Are you ready for an incomparable visual journey through Russia, a country rich with history, culture — and very amusing stereotypes? Stay with us as we explore a series of unbelievable photographs that could only be taken in Russia, highlighting the hilarious stereotypes that will have you in stitches (and disbelief).
Vladimir Putin Holds a Godly Status
It’s no secret that Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has a strong following in Russia. Some people go as far as to say that he has a cult-like following and is worshipped as a god. If this photograph is anything to go by, we’d say that it’s a fairly accurate description!
Imagine walking through the aisles of a store and finding a young woman bowing down to a canvas photograph of a Russian leader. We’re not sure what she hopes to achieve by the act of allegiance, but we’re not hopeful that her wishes will come true.
The Battle of the Bears
Bears have long been an important symbol in Russian culture, with their powerful and majestic presence inspiring admiration and awe. However, bears aren’t as revered when they trespass on property, and the invasion can lead to aggressive (and impulsive) methods of chasing it away.
Russians are known to be fearless, and this topless guy believes that he has what it takes to chase the bear away from his property. With his bare-tattooed arm, three-striped tracksuit, and peroxide hair, we almost believe that he has what it takes to dominate the hairy beast!
A Russian in a Puddle
One of the most pervasive stereotypes about Russia is the idea that the country is home to an abundance of beautiful models. While this may be true, there are also a number of people who aspire to be models and will go to great lengths to work the photograph and succeed in a competitive industry. Take this woman, for example!
Rather put than book a consultation with a professional photographer, get her makeup done, and scout for a flattering location, this woman decided to get half-naked and lie languidly lie in a dirty puddle. Unless she’s making a bizarre political statement about potholes, we’d say that this photo op was a fail!
Perhaps She’s After His Bubbly Personality?
In most places around the world, wearing socks and sandals is considered a fashion faux pas. Yet lately, the trend has gained popularity in Russia, with several people embracing the quirky and comfortable way to express individuality. From a practical point of view, it keeps you comfortable and cozy during the in-between months. Yet from an aesthetic angle, the awkward get-up is considered a fashion no-no!
With this unflattering trend aside, we all have one burning question in the front of our minds — how does a guy dressed like this get a girl like that?
Improvisation at Its Finest
Have you ever made a recipe and swapped out an ingredient? Or used a wine glass for champagne because you don’t have the correct glassware? It’s not unusual to mix and match items for ease and convenience, but something tells us that these women downing vodka out of a shoe had a different idea in mind.
While some frat boys funnel beer into their wide-open gobs, these Russian women are kicking it up a notch and using a dirty shoe to funnel vodka. Most people would pick the bottle as their first choice - but they would be missing out on half the fun!
Peaking in Your 20s
A lot can happen in a few decades, and judging by this photograph, it’s only downhill once you turn 30 years old. While the young Russian woman sits seductively on a bench with neat hair and a trim figure, her attraction is vastly juxtaposed by two old babushkas sitting alongside her.
The older, wrinkled women have gray hair tied back with headscarves and frumpy clothing that hides their swollen figures. It’s tough to imagine, but the young woman will probably look like her elderly counterparts in a few decades!
What About Working on the Rest of Your Body?
Momentarily, we’ll pretend to ignore the ghastly wallpaper, which clashes with the rug on the wall and the badly-toned bedspread, to focus on the man posing for the photograph. Once you’ve come to terms with the strange armchair protruding from the pink floral wall, your eyes can shift to his arms — which pose in the stereotypical position of a muscleman.
However, that’s where his appeal stops short. His fluffy, overgrown pot-cut hairstyle extends to his eyebrows, and his reddened face seems as strained as his flexed muscles. The shiny, pin-stripe pants are the cherry on top!
As Tough as They Come
Russian women are known for being strong and resilient, adopting a no-nonsense approach to difficult situations. Their toughness is often attributed to the harsh climate and difficult living conditions in Russia’s history. Still, modern-day Russians are tough in other ways. Just look at this woman in the photograph!
Pretty on the top and tough on the bottom, it seems as though this lady splits her excess cash between beauty regimes and pre-workout. Regardless, we wouldn’t want to get in a fight with her!
The Russian Version of White Chicks
White Chicks is a 2004 comedy film that follows two black FBI agents, Kevin and Marcus, who go undercover as white women to solve a kidnapping case. They transform themselves using prosthetic makeup and wigs, posing as wealthy twins in the Hamptons — and the final product is hilarious. In fact, their characters look very similar to these Russian women posing in the countryside.
Complete with their long, golden locks, cheap glamorous getup, and furry necklines, these Russian sisters have failed to adapt to the countryside. Instead, they brought their city style (and sass) to the rural lands, perfectly embodying the aesthetic of Kevin and Marcus.
Practicality Is Not a Priority
Motorbike gear might not be the most fashionable, but it's essential for anyone who wants to stay safe and protected on the road. From helmets to gloves and boots, each piece of gear serves a specific purpose, whether it's protecting your head from impact, shielding your skin from abrasions, or providing better grip and control. And, let's face it, there's something undeniably cool about donning a leather jacket and revving up your bike.
Or, you could just jump on the seat in a mini skirt and heels! The big, red bike looks heavy to hold, but with her phone in her hand, this hot Russian woman seems ready to handle whatever comes her way — even without the heavy leather.
Missing the Mark
While it can be fun, downing drinks is an immature habit that can have serious consequences for both the individual and those around them. It only spells trouble when people recklessly consume large quantities of alcohol as quickly as they can to get drunk as soon as possible.
The young Russian woman in this photograph seems to have had her fair share of drinks already. When it came time to chug the Jaguar cocktail, her aim was slightly off — and she completely missed her mouth. Even so, she seems to be content with the spillage and will undoubtedly jump in the water to rinse off (and probably not for the first time).
Take Activewear to the Next Level
It’s not unusual to see people walking around in activewear, wearing sports leggings and tank tops while doing a grocery run or picking up the kids from school. Yet in Russia, you can find this scene taken to the extreme, with men and women wearing super tight clothing to the point of being uncomfortable.
Imagine heading to the cheese aisle only to be accosted by this guy’s tight booty that highlights his cheeks, only to have him turn around with a bigger surprise. As if the pants weren’t enough, the leopard-print tank top with a low neckline completes the shock factor.
The Unconventional Way To Travel
Russia is a vast country with various transportation options for getting around. One of the most popular and efficient travel methods is by train, with the Trans-Siberian Railway being one of the most famous routes. This train journey covers a distance of over 9,000 kilometers, passing through stunning landscapes and offering a glimpse into the diversity of Russian culture. However, this woman didn’t get to see any of these sights.
Without money to buy a ticket, you may have to look for other options to get around, and this curvy brunette seems to have found herself a seat in the boot of a car. While it may seem like a shocking sight to you, she doesn’t seem to be too concerned.
Cheap Boob Job
A lot is going on in this photograph, and the more you look, the more disturbing the scene becomes. At first glance, it seems like a family of three smiling for the camera. But when you look at why they are smiling, your face may drop into a frown.
On the one hand, it appears the father is grabbing the daughter’s chest while the mother stands on the side (in her underwear). The creepy situation is made worse by the fact that he’s holding up an axe to the pushed-up boob, threatening to cut it off. Perhaps the most uncomfortable part of this snapshot is that everyone seems to enjoy themselves in this twisted Russian campsite scenario.
A Contrasting Scenery
Recent statistics show that almost 70 million tons of municipal solid waste was produced in Russia, with over 90% being deposited in landfills. And while most people try to steer clear from garbage sites, this woman is embracing the stink.
We’ve already mentioned that Russia is full of aspiring models, so it’s important to have a portfolio that stands out from the crowd. It seems as though this model has taken it a step too far, even though she seems to have the hand placement down. Perhaps she chose to wear black to blend in with the dirt!
Playing Music at All Costs
Russia is known for having a strong party culture, particularly in larger cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. Nightclubs, bars, and music venues are popular destinations for those looking to socialize and have a good time, with various options to suit different tastes and budgets. However, that doesn’t mean that people don’t enjoy a throw-down in their own backyard, complete with splash pools, cold beers, and an extremely hazardous sound setup.
These guys look ready for a good time, and they have gone to serious lengths to have their music within reach. While it’s no secret that plastic is an electrical insulator that can prevent water from mixing with electricity, this is not exactly what safety guides had in mind!
A Different Type of Sexy Halloween
Halloween is a holiday enjoyed by people of all ages, with costumes ranging from cute and innocent to spooky and scary. However, as people get older, it's not uncommon for Halloween costumes to take a more sexy turn.
While this sexy approach manifests as seductive kittens and flirty nurses in the West, Russians prefer to dress up as sexy janitors, complete with booty shorts, high heels, reflective vests, and multi-purpose mops. If you're confused by the appeal or fetish, you're not the only one.
All Russians Are Fond of Sour Bread
Sour bread made from leaven dough has been a staple in Russian cuisine for centuries, and for a good reason! This quirky and tangy bread packs a flavor punch that will leave your taste buds dancing. Legend has it that the bread's sourness helps stave off evil spirits and bad luck, making it a must-have for any superstitious Russian. Plus, it's the perfect complement to hearty stews and soups on a chilly winter day.
As it turns out, fondness for sour bread doesn’t only include the human palette but also the wildlife. Just look at this bird who pecked its way through a slice of bread, keeping it handy for when it next needs a snack!
Be There in Two Minutes, Just in the Bath
There are several memes and funny videos about people who claim to be “walking out the door” when in reality, they are lying in bed in their robes. Yet when this guy says he will be there by a certain time — he sticks to his word.
Why waste time bathing at home when you can hop in your bath rig? Judging by the way that the policeman is staring ahead, the sight doesn’t seem to be uncommon on Russian streets. Let’s just hope the bubbles keep his necessary parts covered until he reaches his destination.
Red Tape Reveals a Dangerous Situation
There are a few international signs that send the same message wherever you are in the world. Just like in other countries, a string of red-striped tape is associated with caution in Russia and is often used to mark off hazardous areas.
You’ll usually find this tape at construction sites, crime scenes, areas affected by natural disasters, and sometimes at concerts. However, the last place that you’d expect a hazardous environment is a child’s playground. Of course, the safest option would be to entirely remove the playground from the glaring abyss!
Finally, a Useful School Project
Take a moment to consider your homework assignments throughout your school career. Perhaps you had to build a single-use volcano, present a poster of the person you most admired, or paint a still-life scene that didn't inspire you. However, as this young Russian high school student shows, some projects are really useful!
While taking a shop class, the youngster decided to invent a makeshift guitar out of a shovel as he couldn’t afford the real deal. While it may not sound like a finely-tuned Fender, it’s impressive nonetheless and shows the potential ingenuity of Russian students.
DIY Couple Shoot
Couple photoshoots can be a wonderful way to celebrate a relationship and capture memories that will last a lifetime. However, there is also the potential for these photoshoots to become cringe, with couples taking overly staged or cheesy photos that feel forced or insincere. This Russian couple takes their romantic outing to the next level — by lying on a track and taking a self-timer shot.
Not only does the photograph look awkward and uncomfortable, but it looks like the guy is looking for an easy (and permanent) escape. The longer you look, the more it seems like a Russian Romeo and Juliet situation.
Moment of Common Role Reversal
There’s an archaic stereotype that mechanical skills and knowledge are inherently masculine and that women are incapable of mastering (or even learning) them. However, it’s not uncommon to see women in Russia getting practical with the mechanics of the car. Although, we wouldn’t exactly say that she’s getting her hands dirty!
Before you go to the other extreme and think that all Russian women are manly and partake in traditionally masculine activities, consider her cute peace sign as a reminder of her pretty feminine side.
Why Upsize When You Can Squeeze?
Have you ever seen a car that looks like a clown car, with an impossible number of items crammed inside? It's like a real-life game of Tetris! From towering stacks of boxes to unwieldy pieces of furniture, people seem to have an uncanny ability to fit the craziest items in a normal-sized car. The Russian owner of this car boasts this ability, able to pack a deconstructed home inside his sedan.
While the car may have the space for a load of bricks, we’re not entirely sure whether the four wheels can support the weight of the cargo!
A Monstrosity on the Road
What happens when you combine a traditional Soviet car with off-road inspiration? You end up with this mutant monster truck! It seems as though the owner of this car decided to give his GAZ Volga a makeover and add a new set of wheels — with an extra pair for the effect of intimidation!
With the elevated height, we’re not quite sure how the owner of this car manages to get in and out of their vehicle. Yet considering that they managed to create such an atrocity, we do not doubt that they have a backup plan that is equally as outrageous.
When the Animals Come Out To Play
The treatment of animals in Russia has long been a topic of concern for animal rights advocates, with reports of animal abuse and neglect in both domestic and wild animal populations. If this photograph is anything to go by, we’d say these advocates have more than a leg to stand on.
Seeing two bears on their own is quite a sight. Witnessing two white horses galloping in the time is another memorable moment. Yet watching bears ride on the back of two horses — now that’s something you can only expect to see in Russia!
Good Luck Washing Your Hands
Since the emergence of COVID-19, washing your hands has become more important than ever before. Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus and other germs. Not only does the habit help to protect yourself, but it also helps to protect others, particularly those who may be more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.
However, this precautionary measure becomes much more difficult when presented with this hand-washing device! Rather than press the button and have soapy liquid coat your hands, you’re stuck beating the button out of frustration.
A Unique Taste in Jewelry
People's tastes in jewelry can be incredibly unique and diverse, and it's not uncommon for individuals to express their personality and style through the jewelry they wear. Yet this expression can sometimes manifest in strange or unusual ways, with people opting for pieces that may seem unusual or unconventional to others. Sometimes this manifests in bold statement pieces — and sometimes, it appears as a fish around a neck!
Not only is this woman’s elongated neck and long limbs an odd sight, but the fish dangling from her neck is genuinely bizarre. Whether or not it’s your personal taste, she seems to be very happy with herself!
The Cleanest Dog House in the Land
Dog houses have long been a popular choice for pet owners looking to provide their furry friends with a comfortable and secure place to rest and relax. These miniature homes come in various styles and sizes, ranging from simple and functional to elaborate and ornate. Then you get this Russian innovator who recycled his washing machine as a dog house.
With the possibility of rust aside, this dog house has all that it needs to offer a luxurious retirement for the Russian hounds, both big and small!
Taking a Love for Sailing to the Next Level
Sailing in Russia is a popular activity, with many opportunities for both recreational and competitive sailing. The country boasts several large bodies of water, including the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, and the Baltic Sea, as well as numerous lakes and rivers. However, some people are more obsessed with the sport than others. Such as this crusty old sailor!
Why have an average balcony when you can have an old sailing boat dangling from your window, fully masted and perfectly positioned for a view of the sea (or at least the imaginary view). Kudos to this guy for making his dream into a version of reality that he can enjoy every day!
An Architectural Glitch
Russian architecture is a rich and diverse style that reflects the country's long and complex history. From the grandeur of Moscow's Red Square to the colorful onion domes of St. Basil's Cathedral, Russian architecture is characterized by its ornate and distinctive style. Then you get this little mishap which is more common than we’d care to admit!
There’s a lot to take in when looking at this porch. Not only does the roof cut through the window, but no doorway leads down the stairs, making the porch area random and difficult to access.
Just Put a Band-Aid Over It
Have you ever heard about putting a Band-Aid over a wound as a quick solution without addressing the underlying problem? While a Band-Aid may stop the bleeding in the short term, it can cause more damage than good. The same analogy can be applied to the attempt to fix this Russian train!
It seems as though the front of this train has been through a lot, but it’s nothing that a little bit of tape can’t fix. While the tape provides a temporary patch, the train will need proper repair before the situation worsens!
Couples Who Ski Together, Stay Together
Couples often bond over shared activities, providing a way to connect and enjoy each other's company while engaging in a common interest. Participating in activities together can help couples build stronger relationships by creating shared memories and experiences, and this couple decided to celebrate their mutual love for skiing at their wedding.
While there’s no snow in sight, and the sun seems to be shining bright, this couple is adamant about showcasing their love for skiing on their special day. As a popular activity in Russia, there will probably be many people who appreciate the couple’s love for the outdoor activity, no matter how bizarre it appears to the rest of us!
Are Diamonds or Carrots a Girl’s Best Friend?
It’s easy for words to get lost in communication when translated from different languages. Take the concept of diamonds being a girl’s best friend as an example. The higher the carat, the more impressive the diamond. Unfortunately, this Russian woman misunderstood the memo.
Rather than ask for a diamond carat, it seems as though she asked for an edible carrot — and her beau pulled out all the stops to give her what she wanted. Perhaps the most convenient detail in this scene is that the Russian woman has a snack ready whenever she desires!
Not Even Tanks Are Exempt From the Rules
Having your wheel clamped can be an incredibly frustrating experience, causing inconvenience and stress and often resulting in financial penalties. No one is exempt from the rule of traffic law, and in Russia, this extends to tanks on the streets.
While tanks are primarily used by the military and not intended for civilian use, they can be seen here and there as they are transported on public roads while moving between military bases or training areas. Considering that the military is a form of authority in Russia, these traffic officers are quite cocky!
Lady Gaga’s Meat Outfit Inspiration
Lady Gaga walked out on stage and astounded the crowds at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, wearing a costume made of meat. It was one of the most controversial and talked-about fashion statements, as people whispered about the raw meat and provocative statement.
When you look at this photograph of a young Russian woman wrapped in meat, it’s easy to assume she served as Lady Gaga's inspiration! While sausages are a popular food item in Russia, this woman has taken her love for local cuisine to the next level!
A Unique Graduation Ceremony
Russia is a fascinating culture with countless unique and interesting ceremonies that demarcate parts of Russian life. This photograph reveals one of these special ceremonies known as “The Last Bell,” which is a significant milestone in the lives of graduating students.
The ceremony typically marks the end of the academic year and the beginning of summer vacation and features speeches from teachers and school administrators, as well as performances by graduating students. During the event, a symbolic final school bell is rung by a chosen first-grader, and graduating students wear a classic uniform of white aprons and white hair bows — perfectly demonstrated by these two ladies!
What Do They Put in the Water in Russia?
There are many ways to demonstrate sheer strength, including weightlifting, powerlifting, and strongman competitions. In Russia, these feats of strength are kicked up a notch with rough and rugged acts of pure power. Take this photograph as an example!
There is no other place in the world where a woman could be photographed in muddy and icy conditions, appearing to lift a heavy truck laden with logs! While we’re almost certain that the snap is photoshopped, her face doesn’t show much effort.
Combining Religion With Guns
Russian Orthodoxy combines ancient traditions with a modern worldview and invites its members to visit ornate churches and perform elaborate rituals. While the Soviet era saw a period of state atheism and the suppression of religious practices, many Russians have since reconnected with their religious traditions — with a bit of a twist.
These guns starkly contrast with the pious and conservative outfits the worshippers are wearing. There’s something sinister about the photograph, and while we can’t quite place our finger on it, we can confirm that it’s not a single strange detail but a few.
A Different Take on Fashion
Throughout history, there have been many terrible fashion trends that have left us scratching our heads and wondering what people were thinking. From the powdered wigs of the 18th century to the neon spandex of the 1980s, fashion has often been more about making a statement than about practicality or good taste. We would like to add these strange Russian trends to the mix too!
Imagine wearing a pair of white tights with an image of two topless men holding your butt cheeks to work? Or meeting your in-laws wearing a denim jacket with your hair pulled through a hole in the back?
An Extreme Way To Warm Up
Russian citizens know a thing or two about the cold. When the winter months roll around, people break out fur coats, thermal underwear, and bulky clothing items. Yet not even the cold can stop people from gathering outdoors, where all it takes is an alcoholic drink and a campfire to keep warm — but with a twist.
Feeling the bite of the cold, this guy decided to climb inside the fire and get comfortable. Judging by his nonchalant grin at the camera, we’d say the heat doesn’t seem to be bothering him! We just hope that his outfit is flameproof!
Never Miss Out on the Opportunity To Wear Heels
There’s a popular stereotype that presents firefighter men and policemen as sexy saviors, with their chiseled physiques, rugged good looks, and, of course, the uniform! Yet, in Russia, this stereotype takes a twist as women are the ones that make heads turn!
With short skirts and high heels, it’s not the most practical uniform for the job, but perhaps these police women will make criminals on the run stop in their tracks for a different reason. Or maybe they’d surprise everyone with an impressive high-speed chase in heels!
Delegated to the Naughty Corner
Schools that don't have a uniform policy are typically more casual. Without a uniform, students have more freedom to express their individuality and personal style through their clothing choices, leading to a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere within the school. Yet, in Russia, that doesn’t mean you aren’t punished for poor behavior!
As you can see in this photograph, badly-behaved students are punished by being relegated to pushing their faces against the wall with their hands behind their heads. It’s a lot more humiliating (and uncomfortable) than detention!
Romance at Its Finest
For many couples, their wedding day is one of the most important days of their lives, and they want to capture every moment of it in a series of beautiful and romantic photographs. Some couples are willing to go to extreme lengths to get the perfect shot, whether it's climbing a mountain, posing underwater, standing on the edge of a cliff, or trying to get a historical building in the frame — no matter the cost.
While these newlyweds lock lips on a bridge, a hobo smiles at the camera. Complete with a black eye and a cigarette in hand, he undoubtedly steals the show! We're not quite sure how the bride will respond when she’s sees this shot…
Living the Dream of a Ballerina
Ballet is a beloved art form in Russia, with a rich history and deep cultural significance. From the classical works of Tchaikovsky and Petipa to the modern masterpieces of contemporary choreographers, ballet has been an integral part of Russian culture for centuries. The country is home to world-renowned ballet companies — and amateurs striving to live their dream as a dancer.
While she may not be performing triple pirouettes, this young student is showing off her flexibility to her classmates, complete with bare, stockinged feet! Considering how beloved ballet is in the region, this bold act may not raise eyebrows after all!
When There’s a Will, There’s a Way
Helicopters are often seen as a symbol of wealth, representing a luxury mode of transportation typically associated with the rich and famous. Owning a helicopter requires a significant investment of both time and money (and perhaps a bit of imagination).
Russians can be resourceful and make a plan to get what they want. Rather than saving up and buying a brand-new helicopter, this guy decided to combine an old car with helicopter parts. The end result is a mutant helicopter that manages to get its wheels off the ground!
Who Needs a Boat When You Have a Horse?
While the specific climate in Russia may vary from region to region, the winters are generally cold and long, with the temperatures dropping well below freezing. So, those who have a zest for water sports, such as wakeboarding, have to endure the frost. And if they can’t get a boat on the water, then they can rig up a horse!
Rather than be pulled behind a motorboat, this adventure junkie asked a friend to ride a horse along the water’s edge. Absurdity aside, the idea seems to be working!
Beware of the Feral Grannies
It's important to respect our elders, but it's also true that elderly people can sometimes be annoying. In Russia, babushkas are typically depicted as strong and resilient, having lived through some of the most tumultuous periods in Russian history, including wars, revolutions, and economic hardships. With this in mind, bending them to your will can be difficult — unless you have a cage!
These two women are being chugged along a road by a tractor, nestled inside a cage. Many questions are going through our minds, like why are there being locked in the cage? Are they there against their will? Or is this a comfortable mode of transport by their standards?
Turning a Traditional Wedding on Its Head
Diversity in Russia is complex and multifaceted, with the country being home to a wide range of ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. With modern developments and social movements, diversity has become even more interesting, and this woman has decided to go full steam ahead by denying all traditional wedding norms.
Rather than wear traditional wedding garb, this woman has decided to mix things up. It’s tough to determine the most outstanding part of this bride’s outfit, whether it's her black corset, fishnet stockings, gelled-back hair, or heavy-duty boots — you decide!
A Little Too Heavy on the Mayo
Remember how sandals and socks were described as a fashion trend in Russia? The suspicious fashion movement is taken one step further and made into a skeptical mayonnaise cheese dish! In fact, mayonnaise is very popular in Russia and is used in various dishes, particularly in salads and as a condiment.
Considering that Russian cuisine is known for its heavy use of mayonnaise, this fetish extends to meals that carefully place cheese to appear as sandals. While the dish may be popular in Russia, we can’t say that it’s a drool-worthy meal beyond the borders.
The Perfect Embodiment of the Gopniks
As far as typical Russian stereotypes go, this photograph is an excellent example! This picture perfectly summarises the Gopnik subculture that emerged in Russia in the 1990s. The group is characterized by their distinctive dress and behavior, perfectly depicted by this gent’s strange squat-and-stare stance.
Gopniks are typically associated with working-class neighborhoods and are often depicted as aggressive, antisocial, and involved in criminal activities. They are often seen wearing sportswear and tracksuits while they indulge in heavy drinking and smoking — or hanging out on the side of the road!
A Sexy and Unsanitary Kitchen
Cooking is an important part of Russian culture, bringing people together in a shared appreciation for good food and company. However, this doesn’t always manifest as people dancing in the kitchen while sauteeing onions and tossing salad. Instead, it can be a vicious affair!

Not only does this kitchen look unsanitary at best, but the two chefs look better equipped to perform a strip show than serve a beef stroganoff! Complete with the heel on the bin and the pout on the lips, cooking certainly looks strange in Russia.