When something upsetting happens to us, we all have an urge to get back at the person responsible for it. But most people would never actually go through with the absurd ideas that pop into their heads! But the people in the next list did execute their wild revenge plans but in a humorous fashion. It will not only make you laugh but might give you some ideas for your next petty revenge.
We Hope You Enjoyed Your Shower
As we all know, relationships are tricky. This is regardless of whether it is a platonic or romantic relationship. So, by the time a couple moves in together, they know there are some downsides to living together. Especially if one of the partners has long hair - that can potentially make the shower a bit messy. When showering, long hair tends to clog the drain. In this case, since it was the woman's hair, she should have cleaned it up. But that was not the case here.
The man ended up cleaning his girlfriend’s hair from the drain every week. After a while, the man had enough and left the woman a special message, using all the hair he got out. Yes, all the woman’s hair he had fished throughout the previous weeks. That's a yucky, yet creative, way to avenge someone.
Do Not Test Grandma
Our grandparents are some of the most precious beings in the world. We treat them with respect and love, and they shower us with stories and endearments. However, that wasn't the case with Grandma Bernie. It appeared that her children and grandchildren were waiting for her time to come so they could all have their share of her fortune. And they did not even care talking all about it in front of grandma! Of course, Grandma didn’t appreciate it.
So what did she do? Took revenge, of course. Grandma decided she was not going to take any crap from anyone anymore. This time, she was going to teach her family a valuable lesson. She decided to invest her money in a very interesting and public way. Grandma spent her fortune on magazine advertisements and notices with an important, and hilarious, message for her family.
No More Soliciting Calls
Random soliciting calls from private entities and individuals are something we legitimately hate. No one wants to receive calls introducing services or products they're not interested in. What makes it worse is the fact that they won’t stop calling you. It reaches the point we are uncertain whether to receive some calls.
This person was done with all these nuisances. He decided to give these individuals and entities a taste of their own medicine. He places the phone number that keeps calling him. He made sure to put it on different random advertisements. It will be interesting how they will respond to people inquiring about adopting monkeys, buying used cars, or receiving strange services.
The Customer Is Always Right (in This Case)
If you ever had a service job, you would definitely disagree with the phrase that “the customers are always right.” You may have encountered some entitled humans who thought they are the most important people in the world. However, there are exceptional instances wherein the service crew just failed to do their task. In a restaurant, there is nothing more irritating than having your orders confused. People are cranky when hungry. However, in this case, our perpetrators made a reasonable remark.
Understandably, this group of people waited patiently for 30 minutes. It is quite a long time just for the service crew to get your order. Unfortunately, no one attended to them. After deciding enough is enough, they have finally decided to leave, not without giving the staff a piece of their mind. They made sure to send their message in the form of ketchup and mustard. Let us hope the crew present at that time reconsiders what they just missed.
Would You Like Some Mustard?
Have you ever heard about food thieves? Well, this is a known phenomenon that occurs around offices and homes. These are people that disregard any labeling on food in common fridges, and just eat whatever they feel like. Our protagonist here has been bringing donuts to the office. He noticed some food thieves have been taking them. He would not mind if people asked for one donut. However, after the third time donuts were talking without consent, he had enough and plotted revenge to get at them.
Mustard is a great condiment and doughnuts are awesome snacks, so there’s no reason why doughnuts with mustard won’t be a good combination, right? Most of us will agree to disagree. Just imagine eating doughnuts filled with mustard, seems like a classic office prank. Hope the food thieves enjoy this meal.
Bad Parking
We have been there, the misadventures of finding the perfect parking spot. Trying to get the best spot could make people competitive. Looking for a parking spot leads to people getting agitated and impatient. There are also those lousy drivers that do double park or park outside the lines. This is just blatant disregard for others.
In our story, our shopper here couldn’t park because of an inconsiderate person who parked over the lines. In the spur of the moment, he decided he was done leaving useless notes. Instead, our shopper here is going to teach the lousy driver a lesson about parking that he would never forget. As you can see, he zip-tied a shopping cart to the car. What an act of refreshing revenge to see!
Empty Bottle Thoughts
Leaving empty bottles of soap and shampoo in the showers for a long time is a common bad habit a lot of us are not a stranger to. This guy cannot get his girlfriend to dispose of her empty bottles, as it takes too much space, despite his complaints. To resolve the problem, he finally decided to do it himself, while giving her a piece of his mind.
Hilariously, to send her a clear message, he taped her bottles to the wall where she can see them. It is childish and does not seem to be cruel revenge, which means the guy put in a lot of effort and time to do something that probably made his girlfriend laugh instead of feeling punished.
The Curse of Ink
Tattoos are a special way to commemorate something or to express a feeling. So, it is a common gesture to have your partner’s name or face inked on your body. People should understand that inks are forever unless cosmetically removed. So our man here decided to get a permanent tattoo of his partner. He thought they would be staying together forever, so he had his partner’s face tattooed.
But, just like others before him, his relationship with his partner did not work. They eventually broke up. He had the choice of tattoo removed, however, it is a long, expensive, and painful process. Instead of spending much money, he went on an alternative way. He decided to paint over the tattoo and transform his ex-girlfriend into the devil. If the ex-girlfriend will ever finds out about it, it will be interesting to see her reaction.
No More Notes With Lunch Boxes
For those who grew up with parents packing them lunch boxes, they were probably lucky to also receive sweet notes. It is such a motivating and sweet reminder for kids when studying. However, these small gestures could get redundant, and that the children would not want to receive them anymore. Some may even ask that their parents stop doing it. And one mother fell into this trap. Her kid asked her to stop making notes for him, and she didn't take it so well.
For some parents, it might be difficult to accept that their kids are growing up. As they reach their teenage years, they may not want to receive those cheesy notes. The mother in our story made sure to respect her son’s request. However, she made sure in a very subtle and petty way: by attaching to his lunch a note saying this wasn’t a note, but a poor choice of a napkin.
Do Not Touch the Perfect Pumpkin
Every time Halloween is coming, people get excited to visit their local pumpkin patch. If not, visit some local gardens or markets. However, some people made sure to get competitive. It appeared that people would go to some extent to just get the perfect pumpkin. Though Halloween should be a special day to be joyful and merry, it does not apply to everyone. So make sure to strap your perfect-looking pumpkins tight, or else they will get robbed tonight.
Our protagonist found out that his pumpkins were being stolen from his backyard. He has worked with these pumpkins for months now and will not take any crap from anyone. So he made a decision that will surprise anyone who tries to mess with his pumpkins. He decided to put pins all around it. Let’s see if that will not make them stop. We just hope the pumpkin owner does not get outsmarted.
A Petty Way to Redecorate
Marriage life is not easy. It is hard to maintain just like any relationship. You need to make sacrifices and adjustments to make each other happy. Each partner is entitled to their happiness, right? However, sometimes, there are arguments you cannot help but do some acts just to make even.
This couple was happily married, and the only thing that came between them was their different taste in music – the wife couldn’t stand Nickelback, her husband’s favorite band. After a heated argument, he did what the only thing he could think of that would really annoy his loving partner: covered the house with Nickelback lyrics.
Petty Revenge Is Best Served Cold
Certain offices offer only basic stuff. You know, the basic coffee maker, utensils, and a small refrigerator. So, you can understand that coffee cream is considered a privilege. In the end, if you love creamy coffee, bringing a coffee creamer is a must. However, this was sick and tired of the person drinking her coffee cream all week.

Not knowing what to do, she decided that merely talking to them about it wasn’t enough. She needed to get her fair share of revenge. Unfortunately, we are not sure if she really did change her coffee cream with her breast milk. But regardless, it does not matter. Why? Because it appeared that the coffee cream thief just vomited an entire jug of coffee after discovering this note. Hopefully, they learned their lesson.
Spicy and Cookies ‘N Cream
If you have lived in a place with roommates, you know that there are a lot of ups and downs. But usually, it is the downsides that lead us insane and leave those living quarters. So, it is important to choose proper roommates. You could either set some ground rules that could be helpful when one moved in with you. However, since this is an apartment setting, it means you will be sharing a lot of common stuff such as a refrigerator.
There are some things we wanted to keep for ourselves. This usually involves food and beverages. You know that feeling of leaving some food in the refrigerator just to check later having it been eaten by a random roommate. It is frustrating! It appeared that the person here had enough. He made sure to buy Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, the food his roommate loves to steal, and decided to use it for his revenge. With a generous amount of chili powder, he mixed it into his cookies and cream ice cream. We hope he did not get diarrhea.
A Revenge We Never Expected
Living in an apartment complex can be difficult, especially if you are living next to a rowdy and noisy neighbor. Who wants that? If you are comfortable, you can easily go to that neighbor and talk to them. However, if you are reserved, it could be a challenge. However, these people are trying to deal with a noisy neighbor. Without not wanting to make a conflict, they instead put the following in their window.
The downstairs neighbors were apparently too loud as they spent time partying. The upstairs neighbor covered their windows with sticky notes saying that they are loud and inconsiderate. However, the loud neighbors did not give a care in the world and did not take this complaint seriously. Instead, they copied the note. They even added a meme-sponge bob character to mock them.
A Not-So-Sorry Approach
As we already mentioned, our loved ones usually prepare our meals. Some even went to the extent of making boxed lunches for us. In this case, a wife or a husband would do even a simple sandwich for their spouse. However, even though they do it out of love, some do it out of spite.
In our story, the man complained to his wife that she was making him the same sandwich every day. He asked his wife if maybe she could mix it up sometimes with other ingredients and get creative. However, the wife did not appreciate not being appreciated. Instead, she “forgot” to remove the wrapping from the cheese. This way she was teaching her husband to never take her sandwiches for granted again.
Wrap It Up
A lot of people take their car as the most precious thing in the world. As for some men, they treat cars as their most important possession. However, some take the treatment to the next level by considering the car as a beloved family member. So, when this woman found out her husband had cheated on her, she immediately rushed to the most important things he had. She knew it would instantly break his husband’s heart immediately. The wife proceeded to the car.
However, unlike most people do, the wife did something unusual but petty. She didn’t exactly wreck it or damage it, but she made sure he could not get to it without putting in a lot of effort. The wife purchased saran wraps and wrapped the car all over. Although she spent time and effort to wrap the car, we knew that it took the husband hours on top of hours to free it. We can hope the car was not damaged as we expect it to be.
Thankfully, It Is Just Jam
Parking, as we previously mentioned, is irritating especially if you find yourself in a fully loaded parking space. It is already uncomfortable circling the area to find a parking spot. However, even though it gets tough to find the spot, it does not excuse people parking on the crosswalk. The crosswalk, as the name suggests, is meant for walking. This is not for parking! Most of us would either shrug it off or curse beneath our breaths when we see a car parked on a crosswalk. However, someone finally did something about it.
It does not mean you drive a BMW, you can treat yourself as a VIP anywhere. So as soon as this woman came out of the shopping mall, she saw the car. Knowing she needed to do something, she took out a jam from her grocery bag and covered the car with jam.
A Very Surprising Birthday/Christmas Gift
Our main protagonist here reminded her roommate not to make anything too much for her upcoming birthday. She told her that she hated balloons for her birthday. Well, guess what happened? As soon as she returned home, she found out that her roommate filled the entire living space with balloons to commemorate her birthday. She even went to the extent of throwing some ribbons with it. Of course, this was a friendly prank. But, our main protagonist made sure that she would get the last laugh.
When Christmas rolled around, our main protagonist decided to give her roommate a Christmas gift. However, it would be as disastrous as her birthday gift. She bought a ton of Christmas wrappers and covered her roommate’s room to appear as a giant present. She made sure to cover every piece of furniture and the walls. What a merry Christmas!
Not Your Fur Baby
When we say revenge, we usually thought of people. However, it turns out, animals can conduct revenge just like humans. In our story, it appears that our furry friends don’t like to be pushed around. They make sure they will make you feel their dislike whenever you try them. The owner of this car, after parking, kicked a stray dog that was lying on the curb next to it. The dog was not doing anything, so the guy was just being mean. The helpless pup went away, but came back with his friends and trashed the person’s car.
Of course, we are proud of these fur babies. They do not let one man push them and hurt them. However, when you ever encounter this kind of abuse, make sure to report it to your local authority. No fur baby deserves to be hurt. But the man definitely deserves that revenge.
No Need to Explain
As we already mentioned, animals could also be vengeful. It was obvious that Mr. Cat is not having anything today. Before judging, let us learn more about what really happened. Because of his mischievous look, Mr. Cat is showing that cats are actually spawns from hell. He basically does not care.
Mr. Cat was left by his owner at home. In the end, Mr. Cat made a mess. As a form of punishment, he was placed for “away time” in the bathroom. His owners thought this would teach Mr. Cat the lesson of not doing it again. However, it appeared that Mr. Cat would be giving them a lesson. Better not leave him alone.
Did the Grinch Steal Christmas?
We have discussed people stealing food and pumpkins. This time, let us talk about people who steal their neighbor’s Christmas decorations. First, this is risky. Just imagine placing the decorations out on the lawn, your neighbors would immediately know you were the one who stole them. Second, hiding them in your house doesn’t make any more sense as it's basically the same. When our protagonist found the stolen decorations, he knew it was his next-door neighbor who did it. So to make it interesting, our protagonist did something very unexpected.
Instead of speaking with the thief, our protagonist put on his lawn photos from the security camera showing the decorations-thief right in the middle of the act. Well, how about that for a Christmas ornament?
How About We Slash His Tires
Bad drivers are everywhere. They are either drunk or just lousy ones. And, people react differently to bad drivers. Some were nice enough to understand if the situation so provides, but others are not. If there is one thing to learn from her is that bad drivers deserve to be punished. For some, it is not the first time that they hear of someone slashing another person’s tires. It could be because of inconsiderate parking. But if you ask us, this is quite extreme for a petty act.
Our perpetrator here was kind enough to leave a note after doing his deed. It reads, “I slashed your tires, you deserved it because you parked like an ***.” It even appeared that the perpetrator was a rock fan. Funnily, the guy didn’t really slash his tires but left a picture of Slash from the nineties rock band Guns ‘n’ Roses. To be fair, the real punishment present was the panic this person must have felt after reading the note. We believe he had learned his lesson.
Really Sonic?
It has been a common marketing strategy for brands to diss others. It is such a popular strategy that most big brands started doing it. And, Sonic drive-in seems to believe in the power of this marketing strategy. As you can see, we are not sure whether this is revenge against McDonald’s. To be fair, the latter started this rivalry.
However, whatever the case may be, it doesn’t seem like the two fast-food chains care for each other. It appeared that Sonic workers feel the need to belittle their competition just to get traction. As expected, not everyone is on in with this petty rivalry. These workers were then instructed to take down the original sign. Who knows, maybe their next retribution will be against the evil corporation.
Taking It to the Next Level
Petty Neighbors dispute is quite common. However, some disputes could turn into feuds, which will lead to another level of pettiness. Just imagine your neighbor went to this extent out just to mow the lawn in a shape that says “a-hole.” This was big enough to be seen from a Google Maps satellite.
If interested, you can look it up. A particular person residing in Sequim, Washington, mowed his lawn for this purpose just to point this message at a neighbor’s house. Just imagine what kind of feud they had that led one of them to do this hilarious revenge. The effort and time invested here are definitely noteworthy. We hope they were able to settle their differences.
Idk for Dinner Indeed
Our parents, our partners, and our friends cooked for us. Either we love or we hate it, we appreciate the efforts they extend. Usually, they do everything with love and consideration to our preferences. However, sometimes these special cooks also need to ask what we want to serve as the proper dish. So, it is understandable why they hate the answer “I don’t know” or “IDK.” It would be nice for us if we just tell them what we want. It is not something too hard to ask, right?
However, this mother is done with her children’s IDK. She took this opportunity to get back to his children. Having done with all the recipes in her cookbook, she served something her kids unexpectedly did not expect. This mother served a big, juicy plate of “I don’t know” for dinner. As much as we wanted to laugh out loud, we need to agree that I think this mother deserves a medal. Not because of her ingenious creativity, but for her simple act of petty revenge.
I Wish You Good Luck
Mat had waited for a year before he could execute his plan against his wrapper. It appeared that his brother wrapped his Christmas present in duct tape as a prank. This time, a year after it all happened, Matt covered his brother’s Christmas present in concrete. Of course, being a considerate brother, he provided him a hammer. It appeared that you reap what you sow.
Mat made sure to film his brother and sister trying to unwrap the present (or break the concrete). Sadly, neither of them succeeded. Of course, we are dying to know what the present is! Maybe the real punishment here is not breaking the cement, but rather not knowing the gift.
Ryan Reynolds Is My New Boyfriend
Break-ups could be nasty or civil, you choose one. So when Gabi broke up with her then-boyfriend, she knew what she needs to do, use Ryan Reynolds. We know that actor Ryan Reynolds is married, however, it does not mean he cannot be used to get over your ex-boyfriend. Gabi and her boyfriend broke up a few days after prom. She does not want to ruin the happy memory of that day (at the same time discard her amazing prom photos) she went to do something special. She switched her then-boyfriend with Ryan Reynolds.
As you can see, the photos were not that bad. Good for Gabi to just salvage her amazing photos instead of burning them. Now, every time she would look at it, she would have a good laugh and a hearty memory of a sour break-up.
Hey, You Dropped Something
Regardless if you like cleaning or not, we can agree that littering is one of the worst crimes against our environment and to our community. Sadly, this problem became more common with people having a blatant disregard for everything. However, some heroes are doing something with it. Their parts are small, but they keep mother earth a little bit happier through small steps at a time. Hopefully, their moves will bring a change to our society.
One person noticed his neighbor was constantly littering along the sidewalk. After finishing his cigarette, he would casually throw the buds anywhere. Our hero took one step and decided to do something about it. He circled the block and picked all the cigarette buds he could find. Instead of throwing the buds in the trash, he returned them to his neighbor, hopefully, to give him something to think about.
That Person at the Gym
If you have been in a gym, then you probably have an idea about that one person who can’t stop flexing in front of the mirror. Then, there is that one person who cannot stop taking selfies. Sometimes you wonder if this is the first time they have seen a mirror in their lives. You may have availed of a gym membership to be in shape, but you ended up encountering these familiar types of people. Well, just like in the case of Clarence and Paul. It seemed that these two were fighting over this mirror.
Apparently, these two regulars have caused some inconvenience with their commotion. It is okay if it happened once, but it was not. The gym owner had enough so he placed this sign up. Surely, both men would shy away from this mirror. The owner did not have to try hard. What he just needed to do was describe their ridiculous behavior. Hopefully, it will work for the longest time.
The Neighbor's Lawn
It is a common custom to treat our neighbors with the utmost friendliness. It is very convenient since it cost nothing and can be beneficial in our time of need. It may sound rude, but a conflict between neighbors is not rare. It could be anything petty under the sun, and it could surge into something worse.
This person has been plaguing his neighbor with endless complaints about the unsightly lawn he sees every morning, demanding for his neighbor to mow his wild grass. It took a while, but his neighbor has had enough and decided to mow his lawn. To payback, he made sure to leave a message to share his neighbor a piece of his mind, not giving up with one lasting hurrah!
Payback in the Parking Lot
Whether the fact that an act of seemingly childish revenge that took hours and a surprising amount of hard work to complete is worth it, that is up for debate. However, we can confidently say that whoever did this has been undeniably and extremely mad at the owner of the car to go at these extreme lengths.
This shopper parked his car in the middle of the lot, uncaringly blocking incoming cars in and out of the area. Annoyed, an onlooker decided to reciprocate the shopper's action sparkled with his version of creativity by surrounding the car with shopping cars. After all the effort poured into this comeback, it will be a waste if he had not stayed to see a priceless reaction.
Good Luck on Your Next Try
On his upcoming birthday, this man has expected a lovely gift from his girlfriend, and sadly, that is where he is not entirely wrong. A few days before his birthday, his girlfriend finds out about his cheating activities by accidentally stumbling on his various chats with different women. She did not immediately ravage him with remarks, and instead, waited for the perfect time to reveal her discovery.
As a surprise for his birthday, she printed out all his chats with his various women and wrapped them in a convincing birthday present. It's all up to our imagination what his face would have looked like the moment he opened his gift with these things welcoming him. It probably took him a while to process what he got himself into.
It Is All About the Car
Cars are important assets to many people, and some guys care so much about those. Just like this woman, she definitely hit the spot on her payback to her husband, rather ex-husband about him cheating on her. She trashed his car and spray-painted its exterior with a shameful message of his unfaithfulness. Whether he will be abandoning his car or still be using it despite the paint, it seems they are the only options he has at that moment.
It was a creative way for her to let her husband know that they are done with one another. Not too messy and not too malicious of a break-up, just the right amount to settle things straight. Every woman has a way or two to deal troubles with their partner on their own, and it seems cars have been the recurring theme.
Bed of Corn = Cornbread
We all have experienced living together with an annoying roommate, and we deal with it differently. Possibly one of the easiest and funniest ways, semi-effective too, is to pull a creative pun prank on them. This guy's roommate makes their living space smells like noodles and wanted to get back at him with a random idea popping up. Funnily, he decided to cover his bed with cornbread, thus turning it into cornbread.
It truly is a stunning act of revenge yet admittingly witty. Still, he was kind enough to use nylon to protect the bedsheets from ruination. We just hope that his roommate would be enjoying the cornbreads for the days to come, and if not, it is such as waste to see the food go straight to the garbage can.
Not Made With Love
This is how it looks like when you still love your partner despite a fight from a day or two ago. It is normal to remain upset after a lover's quarrel, but this girl remained obligated to make her boyfriend's lunch, which she does daily, despite their fight. What she did is not much of full-blown revenge, but she did let him know her displeasure about it.
The note she made will probably make him feel bad, and that is effective revenge behind this kind of sweet action, but perhaps, there is no revenge in it at all. She simply let her feelings reach out to her boyfriend. In the end, it is a fight they need to resolve with a long conversation of who knows how long.
You Can't Catch Me
The food thief has once again dominated the office's fridge, and this time, he had more surprises to come! This person is fed up with people in their office, stealing his food without permission. As his final resolution, he put up a polite note asking for whoever eats his food to just stop. It did not go as he would have liked, and the food thief grew more competitive in his acts.
It is an unfortunate truth that a kind note cannot stop people from stealing your belongings, a bitter pill that you have to do better than a notice. It is not optimistic advice, but what can you do in office life. This time, the food thief had gained the last laugh, leaving a conflicting message - "you'll never catch me."
Cart Block
This revenge is not as extreme as others and considered even childish and petty, but it has its reason behind it. When certain someone has the guts to park their cars in unauthorized spots that will bother others, it may make your blood boil and do something worse that you may regret later on. You never know who you are dealing with, and it never ends on the good side. Starting with small acts of revenge can be sufficient enough to send a proper message, letting them know of their rudeness in public spaces.
As to this case, this person placed shopping carts around the anonymous car. Technically, he did not do any harm towards the car and simply sent a message. It will bring inconvenience to the owner to move them around while reflecting on his actions.
Want Some Sandwich?
In the photo is the youngest woman to ever accomplish the polar hat-trick track - crossing the cold planes of the North Pole, the Greenland ice sheet, and the South Pole on skis. Jade Hameister is a record-breaker at age 14 and delivered her inspiring Ted talk about all her accomplishments through her adventurous expeditions. Unfortunately, some people gave her discouraging comments.
Several men commented on her Ted Talk, saying, "make me a sandwich," further explaining that women should belong in the kitchen. Hameister, in return, made a long journey going back to the North Pole for her revenge. She published a message saying her purpose of traveling back there and to prove herself. She said, "to take this photo for all those men who commented, 'Make me a sandwich on my Ted Talk. I made you a sandwich (ham&cheese), now ski 37 days and 600 km to the South Pole and you can eat it." Such a daring and impactful comeback it is!
Tip for Bad Service
Tipping waiters is a saving grace for them as it adds value to their income and, sadly, the only salary they have sometimes. However, when the service is extremely awful, it does not occur to us to leave a tip since we find no point in tipping such horrible services. In this case, this group of people experienced an unpleasant service while they are in the pub. Debating whether they would leave a generous tip or not, they come up with a creative and genius solution.
In the end, they left a tip but made sure that the waiter received the message about his bad service. Cleverly, they inserted the money in a shot glass filled with water, and if the waiter wants the soaking wet bills, he has to do it while creating any mess. You can say what you want, be it an act of revenge or not, it was a kind way to let a person reflect on their actions.
Sibling's Affection
Siblings have their strange way of showing their love for each other, and no matter how many petty fights they have, they will support each other's back in the end. Maybe that is why they tend to tease one another since they know that it is out of love, and no hard feelings are involved that will tear them apart as a family.
In this case, a brother and sister have an interesting way of getting one another on their toes. The sister insisted on stopping his brother from playing video games and instead help her do chores to clean the house. When her brother refused, she immediately jumped to action and started disposing of his video games into their pet snake's cage, knowing that her brother is secretly scared of the snake. It is a devious yet clever move to keep her brother doing the house chores with her.
There Goes Your Parking Space
Is it so hard for some people to properly park their cars in between of those two visible lines? It is especially infuriating when you know that this person is just being inconsiderate and selfish. Truthfully, it can only take a few minutes to get the parking right in these parking spaces, and you can also do it slowly with no harm done. Sadly, these people do not even dare the bother because they just do not care.
Tired to keep seeing many cases like this one, this woman initiated an action to say something about this. It is a small act of rebellion against people who does this and probably do not have much of an impact, but we salute her for her bravery. She called out all these uncaring drivers and stood up for the rest, which is affected.
Do You Love Loud Music?
At least once or twice in our lives, we have encountered a few annoying people next door. We have our ways of dealing with it, especially when we find it very irritating and loud. You can try the good-old friendly conversation to deal with their loudness, maybe call the police for extreme measures, or pay them back with the same treatment. Failing the first two options, this man dropped the kind facade and finally decided an eye for an eye action.
To convey the same annoyance he felt, he bought his son a set of drums and, funnily, a horn. He let his son have the time of his life playing the instruments with all his strength. By then, he let his neighbors taste their own bitter medicine. Hopefully, with this, they would keep their music down next time.
The Teacher’s Favorite
There is no year in every class where the entire class can rely on this one student to give out notes. That student is always present every day in school, taking down detailed notes in all subjects. In the beginning, he does not mind sharing his hard work, but time can only tell when his patient snaps with all the excessive approaches.
As the student providing the entire class notes they may have missed or not have taken note of, it may mean control over them for good reasons or not, or maybe, he can share his discontentment about the way they constantly ask him for favors and dependence on him. In the end, the student chose the latter option.
Made Sure to Proofread
Proofreading is essential anyone should know. Either you are a student or a professional, you know your grammar could make or break your outputs. However, it does not mean that proofreading is reserved for outputs or work only. It appears that writing a letter to your ex-girlfriend, proofreading is important. In this story, we have no idea why they broke up, but there is definitely a good reason for it. We can guess that the girl does not need more reason to be disturbed by her ex. She was already mad about what happened. So, it seemed like giving her a letter full of mistakes will not make anything better.
This also showed that the girl made the right decision when she broke up, as the guy probably doesn’t know his girlfriend too well. Sending his ex-girlfriend an apology letter full of mistakes is such a wrong move. After giving the letter a chance by reading it thoroughly, the girl finally graded her ex-boyfriend’s paper D-. She made sure to let him know there’s a lot to work on his grammar, just like in their relationship.
Display of Shame
The act of stealing has depreciated as a crime, but whether you still from local stores not, it is still a crime and against legal rules, and punishment must settle on the criminal. In this small town, the townsfolk decided on a punishment for those who steal. They are to walk around town and hold a sign reading, "I am a thief."
Several may say it is a tad too much, but they do have it easy rather than being imprisoned. The people in this town practically know one another; thus, the real punishment is the shame of holding the sign in an area where everyone knows your identity.
How to Deal With a Cheater
There are unfortunate times where we end up having a cheating partner. So, how do we deal with them? First, everyone has their own methods. By now, you have an idea that there are easy and creative ways to get your petty revenge against a cheating partner. So in our story, the man left his Facebook page open on their computer. His girlfriend of two years stumbled upon a conversation revealing he was cheating on her. You can clearly imagine how devastated she was.
Of course, it was no brainer when she broke up with him. However, she made sure she will be leaving the relationship with a bang. The girlfriend threw away all his stuff from their apartment. Why you may ask. Well, this is to send him on a wild goose chase around town to find for his personal belongings. This includes his precious video games and all his clothes. We don’t sense pity here.
Giving the New Glow
Pranks are not new between siblings. Siblings seem tempted to tease one another in any circumstances, knowing that the same treatment may come biting them later on. Still, siblings are family under the same roof, and they know one another better than outsiders and always relying on each other. No matter what, siblings still do pull silly pranks on themselves, mostly out of love and fun.
In this case, it's up to you whether the crime deserves this punishment or not. To further explain, her brother used her personal toothbrush to clean up his shoes. So to get back to him, she decided to bring back the missing glow of his cleaned shoes by giving it a rosy glow up using her powder makeup. We can say that it shook his brother to the core to see the revenge he knew was to come. Ah, truly the classic prank war between siblings.
Over the Line
Previously, we have seen many complaints about drivers and their poor parking skills, thus establishing that this is a sensitive issue for many drivers. Looking for an empty parking slot is frustrating enough, so when seeing the perfect spot for your car parked over the lines by some insensible drivers, it is good enough to make you explode and demand action.
This person has not taken the extremist path to take revenge against the driver. Instead, he chose a more subtle and effective method to tell the guy off. He made a note telling us that the driver is horrible with his parking and needs more practice on staying within the line. It is not as bad as many wanted, but it effectively made its message across to the recipient.
Bye-Bye Netflix
Netflix is a gift for many people when you needed it. The account can be shared among four people, so the chance is that only one is paying for the fee. Netflix account is shared with our close friends, families, and relatives, and even partners. However, between partners, it would be quite awkward if you had a breakup, especially bad ones, and the unwritten rule seems appliable in this sort of situation.
It can be uncomfortable to ask your ex to stop using your Netflix account, no matter how reasonable the request can be. Also, there are cases when you just wanted to cut ties with the other party and never talk to them. So to avoid having contact with her ex-boyfriend, this woman decided to cut him off from the account at the worst possible timing in his binge-watching. It may seem petty, but that is how things can be at some time.
My Side of the Bed
It is not a strange thing to say that women take much longer to prepare themselves before work. Their morning routine can be a bit more longer than that of a man. For this couple, a routine has already been established: the woman wakes up earlier and noisily prepares for work before leaving her partner to make the bed.
This went on until the man decided that he had enough being the housemaid. At that point on, he is deadset in only making his side of the bed. It is childish, but in the end, chores are the shared responsibility of a couple. It is not the typical revenge we are familiar with, but surely, he feels satisfied with himself all this time.
You Want Tacos, Ha?
We mentioned them multiple times. Food thieves are just a pain to catch up with. They usually lurk around offices and steal food from their office mates. Although if you have an idea who the food thief is, it is quite challenging to confront them. However, it does not mean we do not have any alternatives available.
For our protagonist, he had enough food thieves. So, he decided to take things into his own hand. He decided to feed the food thief with cat food! He made sure to disguise it like a taco. Surely an irresistible bait! We would like to see how he reacted once he discovered he just ate cat food.
“Goodbye” Matching Tattoos
Tattoos are also a way to accomplish your petty revenge. So, are you one of those couples who have matching tattoos? What did you do after you found out he was cheating on you? Besides dumping him, there is another important thing you need to do. Without a second thought, have that matching tattoo say goodbye! Do not let your unfaithful partner fool you. Make sure to erase the memories you had with starting with that cringe tatts.
However, our protagonist here made something extraordinary. She did exactly the opposite of what we mentioned. After discovering her partner’s infidelity, she did not immediately break up. Instead, she invited him for a matching tattoo. After then, she told him of his infidelity. She broke up with him and left. This is probably one of the strangest revenge, but powerful revenge on the list.
Discovering Payback Time
People who experienced divorce would personally understand the painstaking process of such. It also takes to your physical and emotional limits. The difficulty of divorce proceedings differs on the factors available in each case. There is a lot to consider such as emotional turbulence and financial discussion.
After divorce, it is highly encouraged to maintain a good relationship. However, this is easier said than done. In this story, this couple clearly ended their marriage on not the best of terms. When this man had to send alimony to his ex-wife, he was not going to do it until he had the final word in their divorce. Petty as it may seem, he asked that his checks be printed with photos of him with his new wife, with the writing, “Never been happier!! I love my wife!!” These checks were all sent to his ex-wife. Was it tasteful? It’s up to you to judge.
When Your Wife Is Serious
For a married couple, also for partners living together, snoring can be a pet peeve. However, when we get used to each other, it is just something we can get used to. However, some people understand that it may be a problem and seek medical help. However, this man did not take his wife seriously when she started complaining about his snoring. Instead, he let his wife suffer the consequences. It appeared the wife told her husband multiple times, but he merely shrugged it off.
Knowing that this needs to stop, the wife informed the man that she will record his snoring and put it on Spotify. It appears she wanted to share her suffering with the rest of the world. Not taking it seriously, he laughed at her silly idea. But as we all know by now, it turns out she was serious. And he learned a valuable lesson not to mess with his wife. The man is finding ways to stop his snoring.
Unconditional Sibling Hate
For people who were raised with siblings, they understand the love-hate relationship happening here. Although they have endless and unconditional love for each other, siblings also tend to get quite ‘spiteful’ with each other, as this photo shows. The brother in this story felt getting petty after his sister took his $20 without asking. So, what’s his best revenge available? Well, it is to pull a prank on his sister to teach her a lesson. Unlike other petty acts of revenge, these pranks are always harmless. However, it is just annoying enough. Who knows, maybe she might learn the lesson with this act.
In this story, the brother knew his sister’s weak spots: one of which is her biology project. Of course, it did not take long for the brother to devise a plan, a small but rather smart petty revenge. We can just imagine the horror on the sister’s face when she finds out that her project was hidden somewhere in these folders. We hope she was not late in submitting it.