repeat customers and future business.
But other than that reason, just don’t be creeps to little children in general. If the photo taker shows this shot to the supervisor, this Mickey Mouse probably won’t be seen around the park again!
Not So Patient
For most tourists, reaching the Statue of Liberty is when they get to put on their tourist liberty hats to smile for the camera. This family, however, got a little ahead of themselves and couldn’t wait to get there.
They also couldn’t turn around and smile for the camera. So what do we have? A lovely display of the backs of these ladies heads, while they attempt to look from afar at whether their crown matches hers…
A Heap of People Holding
Usually this kind of Leaning Tower of Pisa photo is always a great picture moment. Holding it up with hands and feet are a pastime, and a ritual for any tourist visiting the site and wanting to take a picture. Though rarely do we see the picture posing from the other angle, like in this one.
Makes for a hilarious looking image for people who have no idea what this tower tradition is, especially for those passing by without their cameras… ‘What are all these people doing?’
This Seems More Illegal Than It Does Inapropriate
No matter how you look at it, it’s simply wrong. It certainly wasn’t these ladies’ plans that their vacation would get ruined by some random pervert. They have on the same colored plastic glasses, so perhaps the guy is with them.
Regardless of whether or not they were together on vacation, they certainly didn’t need him to take photos of their butts. It’s also seemingly obvious that he wasn’t given permission to take those photos. From now on, they’ll definitely be watching their backs in every way.
This Monkey Lends A Hand
Her primary goal was to take a cute photo, together with the monkey. But as it played out, the monkey had other plans of its own, and they didn’t include being pure of mind.
As we all know by now, monkeys can get up to, well monkey business. When it comes to animal made photo-bombs though, this monkey certainly takes the cup as it seems to be the naughtiest.
This Theme Park Takes The Cup For Family Friendliness
The person that took this picture certainly deserves a beer, I’d really like to meet him/her. These kids most likely didn’t get to see this particular photo at all. If at all the kids did see this photo, it certainly means the parents aren’t great at hiding things, because in all honesty, parents wouldn’t want their kids seeing this picture.
If its planned for them to come back to this place, it wouldn’t be a surprise if their dad would ask them to move to the right a little bit in order to take the photo again.
Make Sure It’s The Last Time You Let People Bury You
Everything was seemingly going exactly a planned, he went through to the beach and buried himself in the sand. As turns out, those birds sure had a plan of their own for him.
What makes it worse is that he had a picture taken of this whole situation and so his fun outing at the beach was instantly shattered. Shouting out for help wasn’t an option for this poor guy, so I’m wondering who went to the rescue and dug him out.
This Dolphin Surely Carries The World On His Shoulders
It's barely imaginable what this helpless dolphin must be going through right now, like there’s no one coming to help endure the hardships. He’s probably feeling like the world is truly a hard place if he has to let people ride on his back for quick cash. It seems like he’s working double time now so I’m wondering how much he earned on this particular ride.
A dolphin’s gotta do what a dolphins gotta do when times are hard, right? Taking people for a ride on my back definitely be stressful for me, I’m glad it’s the dolphin doing it.
No One Will Know
How many people out there actually Photoshop their holiday photos to brag about the places they actually didn’t go? Probably not so many, you’d need some pretty professional skills to pull that off.
Unfortunately, this person didn’t get the memo that there’s some basic skills needed to operate Photoshop, and a patchy copy and paste just isn’t enough. At least they tried.
This woman knows where it’s at. It’s just something that makes every holiday more memorable. Get a tattoo, that memory lasts a lifetime! Better yet, get a tattoo of something totally random, that way you’ll be sure to remember where you were when you got it.
Either she was drunk at the time or had a diehard Tupac fan was the artist who convinced her it would be a good idea, or maybe she really is a diehard Tupac fan herself and thought getting this tattoo on her vaction was the best was to commerate him.
Sunscreen Is Recommended Next Time
You might be thinking this is roast chicken or baked potato, actually, not close, its just these two imbeciles who went for suntan without putting on sunscreen. As you can see the regret on both their faces, the sun certainly had them toasted and roasted to a crisp.
They probably made some money with this on a bet, I doubt anyone would do this otherwise. While we’re on the subject of bets, I bet I wouldn’t risk getting sunburnt just for a bet.
You’d Certainly Regret Your Bag Being At The Bottom
It certainly looks like a lot of people will be at the airport for quite a while. Most will be so busy locating their bags that it will be hard finishing in time to get to the hotel.
This picture brings up quite a lot of questions in our minds. Whose brilliant idea was this and who in the world did the stacking of these bags? Whoever it may be, I’m quite certain they are masters at playing Tetris.
A Costume For All Festivities
Not only does this costume look hard walking around in, but it also seems very difficult to fit into. Just picture this guy having to go to the bathroom for a quick one. Would it mean getting bare naked for just a quick pee? I certainly hope not because this costume is already costing the family 5 years’ worth of nightmares.
It’s also quite obvious that the young lady behind the family doesn’t look at all enthusiastic about this particular get-together.
And You Think You’re The Lonely One
If you’ve ever complained about being lonely in your own family, try imagine how this baby feels like. Never in my life have I seen a family member being sidelined so far from the dinner table. Perhaps they have a valid reason for this, maybe this baby also throws food when he/she has a meltdown.
What makes this picture even more hilarious is that the poor baby is looking at them with puppy eyes but they aren’t falling for his little tricks.
Whatever You Do, Don’t Pass Out First
Before your holiday, it is vital to take control of your alcoholic stamina. There’s going to be plenty of drinking going on, so just make sure you aren’t the first person to pass out among your friends. In a group of people, the first person to pass out is always the one to get the most energy and attention.
These types of things always happen to that guy. Be sure to outdrink him and you’ll be just fine.
Oh Dear Denim
Who thought it was a good style choice to have the whole family dressed in denim for their vacation family picture. Not only is it hot, uncomfortable and all round a cheesy look, can you image the sweaty feeling the whole double denim wearing family stacked on one another.
‘It’ll be cute’, they said. ‘It’ll just get a little hot, we promise.’ We’re not so sure. Beneath those fake smiles are a whole heap of thoughts cursing the photo stylist.
Anyone Up For A Ride In Dad’s Wet Dream?
If I were those small children, I’d definitely not get on that boat, no one wants to be in anyone’s wet dream. I’m wondering if their mother is the one taking the photo, if so, did she perhaps want to be in her husband’s Wet Dream…? At the end of it all, everyone in the family was certainly in the Dad’s Wet Dream.
This boat takes the cup when it comes to boat’s that have gotten inappropriate and awkward names in the past. What type of guy wants to take his family on a ride in his Wet Dream?
Expert-Level Photobomb
No doubt about it, the photobomb level of this picture is of expert level. This little dog grew tired of all the girls’ group pictures and wanted to get in on the action. Any reason why he can’t be in the picture too, Karen!?
Or rather, maybe the dog has 2 human heads coming out of his ears. We’ve seen stranger things than this.