With the internet, many things in life were supposed to get easier, but that didn’t iron out all of the creases of life’s little mysteries. Take motherhood. Women have been giving birth forever, but we're still trying to find the truth of being a mom. Reddit user asked: "What do you think is a lie about motherhood you want to warn future mothers about?" Here are the responses...
Sacrificing Everything
The user u/able_title4564’s answer to today’s big question was, "That you have to sacrifice every single bit of your body, time, and soul for your children. If breastfeeding is sucking the life out of you, literally and figuratively, and you hate it and it upsets you, then stop!”
“Formula has kept babies alive for decades. If you’re at your wit's end and are about to have a breakdown, it’s okay to lay baby down in the crib safely and walk away for a moment to catch your breath. Believe it or not, you don’t actually have to do those staged monthly photos with a sign that shows how old your infant is to post on Facebook."
Not Every Day Is a Picnic
Either moms are being naturally protective over their bundle of joy, or we’ve not been told the whole story. Reddit member u/jenniefairplay joined in the conversation with, "It won’t be all joy! That is the biggest lie other mothers tell! You are going to feel the highest highs and lowest lows as a mom.”
In response, u/jenniefairplay added, “It brings out the most intense feelings in you, but when things get rough, remember feelings have an expiration date and you will feel joy again. Hang in there. No matter how hard it is to believe, the time goes by quickly and in no time, they’ll be borrowing your car and you will have your entire life and self back."
How Many Should You Have?
Although basic math suggests that the fewer children you have, the easier things are going to be, many parents would say otherwise. It’s not always as simple as this, of course, as you could have five little angels or one giant handful to appease.
A woman by the name of u/-nikki-j said one parenting lie she’d be sold was, "Two kids is harder than one. Don't have another just to entertain the oldest, I know a few people that did that. Also, I don't think anyone emphasizes how much you will lose yourself and truly get exhausted by it."
Sometimes It Takes Time
Not everyone feels that instant connection with their child. Dads generally take longer than moms, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, even new mothers feel a bit stumped about what to do and why they’re supposed to like their kids, but then the love kicks in. A woman with the handle u/not_doing_that replied,
"Sometimes you don’t immediately love your kid. When they placed my kiddo on my chest, it was weird. It took a couple days before I reconciled that this squirming loud person was the one I carried for months. I love my kiddo...after getting to know them. And that’s okay. It’s not always that perfect love where nothing else matters instantly. Sometimes it takes time."
When They Cry…
At the worry of becoming a smother-mother, many new moms learn that even more balance is needed when raising a child. This time we’re looking at how often you’re supposed to go running when you hear your baby crying. This response is vital when they’re tiny, but please ease off once they’re much older! Redditor u/scareyourfamily chimed in and told us something she’d heard,
"That you are supposed to let a child 'just cry it out.' No... By responding to them saying they need something in a consistent manner, you are literally laying the foundation of their trust in the world for the rest of their lives. If they don’t get their needs met... they will learn to mistrust and be afraid of the world. Always answer the cry."
Sharing the Parenting
The responsibilities of raising a child should be done fairly and evenly. Obviously, that’s easier said than done if one parent is out of the house, or out of town while working, but other than that, there’s no excuse to shirk one’s parental duties.
After seeing the question “what do you think is a lie about parenting?,” u/brittlee8 said, "That as a woman you will be naturally more equipped to care for the child than the father will. That's bullshit. With the exception of producing breast milk, men are just as capable of attending to a baby's needs. Parenting is a learned skill just like any other."
This next topic could spawn its own side-list of lies parents have told their kids. When presented with the question surrounding lies they were told about motherhood, u/late_significance519 jumped in with, "That you won’t have a favorite kid. You will." Ouch, don’t tell little Billy!
It’s Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea
Now, we hate to be the second-hand bearer of bad news, but the original poster’s question regarding parental lies was also answered in a very blunt manner by u/extrovertlibra, who said, "Not every woman is meant for motherhood."
Sadly, u/extrovertlibra didn’t elaborate if she meant that some people will simply struggle and NEED help from friends and family, or if a tiny percentage of women should just avoid the nine-month-plus journey altogether.
Reddit member u/qqvxii responded, "Disciplining your child is harder than it seems. It is very easy to spoil your kid especially if you have the means. It's so easy to want to blame another person for YOUR child's mistakes. You might even often have to catch yourself mid-argument and realize that it is YOUR child who was in the wrong."
"This all becomes even more true when you're a stepparent. You want to be the ideal parent and have your stepchild get along with you, or at least take some liking towards you. You'll inevitably have to buy them something at some point, but it's easy to want to shower them with your money to try win their favor."
Redditor u/palebludot_bk saw the question about lies told to mothers and she got in touch. She said, "Traditionally, 'selfless' has been the highest compliment a mother can receive, and it’s a big fat lie. When the epitome of motherhood/womanhood is to lose one’s self completely, embracing this model only teaches our children, especially the girls, to do the same.”
She continued, “We are better mothers, leaders, and teachers when we model boundaries, self-care, and self-respect. Obviously, there is a great deal of unavoidable sacrifice involved with being an attentive mom, especially in the infancy and toddler phases, but it shouldn’t define a mother beyond that. Reminds me of the Jungian quote, 'The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.'"
What Happens to Your Friends?
When you have children, there’s a good chance you’ll never see some of your friends again. Some you’ll see less of, for the obvious reason of being busy, and others will run screaming at the sight of children. Every situation is different, of course, and losing your social circle once you start a family isn’t guaranteed.
The user u/shallotzestyclose974 agreed with this when replying to “lies about motherhood?” and typed, "That all your friends peace on you. I haven’t been isolated and my friendships haven’t changed. It just takes a bit more work (like any life event)."
Missing Your Old Life
Having a child is something that can’t be taken lightly. The toothpaste is out of the tube, so to speak, and being a parent is something you’ll carry for the rest of your life. With that in mind, it’s understandable that some look back to simpler times when a tiny, fragile life wasn’t in their hands 24/7.
Reacting to the question of parenting fables, u/peppermintblues contributed with, "That you’re going to be happy all the time even when baby is wanted — you’re not! In fact, you may even feel pretty bummed or miss your old life frequently and that’s normal. Older relatives telling you you’re a bad mom for not being 100% sparkles and s****** rainbows over baby have forgotten what it felt like."
Being an Island
Just because someone you know had a huge group of support around them during and after their pregnancy, don’t assume the same will happen to you. Fewer generations share a household within modern families, and many grandparents are still in full-time work. u/quick-cattle-7720 offered, "This may sound harsh but don't expect to have a 'village'.
"Many people I know with young children struggle because they don't have a support network or childcare from grandparents. The thing is, a lot of grandparents are still working full-time and struggle to fit everything in. I had no support when my girls were small. Because of this, as a grandmother, I want to be there for my kids and grandkids."
Bodily Changes
Reddit poster u/iamdollfacee94 joined the conversation and said, "That you'll eventually get your body back. HA! Besides the fact that is hard to lose weight, sometimes you just don't have the time or the energy to diet and exercise, especially after a C-section. Your body changes after pregnancy. I had to say goodbye to many pretty and expensive shoes :(." However, u/min_mus replied with this,
"I had no problem losing the weight, I never got stretch marks, and I didn't tear... However, my body didn't return to its pre-pregnancy condition. My joints and ligaments are permanently fucked and I now suffer from recurring hip pain and sciatica. It took several months to sit in a chair again. I feel like I aged 40 years during those 40 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy destroyed my body."
You Might Go It On Your Own
As we mentioned earlier, family members and friends may not be able to help out as you’d hoped. Sadly, the reality in some situations is that the father might not be around either. He might be there to begin with, but he wouldn’t be the first (or the last) to drop his responsibilities and vanish.
A woman by the name of u/fabulouspossession73 risked ruffling a few feathers by saying, "I know this comment isn’t for everyone, but, uh, when the father says he is going to be responsible and involved no matter what, many times they aren’t. Just ask yourself the question of how you would raise a child by yourself if it came to that."
Lend a Hand
For those that do have the assistance of a partner, don’t be afraid to delegate and get them involved. The responsibility should be shared and there’s no shame in asking for help or even expecting it from your significant other. u/severe_driver3461 set the record straight and said,
"You don’t have to ask your partner if they can watch the baby while you run to the bathroom. You tell them to watch the baby while you run to the bathroom. I’ve seen mothers' eyes go huge with realization at this simple statement. It’s sad how little self-love some people have. They don’t even realize they are entitled to use the restroom when they have to go."
Traumatizing For a Lot of Women
Redditor u/smuttyfang confessed that "The moment when you birth your child won’t necessarily be a magical, happy moment like the movies make it out to be. I was miserable. I felt sudden relief of all the pressure and pain, yes. But I was so horribly shocked about what had just happened to me that I didn’t feel happy.”
She continued, “I felt traumatized and terrified. I was happy that my baby was okay, but I felt like I was just beyond messed up and dazed. I felt like a bad mom for a long time for not being over the moon with joy. But it’s normal to feel that way and there’s nothing wrong with it ❤️. Birth IS traumatizing for a lot of women."
Pregnancy Destroyed My Body
Unfortunately, not everyone escapes childbirth unscathed. Gone are the times when a woman’s life was at severe risk every time they gave birth, but that doesn’t mean there are dangers and long-term problems caused. One of the mothers on Reddit, u/greenkyber said, "That if you’re young and healthy it will be easy and safe."
I was only 27 and a healthy active person, and pregnancy destroyed my body. I now have a ton of medical and very expensive dental issues that I never had prior to pregnancy. I’ve already lost six teeth and may need partial dentures. I have extreme tension headaches and vertigo, as well as horrible acne and hair I never had before."
People Sugar-Coat Everything
Not everyone believes that ignorance is bliss. If you’re about to head down a painful or tumultuous road that your friends and/or family have dealt with in the past, plenty of women would like the straight-up truth about pregnancy.
A poster by the name of u/glitterfanatic said, "I feel like the biggest lies I heard were about pregnancy and childbirth. When I was pregnant the first time, everyone who already had kids sugar-coated everything and made everything seem so magical. It's like a secret club of truth you only gain acceptance into after having a kid. Also, let's normalize hating being pregnant but still loving your baby."
Not Every Moment Needs to Be in the Scrap-Book
u/tinlissy said, "I don't like the phrase 'Cherish every moment.' You'll hear it a lot from well-meaning old ladies when you're pregnant. I get what they're trying to say. But I had a very specific moment with my first baby when he was around five months.”
The mother continued, “I was feeling awful as a parent because I felt like I wasn't present enough, that I wasn't 'cherishing every moment.' In hindsight, I realize it was not possible, and it put a weird pressure on me I didn't need. Yes, you should 'try' to cherish each moment because they pass so quickly. But some moments, they're gonna suck balls."
Do It For the Right Reason
"'There’s no right time, just do it.' Don’t have/adopt a child for any other reason than you want to raise a child. That means don’t have a child because you want someone to love you, to fix your relationship, because you want someone there when you’re old, to heal your parental trauma, because you think you should.”
She continued, “The only reason someone should have a kid in any way is because they want to raise a child that will eventually become an adult and be an entirely separate person. And start working on your trauma ASAP." Good advice. Having a child to patch up cracks in other areas of your life will most likely lead to more problems.
Save Your Money
Everyone’s out to make a buck, so they say, and this is more evident with all the products available online today. Many parents, first-time and repeat, are led to believe that they need so many strange and silly things to bring up their child, and many are scared into making some unnecessary purchases.
Redditor u/hansiepoopoo saw the question about motherhood falsehoods and said, "That you need to buy all kinds of gimmicky specialty items or your baby will suffer life-long consequences. Like, I didn’t have a diaper wipe warmer, and my kids are successful adults. Don’t let capitalists take advantage of you and instill fear!"
It Doesn’t Get Easier
It might make sense to the inexperienced that the older your child gets, and therefore the less dependent on you they become, the easier the task of raising your kid gets. We’re sorry to say, but that’s not entirely accurate.
u/avoidnoise8787 answered the original poster with, "That it gets easier as they get older. Fake news. It becomes easier to communicate with them (sometimes), but the problems are still there. There are just different and more complicated problems. Something else to keep in mind, there is more support and advice for moms of babies and toddlers than for older kids and teens. People seem to think by the time they get in that tween stage you'll have things more figured out. My oldest kid is 11 and I still don’t know WTF I’m doing."
The Magic of Pregnancy?
It’s understandable that not everyone gets through pregnancy without a few curse words slipping here and there. What is a surprise to many soon-to-be-mothers comes when someone else has told them about the transcendental experience before them, and then the harsh reality hits them. Someone by the handle of u/natureismyjam wrote,
"Pregnancy is magical for everyone. I hated being pregnant. I got a bunch of symptoms that I didn’t even know were possible (nose bleeds, congestion, carpal tunnel) and never got pregnancy glow or felt happy about it. I love my kid endlessly, but pregnancy sucked and was nine months of misery. You don’t have to love being pregnant — hating being pregnant doesn’t mean you don’t love your baby."
Is There an Autopilot?
Thanks to modern medicine, technology, and hygiene practices, giving birth isn’t as risky for the mother as it used to be. Although every mom has had the tools for the job at hand, getting help from doctors, midwives, nurses, and other sources has mostly been a welcomed blessing.
When answering the lies about motherhood question, u/al_dente_spaghet said, "'Your body will know what to do.' Pregnancy and birthing come with real life-threatening risks. This line may be comforting, but that’s all it is, a comfort. You could absolutely die if given poor medical care and support."
Working Vs. Raising
Every mother is different and they should do what’s best for them and their child. However, each year, more and more women are returning to work or education after giving birth, and the speed at which they’re doing so is increasing. It’s not for everyone, though! Mother of a three-year-old u/tiredandfrazzled said, "That once maternity leave ends you just sail off back to work."
"Obviously, not everyone finds this bit difficult, but I have. Didn't really look into it too much before birth and just assumed I'd go back to work after a year or so. Well, after we priced up childcare... and worked out the logistics, it just wasn't viable. She's almost three now and I honestly feel depressed, like I'm losing my identity and sanity."
You’re Always Playing Catch-Up
Just when you think you’ve finally got your kid and everything in their world mastered, something changes and you’re back chasing them again. No matter how well you know them, they’re bound to surprise you with something every day.
Redditor u/ritzie_smitzie replied to the original poster’s provoking question and said, "You will never be caught up to your child's level. Once you get used to who they are and how to best manage things, they change. It's beautiful. Yet you'll always be catching up. Learn from your child too."
These Clueless Kids Will Put A Smile On Your Face
Once in a while, if not every waking day, moms and dads around the world have to deal with both sides of parenthood. Regardless, as they say, the beauty and ugliness make it worthwhile. So let's look at a few moments when these two sides intersected, and parents undoubtedly realized how adorably clueless their little one was.
This One's On You, Papa
Let's assume you still are yet to get a kid but don't mind understanding how these little humans function before you get there. Kids are more like your stubborn girlfriend whom you love and whose company you wouldn't trade for anything in the world despite their relentlessness.
Take, for instance, this three-year-old who would have instead had ice cream for breakfast, but yogurt was their only option. So they settled on creating their reality and pretending it was the ice cream they were eating. The problem is this little bubble he made didn't last, and because parents should be able to read minds or do some yogurt-into-ice-cream magic, the kid got upset at his dad for it!
Throwing a Marriage Tantrum
Parenthood is one of the many things that don't come with a manual in life, but we all wish it did. The thought of raising someone and influencing who they become is a scary one to some parents. A simple place to start is to ensure you're doing the best you can and keeping an open mind while at it.
Still, you will only partially get it right as there are a lot of cuts and tries in parenting. This guy's mate probably wasn't prepared for when his daughter asked if she could marry a boy or a girl when she got older but asking if she could marry soup, which she didn't even like, no doubt took the crown.
Letting Grandma Down, Literally
Do you know how sometimes, with adults, one can't quite tell if they genuinely care or want to appear concerned? Unfortunately, that is never the case with kids. This adorable little girl was face timing with her grandmother and must have forgotten she was holding the phone, or it slipped and fell.
She genuinely thought grandma was hurt from the fall since a gasp escaped her mouth, and after picking up the phone, she asked the granny if she was okay. We bet your heart is already melting from the thought, so if you have doubts about kids being angels on the earth, this is your sign of steering clear of the uncertainty.
It Doesn't Get Any Easier
Or does it? This is for all the parents whose kids know how to throw a good fit. Those little humans must think their parents are superheroes who know or take on everything. As much as we imagine this dad thought the kid was oblivious to her demands, it must be exasperating.
What do you do when your kid doesn't want to go down the seesaw and for her shadow to stop following her? Oh, did we also mention that they wanted to have hot ice cream and for the bones in her body to vanish somehow? As much as it is fulfilling, parenting can be a lot, so we're sending all parents hugs and grace.
Through Thick and Thin Buddy
You've probably loved someone to the point you want to be in the same place, experiencing the same thing in the same breath as your fellow hopeless romantics out here. Now that's the kind of bond most pet owners have with their pets, and this kid is no exception.
The little girl insisted on also having her cone of shame like her dog and only stopped crying when she got it. It sounds more like for better or worse, right? Talk about being in it for the long haul. If you think about it, kids can teach us a thing or two about marriage.
An Attempt to Bring Peace on the Chessboard
Children do not fail to surprise us; sometimes, they do things that leave us astonished. This kid also did something unexpected that we adults couldn’t even think to do. The little one wanted some peace, so decided it decided to turn the black-and-white pieces into pals instead of letting them contest against each other.
We assume that if this child came to power, world peace wouldn’t be a dream anymore, and we would live it. So it was good thinking to take a picture of the chessboard, and it looks like all of them are having a ball. We wish at least a few of us could have such an ideology.
Afterall It Was Important to Know
Children are curious by nature, and their questions sometimes leave us stunned. We bet this pediatrician was hit by a random question from a young patient just this once, and there may have been past instances. After all, the kid only wanted to know if their doctor was a superhero in disguise.
We assume it wouldn’t have been any trouble for this medical practitioner to come up with a witty reply. Maybe he even had a mask or two in his closet to keep the preschoolers entertained, and he wore one before answering the question. Well, being a children’s doctor isn’t all as easy as we thought.
The Sandwich Is All Hooked Up
A child's creativity knows no bounds, and there are things that they create that we may have never crossed our minds. When the teacher instructed the kindergartners to hang their belongings on the hooks before entering the art class, most of them put their backpacks and bottles on the clips.
Nonetheless, one pupil in the class went beyond everyone's imagination and placed his sandwich perfectly well on a rivet. We assume the educator must have been proud of the student's geniuses, so she took a picture of it and shared it with everyone on the internet. Who knew hooks were multipurpose, and only a kid could teach us that?
Here's the Hurt Knee
So, kids also have the audacity to be in your head whenever they want to upset you or are in the mood for your undivided attention. This four-year-old spent a whole ten minutes ranting to his dad about his grazed knee, which was perfect without any dent in his daddy's eyes.
The little boy went on and on about how to hurt he was, only to realize later that his dad's confusion was because he'd been showing him the knee that wasn't hurt all along. Still, the scrape wasn't as bad as he'd made it sound but ain't that something kids do?
Taking a Little Help Wouldn't Hurt
As kids, we all wanted to do things on our own, sleep on our own time and throw tantrums when things did not go our way. Little did we know that as adults, we would hate being independent and would prefer our parents helped us.
This child wanted to be self-reliant and order his meal, but he learned the hard way that taking some aid from his mom and dad wouldn't hurt. Given how the boy ended up with a bun with only eggs and veggies without the yummy sauce left him disappointed, and the next time, he would let an adult help. We believe his family made him eat the sandwich all by himself.
How Cute and Hygienic Is That?
One thing that is common among kids all around the world is that they have a very innocent thought process. Kids have the most amazing imaginations coupled with their innocence; it feels like their spirit is the solution to all of the world’s problems.
Having said that, we believe this kid will take up the mission of cleanliness as they grow up. As apparently, they know how important cleanliness is. That may be why they answered this question in this manner. Although they made it clear that they would hate cleaning the castle up, they still opted to be a janitor for their castle life because that is just how important it is.
Kids Have the Wildest Imaginations
Even though most kids fancy a superpower believing that they do not have any, we believe that they, in fact, do. Their imagination is their superpower, which tends to get lost on one’s journey to adulthood. This social media user came across his old assignment as a grade one student.
The assignment wanted him to name what they wanted to become as a grown-up. Instead of opting for a normal career, he let his imagination run wild as a child and wrote that he would love getting carried away by the owls as an adult. We wonder, however, what career he ended up going into.
The Internet Never Forgets
It is no secret that sometimes kids do the most stupid things and try to lie out of trouble. Quite surprisingly, this 10-year-old wanted to test the durability of his phone against the dirt bike and even made a video of the test and uploaded it on the internet.
Unsurprisingly, the phone did not prove very durable and ended up broken. Yet, when his mother asked him how he broke his phone, he told her that he had just woken up to a broken phone. Not buying into the story, the mother searched about and found the evidence in his own video. As a result, the kid got an important life lesson that the internet never forgets.
Caught in the Action
Most kids hate that their parents get to call the shots on what they eat. Because let’s face it, eating ice cream for all three meals of the day is not a good choice. So, more often than not, the kids sneak up to the fridge and plunder the goods inside when their parents are not looking.
This kid apparently devised a marvelous plan and even recruited a partner-in-crime, probably for a 50-50 split of the bounty. They successfully sneaked up to the refrigerator, however, and ended up getting caught red-handed when the parent walked in on them. The dog’s face looks like he’s about to rat his partner out for a pardon.
He Was Supposed to Be Green
Kids take everything at face value, and sometimes it gets difficult for them to swallow that reality is a bit different than how they perceive it. This holds, especially for their favorite superheroes from the movies.
Judging their facial expressions, this pair of twins was seriously disappointed upon meeting their favorite superhero, the Hulk. They probably thought that the man would be green and huge. Yet, quite shockingly for them, Lou Ferrigno turned out to be a regular human being, despite his muscular body, and quite different from their imagination of the Hulk. We believe it’s only fair that the duo was unhappy with this deviation.
Kids Also Need Some Quiet
When kids ask for privacy, it's best to let them be. Then, at least for the time being, they won't get to disturb anyone while also getting the quietness they so badly need.
This child seems to have found the perfect spot to steal away. He could enjoy his time there for as long as possible. His privacy can, however, be interrupted if someone eventually decides to do some laundry. That will surely lead to some confrontation. We hope this kid's parents will avoid doing any laundry until the child has fully enjoyed himself.
Who Could Refute This?
One characteristic of children is that they have some weird beliefs. We all can look back and be embarrassed by the things we sincerely believed in our childhood but have come to understand that they are not true.
This person shared his childhood thoughts. He once believed that birds emerged from birdseed and even felt he had the evidence to support his belief. How frustrating it must have been for his parents to persuade him otherwise. They wouldn't want their child telling people that they grew some colorful birds from seeds. Still, they had no way of refuting the little child's evidence.
Mom's Name Is Mom
Should parents feel embarrassed if their little kids don't know their real names? Maybe, maybe not. As a matter of fact, their children grew up addressing them as 'mom' and 'dad' and believed that those were their first names. It's, therefore, the responsibility of parents to tell the little innocents that those aren't real names before it's too late.
For this child, the announcement came a little too late. She'd believed that her mum had no other names and felt extremely unhappy after being told otherwise. Perhaps, the new name might even be more difficult to pronounce. Now we understand why this revelation was heartbreaking for the little angel, and we can't really blame her.
A Funny Case of Receding Hairlines
Kids have no business battling with receding hairlines. It's a fight reserved only for adults. Still, if parts of a child's hair suddenly begin to disappear, who are we to judge? It's just that sometimes, a child's disappearing hair may not be entirely natural, as in this child's case.
Her mum had made it clear that the little girl didn't have a receding hairline. It's just the situation of kids accidentally coming in contact with their parents' cosmetics. This child might have innocently applied a removal lotion or even used a shaving stick on her hair. Does that ring any bells?
This Child's Really Good at Hiding
Playing hide-and-seek is a good way to bond with your kids. Not only do they enjoy it so much, but some of them also pull off some adorable hiding stunts that'll make us laugh our hearts out. Finally, we come face-to-face with a child's innocent mind and may be forced to play along with them.
This child is trying his best to hide from his mom and believes he's doing a pretty good job at it. Just imagine him thinking that since he can't see her, then she can't see him too. How funny and heartwarming too. We hope the mum played along, too, just to help him boost his self-confidence.
A Long Beach Holiday
Requesting parents for a longer stay at the beach might not work, so this kid had a foolproof plan for extra playtime while keeping his parents busy.
As the parents thought it would be a beautiful and relaxing beach day, they had no idea that the devil was at work. Instead, the day turned into a panicked mess after they discovered their child had buried the car keys in the sand. Digging through the sand everywhere is not an ideal holiday but a surely memorable one.
An Amateur at Work
When this mom found her phone in the toilet, finding the culprit among her three kids became a puzzling task. Luckily, the offender was an amateur and got caught for a small mistake.
The mother found this super reliable evidence while scrolling through her phone’s gallery. We bet the other two kids heaved a sigh of relief that they didn’t get falsely charged with this misdoing. Hopefully, the third one will ensure to delete every piece of evidence in his next offense.