Time to Be a Hero
Danny was enjoying his time in a remote location in Mexico when he noticed something odd. A sickly kitten was roaming around, but no one was paying attention. The little one kept meowing and purring desperately, but everyone acted like it didn't exist.
The kitten's condition pulled our man's heartstrings, and Danny sprung to action. The man thought on his feet and figured the best way to save the kitten was to take it to a shelter. However, as soon as he picked the animal up, the locals started shouting at him in Spanish.
What Was Going On
At this moment, Danny was forced to stand still and tried to understand. Something odd was happening as the locals kept yelling at him to stay away from the kitten. The language barrier made it hard for him to ask them for more information.
As for the kitten, the little one had taken to Danny and desperately held onto the man's boot. With this development, Danny figured the locals were messing with him as they wanted to take the kitten. So, amid all the screams, our man carefully picked up the creature and went to his car.
Moving Fast and Furry
Danny wrapped the kitten in an old sweater without missing a beat and drove off before the irate mob stopped him. The whole reaction and hullabaloo had him wondering what was happening. After all, he just wanted to take care of the animal.
As Danny drove around trying to locate a big city with pet stores and animal shelters, he noticed the kitten was hungry and struggling. Our sound man's protective instincts took over, and he felt like he was put in this world to save this creature from the jaws of death.
The Man With a Plan
Dan's first instinct was to take the kitten to a local shelter back in the US because he was afraid of the Mexican conditions. The kitten saver was convinced the Mexicans lacked the proper infrastructure to look after the creature.
However, if he was genuinely transparent with himself, he had just gotten too attached to the animal and couldn't part ways with it. So, Dan decided to take the kitten home and started focusing on ensuring it survived well enough to make the long trip. Luckily, his efforts paid off, and after feeding the cat a bit, it seemed to gather some strength.
The Long Road Home
From Mexico to Houston, the journey would take an entire day. This gave the kitten time to explore every corner of Danny's car. At the border, some officers stopped him, and he told them he was on a road trip with his cat.
As much as the officials let him pass, they had a secretive verbal exchange, which should have been a red flag for Danny. Nevertheless, Danny didn't think much of it and assumed it was just protocol. The border was busy, and a kitten would be the last of their worries.
A Dream Come True
Danny was happy that his rescue operation was going better than ever. His kitten was safe, and they'd be home sooner than later. The man had always wanted a pet cat, so this was a big moment for him. On the other hand, it was a very tricky affair considering how dangerous stray animals can be.
Most stray animals carry diseases and pests that might cause many problems in the house. Danny was aware of this risk and decided he would take the cat to a vet first when he landed home.
The Vet Is In
Luckily, the vet was available the next day, and Danny made an early appointment. Interestingly, it seemed his new friend wasn't keen on the trip as he kept running away from him. It was during this chase that Danny named the little one Missy.
The curious creature was quite cheeky and had a knack for evasion and hiding. Missy was so good that Danny constantly had to track her down in the most peculiar places. On this day, the cat had nestled itself right under the sink. Danny also noticed the cat was quite apprehensive of his presence compared to the previous day.
She Was Back to Her Senses
Considering how Danny had come about the creature, it wasn't surprising that it was skeptical of its new habitat and parent. The environment was foreign to the cat, who seemed to have been used to the free world. Nevertheless, Danny managed to scoop Missy up and head to the vet despite this challenge.
Aside from the reluctance to get touched, Danny could have sworn he heard the animal growl; this was somewhat uncharacteristic for any cat, but he brushed it aside. He hoped that all these strange habits were just a temporary side effect and that the cat would regain normalcy soon.
She Cannot Be Caged
To ensure the cat had a safe trip to the vet, Danny put Missy in a cage, but that was a bad call. The creature was antsy the whole time, hissing and scratching its confines. Danny tried to calm her down by patting her, but the animal scratched his hand.
As soon as the vet noticed the creature's condition, he suggested they sedate Missy first. With that, the vet started inspecting the kitten while asking Danny some follow-up questions to figure out its condition.
Time for Plan B
Upon closer inspection, sedation was too risky since the kitten was malnourished. The vet was forced to treat the kitten as it was, but when they opened the cage, Missy scratched his hand. After assessing the situation, Danny and the vet thought it best to take Missy home first.
The consensus was the pet needed to be put under to be treated, but it needed to get its health up. Danny was given a unique bag of food to help speed up the nourishment. Hopefully, this tactic would help with the sketchy behavior as well.
There Was More to the Story
Usually, most creatures behave well after filling their bellies and receiving some tender love and care. If Danny took the right approach, he'd be a happy man at the vet's office in a few days. Sadly, this was not meant to be.
You see, the vet had noticed something fishy about the creature, which is why he had sent his new client away. Aside from wanting Missy to get better, the man had other motives behind the send-off. Danny wasn't ready for what was about to happen.
The Truth Will Out
The vet had suspicions about the creature, but he was careful not to alert Danny. He was afraid a confrontation would do the cat more harm than good. Therefore, as soon as Danny left his office, he called the police to ask for assistance dealing with the creature.
It turns out the vet had a keen eye and noticed something wrong with Missy from the moment he laid eyes on her. He was sure an inspection wouldn't be advisable, so he used some tricks to get Danny to take the cat home.
Oblivious to the Fact
Danny was unaware of what was happening with the vet and blindly trusted the man. After all, his main goal was to get Missy better, and who had better tools than the vet? So his first order of business was to go home and start feeding Missy.
By the time they got home, things were looking up. Missy's bowl was filled with the food, and Danny expected the animal would devour the contents like it had not eaten in ages. Oddly, the cat spat out the food after one bite and went into hiding.
She's Still a Bit Shy
This reaction was quite off-putting, but Danny assumed the cat was having a bad day and she would warm up sooner than later. Boy, was he wrong! Missy became evasive, and Danny started getting frustrated and regretted his decision to rescue the creature.
This reaction was quite off-putting, but Danny assumed the cat was having a bad day and she would warm up sooner than later. Boy, was he wrong! Missy became evasive, and Danny started getting frustrated and regretted his decision to rescue the creature.
Not Playing Games
As soon as they reached Danny's door, the officers began pounding on it hard. Danny was confused as he had no idea what he had done to warrant such a reaction from the officers. Nevertheless, Danny went to his door without missing a beat, ready to face the police.
As soon as his door flung open, the cops rushed in without saying anything. The man was left speechless, wondering what the cops were up to. Were they even cops in the first place? Slowly, Danny gathered his wits and started seething with rage.
Looking for the Monster
Danny angrily asked the officers what they were doing in his house, and one of them retorted that they were looking for the monster. This response was pretty flabbergasting for Danny, who had no idea what was happening. Were they referring to Missy?
If they had come for the kitten, Danny was unsure how they found out about it. Additionally, aside from her hissy fit that morning, Missy was far from a monster. Danny was at loss for words, but soon enough, he got all the answers to his questions. Finally, Missy showed her furry visage, and the cops went after her immediately.
Follow the Furry Kitten
The cops began chasing the wiley kitten all through the house until they managed to corner it. Danny stood frozen where he was as the frenzy unfolded before his eyes. Everything was happening so fast that he barely had any time to react.
The cops had come prepared for war. They wore thick gloves while carrying around a net and a cage. When Danny went to close his front door, he noticed the animal control van making its way up his porch. Things were getting more interesting by the minute. What was happening here?
The Cat Is in the Bag
Eventually, Missy was put in a net, and the creature was in a hissy fit. It tried its best to free itself but to no avail. Danny took the opportunity to ask the officers why they were aggressively taking the poor animal. They told him they had no idea, as they were following orders.
The only available information they had was the tip came from a local vet, and Danny should probably talk to them. Unfortunately, the vet had set up our man, and there was no escape from this trap.
That Was Not a Normal Cat
When Danny rang the vet, his assistant explained the situation. When Missy entered his door, he noticed she was an endangered Mexican Bobcat. Since Danny had not told the vet of Missy's origins, the doctor assumed he had acquired it illegally. To avoid any conflict, the vet let the police handle everything.
Danny went to the station to make his statement, and surprisingly, the police took his word. Additionally, the department chose not to file any charges after seeing Danny had no criminal records. As for Missy, she became a resident of a shelter for a couple of years before heading back to Mexico.
Men Who Rescue Helpless Dog Realize They’ve Made a Dangerous Mistake
A Peculiar Discovery Is Made by a Few Guys
Rando Kartsepp, Robin Sillamäe, and Erki Väli had quite an eventful day. In Estonia, they were all working on the Sindi Dam. While they were going about business as usual, something peculiar caught their attention.
Rando Kartsepp, Robin Sillamäe, and Erki Väli had quite an eventful day. In Estonia, they were all working on the Sindi Dam. While they were going about business as usual, something peculiar caught their attention.
It was a cold day in early 2019 when they heard a strange noise. Hearing all kinds of sounds is a normal thing due to the type of business they were in, but this noise stood out. There was something unfamiliar about it. They all decided to investigate and figure out what it was...
Closing in on the Noise
The workers cautiously approached the Parnu River to investigate what was going on and see if they could do something. They wanted to uncover what the strange noise was and stop it once and for all. Once they got about 100 yards away from the mysterious noise, it dawned on them.
It was a scared and helpless animal that appeared to be drowning in the river! The situation unfolded quickly and the guys realized they needed to help the poor animal.
Not a Small Creature
No, it wasn't a raccoon or any small creature like that, but a poor dog who couldn't save itself! The situation was dire and urgent, especially because they didn't know how long the dog had been in the water. The clock was ticking, and all the guys knew they had to help immediately.
No creature should be trying to swim in this icy river on such a freezing cold day like this one. The poor dog was in a horrible situation, but luckily enough, the guys were there to save its life. They just needed to act fast before things got worse.
No Time to Waste
With their hearts filled with love and care, the men sprung into action to save the poor canine. It didn't matter that the water was freezing cold, they jumped in and swam out to sea towards the poor pooch.
The ice became thicker and colder, yet Kartsepp, Sillamäe, and Väli all persevered. They chipped away enough of a path to get the dog to safety. Although it was dangerous, it needed to be done. But were they fast enough? Was the dog still alive?
An Unusual Dog
After they got the dog out of the water and back onto land, the guys immediately wrapped a thick blanket around him to provide the warmth that he desperately needed. Kartsepp, Sillamäe, and Väli suddenly realized this wasn't just some regular dog they had just saved.
This canine was large, and after the guys did some further examination, they also noticed piercing yellow eyes and thicker-than-normal fur. This wasn't any old domesticated house dog, so what was it?
The Clock Is Ticking
The species was unknown, but the guys knew it was in pretty horrible condition. The clock was ticking as time was running out, and a thick blanket could only help him for a short moment.
The unusual needed medical attention as soon as possible. It was the only other option as the blanket wouldn't be enough. Hypothermia was just around the corner and the guys knew that they needed to act fast and take the animal to safety.
All the Necessary Help
In the pickup truck, Kartsepp, Sillamäe, and Väli moved quickly and laid the animal down inside. The poor animal was shivering uncontrollably to try and regain desperately needed heat. The guys made a smart choice and dialed the number of the local animal hospital.
After getting a hold of the vet, they were told to bring the animal in immediately. Pedal to the metal, the guys took off in their truck because time wasn't on their side. Racing down the road, they held onto the cold animal to provide as much warmth as possible.
A Race to the Hospital
With everyone packed into the pickup truck, they sped down the road to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. The animal was motionless and slept the entire way there.
Luckily, the icy cold animal was still alive and was breathing calmly with its head rested in Kartsepp's lap. Even though the animal was very weak, it was affectionate. This encouraged the guys to keep on and try to save the poor thing!
Finally at the Hospital
After cuddling and speeding, the guys finally got the animal to the hospital without a second to spare. The veterinarians met them outside to help and were quick to get to work.
What was believed to be a canine, the vets carried it inside and slowly brought it back to health. This wasn't a dog though, and this wasn't a typical case for the veterinarians. This thing was far more of a threat than the three men could have imagined.
What Exactly Was It?
The veterinarians had to make a call because they didn't know exactly what they were dealing with, but one thing that was for certain was that this mysterious animal wasn't a dog.
A local hunter was called by the vets and the truth was finally uncovered. Even though Kartsepp, Sillamäe, and Väli had originally thought what they were dealing with was a canine, it was actually a wolf!
In utter disbelief, the three guys couldn't believe what they were hearing. It was even more unsettling when they thought about how they had just transported this wolf in their truck.
Even though it sounds shocking, one must keep in mind that the poor animal was in a life or death situation. It would've been a different story altogether if the wolf had been in better condition.
Ice Was a Lifesaver
In the freezing cold river, the wolf was basically sedated and very weak. The ice was the main reason why the wolf behaved so calmly and literally chilled out on the truck ride.
Luckily nothing bad happened to the guys who saved the wolf's life. But once again, the clock was ticking because this calm wolf wouldn't be so for much longer. This was a wild animal, not a domesticated house pet. What would the vets do next?
How Was the Wolf Doing?
The compassionate veterinarians were able to give an update on how the wolf was doing. The head clinician Tarvo Markson said, "We just kept the wolf in his room because he was so exhausted he didn't resist at all, at first."
"At first." The words hung in the air for a while. It would be naive to expect a wild animal to be tame for long. Once the wolf started to come back to normal, and the situation dawned on him, things began to feel like they could quickly become dangerous.
Back to Being a Wolf
As soon as the wolf began to recover, its natural and wild instincts soon followed. This was a young wolf, only one year old, so you can picture how it would act in such a small and enclosed space.
The little pup needed to be placed in a secure cage for the safety of everyone involved. This cage for the wild wolf would hopefully keep everyone calm, as the veterinarians didn't know what would happen next...
Protecting the Wild Animal
The wolf was fully recovered and back to its usual self by the end of the day. There wasn't any question that the wolf would be returned back to the wild. It was important, though, that the wolf remained safe, so a plan was made to protect the animal.
A GPS collar given by the Estonian national environmental agency was used as an extra precaution. It was important that the wolf wouldn't make the same mistake twice and put his life at risk again.
Returning to the Wild
And just like that, the wolf darted out from the cage and disappeared into the forest. As soon as the cage was open, the wolf dashed out. Free at last! The wolf was successfully returned to the wild.
Kartsepp, Sillamäe, and Väli waved and said their goodbyes as the wolf disappeared into the wild. Although a bittersweet moment, it made for an unforgettable story to share with their colleagues at work the next day.
A Happy Ending
Obviously, things could have turned out poorly for both the helpful guys and the wild wolf, but everything ended up being okay. So many different things could have happened, but luckily everything turned out just fine.
The Estonian Union for the Protection of Animals stated, "We're very happy with the outcome and want to thank everyone involved - especially the men who rescued the wolf. We'd also like to thank the veterinarians of the clinic who weren't afraid to treat the wild animal."
Not That Surprising
If something like this happened again in Estonia, it wouldn't be that big of a surprise to anybody. There is a pretty large population of wolves that live in Europe, so seeing them end up in dangerous situations is becoming more of a common occurrence.
Actually, Estonia's national animal only just became the wolf a few months before this incident happened. Having random people save the newfound national animal that is so loved and special isn't a story everybody had the honor to share.
A Month Later, Surprise!
Kartsepp, Sillamäe, and Väli were visited by the same wolf they helped save over a month after the incident. The wolf had built up a bit of a reputation by now and had been photographed by locals. It had been spotted around 70 miles from where they had released him.
Thankfully, the wolf recovered well and was able to return back to normal. It would've been a sad case if the little pup didn't make it, but luckily he fought to survive and is now thriving in the wild.
Would You Ever Get Confused?
"How the heck did those workers mix up a dog with a wolf!?", you may be thinking. In fact, it happens a lot. People identify animals sorely incorrectly all the time. The fact that these men accidentally mistook a wolf for a dog isn't that rare.
There are some people out there that might actually bring these wild animal lookalikes back home, thinking they'd be a nice pet. They'll certainly discover the truth. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.