Telling the Time in Style
Imagine having so many cool watches that you simply don’t know which one to choose to go with your Rolls Royce? Yeah, probably not something you think of when you climb into your nine-year-old Honda Accord.
This person wasn’t entirely sure they could show up to their C-suite corner office if they’d come in with a watch that didn’t match their car. It’s a tough old world out there and no one teaches you these things at school. If they want our advice, go with the one on the bottom left.
Hot Groceries
When you choose your new Lamborghini, you’re probably not thinking of practicalities. Well, you may stop to consider the interiors, and ensure that it has all the right specs, but your first priority isn’t nipping to Whole Foods in it. It’s all very well being able to go from 0 - 60 miles per hour zooming out of the car park, but once you have torn down the highway and got home super fast, you need to unload your groceries.
That’s when you discover that the milk is warm and it was a bad idea to buy ice cream. Luxury sports cars have a trunk that is very close to the engine, so if you drive at high speed, your groceries might melt a little.
Diamonds Are Dangerous
The first question here is why a rich person is donning a pair of plastic gloves in the first place? Surely they don’t need to get their hands dirty? Anyhow, for some reason this lady had on gloves. Then she discovered a problem that a poor person just wouldn’t have thought of.
The cut of her diamond was so flawless that it went right through these gloves. Shocking! Then she just had to post it on social media. Was that to try and prove that she cleans, or did she just want to show off that enormous rock? Either way, some people are worried about whether they can eat this week, so it’s not a real problem.
Where to Store Priceless Art?
You would think that if you had invested in priceless art that you would have it on display when your wealthy friends come to visit. After all, is art not there to enjoy? This man obviously didn’t think so. He was scared that hurricanes might destroy his collection.
He didn’t want to take the art out of his island home in case the hurricane came early, so he bought a submarine to stow the priceless art underneath his house. He had a tunnel built to it, so it can be moved in a hurry. Would it not make sense to put it in one of his other homes?
Who Are Your Real Friends?
A Reddit user took to the forum to post about their problem as a rich person. They are crippled with doubt about their friends, and who can blame them? If you’ve got lots of money, there will always be hangers-on. Some are purely there for the money - there have been books and movies about this for hundreds of years.
It must be sad to think this way, but you know what? You’ll always have people around, so we can’t be too sympathetic to this one. Some of your friends are awful? Buy more! Seriously though, you find out who your true friends are.
A Sponge With a Logo
When you have bundles of money, it makes sense that you might choose some designer items for your wardrobe or home. After all, these iconic brands are there to show status, and they’re normally of higher quality too. However, some rich people just go too far.
Getting a Louis Vuitton handbag is one thing, but a sponge? It’s going to get greasy, used up, and worn out just the same as a regular one that you buy in Walmart! Who heard that LV sponges are more effective domestically? Also, how does the home help feel about this?
They Have Strong Opinions
Imagine being so rich that when your uncle buys you a Rolex, you barely bat an eyelid. Then, consider not ever wearing it. This person has decided that they only wear silver. Why? Who knows, but they’re rich so they’re allowed to be picky.
That creates the dilemma that their uncle will never actually see them wear the gift. Oh well, he really should have known. Surely it isn’t something new? It could be, rich people are allowed to decide something on a whim. Oh well, the Rolex goes to the back of the display cabinet.
They Can’t Control the Weather
No matter how rich you are, you don’t have any control over the weather. This means that you can still get caught in a shower, even though you’ve dressed for the sun, and the wind can still blow the top off your whipped latte. In fact, some would say they are controlling future weather, by contributing to climate change.
When everything else is pretty much within your control, it can be annoying to realise that the weather just isn’t. So, it’s something to complain about. This poster found that the sun reflecting off their Mercedes steering wheel was just unacceptable. Wow, hard times.
Keeping Up Is the Only Way
When you have lots of money and paying bills isn’t an option, you find other things to worry about. Like whether your friends are joking that you haven’t had a new car in the past 18 months. It can really build your anxiety, especially if they all have new cars.
This guy decided he would buy a new Porsche every year to prevent this from happening. After all, he would always be in style and no one could dispute any of his choices, right? He then wouldn’t have to worry about what his friends were saying, and that was the most important thing.
Pool Problems
You know when you have a swimming pool in your garden and an outdoor bar? No? Us neither. Well, this person got a pool and then discovered that it attracts insects. Water tends to do that, especially when it’s still. Light also does the same.
We have to admit that this would bug us too. You can get pest control in, but if it’s water that you’d like to swim in, there’s only so much you can do. Short of putting a net over your garden, you’re going to get bugs. It’s just, we’d put up with the bugs to have our own pool.
The Need to Impress
When you have millions in the bank, you would think that’s all you need. However, it can get a bit lonely and that’s why some like to share their wins. Over and over. Actually, it’s like they need constant approval and likes. If they aren’t showing off their status, who are they really?
This person took to Snapchat when they found themselves in an empty elevator. They were on their way to the penthouse of the hotel, but no one took the elevator with them. It’s frustrating when you have no one looking impressed, so they thought someone on social media might bite.
Hard to Decide
You know when you’re presented with so many options it can be difficult to settle on just one thing? Well, this is life for rich people every single day. The thing is, they don’t really have to choose, they can actually have it all. It does mean that they end up with more than one of almost everything though.
When this person was trying to decide between the racy little sports car, the prestigious Rolls Royce, or a Range Rover, they didn’t know which one. That’s why they ended up with all three on their driveway. We’d hate to see their cereal cupboard.
Too Much Cash to Carry
It is just such a pain when you get a cool new wallet but your cash won’t fit into it? I mean, if you need to carry a stack of 50 dollar bills, you need space for them. Seriously though, who walks around with this much cash? It’s not safe.
Not only did this person have this problem, but they decided to broadcast it on social media. I’m sure there are a few viewers who can help relieve them of that amount of money. There’s a simple solution here - get a debit or credit card. No one needs that many notes unless they’re bribing a foreign customs official.
Elite Tastes
If you grow up rich, you likely develop a taste for the finer things in life. After a while, it becomes normal to just ask for the things you like and expect that others will provide. However, you might find yourself disappointed once in a while.
One lady deals with unreasonable requests from passengers on board quite often. When she came across a rich person demanding water from a certain country, she was surprised. I mean, you can’t just phone France and ask them to fly up some water, can you?
When you’re rich and famous, the paparazzi are a problem. People jumping out of bushes and lurking outside the exclusive parties that you’re invited to. You can’t go anywhere without them wanting to document every move. It can be frustrating, upsetting, and even dangerous.
It’s not something that would ever happen to a poor person (unless they were once rich and famous). However, someone decided to solve this rich person’s problem by inventing a mask that makes them invisible. Well, not quite. However, it does change their face to a dark blob once the flash hits the pattern. How cool is that?
Not Knowing How to Do Simple Things
When people run around after you all day and provide everything for you, it’s easy not to learn how to do certain things. You just get someone to do it for you. However, this can lead to bigger problems. You might have someone who washes your car every day, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to know how to use the windshield wipers.
A Reddit user had come across a rich guy in a flap because a bird had dropped poop on his windshield. He owned a Lamborghini but didn’t know how to get the bird poo off it. Someone had to show him the button. It seems like he needs an assistant when driving!
Mingling With the Rich
There’s a reason why the rich get richer. They socialize and marry one another. In a bid to protect their wealth and status, even from childhood, rich people are encouraged to hang out with each other. As there are only a few super-rich families, they end up not meeting anyone outside that.
They attend the same schools and they get jobs (if they need one) from a parent’s friend. Normal people just mingle with their coworkers, roommates, and regular people they play sports with. Rich people simply don’t have that liberty. While they see this as a problem, it’s only an issue if their social circles are really boring.
Nature Fights Back
If you’re rich, you probably own a lot of lands, and at least one or two luxury cars. When you own land, it can be nice to let some wildlife roam free on it, after all, it’s as much theirs as yours. However, sometimes wildlife doesn’t like extreme displays of wealth.
Every time this peacock caught sight of itself on the brightly polished car, it went crazy. This ruined the paintwork, so the guy had to get his car resprayed every time. Perhaps keep the cars in a garage? We have a feeling the peacock may have lost this battle.
Recessions Hurt
When a recession hits, everyone suffers, even rich people. Yes, they could have millions wiped off the value of their property, or millions wiped off their stocks and shares. The hardest thing is that they might have to cut back in one area or another.
We know, deciding what tinned food you can afford is hard. However, this guy tells the story of how his friend’s family had to get rid of one of their private jets. They still had two, but I guess it meant members of the family couldn’t travel to different places at the same time anymore.
Their Idea of Hardship
Rich people tend to forget that their problems aren’t the biggest ones that people can have. It makes them pretty insensitive and clueless to other people’s lives. They might complain about how exhausted they are when they have several staff who work 12-hour days.
Here’s a bigger one though. This boss was speaking with one of her staff members (or minions as she likely thinks) and she complained about how many properties she owned. Apparently, this is a big problem for her. She could probably get someone to manage them for her.
Way Too Much Space
Everyone loves a humblebrag, right? Wrong. Sometimes it just makes you look out of touch and spoiled. Admittedly, rich people probably don’t care if others don’t like them, because they’re too busy counting their money or spending it. Here’s one who complained about having too much space.
While everyone back in economy is trying to stuff their bodies into tiny seats and eat with their knees up to their chest, this poor soul can’t actually reach his food, because of all the legroom. Sounds like a you problem, sir. It’s just not something we’d ever complain about if we got upgraded.
High Expectations
Perspective isn’t something that rich people have a lot of. Well, most of them don’t. It gets eroded by time when they are given pretty much everything they need by teams of people. This causes their expectations to rise, even when it comes to schooling their children.
A Reddit poster actually complained that her child was going to private school. What? Well, she wanted them to go to a kindergarten for gifted children. Surely if a child was gifted, they wouldn’t need to prepare for the entrance exam. Also, should anyone be making a four-year-old take an exam?
Never Enough Time
Let’s face it, we’ve all complained about not having enough time at some point. However, poor people will complain about not having enough time to spend with their kids, because they work two jobs. Rich people, oh they don’t have enough time for their extravagant hobbies.
You have to feel for this rich person who doesn’t get to pilot their helicopter as much anymore. They don’t say why, but it’s probably because they bought another sports car, or got a bigger pool, or are playing too much golf. Also, can’t they just get someone else to pilot it?
Missing the Point
These two people obviously couldn’t find a deck of cards. You know, the sort that you can find at any 7-11 or dollar thrift store (if they’d be caught dead in one). So, they decided that they would play cards by using a different iPad for each one. Firstly, it seems to defeat the purpose of the game - as your cards are so big and obvious.
Secondly, how did they ensure that they had the correct deck? Did they go through all 52 cards in the pack? We're certain they would have found a store quicker. They probably think this is hilarious, but actually, they’ve missed the point entirely. For some things, simple is best.
Sometimes the Rewards Are Far Away
There’s a funny paradox that the nicest rooms in a building are usually near the top. Also, in some hotels that may not be high rise, the best rooms are on the outer corners of the hotel. So, when this rich person showed up at their hotel, they were dismayed to find that the Presidential Suite was so far away.
Surely the concierge should have just picked them up and carried them to their room? We kind of get this one - you’ve just had a long flight, you’re feeling weary and want to get in the tub that’s the size of a king-size bed and order room service. Having to take a ten-minute walk to your room is not what you’re paying for.
Unable to Solve Problems
Imagine being so rich that you can buy a yacht? There are only a certain number of people in the world who can join that list. The rest of us mere mortals might snag a day on one, or even a week with other people. However, when you own a yacht, you need to maintain it.
That should be easy, as you can probably afford it. This couple, however, discovered that they had an art problem on board. Rather than hire an exterminator, they decided it was simpler to buy a new yacht. It still doesn’t solve the problem of the old one, did they just leave it adrift?
The Press Can Interfere
The super-elite and celebrities of this world often have press intrusions. That’s because we want to know where they live, how they live, and where they holiday - or at least the media assume that we do. That means that the rich need to keep up appearances.
It can really affect their lives though. This poor guy couldn’t go to his family’s ski cabin because it had been newly decorated for a magazine spread. Seems like a waste of a ski cabin! However, he probably had the money to rent out a super cool space, so we can’t feel too sorry for him.
Their Technology Makes Them Wait
Rich people aren’t used to waiting, usually, a 100-dollar bill ensures that everything is delivered in a speedy fashion. They will also have a team of people on hand so that they don’t have to wait for things to be fixed, cooked, or prepared. Even their own grooming is down to someone else - their manicurist, hairstylist, and make-up artist.
The funny thing is, their demand for the latest thing has introduced a new problem - now technology is making them wait. Now, to make life even easier, appliances have been invented that are self-cleaning, so you don’t even have to wait 30 minutes for a person to do so. However, it will take its time. Surely this person had another toilet? Perhaps the inventor wanted to get his/her own back for years of being ignored?
Often Exasperated
Being rich is exhausting. It must be so hard having so much money and then learning that in spite of that - they can’t control everything. On this list, people have wanted to control nature, the weather, and other people. It just doesn’t stop there.
They need to control the view too. Now, we know that you pay for a view - whether that’s the sea, the mountains, or the New York skyline. However, this couple went that extra mile. They were unhappy that they couldn’t see the lake near their property, so they went ahead and bought another house, just so they could. Couldn’t they have bought the one with the view in the first place?
No One Wants These Expensive Mansions
Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s Beach Mansion in Malibu, California
Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are one of the few Hollywood couples who have been together for years, and will probably continue to stay together for a very long time. Besides starring in movies like their most recent project together, The Christmas Chronicles, apparently, they also dabble in real estate!
Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are one of the few Hollywood couples who have been together for years, and will probably continue to stay together for a very long time. Besides starring in movies like their most recent project together, The Christmas Chronicles, apparently, they also dabble in real estate!
Their 4,195 square foot Balinese-inspired beach mansion on Broad Beach in Malibu, California, was originally built in the 1970s. Since then, Hawn and Russell had been renting it out for about $95,000 a month. However, they finally put it on the market in 2011 for $14.8 million. Despite features like a two-story great room, a foyer with a huge chandelier, a remodeled chef’s kitchen, and a flagstone courtyard, the mansion has yet to sell.
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s Country Mansion in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are another Hollywood power couple who seem to show no signs of splitting up any time soon. With such a power couple comes a combined net worth of $135 million. So it’s no wonder they were able to build such a sprawling mansion!
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are another Hollywood power couple who seem to show no signs of splitting up any time soon. With such a power couple comes a combined net worth of $135 million. So it’s no wonder they were able to build such a sprawling mansion!
Tommy Hilfiger’s New England Mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut
Nothing designer Tommy Hilfiger creates is shabby, and we wouldn’t expect anything less from his home either. It hit the market in 2020 when we saw a whole wave of affluent New Yorkers trade in city living for rural homes amid the pandemic. Hilfiger listed his 13,344 square foot mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut, for $48 million so he and his wife could move to Palm Beach, Florida. The Greenwich mansion was built in 1399 by Charles Paterno and was originally named Chateau Paterno.
Paterno, a real estate magnate, had also hired Greville Rickard, a famous Yale graduate to build the home. The mansion has a greenhouse, a guest cottage, a four-bay garage, and rose gardens. Joseph Hirshhorn, a famous art collector, bought the mansion 20 years after it was built and used it to house 6,000 paintings and sculptures from the 19th- and 20th centuries.
Michael Jordan’s Modern Mansion in Chicago, Illinois
Basketball superstar Michael Jordan has been trying to sell his 56,000 square foot mansion in the Highland Park area of Chicago, Illinois, since 2012. He first listed it for $29 million, but it has since dropped to less than $15 million. Even though it sits on seven acres of land, Jordan cannot get the property to sell. Even after he tried to throw in a pair of rare, vintage Air Jordans to whoever bought the house. But no dice.
Chicago Mag says that the problem is that the price is too high, even for the large property. No one wants to pay that much for a mansion that will depreciate over time. Forbes validated the point by saying the fitness perks included with the mansion, such as the included basketball court, aren’t a big deal to anyone unless they are as athletic as Jordan himself.
Jennifer Lopez’s Hollywood Mansion in Los Angeles, California
Jennifer Lopez first listed her Hollywood mansion fit for any celebrity for $17 million in 2015. With over 17,000 square feet of room, you would think that this mansion in the Hidden Hills area of Los Angeles, California, would have no trouble selling.
But as it turns out, Lopez has not been able to move it in the past six years. Even after she dropped the price $4.5 million to its current listing price of $12.5 million. Clearly, Lopez isn’t in too much of a pinch as she still has her homes in Miami, Bel Air, and New York to fall back on. Lopez’s Hollywood mansion includes nine bedrooms, a giant dressing room, a recording studio, a home gym, a dance studio, and a twenty-seat theater. As it turns out, property taxes aren’t to blame for this property’s inability to move as California’s tax rates are even lower than Ohio’s!
Sylvester Stallone’s Tuscan Mansion in La Quinta, California
Sylvester Stallone first listed his mansion in La Quinta, California, for sale in 2014 for $4.5 million. He purchased the mansion for the same price in 2010 after commissioning its construction back in 2008.
Stallone was very involved in the design process according to the RobbReport. It has a stucco exterior with clay tile, and the interior is designed with a mix of Mediterranean and Tuscan elements. Many believe it was influenced by Stallone’s own Italian heritage. The Tuscan mansion has four and a half bedrooms, five bathrooms, hardwood floors, coved ceilings, arched entryways, a formal dining room, a large eat-in kitchen, and a dedicated wine room. Stallone took the property off the market for several years before relisting it for $3.999 million.
Ellen DeGeneres’ Swanky Condo in Los Angeles, California
Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Portia De Rossi, are known for their ability to flip luxury Los Angeles properties and make a pretty penny. However, there is one property in particular that they are having a hard time moving.
In 2014, Degeneres put two condos in Los Angeles on the market and sold the larger one without an issue. But the smaller one at 4,158 square feet is still for sale. It was originally listed for $8 million, but it has since dropped to the original price DeGeneres bought it for $5.85 million. described the high-rise apartment as “ultra-swanky,” but that hasn’t helped it move. It’s a good thing DeGeneres makes most of her income from the entertainment business. In 2018, she was listed as the fifteen highest-paid entertainer by Forbes.
Helen Hunt’s Custom Mansion in Los Angeles, California
Oscar-winner Helen Hunt first listed this mansion for $9 million in 2002 after she and her husband purchased it in 1997. Located in the Hollywood Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, the estate once belonged to Errol Flynn, a Hollywood icon of the 1930s.
After they bought the property, Hunt personally oversaw the overhaul of the entire estate. What remained from the previous estate was torn down and Hunt proceeded to customize every inch of the newly erected mansion. When it was complete, they put it back on the market. Hunt and her husband never actually lived in the complete mansion. And it is believed that someone privately came forward to purchase the estate for $1 million less than the asking price, $8 million.
Matt Lauer’s Waterfront Mansion in The Hamptons, New York
Where in the world is Matt Lauer? Well, not at his waterfront mansion in the Hamptons. He first bought the six-acre estate from actor Richard Gere for $36.8 million several years ago and for $65 million in 2019.
Now, Lauer is asking for $44.8 million for the 19,000 square foot property which includes six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a large screened-in porch, two guest cottages, an island-inspired tea house, a private beach, deepwater dock, and a pond with a bridge. He is having trouble getting the estate to sell due to the sexual assault allegations the drove him to quit his journalism career with NBC. Lauer is not only selling this mansion but also his mansion in North Haven, New York, called Strongheart Manor.
Steve Cohen’s Manhattan Penthouse in New York City, New York
You would think Steve Cohen wouldn’t have an issue moving one measly duplex penthouse in Manhattan when, as of 2020, he was worth $14.1 billion. But as it turns out, this one New York City penthouse is something he cannot sell.
His 9,000 square foot New York City penthouse originally hit the market in 2013 for $115 million. However, he first cut the price to $98 million and now it’s at $57.5 million, which is 50% less than his original asking price. Cohen’s penthouse features an art gallery since he is a serious art collector, five bedrooms, and six bathrooms. His art collection itself is worth $1 billion. Many believe that Cohen’s penthouse won’t sell due to the high cost of living or high property taxes of New York City.
Alan Wilzig’s Tribeca Townhouse in New York City, New York
As the real-life inspiration behind Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, Alan Wilzig is clearly a high roller. And his Tribeca townhouse in New York City, New York is one big reminder of that.
Wilzig’s townhouse was first put on the market for $44 million in 2014. But after having trouble selling it for a few years, he finally lowered the price to $18.75 million in October of 2018. In the late 1960s, Wilzig and his siblings bought the Trust Company of New Jersey and turned it into a 45-branch franchise where he made most of his fortune. Besides the townhouse, Wilzig also owns over 100 ATVs, bikes, and cars, ranging from a 1992 Honda NR750s to Toyota Indy cars.
The Vincent Forge Mansion in Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania
The Vincent Forge Mansion was built in 1770 in East Vincent Township, located in Chester County, Pennsylvania. The two-and-a-half-story mansion was built with stone and features a gable roof. Originally, the mansion was located on an iron forge and was the ironmaster’s residence and office. The iron forge remained in operation until 1800 when it became a farmhouse and then a Catholic boys’ summer camp in 1925.
The mansion was finally abandoned in the 1970s and no one has had any interest in buying it since. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1984, along with some of its alternative names, Kerry Dell Farm and Young’s Forge Mansion. As to why no one has dared to buy the historic mansion with 7,800 square feet for $825,000, many speculate that the old ironmaster’s residence is actually haunted!
The Halston Penthouse in Manhattan, New York City, New York
The Halston Penthouse on the Upper East Side of Manhattan was designed by Roy Halston Frowick and was a big party location in his heyday, the 1970s. Frowick lived there and invited many famous people to his wild Studio 54 afterparties, yet no one has been interested in buying the property.
It was originally listed for sale in 2011 for $38 million. Over the past 10 years, the price of the chic Halston Penthouse has dropped to $24 million. Frowick was known for his minimalist designs, which can be seen all throughout the two-story penthouse. While Frowick was the main designer of the penthouse, famous architect Paul Rudolph, who is known for designing the Yale Art & Architecture Building, also contributed. Rudolph was known for developing complicated floor plans and using concrete.
The Palazzo Di Amore in Beverly Hills, California
This Mediterranean mansion, also known as the Palazzo di Amore, in Beverly Hills lives up to its location in one of the richest areas in California. This luxurious mansion has 43,000 square feet that includes 12 bedrooms, 23 bedrooms, and a wine cellar that is 10,000 square feet on its own. Not to mention, it comes with a garden, waterfall, reflecting pool, entertainment complex, and multiple other amenities.
The Palazzo di Amore was first listed for $129 million in 2014, but it has been reduced several times since. At one time, it was the most expensive home in America. Jeff Greene the real estate mogul was the developer trying to sell it with the help of architects Bob Ray Offenhauser, Alberto Pino, and Mohamed Hadid after he first bought it for $35 million.
The Aiken Estate in Savannah, Georgia
The Aiken Estate was built in Savannah, Georgia, in 1855 and is most famous for being the childhood home of American author and poet Conrad Aiken. The 3,936 square foot home has five bedrooms, five bathrooms, and a veranda that overlooks a private courtyard and garden. The home was first listed for $1,253,879, in 2015, yet it remains on the market to this day.
Many believe the sad history of the Aiken family is to blame for the mansion’s inability to sell. Conrad’s parents, William and Anna, were not the best couple. William suffered from mental illness and Anna seemed to spend too much money. She also tried to have William institutionalized on numerous occasions. Their story came to a tragic conclusion one day in 1901 when William shot Anna and then himself in the home. Many believe rumors of ghosts keep the property from selling.
The Granot Loma on Lake Superior, Michigan
The Granot Loma was built on Lake Superior Michigan by 400 expert Scandinavian craftsmen and builders in 1919. With 26,000 square feet, this mansion has 23 bedrooms, an outbuilding that has four apartments, a hot tub, and a private marina.
During the building of this mansion, 22 architects were hired to design the Granot Loma, and pine logs were shipped to Lake Superior all the way from Oregon. Unfortunately, it was abandoned in the 1950s after being owned by one of the co-founders of General Motors. If you think Granot Loma has a special meaning in a different language, think again. It is simply a random mashup of various letters from the names of the initial developer’s wife and three kids. The Granot Loma was originally listed for $40 million in 2017 but has since dropped in price by half to $20 million.
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch in Los Olivos, California
Neverland Ranch was first built in Los Olivos, California, in 1981 by William Bone and was called Zaca Ladera Ranch. The most well-known fact about this property is that it once belonged to the infamous pop superstar Michael Jackson.
However, after Jackson died, Neverland Ranch fell into disrepair. It was partially restored in 2015 before being put on the market and most of the amusement rides were removed. In its heyday, the property was worth $100 million. But now, it can’t even sell for $31 million. Nowadays, this 12,000 square foot property goes by the name Sycamore Valley Ranch. Many speculate the property’s inability to sell is due to all of the negative publicity attributed to Neverland Ranch when Jackson was accused of molesting minors in the early 2000s.
The Stone-Walled Estate in Alpine, New Jersey
The Stone-Walled Estate in Alpine, New Jersey is a mansion straight out of a fairytale. It was originally built for Henry Clay Frick II, the grandson of an industrialist steel magnate who founded US Steel, in the 1930s.
This mansion sits on 60 acres and has 30,000 square feet that includes a wine cellar, a home theater, and an eleven-car garage. It even comes with a stone wall that surrounds the entire property! Also known as the Frick Estate has been on the market off and on for several decades. Most recently, it was listed for $60 million in 2010, but the price has since dropped to $32.9 million. Richard Kurtz, the developer trying to sell the property, blames property taxes on the mansion’s inability to sell.
The Golden Gate Mansion in San Francisco, California
This mansion in San Francisco, California, is the picture-perfect example of Old World glamour. And by Old World, we mean Old Hollywood. It’s a term that seems to pop up a lot when discussing old homes in areas around Los Angeles, California. Old World or Old Hollywood style homes tend to use tactile textures, rich materials, artisanal ornaments, and intricate patterns. This mansion has all four!
With 16,000 square feet, the Golden Gate Mansion has 7 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, and an elevator that reaches all rooms, plus the rooftop deck. It was first listed at $29.5 million in 2017 but has had trouble selling ever since. Considering over half of the homes in San Francisco tend to sell in less than a month of being listed, it’s crazy to think that no one has bought this mansion yet!
Denise Richards’ Hollywood Mansion in Calabasas, California
Denise Richards started her Hollywood career at the tender young age of 15, so she has seen her share of mansions ever since moving from Illinois to California in 1989! But her mansion for sale in Calabasas, California, is quite spectacular!
Her mansion in the Hidden Hills neighborhood has been for sale for over a decade now, ever since she moved to Beverly Hills to be closer to the filming of her reality show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It was first listed for $7.749 million in 2015. The 8,500 square foot mansion was built in 1991 and includes everything a celebrity could need like a pool with a waterslide, a beautiful master bedroom, and a wood-fired pizza oven. There was even a rumor that Angelina Jolie rented the mansion for $30,000 a month in 2016 after she filed for divorce from Brad Pitt.
The SK Pierce Mansion in Gardner, Massachusetts
The SK Pierce Mansion was built in Gardner, Massachusetts, in 1875. Sylvester Pierce owned the Victorian mansion and made his small fortune from his business, the S.K. Pierce & Sons Furniture Company.
It currently sits abandoned, even though it was considered to be a modern marvel at the time it was built. The SK Pierce Mansion was equipped with a cistern that caught rainwater and supplied water to the home’s sinks. It also had a tunnel that linked the home to the front entrance of Pierce's furniture factory across the street. This mansion is about 6,661 square feet of pure spookiness, as it has a reputation all over the country for being haunted. The SK Pierce Mansion was last listed for $329,000 in 2016.
The 8 Mile Road Mansion in Northville, Michigan
8 Mile Road is a notorious stretch of road in Detroit, Michigan, where you can find intense poverty on one side of the street, and extreme wealth on the other. The 8 Mile Road Mansion is just another example of that.
Located on 4.55 acres of land, this 4,600 square foot mansion is located down a long private road. While this Chateau-style mansion features a stone fireplace and a grand spiral staircase, just down the road you can find the area Eminem grew up in. Images from this area can be seen in 8 Mile, a movie based on Eminem’s life, and shows the dividing line between the haves and the have-nots. The 8 Mile Road Mansion was listed for $9.9 million in 2019 but still hasn’t sold.