Nowadays, it’s hard for things to go undocumented—everything can be documented with a click of a cell phone. While some simply try to take pictures of their day-to-day lives, others focus on recording moments that will take everyone by surprise. Some are lucky enough to catch golden moments, seconds before disaster hits. Although rare, we've collected the funniest, most cringe-worthy pics of moments before a disaster. Check it out!
Urine Trouble
On a slightly lighter note, some tragedies didn't end in death, just in some stinky situations. In this photo, we can see his young lady trying to get a sun-kissed tan by laying out on the grass in a public park. Whether it was to block out the sun or just to doze away, the girl decided to close her eyes.
Unfortunately for her, a wandering dog must have found her as an ideal tinkle spot, as we can see the moment he lifts his leg to do his business—right on the lady's face! We're sure the young woman was hoping to get a golden pigment to her skin, but not this type.
Bye-Bye Shipping Containers!
Although this perfectly timed picture could be considered funny, we almost feel bad for laughing. There is nothing worse than spending hours working hard on something and then losing all of it in seconds. But sadly, that’s exactly what happened to these guys.
Unfortunately for them, someone was at the perfect spot to document the disaster a split second before it happened, just so they could go back to it and relive the terrible moment as many times as they wanted to. Hopefully, next time they won’t add as much weight as they did here.
Flying to Safety
Driving one of these bad boys is probably an exhilarating experience, but falling out of them is probably one of the worst things that can happen to someone. Clearly, this guy’s military plane ride didn’t go so well, but thanks to technology, it seems like he ended up being safe.
Apparently, each military plane has a built-in safety device that was created to save the pilot in situations such as this one. The ejection seat is activated as soon as the pilot pulls a lever that is located between their legs. Once the pilot is in the air and away from the aircraft, a parachute opens up.
A Little Tipsy-Turvey
When you're on vacation, it's tempting to let loose and have a few beers. But, it may be that this man on his ski vacation had a little too many, as in this picture you can see the actual milliseconds before the two beers he is serving to the table, topple over and ultimately shatter on the ground.
Honestly, it looks like the man isn't even that bothered! Maybe it's the vacation vibes or maybe it's the alcohol, but we can't help but wonder what his reaction was, just moments after this photo was taken.
A Terrible Prank
We apologize in advance to everyone who is scared of clowns, as we can imagine how hilariously triggering this picture may be. But we feel even worse for the guy carrying a ton of something that looks like food and is probably about to drop it all over the floor a second after this picture was taken.
We’re not sure if this was an intentional prank, but either way, the creepy faces in these clowns’ faces pretty much confirm that they’re about to ruin this guy’s day.
An Unexpected Fall
By the expression on the man's face, this is about to be the crash of his life. The angle in the picture makes it quite hard to understand where exactly he is coming from, but the point is that he either failed to hit the breaks on time, or he was trying to pull off a trick that went completely bananas!
And the worst thing is that from every single angle he could fall on, it seems like he is going to land square on one or more of the ladies - who don't seem too disturbed about what's about to happen!
As Long as It’s Worth It
Here’s the thing, there are many ways we can interpret this picture, but we’re going to focus only on the fact that this guy is about to question his choices. Is it really worth it? Clearly, the woman that just passed by him couldn’t care less, but he absolutely had to turn to see her walk away.
What he didn’t expect though, was to have a huge electricity post in front of him, which is about to teach him a very valuable lesson. To be completely honest, we can't say we feel too bad about this one.
Take It Out!
This picture has been around for a while, but it manages to make us cringe every single time. This poor woman is literally getting stung by a stingray, which is a rare occasion. Apparently, stingrays are not big fans of stinging people, so when they do, there is probably a reason behind it.
Sadly though, while she is painfully going through an experience she will never forget, whoever was there with her was having a good laugh, while another person documented the moment.
An Unusual Situation
While the police have come under fire in several places around the world lately, they are technically still there to protect the public from any dangerous situation. But what about a policeman who finds himself in a scary situation such as this one?
We‘re pretty sure he is doing his best to not kill the poor animal, but he has found himself in an almost impossible situation. In Florida for example, a person can be arrested on a third-degree felony if they choose to injure or kill an alligator.
Say Your Prayers
Whale watching is one of the best experiences a person can have, especially if they manage to watch it from up close. But while the average whale watching trip is not usually that successful, with many people failing to see the whales themselves, these two guys were in for a treat.
They were not only able to see the whale from up close but they also had one of the scariest experiences of their lives. Another whale watcher managed to catch the second before the whale literally fell on their boat.
A Little Rub
There is something almost life-changing about going on a safari. Seeing the animals happy in their natural environments is a humbling experience, especially when it comes to majestic animals like the elephant. While they usually mind their own business, they do sometimes get a little bit curious about the people constantly watching them.
Although they aren’t really known for an animal that usually attacks people for no reason, they do sometimes become aggressive, especially if they feel threatened. The couple in this car is probably wondering if they are going to get out of this one alive!
Worst Case Scenario
Another person who was sadly caught by a sea creature that wasn’t having the best day. The word out there is that if an octopus manages to latch into a person, the best thing to do is to stay calm (or try to be), and then gently touch its mantle.
Many people believe that the mantle is where the octopus’ head is. Apparently, the animal is usually very protective of this specific part of their body, so they most probably let go once someone touches it.
A Little Camel Bite
No matter how hilarious this picture is, it’s important to keep in mind that camel bites are actually no joke. When they bite, which is not that often, they can cause very serious injuries.
As we can see from this picture, they have a huge mouth and some pretty impressive teeth, which probably really hurt the girl in the picture. She has just learned the hard way that putting her head close to an animal is never a good idea, no matter how inoffensive the animal may be.
Pole Dancing on the Subway
Yep, just another regular day on the New York subway. The amount of random things that people get to see on the subway is endless, and while sometimes there is some really amazing talent displayed, other people just kind of make questionable decisions.
Like this girl for example, who was not only drinking from a huge cup of soda but also decided to do some pole dancing while holding the cup over this guy. The picture was taken by another passenger who probably saw the disaster that was just about to happen.
A Game to Remember
While watching a game, many people hope to catch that baseball bat. But no one ever expects to be literally beaten up by it, as we can see from this picture. It seems like every single person is under threat, except for one rather jolly-looking man.
Perhaps the happy man is blind and is completely unaware of the pain that is about to be dished out to his fellow spectators. The positive thing is that at least a few people will get to touch the bat after all.
Such a Bad Idea
Now here’s a picture that is just hard to see. No matter how funny it may be, this guy is about to regret his decision after this fall. We’re guessing that he had a couple of beers before trying out a new trick on his bicycle, but instead of giving out a show, he probably traumatized everyone that was there with him.
For the future, this is a learning lesson for all of us, it’s always better to not drink and drive, even if the driving part involves riding a bicycle over the fire.
Harry Potter Is Back
Here’s the thing, horse riding is great and all, but if that horse is not feeling it that day then the injury that can come from a random fall can be absolutely devastating. Of course, riders are aware that this can happen anytime, but we can only imagine what is going through this person’s head while she was projected from her horse.
To her defense, she couldn’t look cooler with that Harry Potter-style wand, as she flies away in a perfect sitting position. She will always be able to go back to this picture to relive the "magical" moment before the terrible fall.
A Terrible Idea
People have the ability to have some pretty bad ideas, but then again, there are bad ideas in this world, and there are really terrible ideas. These three guys belong to the latter category, as their plan to do whatever they are doing with that tree seems like a recipe for disaster.
Though it surprisingly looks like the guy standing on the ladder is pretty comfortable with the situation, we’re almost sure that the feeling didn’t last very long. Hopefully, they learned their lesson after this one.
Just Being a Cat
Cats will be cats, they say, even if it means breaking every single thing they can find the house. But did you ever wonder why cats love to put themselves in spaces that are almost impossible to accommodate them?
Apparently, they do it because they feel much more secure in confined spaces, and see these spaces as perfect to hide and quietly watch their prey. This doesn’t mean that breaking a couple of things on the way isn’t an amazing added bonus for them.
A Wrong Calculation
Seriously now, it cannot be that hard to calculate this one properly. Did this person really think that it made sense to place the ladder on the tip that is just about to be cut? This guy either knows exactly what he is doing, and is about to jump out as soon as the tree falls, or he is about to have one of the biggest falls ever.
And the funny thing is that there is clearly someone watching him because the picture was taken just before he fell. We wonder why the person who snapped it didn’t alert him.
A Ball of Fur
Let’s be honest, cats are sort of an enigma. They are cute, they are often fluffy, but for some unexplained reason, they can also be really mean. While they have been capturing the hearts of many people around the world for thousands of years, others just really can’t stand them.
Either way, it’s hard to deny that this picture is so perfectly timed that even a person who doesn’t like cats would probably like to touch that fluffy fur. We are left wondering what happened the moment the cat touched the floor though.
A Family Moment to Remember
There is nothing funnier than a family photo that ends in disaster, just like this one. The proud parents were probably just hoping for a beautiful photo with their two little kids, but everyone knows that taking photos with kids is not an easy task.
At some point, they had the brilliant idea of starting to play with them so that the photo would look cute and the kids would behave. Sadly, the mom lost grip exactly in the second that the photo was taken, capturing the moment she literally threw her kid to the floor.
The Selfie Is Not Worth It
The selfie trend is pretty new, and it has become the reason for many accidents over the past couple of years. People go to great lengths to take the perfect selfie, and unfortunately, that cute selfie is just not worth it sometimes.
This girl for example really wanted to take a beautiful picture while interacting with the unique duck, but she made a rookie mistake. While trying to point to the duck, she probably realized way too late that the duck had other plans, and it was going to hurt!
Be Careful, Kids!
There is a very good reason why it is necessary to have a driver’s license to drive a quad bike, especially if the person is planning to drive in the city.

But clearly, these two boys and the grownups responsible for them didn’t get the memo, because just after this picture was taken they probably had a hard fall. It’s hilarious to see each of their faces, including the woman behind them kindly trying to catch the kid who is about the fall.
Playing in the Ice
Kids fall all time for different reasons, but some falls are a little bit harder to overcome. This kid was probably so happy to be able to play on the ice, and thankfully, her parents dressed her in enough clothes to hopefully make that fall hurt less.
And while children’s bones are apparently more flexible than adults, she seems to be falling at a pretty rapid pace which is probably going to hurt. Either way, just like kids usually do, she will probably cry a bit, brush it off, and then walk onto the next fall!
Always Swim With a Partner!
We bet this newlywed wasn't expecting this type of adventure on her honeymoon, huh? While she was out for what she thought would be a nice, relaxing swim with her new husband, she got caught by surprise with the most terrifying creature.
We're not sure how her story ends, but we can probably guarantee one thing for certain: she's going to stay as far away from open bodies of water for the rest of her life! We hope the rest of her honeymoon wasn't filled with sneaky things like this snake.