When it comes to wedding planning, there are many details to consider, from the location to the cake. Some may even argue that the cake is the most important component. Unfortunately, not all wedding cakes live up to the expectations of the couples who order them. Ranging from ones that looked like toilet paper to ones that looked like they were made by a small child, these couples should've asked for a refund. Let's take a look at these outlandish wedding cakes that stole the show.
When The Beach Vibes Went Wrong
It appears that you did not receive what you had ordered in this instance. As a result of this, we have no idea where to even start. When you learn more about history, it makes the situation seem even more hopeless. It's possible that the cake was the only thing that could have helped the woman salvage everything else she had planned. The baker winds up being responsible for it all in the end.
Because the couple was having their destination wedding in Mexico, the bride expressed a strong desire to have a sandcastle-themed cake. She divulged to the baker her passion for building sandcastles. It required three levels because the sandcastle was on the highest level. She mentioned that she enjoys building sandcastles, but it appears that the baker did not understand what she was saying.
A Big Jenga Fan
How many of us take pleasure in a game of Jenga? In case you aren't familiar with it, here is a quick explanation. In the game of Jenga, there are 54 blocks stacked on top of one another, and players take turns removing one block at a time from the stack. You must have seen other people making use of it.
It would appear that the happy couple is a huge fan of the game Jenga, or that the baker enjoys playing the game. There is also the possibility that the cake was assembled in a sloppy manner. How do they plan to categorize this information? Will it be like a game of Jenga where they have to take out one piece of the wedding cake at a time? Oops.
Monday's Are Tough In Every Industry
Why do we have the impression that the guests who ate this cake might not remember either that they ate it or that they were even present at a wedding ceremony? A message can be conveyed with a cake that features "weeding" on the top and is designed in the colors of green leaves (if you know what we mean).
Either you're thinking precisely what we are, or the baker made a significant mistake here. One of the two. It appears as though this was a last-minute, rushed job that was completed on the morning of the wedding. Or, it's possible that the couple stopped at a convenience store on the way to the wedding and picked it up there.
Waiting for the Thrust
There was a "weeding" cake that we saw earlier, and now here is another one that emphasizes the significance of correct spelling. If you don't want to find yourself on a list like this one, you need to make sure that you spell things correctly. Baking skills are, of course, the most important thing to have when it comes to baking cakes.
We are willing to let this one slide because we are certain that the blunder caused a great deal of laughter among the guests at the wedding. Nevertheless, we can't help but speculate about their motives and whether or not they did this on purpose. The confusion of trust and thrust is not a common mistake, despite the fact that the two words appear and sound very similar to one another.
Tough Choice, Zombie Apocalypse or Mr. And Mrs. Smith
It's safe to say that this was a delicious cake (wink). There is no doubt that this couple enjoys watching zombie movies and shows on television. Some people watch horror films so frequently that they begin to picture the events depicted in the films actually taking place. For instance, if a zombie apocalypse were to strike, and you were trapped inside a shopping mall.
Have you ever considered the possibility that it could take place? We have no doubt that the couple has entertained the idea in their minds on more than one occasion. It was to such an extent that they requested that their baker produce a cake in a similar style. This cake is out of this world. However, not every guest will be interested in seeing blood and gore at the party.
Oops! Here Comes The Cake
Imagination being what it is, have you ever given any thought to what might happen if someone were to accidentally knock over and smash a wedding cake? Although it is somewhat of a cynical thought, we are positive that a lot of people have given it some consideration. In spite of everyone's best efforts, it ended up happening to this adorable couple.
Just as the groom and bride were about to cut the cake, the bride accidentally knocked it over, and everything went flying. The bride and groom can still say that they looked good in spite of the disaster that occurred. Due to the fact that the upper part was never adequately fastened to the lower one, this accident was unavoidable.
Termite Hill Undercover
What an awful thing! What is the nature of this abomination? Who is responsible for making this wedding cake? It is very unattractive, and we are concerned about how it will form. It appears as though insects of some kind are about to emerge from it at any moment now. During the wedding reception, we have no doubt that the guests will exercise caution around it.
Who here remembers making "cakes" out of Play-Doh as a kid? This looks similar. Do you believe that they entrusted the baking of this item to an experienced baker? We have serious doubts about that. Not only does the cake give the impression of being poorly baked, but it also contains an excessive number of colors that are not found in nature.
Following Instructions Literally
When instructing others, it is critical to communicate in the most straightforward manner possible. However, despite your best efforts, there will always be those who fail to grasp what you mean. It never ceases to amaze me how easily people can be thrown off when you tell them what you want to be written on your cake. We've seen a lot of different instances of it taking place.
Maybe we can even add another list devoted to it to our repertoire. For the time being, let's discuss this particular topic. Who is to blame in this situation? Who was it that said the baker lacked common sense? Or the couple for not being explicit enough in their explanation? In the end, we'll probably just chalk this whole thing up to a misunderstanding of the communication.
Happily Ever After
We have a lot of time to come up with imaginative designs for the cakes. It's possible that this isn't the most creative cake in the world, but the way it's been put together is brilliant and hilarious. Those "love boxers" on the bed are fantastic, and we adore them. It would appear that they had a great time while they were there.
Even the bride appears to be inebriated as she holds what appears to be a bottle of champagne. The baker clearly put in a lot of effort into creating the cake, as evidenced by the miniature bottles that decorate it. We are curious as to whether the couple came up with this idea themselves or whether the baker was just trying to show off.
Only Love And Rainbows
One of the most famous riddles in the world is "What's at the end of a rainbow?" (Question: "What's at the end of a rainbow?"). (It begins with the letter 'W.') On the other hand, we think that this cake could be the answer to the mystery that has been plaguing us. It was a response that we had absolutely no idea how to anticipate at all.
The person who was responsible for creating this thing (which you could either call a masterpiece or a monstrosity) attempted to incorporate all of the colors of the rainbow into the wedding cake. Sincerely, it appears that they were successful. On the other hand, it has absolutely no resemblance to the kind of thing that we would pick for our wedding.
Engagement Cake - Lovin’ It
The pandemic itself was bizarre, but in addition to that, many other strange things took place. Although we won't go so far as to call a romantic union odd, the couple's selection of cake does make one wonder how they came to be together. The couple secretly wed in the middle of the quarantine and celebrated their big day with a wedding cake in the shape of a hamburger.
We are aware that it was a cake, but we are curious about the flavor of the confection. Strangely, we just can't seem to get the aroma and flavor of hamburgers out of our heads. To put it simply, it's an awesome cake. It did not in any way take away from the attention that was being paid to the couple, but it is still an odd choice for the design of the cake.
Destined To Be, Or Not?
When it comes to matters pertaining to romantic partnerships, many people seek reassurance from the heavens above. There is no way for us to know for certain whether or not this was one of them. This cake that was supposed to be for the groom was a total and utter disaster on many different levels. The cake on the left represents their ideal choice, while the cake on the right represents the one they were given.
It was a textbook example of "what I ordered versus what I got." I was very disappointed. What on earth are you thinking by wanting such a cake? Did it occur to you that the groom reminds you of a law enforcement official from the 19th century? We can pretty much guarantee that they had a great time laughing, and that's got to count for something, right?
Till The End Of Time
When deciding on the design of your cake, it is essential to seek the assistance of an experienced baker. On such an important day, this will prevent you from experiencing any discomfort or embarrassment. This happy couple really wanted a stunning cake for their wedding, but the bride ended up looking more like a pregnant sumo wrestler. How could the baker have made such a mistake?
We have already witnessed some excellent bakers, but this is unbelievable. Strangely, the one on the right appears to be more difficult to construct. It looks more like a cake that would be served at Halloween than a wedding cake. It is very frightening, and we won't be surprised in the least if it caused the bride to lose some sleep over it.
Stay Out Of The Trophy Hunting Wedding Cake
Sometimes, you have to question some cake designs. Not because of the baker's expertise but because of the concept that inspired the cake. In most cases, the atmosphere of the wedding is reflected in the cake that is served at the reception. [Cake] However, a cake in the shape of a trophy is not exactly what one would anticipate seeing at such an event.
For the main event of a couple's wedding, a bakery in East Earl, Pennsylvania, for instance, fashioned a deer-shaped cake that was larger than life. It looks great, doesn't it? That sculpting and decorating of the cake is incredible. You have to give credit to the baker for their skill, despite the fact that the cake might be considered "unconventional" and more appropriate for a "stag party."
At the beginning of the pandemic, everyone was stockpiling toilet paper in the mistaken belief that it would be all they would ever require. It would appear that a couple thought the idea was so interesting that they decided to incorporate it into their wedding cake. Who knows, maybe during the recent outbreak of the coronavirus...
This couple was one of the pioneers in the practice of stockpiling toilet paper. When they ran out of toilet paper, perhaps they solicited donations from members of their family and social circle. We will never know the answer. There is nothing that can be done to improve the way the cake is made. It just seems like an odd selection for a cake to serve at your wedding.
Travesty At It's Finest
Again, it is highly recommended that you hire a skilled baker if you intend to select an intricate design for the wedding cake that you will be serving to your guests. But what if you do find one and you still end up with this hideous thing? Imagine ordering a cake with a peacock theme and paying $300 for it, only to receive a fancy chicken instead.
It's possible that something like this could give someone nightmares. It seems as though the second bird came dangerously close to falling off the cake. We really would prefer not to have cake at the wedding in order to avoid having to display this abominable thing. Be wary of phonies who pose as skilled cake decorators because they are a common occurrence in the industry.
Not a Gold Cake After All
Someone shared this photo of a cake served at their sister's wedding. It would appear that the intended designation was "gold." We can't help but feel sorry for the bride as well as her younger sister or brother. When the cake arrived, we can't even begin to fathom what she must have been going through inside.
What kind of abomination is this that the baker would even bring to the reception? Is this an adverse reaction to the ingredients that are golden in color, or did someone throw up on it? Even if the cake had a fantastic flavor, just looking at the color was enough to turn anyone off. Even if we tried to eat it, we probably wouldn't even bother.
Long Throat Is The New Thing
There are some wedding cakes that the couple gets to see before the big day. This couple received no response from the baker after they asked for a photo of the cake topper to be sent to them. They were concerned, but on the day of their wedding, when this abomination was delivered, they quickly realized why they should have been.
This wedding cake made the bride appear to be an extraterrestrial being, despite the fact that we are confident that the bride is stunning in the real world. It is the height of dread! Unforgivable! We can't help but wonder if the baker was the bridegroom's ex-girlfriend. It appears as though he sprinkled holy water on his new bride.
Do I Really Look Like That
It stands to reason that certain cakes would be more challenging to prepare than others. However, we anticipate that the baker will turn down a job that is beyond their capabilities. It's one of those tough jobs, but making a cake the size of a bride isn't even in the same league as the face and the neck. The neck of a human being does not look like that at all.
We are perplexed as to why anybody, in the first place, would want such a cake. Have they given this any serious thought at all? Because it is inconceivable that we would allow our guests to hack the bride to pieces on her wedding day and then consume her remains. From every vantage point, this appears to be a significant error.
Not The Best Start
Imagine that on the first day of the rest of your life, you are presented with something similar to this. What would you do if the baker presented you with such a cake on what is arguably the most important day of your life? This individual had already entertained fantasies about having the cake on the left, which they desired.
Their hopes and dreams were shattered when it turned out that it was not meant to be. In spite of the fact that they paid a reasonable $135 for the cake, all they received was the mess on the right. And just in case you were wondering, those pieces in the middle are cardboard! What an abomination of a cake to have on someone's special day!
Caste Tower In An Attempt
Earlier, we had a look at a mushroom cake that had a very different appearance from what the bride had envisioned. Even though the cake appeared to be something else, we decided to err on the side of caution anyway. We are able to say without a shadow of a doubt that this cake resembles an igloo; however, we are all aware of what it actually resembles.
The image on the left was the one the bride had in her head for the wedding. She envisioned her fairytale wedding, complete with a tower straight out of a castle. She was out of luck because the baker had other things in mind. On the day of her wedding, we can't even begin to fathom the look of sheer horror on her face when she saw this delivered.
Never Even Think Of Trying Something Like This
On this list, we've seen some terrible cakes that were obviously made by unqualified bakers, but this is something entirely different. It's more consistent with the work of someone who didn't even bother trying. We feel bad because the baker obviously didn't make any effort to make the cake, especially considering that the couple paid for the cake.
After receiving this disagreeable mass of frosting, they were, thankfully, entitled to a full refund. That is the epitome of laziness, considering how straightforward the preparation of the cake on the left appears to be. Even the selection of colors is inappropriate. Who is responsible for this so that we won't give them any more work?
You Are Not Allowed To Do That
This paragraph does not intend to discourage anyone from being creative with their wedding cakes. But have you noticed that the couples who make an effort to be creative are the ones who wind up on the wrong side of the argument? Since we always try to find the silver lining in any situation, it's likely that the couple was joking around with each other about this.
Therefore, it is highly likely that they selected this wedding cake on purpose. On the other hand, this might make many people feel uncomfortable for a variety of reasons. The first possible interpretation is that the groom is more interested in video games than the guests are. The fact that the woman is forcing him into the marriage is reminiscent of abusive behavior in a marital relationship.
That's All For Me
The cake design that you have chosen for the wedding is absolutely incredible. Why did they go with this option? The fact that the bride and groom shared a laugh over the design of the cake is the only explanation that makes sense for why it was used as a wedding cake. In addition, we are interested in hearing the whole backstory.
It's possible that it has something to do with when the two of them first met. We are having trouble imagining what kind of first meeting this could be, but we absolutely have to acknowledge the level of craftsmanship that went into making this cake. This is a breath of fresh air on a list where we've seen terrible ideas with even worse execution, so thank goodness for this.
It's All About The Details
This is a horrible thing! The baker had the impression that preparing this cake wouldn't be difficult at all. It is unknown to us how it appeared before it was destroyed, but the two structures do not appear to be related. Even if it were, there is absolutely no way that this would be appropriate for a wedding!
In order to deliver the cake to the location, the baker logged an hour and a half of driving time. It is likely that the damage was done during that time period. We would be so ashamed that we couldn't even risk dropping the cake. Because of this unfortunate beginning, I can only hope that the rest of the wedding went off without a hitch.
Who's For Rice Krispy Treats?
Who among us wouldn't fall head over heels for a wedding cake that was adorned with Rice Krispy treats and fruit flowers? The flowers are particularly remarkable and intricate in their design. This is without a doubt one of the best cakes, especially when we consider the number of couples we've seen spend hundreds of dollars on wedding cakes and end up with something that's not up to par with their expectations.
Rice Krispies are not only inexpensive but also universally loved by all. But let's not sugarcoat the issue: this is not anyone's first choice when it comes to wedding cake. There must be a story that goes back further than what we know about this. Or is it possible that the price is the only factor? We have a feeling that we will never find out.
Philosophical Questions Or Something Else
Will there ever come a time when bakers no longer make spelling mistakes? As the number of possibilities increases, the likelihood of it happening decreases. One piece of advice that we have is that if you work in the industry of cake decorating or baking, you should always write down the message that you intend to convey first. Your top priority should absolutely be giving attention to this matter.
It is very likely that it will prevent an embarrassing situation for both you and the couple. In point of fact, you were supposed to spell "wiser wedding" with this. It appears that there was a serious breakdown in communication, which is very unfortunate. If the baker had written "their," the situation could have been even more dire. Because some weddings can be awkward at times, this is an excellent way to break the ice.
What Do Expired Tires Look Like?
There are a number of warning signs that indicate it is time to replace the tires on your vehicle. Although there have been reports of the sides turning brown on occasion, this is not the most common explanation. But we have to say that the fact that you even want this kind of wedding cake in the first place leaves a lot of room for things to go wrong.
Why did they go with such a peculiar layout? Is it a reference to the couple's first encounter with one another? Simply looking at the cake gives us the impression that it has a rubbery texture, even though we haven't yet eaten it. These cake tires are not at all like real tires in any way, shape, or form. The baker is required to provide an explanation for their actions.
Are We The Only Ones That Can See This?
We really wish that engaged couples would keep in mind that their friends and family will also be enjoying their wedding cakes. It will probably make many questionable ideas sound less plausible. We are aware that many individuals have a fixation on muck and automobiles. It is incredible how much creativity and dedication went into making this cake, especially considering how poorly it has been executed up to this point.
However, we have the same question as a large number of people who are reading this and who are attending the wedding. Where can I find the cherry on top of the cake? Is the truck excavating a cemetery for some reason? If you look at it for a longer period of time, you might notice something new that makes you want to throw up.
When The Cake Is Untouched, There Is Something Wrong
We guess that this is one way to ensure that no one else will eat your wedding cake and that you will have it all to yourselves along with your new spouse on your special day. There are edible sugar oysters atop this wedding cake, but no one seems to care about that detail. It seems disgusting.
To tell you the truth, we won't lie and deny the fact that making sugar oysters takes some degree of expertise. It's almost as if the bride and groom were thinking, "Out of all the oysters, I found my pearl," or something similar. It's a really sweet concept for a wedding cake, but as we've seen time and again, conception and realization are two entirely different things.
Only For The True Fans
Some wedding cakes take their inspiration from a hobby or interest that both the bride and groom share. For instance, earlier we saw the wedding cake that was themed after the zombie apocalypse. If you are a fan of Star Wars, this wedding cake will definitely impress your guests. There are those who will argue that it is an easy task to make a wedding cake.
However, we are confident that this would be an excellent addition to a party with a Star Wars theme. You could say that it was the perfect cake for a movie night that somehow made its way into a wedding reception. It is my sincere hope that the majority of the guests at the wedding ceremony had at least seen some of the Star Wars films.
The Results Of A Bad Day At Work
Who knew that it was even possible for cakes to have a glum expression? Cakes are supposed to brighten your mood, not bring you down. First, the newlywed couple placed an order for a cake with pink, white, and black stripes. Instead, they were presented with a cake that was striped with black, white, and blue. And it doesn't even end there.
As can be seen, the stripes are not aligned properly! We are unable to determine who is responsible for this mess; however, whoever it was should not be allowed to bake or sell any more cakes! How are you able to so flagrantly disregard the instructions that have been given? Because of how poorly the plan was carried out, we can say with absolute certainty that they do not have color blindness.
Keep On Trucking!
This wedding cake is actually pretty cool. It goes without saying that some people will be skeptical of the idea and perhaps the execution, but this is still a unique wedding cake. We're certain that the couple is the only ones who are aware of the story that must be involved. We desire to know it.
Did the couple first interact with one another at a truck rally? Or did they flee from the bride's parents, who opposed the marriage and did not want it to take place? There is no evidence to suggest that. However, the baking of this cake was done very skillfully. Because there is absolutely no justifiable reason not to adore it, it single-handedly commandeered all of the attention at the wedding.
A Rare One, Please
This entire list is filled with uncommon wedding cakes, but this particular cake takes the concept of "uncommon" to an entirely new level. This particular cake was specifically requested by the groom. The first thing that came to our minds was, "Who would want a wedding cake that looks like a pair of human lungs?"
The couple was given a rare T-bone steak cake, which we certainly hope they enjoyed. It's possible that the groom requested a large steak, to which the bride replied, "NOOO, I just want a cake." They were able to come to an agreement in the end. And as a result of those shared values and beliefs, this happened.
Making A Wrong Ending
The creation of this wedding cake must have required a significant amount of time and effort. It has a cool appearance, but we can't deny that it's also a little strange, especially when you take into account the fact that this is supposed to be a wedding cake. We have a great deal of admiration for the donkey's face.
The baker poured their entire being into the process of making it. However, we can't help but wonder why the wife has such a striking resemblance to Fiona. Shouldn't the dragon have the honor? That would have been a very cool thing to do, but we guess that turning the bride into a fiery creature wouldn't have gotten the wedding reception off to a very good start.
A True Lover Cake
Different things serve as a source of motivation for people when designing their wedding cakes. Already, we have witnessed a number of peculiar ideas that may point to the fact that the couple has a common interest. One more illustration of what can occur when a couple adores something to the point that they want to incorporate it into their wedding cake is provided here.
Although we are aware of the couple's love for sushi, we believe this is a bit excessive. What they discovered was "I believe that room temperature sushi is best. Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong with that." Sushi has such a short shelf life that it may easily spoil before being consumed. We can only hope that when they finally got around to eating it, it still tasted and felt fresh.