Every now and then we all are having a bad day when it feels like the world is against us and no matter what we do, it ends in failure. Nowadays, there’s always a smartphone around that can capture these failures and spread them around the web so everyone can have a good laugh. We have gathered a list of hilarious life failures that are sure to put you in a great mood throughout the day. In addition, you can learn from other people’s mistakes and be more careful next time you are in a similar situation.
The Leader of Our List
Do you think you are having a bad day? Then look at this picture and think again. A huge ship with dozens of cars on board is sinking and look at that man’s desperate face.
What could he do, we can wonder, as it was probably an unfortunate accident. Let’s hope that he didn’t get fired after this and all the loss was compensated. This was the first failure on our list and definitely the worst one.
Failure of a Lifetime
Oh, I feel so bad for this person. People, this is a good lesson for everyone who wants to get a tattoo. Remember that tattoos are permanent and if you want to remove them it is more painful and costs even more money than to get one done.
Please, double-check the design of your tattoos before getting them. The tattoo on this guy’s arm should’ve said 'Bon Jovi' but it was misspelled and ended in 'Jon Bovi.' This could also be an intentional mistake as a joke.
The Cat Won
We can clearly see who is the winner of the battle and it is the kitty, who is now proudly tasting its prize. Just look at the face of the poor owner of the cat.
She not only lost her food but also made a huge mess in the kitchen that will be a great hassle to clean off. This shows how nasty cats can be sometimes. Although, who knows, maybe it wasn’t the cat’s fault and it was just an accident.
Your Soup Is Ready
What a sad failure this is. Imagine coming home from work late and hungry. You start cooking your dinner and, when you take the pot, the bottom decides that it needs to fall off and leave you without your meal.
Not only did it ruin someone’s dinner but it also made a huge mess in the kitchen. Maybe the heat was too high for that certain pan. Next time when cooking, take a sturdier pan, otherwise, you might end up like this.
I Think Your Car Is Broken
What would you do if you were in this situation? Imagine driving on the road and changing gear when suddenly the handle breaks off. I would definitely panic. What materials were used to make that car for a handle to just break off in the middle of driving?
Or maybe the driver was a wrestler who put too much strength on changing gear and that’s how the handle ended up in his hand. Let’s hope that this failure didn’t cause any accidents.
Liquid Soap VS Bar Soap
Is this a joke? How are people supposed to use it? Should they melt it somehow before pushing the button? Didn’t the cleaning staff know that there were two types of soaps - bar and liquid - and that this was meant for liquid soap?
I think they just didn’t care about comfort, they just got soap and it is your problem if you can’t use it. Or maybe it is a new type of soap that we are not aware of yet.
Blocked by Shopping Carts
Now this car is stuck there for longer than the driver expected. What was the supermarket worker thinking when he piled up all these carts in one row and blocked the way of this vehicle. Not only is it a hassle to find a free parking lot but now it is even harder to leave the parking lot.
Life becomes even more complicated day by day, especially for drivers. Now the worker has to remove the pile and re-pile it in another place.
Kids Playgrounds Are for Kids
Oh boy, now he regrets greatly for even thinking about it. Why was he sure that we would fit inside a tube designed for children? This is where too much curiosity might bring you.
He was probably just trying to see whether he would fit or not. Now he got the answer and it is a big no. However, he didn’t completely think it out. For instance, how would he get out in case he got stuck inside of it?
Flip-Up Cake
Let’s hope this wasn’t someone's birthday cake, otherwise, it would look like the worst birthday cake ever. It is very common to get the cake slightly damaged when you take it out of the box. However, in this case, all the topping of the cake is ruined.
Couldn’t they make bigger boxes for cakes? Or at least the cake shop workers could have packaged it in a way that wouldn’t have ruined this one on the way.
Nice Shot
This seagull is probably among those who hate it when people take pictures of their food for hours before they eat it.
Instead of getting a seaside shot of ice cream for a social media post, they got photobombed by a seagull which I think is way better and funnier than an image of ice cream. Or maybe the bird really wanted to taste the ice cream on a hot summer day and couldn’t resist the temptation.
Great Example of Teamwork
Finally, someone found a solution to the problem of what to do when something doesn’t fit in your car. This is how teamwork looks like.
They bought large pieces of wood and it didn’t fit inside the car so they decided to carry it outside the car by holding the woods from the window. This would work out perfectly if it is a short way to drive. Fingers crossed, let’s hope the police didn’t drop them on the road.
Next Level of Marketing
This strange way of marketing can have two outcomes. It will either attract customers or on, the other hand, refrain them from buying the product. Because, to be honest, their labeling is kind of scary.
Now you have to guess what was killed on the road and used to make this sandwich. And it costs the same $4 as the chicken and cheese sandwich next to it. I wonder if there are risky people who would dare to buy it. Maybe they will buy it just out of curiosity, to experience the taste of a "Road Kill" sandwich.
New Type of Cheese
I guess this person was in such a hurry that he forgot to take off the plastic wrap off the cheese. This could happen to anyone especially in the morning when you are late for work or school. Or, there is a chance that someone was playing a practical joke on a friend.
In that case, the prank worked pretty well, but it definitely spoiled the appetite of the person and ruined everything. Because now he has to remove the plastic wrap and reassemble the sandwich.
Another Amateur Cooker
Another full amateur cook on our list who impress us with their cooking “skills.” People like to cook their meat rare, medium-rare, or well-done. Judging by the size of it, this piece of meat can only be cooked rare. Otherwise, this might take hours to have it well done.
The person who is making this steak should have taken a piece of smaller-sized meat or a bigger pan. Something tells me that the person who was waiting for this steak stayed hungry for a great amount of time.
Amateur Baking
Here’s another life fail from an amateur baker. Someone decided to bake cookies on a baking grill instead of a pan. I don’t think you have to have some professional knowledge to understand that you can’t bake cookies on a grill.
Of course, this result was expected because the dough gets even softer at a high temperature and melts, so a pan with holes is not supposed to hold it. However, after this huge failure, he or she probably learned a good life lesson and never made the same mistake again.
Avocado-Cutting Skills
This is a nightmare for a perfectionist. Who cuts avocado like this? And what type of knife were they using that was able to cut the middle of an avocado?
The person who did this probably had never cut an avocado before and thought it was something like an apple. Although we can say this person has nice tomato-cutting skills, their avocado-cutting skills still need some practice. This is probably an amateur cooker so it’s okay to fail from time to time.
Double Fail
This was probably the most unlucky day for this guy. So here is what happened. The guy was trying to get a sandwich and it got stuck at the bottom of the vending machine.
Then he tried to push it down with a bottle of juice but it got stuck as well. I wouldn't blame him if he tried to break the window. If the products are too large for the vending machine, then why do they put them inside of it and make people frustrated? A good question to which I don't have the answer.
It May Take Some Time
Well, if they are hoping to have a BBQ, they might have to wait a little longer because this timber doesn’t seem to burn fast. Why would someone put timber in such a small grill?
It barely even fits in that thing and I have a bad feeling that the weight of the timber may turn over the fire and cause some damage. If they were trying to put down the fire, then it definitely worked but not the other way round.
The Problems of Correct Pronunciation
I feel so bad for this student. This is one of the worst things that could happen to a student. Spending hours on a project and it appears that it was all in vain.
This is funny but sad at the same time. Youth in Asia and Euthanasia sound very similar and I don’t blame the student for making a wrong project. I sincerely hope the professor was kind enough to understand the situation and that he accepted this project.
Melted Keyboard
Those who type on computer keyboards on a daily basis know that the bottom of the keyboard is the most disgusting part. The bottom of the keyboard is very hard to reach and often collects so much dirt that we can’t even clean it completely.
Still, it is recommended to clean them from time to time, but the hero behind this photo decided to put the keyboard into the boiling water and all the letters melted. Well obviously, he must have forgotten that plastic melts when put in boiling hot water.
This is why you need to know the dimensions of your vehicle and some minor understanding of size and space. The sign on both ends of the tunnel clearly mentions that vehicles bigger than 7’ cannot pass through the tunnel.
And this picture is proof of what happens when you don't listen to the instructions. A square truck is stuck in a perfectly round tunnel. Imagine how frustrated the driver of this truck is, but definitely not as frustrated as the car owner driving behind his truck, or should I say stuck behind it.
Bank of Peppa
Just when you thought never in a million years would someone accept fake money with Peppa the Pig printed on it as real money, someone actually did. The images of the pigs are brightly printed on the fake bill and it seems impossible not to notice.
However, surprisingly, someone got fooled and took it as real money. I am startled at the confidence of the person who paid with this fake money instead of a real one without being afraid to get caught.
Accident in An Empty Parking Lot
I don’t want to be stereotypical but isn’t it funny that a driver managed to hit their car into the pole in an empty parking lot and the driver in question was a blonde girl. How can this be an accident? It was an empty space without any cars and she somehow bumped into the pole.
Maybe she was trying to drift around and failed majorly? How unlucky can a person be to smash a car onto a pole in a completely empty parking lot?
Confused Neighbors
Here’s a fun story about neighbors. One of the neighbors tried to fix the broken lid on their trash can by taping it with masking tape. The other neighbors thought that they were numbering the trash can according to their house numbers and marked the other trash can with the number of their house.
This one belongs to the list of funny failures. It proves that sometimes we can give different meanings to different things depending on who we are and how we grew up, even though that one seemed pretty obvious.
Painting Failure #2
Here’s another example of a badly-planned renovation. The man didn’t thoroughly plan how he was going to paint the roof and now he either has to ruin everything to get out or he needs to wait until it dries.
Maybe this was his first roof painting job and he didn’t know what type of problems he could have. The person who took this picture was enjoying the view from his window. Watching how someone else struggles doing their job can be amusing sometimes.
Someone Forgot to Put the Cap Back
I can feel the pain because the same has happened to me when I was in school and started to play with my pen. Then I realized that I had just ruined my favorite pair of jeans.
Just like this person who forgot to put the cap back on the pen and ruined their jeans with random circles drawn on it. She can continue her masterpiece and call it a custom pair of jeans with custom art.
Pink Turned Out to Be Bloody Red
The story behind this image isn’t as bad as it may seem at first sight. They decided to color the fountain water pink to spread awareness about breast cancer and show their support to the patients.
However, the water turned out looking bloody red which provides a rather horrifying sight. Imagine how the maintenance staff suffered trying to remove the red-colored water from the fountain. Sometimes we try our best but it ends up being the complete opposite of what we had in mind.
Army Knife Issues
Here’s another image of weird drunk people. As we can see in the image, the lady is trying to open a bottle of wine with a knife while the corkscrew is next to her finger.
Maybe she decided to create a challenge and see if she could open a bottle of wine with a knife instead of doing it with a corkscrew as other normal people do. Well, we can guess that this wasn’t her first bottle of wine of the night and the amount of alcohol in her body didn’t allow her to think straight.
I stand on the side of this confused guy who thought cereal bars were compressed cereals that you needed to put in milk and it would open up and spread into it, turning into a bowl of cereals.
Otherwise, why would they call it a cereal bar? If it is not going to turn into a cereal, then change its name to something else. However, on a more serious note, this one is very funny. The person on the other side of the line was probably having a great laugh.