Back in January 2009, Nadya Suleman made the news by giving birth to a whopping eight babies all at once. The pregnancy broke many records and caused some controversy over the methods used to get Nadya pregnant in the first place. Even her doctor came under fire and ended up having his license revoked in 2011. While people either loved her or hated her, Octomom took full advantage of the publicity and never gave up on her children, no matter how bad things got. Octomom's octuplets were the first ones to not only be born alive but survive the first week of life. The happy mother snuggled her new arrivals and was excited to introduce them to the six children at home. However, people around the world had questions and they weren't going to be quiet. Today, we're going to look at where Nadya and her family are now.
Nadya's Big Dream
From the very beginning, Nadya Suleman dreamed of being a mother to many. She was an only child and growing up with no siblings left her feeling alone and separate from everyone else. Her parents were immigrants, her mother from Lithuania, and her father from Iraq, and she longed for the connections siblings would bring. Since she couldn't change her single-mother status, Nadya decided she would have her own family and build those connections herself.
Nadya never could have predicted what her life would become. As she followed her dream of having a large family, things went very differently than planned and her entire life would be changed forever. No one could have predicted the miracle birth of her eight babies, much less how controversial it would be.
Nadya's Journey to Become a Mother
As soon as she became an adult, Nadya Suleman began her journey to become a mother. She graduated from high school in Southern California, and it was there that she decided to become a single mother. She was determined to make her dream come true as soon as possible.
Like most women her age, Nadya originally planned to go to college. However, her desire to become a mother was overpowering. As they say, be careful what you wish for . . . after all, Nadya was innocent and naive enough to follow her dream and ended up with more than she bargained for. Her choice of how to become a mother, however, was what caused so much confusion in the end.
Nadya's First Job
Nadya married Marcos Gutierrez and graduated from Mt. San Antonio College as a psychiatric technician in the same year. She got a job working with mentally affected patients at the Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk, California. The psychiatric facility was a good one, but it was definitely not an easy job for the young woman to do.
While Nadya had a firm plan to start a family, she had also planned on a great career, too. However, working with psych patients would change her life, and not in a good way. Her experience there set her on the path to a very rocky life.
The Accident
Nadya was working on September 18, 1999, when a riot broke out at the psychiatric facility where she worked. Part of her job was to calm the patients down and she jumped right in to do her job. In the middle of the riot, a patient flipped a wooden table over and it came crashing down on Nadya's back.
The table caused a severe injury, a herniated disc, and Nadya was forced to file for worker's compensation. She was paid $170,000, which she used for the next while to survive. However, the back injury was far from the only issue she was dealing with right then.
Fractured Dreams
Nadya had difficulty working after her injury at the hospital and she dealt with physical pain on a daily basis. While she had the payout from worker's compensation, there was a bigger concern for the young woman. She was dealing with the pain of knowing that her career was ruined by a simple back injury, but also, her dream of being a mother was in danger.
By the time Nadya and Marcos hit their three-year wedding anniversary, it became evident that something was wrong on the family front. They'd been trying to have children the entire marriage but without success. It was time to see a doctor and find out just what was happening.
Worse News
Multiple doctors gave advice to help Marcos Gutierrez and Nadya Suleman conceive a child, but nothing worked. They took every piece of advice, trying over and over again to have a baby. The ongoing failure began to affect Nadya's mindset and, along with the back pain, caused her to feel pretty down.
Depression set in as trying to conceive became hard work rather than a joyful experience. Finally, a doctor gave them the real story. They were doing everything right, but Gutierrez was sterile. Now the couple had to make some decisions. There was no way they would ever conceive naturally, so they would need to choose another option.
More Bad News
At this point, Nadya decided that they could have a baby a different way, using an alternative method. Her husband wasn't in agreement and they started to argue about whether or not to try another method of having a child. Nadya's desire to have a baby was stronger than ever and she wouldn't give up her dream.
Finally, Nadya suggested they use in vitro fertilization or IVF. This method requires the egg to be fertilized in a test tube or petri dish and then implanted into the woman. Marcos told Nadya that he would leave her if she chose to go through with the procedure. It was the last straw.
The Hardest Choice
With Marcos giving the ultimatum, Nadya Suleman was stuck in the middle of a very difficult decision. Should she give up her dream of having children and stay with her husband out of love? Or would she leave him and choose to have children on her own? In the end, she opted to follow her life-long dream of being a mother.
In 2000, Nadya left Marcos Gutierrez and began to take the necessary steps to conceive through IVF. Finally, she was ready to make her dream come true, but it didn't go quite as smoothly as the newly divorced woman had anticipated.
The High Cost of Motherhood
IVF is fairly commonplace these days, but it still isn't completely successful. In fact, it fails quite frequently and, the main reason people don't use this option as much as they could, it costs a lot of money. However, for Nadya, sick and tired of failing at becoming pregnant, neither of these problems was a big issue.
In most cases, doctors recommend fertilizing several eggs during IVF. Some of the eggs won't take properly and it's best to have a number of options. This presented another problem that Nadya would have to face and make a decision about. Was she up for the task?
Elijah Arrives
Many childless couples dream of becoming parents to twins or triplets, so the idea of having multiples isn't always something that people consider a risk. In fact, it could even be the fulfillment of a dream. In Nadya's case, she was happy with whatever she got, but even so, it was a surprise to see the results.
The first procedure was a huge success and Nadya gave birth to Elijah, her first child, in 2001. She was finally a mother, after years of dreaming and struggling to reach this point. But it wasn't the end for her... she wasn't happy with just one baby and she wanted more.
A Life-Changing Decision
Since six children weren't enough for her, Nadya Suleman took a step that would skyrocket her to fame and earn her the name of Octomom. She headed back to the same doctor in 2008, Dr. Michael Kamrava, to request another IVF procedure. He'd done all of her previous ones, so he definitely knew how many children she had.
Nadya has always been pro-life, and she still had six fertilized eggs frozen from her previous treatment. She didn't want them to be thrown away, as that would be a waste of life, so she decided to use them. All of them. She asked Dr. Kamrava to implant all six embryos into her uterus. Was it an insane idea?
Dr. Kamrava's Choice
At first, the doctor suggested implanting fewer eggs. After all, it was risky to do so many, but Nadya insisted. She knew that she wanted all the embryos so that none of them would go to waste. Finally, Dr. Kamrava decided to honor her choice, warning her that she would likely have multiples.
While Dr. Kamrava frequently said that he was reluctant to implant six eggs, he actually ended up injecting 12 eggs in total. Since the usual suggestion is just two, it was a huge deviation from the norm and one that could have drastic results. Nadya was ready to handle whatever came.
Surprise! Octuplets!
While Dr. Kamrava would face some serious backlash for his unprecedented implantation of so many embryos, Nadya Suleman was thrilled with the results. Out of the 12 embryos, eight of them implanted successfully, and overnight, she was pregnant with octuplets.
While eight babies at once might sound like a dream to someone obsessed with having a large family, the reality of what the body can handle is often very different. Would Nady actually be able to carry eight babies long enough for them to survive? She'd already given birth to six babies previously, so now the test was at hand.
A New Nickname
Nadya's seemingly miraculous pregnancy was quickly picked up by the media and Nadya's new nickname, Octomom, was coined. Carrying eight babies at once was more than any normal woman could or would even want to carry, so people were fascinated with her story. Despite her newfound fame, Nadya was physically struggling with the effort of carrying so many babies.
While this single mom's giant pregnancy may seem ridiculous to some, there were plenty of people who wanted to follow along with her pregnancy. It was one that would break records and would affect the rest of her life. Unfortunately, not all those effects were positive.
All Eyes On Octomom
The story of an octuplet pregnancy and successful birth rocked the world, especially the medical community. It didn't take long after the babies were born for doctors to try and check her out. At this point, not many people knew that Dr. Kamrava had implanted 12 eggs or even that IVF was involved. Everyone was fascinated that the human body could even manage a pregnancy of this magnitude.
How had Nadya managed to birth eight healthy babies? Why had she succeeded where no one else ever had? There were endless questions and researchers began to investigate thoroughly. Everyone wanted to know how it was physically possible for a single woman to birth to eight children at once.
Octomom Fame
Nadya was already famous before her babies were even born. Everyone was following her pregnancy with bated breath, from websites to news channels and newspapers, as well as all the magazines of the day. She was a household name, or at least her nickname was, and her face was familiar to everyone. She had a plan to try and manage the story as it got out.
Her big plan was to make money from the fame that she'd garnered. After all, if she'd gone through all the hassle to have the babies, why not ensure that she had positive publicity? She hired a PR team as soon as she was able after the octuplets were born. However, her plan to manage the story and control its spread was harder than she thought.
Rough Side of Fame
Once the media had caught hold of the Octomom story, it wasn't giving up. Fame can change a person and that was certainly true for Nadya . . . though many people say she planned to be famous the entire time and that was the main reason she had so many children. Either way, Nadya found herself being a mom to 14 kids and Octomom to the public.
As time went on, Octomom began to take over. More information was released about her pregnancy and many were quite upset with her. She was scolded for wasting taxpayer money, being irresponsible, and she was considered the embodiment of all that was wrong with society. Despite this and even receiving threats, Nadya was loved by many.
Nadya Opens Up
Her plan for controlling media coverage quickly spiraled out of control and Nadya found herself being criticized throughout the media. She couldn't get on top of the stories that were being spread, so she decided to take a bigger step. She would let the public know about her problems and hope they would side with her.
In an interview with People magazine, Nadia Suleman reacted to the public caricature of her. “I don’t get much sleep, about two or three hours a night,” she said. “But I’m continuing to move forward with my life and trying to be the best mother I can be.” But still, her seeming embrace of the media attention she was receiving led many to skepticism of Octomom.
Octomom Hits Bottom
The media continued to follow Octomom and her children for years. Long after the media circus should have died down, it was still going on. People just couldn't get enough of the octuplets and their mother. Unfortunately, the pressure was starting to get to Nadya and she was having trouble caring for her children.
It was one of the lowest points in Nadya's life. She was struggling with the care of 14 children and ended up on welfare. By now, it felt like the entire world was against her and despite having the huge family she'd longed for, she was more alone than ever. And soon, it would get even worse... to a point that even welfare couldn't help her.
CPS Gets Involved
Rumors were started that Nadya was abusing her children. This began early on with the extensive media coverage, but the rumors started to grow once all 14 kids were at home. No one believed a single mother could actually look after 14 little ones and CPS was called in. They decided to check in on Octomom and find out if her children were suffering from neglect.
Once Child Protective Services checked out Suleman's home, there was nothing to indicate that her children were being harmed or neglected in any way. Her home was considered suitable for kids. That should have been the end of it, but someone else disagreed with the CPS findings and decided to take matters into their own hands.
Evicted With 14 Kids
Not everyone felt Nadya Suleman's house was right for her children and her landlord decided to evict her. Out of all the people reading the papers and watching the media circus, he was one of the few who actually had the power to hurt her. He supposedly accused her of a lease violation.
The landlord went straight to the media with his stories of her living conditions and this eventually led to the eviction of the young mother, along with all her brood. Nadya had fought her entire life to become a mother and now, she was about to become homeless. Desperate times call for desperate measures and Octomom was willing to do whatever it took to make sure her babies were safe.
Desperate Measures
No matter how hard she tried, Nadya couldn't convince her landlord to let them stay in the house she would have to move her numerous children. The media may have made a caricature of her, but Nadya worked hard to be a loving mom and she always insisted that this was the real Octomom.
At this point, Nadya had no money. She needed a considerable amount both to move and to find a suitable home for her family. That meant sourcing money and fast. She tried a number of options, including a brief music career, a film role, and several other ventures. Did they actually work?
Starting Over
With so much pressure from the media, Nadya Suleman realized that she needed to get away from the caricature she was becoming. She needed to get back to her true self and make some major changes so she could actually be the mother she longed to be and live a happy life with her family. Things needed to be different.
Once the decision was made, Nadya flipped over a new leaf rapidly. In a stunning symbolic move, she changed her name to Natalie. Then she returned to school to finish her degree and began to work as a therapist for families. Things were looking up for Octomom... but what was happening to her 14 kids?
The Octuplets Now
Today, Nadya's octuplets are very healthy, well-rounded kids. She has them on a strict vegan diet that all the kids are thriving on. While a vegan diet isn't exactly easy for kids who love junk food, Nadya seems to have done a terrific job of keeping her family healthy.
Now known as Natalie Suleman, Octomom has been very open with her kids about the entire process through the media and becoming herself again. She feels that it is very important, to be honest with your kids. As she says, everything she did from the time she started to gain fame, odd as it may seem, was done to help her kids live better lives.
Her honest, vegan lifestyle is what she strives for to maintain a healthy home. She opened up an Instagram account, Solomon Family where she shares her views and ideas. She also shares her struggles and life as an unemployed mom of 14 kids.
Her honest, vegan lifestyle is what she strives for to maintain a healthy home. She opened up an Instagram account, Solomon Family where she shares her views and ideas. She also shares her struggles and life as an unemployed mom of 14 kids.
They're in Middle School Now
Nadya shared a picture to her Instagram showing off her youngest children heading off to their first day of eighth grade. But her older children refused to be photographed and she explained why in her caption.
"You are exceptional role models to the 6th and 7th graders. I love you ❤️ Side note to critics: their older siblings did not want me to post a picture on their first day. I respect their choice, so should you," she wrote.
But There Are 14, Right?
In one of her latest family pictures, a fan asked her about the other kids, why don't we get to see them. the answer was so on spot, but also a bit sad.
She answered: "Yes, all of us are still together, and connections stronger than ever! Most of my oldest kids do not have any social media (I don’t blame them as it can be toxic!), and rarely allow me to post about them lol…privacy is valued and respected. Thanks for following my family! God bless ❤️"
Relying on Her Angel
Natalie Suleman is now into her 40's, but she has straightened out her life and dropped the controversial jobs and actions of her past. She has mentioned several times that a guardian angel gave her the strength to keep moving forward and leave behind the seedier parts of life.
Her encounter with her guardian angel happened in February 2013, when she was still working in adult film. A man walked into a club in Florida, where she was, and grabbed her arm. According to Natalie, he told her gently, but firmly, "you don't have to do this." That moment changed her life. She knew she had to change her life and give up what she was doing to make sure she was the best mom she could be for her many children. After all, it had always been her dream and she didn't want to throw it away. She had to be a healthy person again.
Looking Back at Life
Natalie's life changed for the better in 2013 and she's admitted since then that it was "foolish, immature, and selfish" to have so many children without considering how she would support them. At the time, she hadn't really thought the entire process through, but even so, she doesn't regret having her children for one minute.
Natalie has focused her entire being on raising her children, making them her number one priority. At this point, she's focused on her kids to the point that she would rather be single and celibate for now. It's obvious on her social media pages that she really has changed for the better. She covers the values that she instills in her 14 youngsters, as well.
Living a Humble Life
It's not easy raising 14 kids alone, but Natalie is doing a good job of it. She has a two-bedroom apartment for the family and lives off of her small paychecks and food stamps. Her office was converted into a third bedroom to ensure there is enough space for everyone. In an interview with the Daily Mail, she said that she now feels at peace and is happy raising her children.
Natalie has gone from struggling with herself to becoming an inspiration for others. She now shares her story with other women to help encourage them to make a better life for themselves and their families. She's shed the Octomom persona, one that she feels was very detrimental to her family and her own self-esteem. “I didn’t want to live. I felt less than human as that character I was pretending to be, to survive and provide for my family.” But how is Natalie's past and the knowledge of it affecting her children?
Living for the Kids
As a mom of 14, Natalie Suleman finds herself in a better spot now. She can thoroughly enjoy time spent with her younger kids, Makai, Josiah, Isaiah, Jonah, Noah, Jeremiah, Nariaya, and Maliyah, the octuplets. She wants every child to grow up proud of their mother and without memories of the Octomom persona she was known as for so many years. She told Daily Mail that she did a number of things that she felt forced into because she was scared of not being able to support her kids and give them a proper life.
Natalie has gone through a number of serious problems and difficult times since having her children. She's always trying to make ends meet, especially since she has three children with disabilities, including Aiden who she claims is autistic and needs complete assistance. However, she focuses on being happy and enjoying her time with her 14 children.
Death of a Social Life
Natalie has no time for a social life these days, as she's a hands-on mom with all her children. She makes a point of getting to know each one of them and spending time with them. As she told Dailly Mail, "They fight, play, fight and play again like any normal family.” Her children run the gamut from shy like she is, to more outgoing kids who enjoy socializing a lot more. One of her children, Aiden, is autistic, but his siblings care deeply for him and Makai has a special bond with his older brother.
Natalie's children know their life is drastically different from the average home in their country, but they've been raised to understand that being different is good. However, she's also taught them a whole lot more than just embracing the diversity in their family.
Have a Holiday Blast
While it may be tough managing to raise more than a dozen children in a tiny house, the Suleman's are happy. Natalie has worked hard on teaching them values. One method she uses is to only give each child one gift for any particular holiday, including Christmas. According to an interview she gave, “I’m focusing on raising the kids to focus on serving other people, to get out of their own head.”
The act of presenting her kids with just one Christmas gift helps teach them to value even the smallest things, according to Natalie. She feels that they will learn to earn what they want, as opposed to expecting to receive everything gifted. Her finances also don't permit her to buy lavish gifts, but her wonderful children are gift enough.
Back to School
Every parent is a little stressed about the back-to-school season, but Natalie has 14 kids to get off to school. She recently posted a shot of the octuplets getting ready to head off to school with their backpacks and expressed her anxiety on social media, saying, "Any other parents exceptionally stressed and overwhelmed by the first week back to school?”
Natalie has ready models when it comes to her eight younger children, but her older kids refuse to get into the photo opportunities, preferring to keep their lives more private. As the official bus driver with all the pick-ups and drop-offs, Natalie is kept busy running her numerous children around town. She does manage to snap shots of her older kids during more important (according to her teens) moments.
Mom Time
Being a mom is stressful and having 14 kids definitely amps up the stress levels. Natalie Suleman has a few coping mechanisms to deal with that stress, including spending time each day at the gym, working out, and getting in her "me time."
You will find Natalie posting selfies on Instagram with captions like, “I would like to share about how I cope with inordinate stress, after being asked how I stay sane lol." She considers exercise to be the best way to channel any stress she works up as a mom of 14 and she feels that sweating it out is the best way to help herself cope with everything she's been through.
Family Fun Night
Just because she's vegan and a strict mom doesn't mean Natalie doesn't get down and have fun with her brood. She sets up a family fun night on the regular and also has spa nights with her daughters. She snaps photos of all the fun they have trying out new products.
One of the toughest parts of parenting 14 kids is just giving them all love and attention, something that Natalie strives for. She does girls' night in with her girls and watches scary movies with her sons. She considers them to be her priority and makes them known to the world.
Talking to Dr. Oz
In 2018, Natalie Suleman went on The Dr. Oz Show to share her story. She not only covered how and why she chose IVF and ended up with 12 embryos being implanted, but also how she made the transition from Octomom to Natalie and how she has become a happy, healthy mom to her 14 children.
On the show, Natalie shared her journey from a desperate, struggling mom of young children, to building her new self. She recently launched a new YouTube channel with her children, whom she refers to as the Solomon family on social media and took the opportunity to promote that, as well.
Lucky Genetics
While some people look very much like their siblings, it's also possible for others to look totally different. That's exactly what happened in Natalie's family. Out of 14 kids, genetics have really shown their uniqueness and changed up how their kids look and act. She calls her family diverse and that they are.
Natalie Suleman loves how different each of her children is. She enjoys the unique look of each child as they got different genes from her and their donor. The two children above, Nariyah and Noah, are both octuplets, but they look very different, though there are still signs that they're siblings.
A Healthy Family
The octuplets are being raised as raw vegans, so they're living a very healthy lifestyle. They also love to participate in marathons and being active. Here is a photo of the octuplets shortly after they finished running the Russ Miller Memorial 5k in February 2018.
All the kids enjoy being healthy and taking part in a fundraising opportunity like this. It's just one of the values that Natalie strives to teach her kids from the start. So far, she's been doing a wonderful job of raising these little humans to enjoy being a part of something bigger. However, this isn't all that the octuplets have been doing lately.
Tiny Heroes
While marathons are fun and the octuplets enjoy running them together to bring in money for causes they believe in, they're also hard workers when it comes to school projects. At one point, they were asked to make a poster about their heroes and they came up with some seriously impressive projects. Our favorite part of this picture, though, is Caleb popping in from behind his little brother.
Natalie enjoys sharing what her kids say and do, but she's not one to boast about them. Those who follow her social media accounts know that it really is possible to raise 14 kids well if they want to. It's obvious that Natalie's children appreciate everything their mom does for them, too, since they make a point of reminding her.
All Good
Nathalie shared a photo of her and three of her beautiful angels, exiting their church after a new teaching series on depression and anxiety in the ministry.
She enjoyed it so much that she decided to add to it by sharing some words of wisdom in her post: "Much of our emotional pain and sadness stems from cognitive distortions (maladaptive thoughts, self-defeating, irrational beliefs) that consume our minds, and can spiral, taking us into a dark, depressive state."
There's nothing like your children showing their love for you to make a mom feel special and Natalie is surrounded by that love. She sees it every day, as well as on special dates, like Mother's Day. She takes photos and shares the special cards and letters that her children make for her that give her that special feeling of love.
Her children have inspired Natalie to do more with her life, as well. She has a 12-year-old son with autism and wrote a book about raising a preteen with the mind of an 18-month-old along with 13 healthy children. Aiden is non-verbal and is still in diapers, so her experiences have been interesting. while the book is done and she has used her knowledge to teach her kids about autism, the book has yet to be published. She plans to get it published at some point to share her story with the world. In an interview with Daily Mail, she said, “It’s a story that needs to be told and I think it will encourage a lot of women to draw up the strength that didn’t know they had, ” she told Daily Mail.
Four Sisters
Just four of the 14 kids in the Solomon household are female and Natalie has a great time bonding with her girls. While they're all different ages (16, 11, and two 9-year-olds), they have a blast together and make sure to get in their girl time.
This photo is from Amerah's birthday. The oldest daughter, has a special bond with her siblings. You can see just how much all the girls look like each other and are obviously related. Natalie makes a point of having special moments like this on a regular basis, though she particularly enjoys hanging with all her kids, which is a rare event.
A Beautiful Young Woman
Amerah turned 19 in this picture and was taken, as a birthday surprise, to Disneyland! Fun fun fun. After which she was taken to the beach for a family BBQ. "Happy 19th birthday to my beautiful baby girl Amerah!"
In the caption, she also wrote, "In all honesty, I would rather be at the dentist than Disneyland 😳
But for you, Amerah, there is nothing I wouldn’t do! I love you more than words could ever express! Hope you had a fantastic fun filled week to celebrate your special day!! "
But for you, Amerah, there is nothing I wouldn’t do! I love you more than words could ever express! Hope you had a fantastic fun filled week to celebrate your special day!! "
Making Memories
Family traditions are something that is very special to Natalie and she makes sure that her family observes the Saturday Family Fun Night that she set up years ago. It's a good way to bond with her kids and create memories that will last forever.
Each Saturday, the family spends time together doing something fun or educational. Sometimes, they watch a scary movie (a favorite activity for the boys) or play board games together. Chess is a big favorite in the home, but the older four kids tend to run off to hang out with friends, as they feel that it's a cringe-worthy tradition. However, the younger 10 kids have a lot of fun playing with their mother.
On Stage
The octuplets are very active in the community and while they know they're very different from other families out there. They have a lot of fun together and there's no reason they wouldn't when there are so many siblings of the same age, ready to play with. From tiny babies that captured a nation's heart, to rowdy nine-year-olds, these kids have grown so fast.
She recently posted this photo of her octuplets having fun in their parts for a school play. While they may look like little angels right here, they certainly aren't always that calm and adorable, but even failed photos can be wonderful memories.
The Raw Life
While Natalie's oldest six kids aren't interested in eating vegan, the octuplets and their mom are happy to stick to raw vegan food for the most part, with the occasional sprouted lentil or quinoa dish that is actually cooked. Regular meals include everything from raw smoothies and organic kale or chard to bell peppers and beets, among many other foods.
Desserts in the Solomon household tend to involve green apples and raw almond butter. Since Natalie was raised vegetarian, she found it fairly easy to switch to the vegan lifestyle. She still has health issues from carrying eight babies for almost eight months and the vegan diet helps keep her healthy. She also feels that treat nights are even more exciting because of their careful lifestyle.
Family Snaps
It's not easy getting all 15 family members in one photo, so when it happens, you better believe it's a special event. Shots like the one below, where everyone is gathered together (except the three oldest, who are quite a camera shy), laughing and having fun, are rare and a great snapshot into the family's life.
The caption for the Instagram post was “So THIS is what happened when we attempted to take a fun family photo with as many family members as possible. As usual, Elijah, Amerah, and JJ are absent from the pic.” She loves to share her best family moments with everyone through social media, but the most valuable part of the sharing is that she shows how a single mom of 14 kids can actually manage to raise healthy, happy young people.
Vblogs and More
Natalie works part-time as a counselor for those dealing with drug abuse and she decided to start up her own YouTube channel. Her very first video was a clip of her daughter, Amerah, reading a Mother's Day letter on stage to a woman's group that had gathered in Long Beach, California.
Once Amerah finished her speech, all of Natalie's kids came and gave her a gift. While Natalie had originally started the channel so she could share her own story, she planned to let the kids put up their own videos on their activities and daily life, including fun challenges and creative interests.
Striking the Balance
As a token of gratitude to the people who encourage and support her on her unique mom’s journey, Nathalie created an Instagram account wherein she shares the joys and delightful challenges of motherhood. The photos of her octuplets, as well as her older children, are no doubt cute and adorable! Her IG account has more than 400 posts to date and the one-of-a-kind mom, as well as her little ones, has over 62 thousand followers. Let us see some of the most-liked photos of this amazing family.
Who would think that Nathalie is already a mom of fourteen kids? Well, this wonderful lady is proud to share her workout regimen. She had always found exercise a great way to decompress and recharge. Even when the octuplets were not yet in her life, Nathalie had always been a gym enthusiast. She claimed it as her therapy. In this post she shared in May 2016, we can see her sweating out stress on a Saturday night!
Say Cheese!
As they say, nothing is more important than having a striking, beautiful smile! Well, for the Suleman kids, it was imperative to stay clean and healthy, and of course, it also means having healthy teeth!
In May 2016, Nathalie took her kids to Family Smile Center where they met Dr. Afiffi and Diane who, according to her, had shown incredibly kind hospitality. The wonder mom also thanked her good friend Janice for helping her booked an appointment with the dentist.
She’s Also a Daughter, Too!
If Nathalie would thank someone who had inspired her to be the best mother she can be, of course, it would be no other than her mom. She was an only child and she received all the best treatment she could ever have.
However, based on the caption of the throwback photo that goes “Me, my mom, and my sibling Boots. #IHadOverADozenCatSiblings#ButBootsWasMyFavorite #1975 #fbf, it seemed that Nathalie was never alone! She had adorable cats for siblings!
Just for Fun
While the grown-up sons and daughters of Nathalie were deemed camera-shy, the octuplets would not think twice about covering for them. They are always picture-ready and do not mind at all if their background shows a kind of food that was never on their table.
In this post that Nathalie shared in before Haloween you can see 4 of her kids having camera fun before going out trick-or-treating.
The Multi-Tasker
Just before May 2016 came to a close, Nathalie shared a moment that most single moms experience on a daily basis. With a full-time job to attend to and fourteen kids who needed attention, it was still a blessing to have a nice and quiet opportunity to enjoy her favorite kale.
The caption goes, “Caught off guard multitasking taking Amerah to tumble...don't worry, my one-handed grip on the wheel is firm thanks to strong man hands. #YouAreWhatYouEat#SoIAmRawKale”
Genes Don’t Lie
Nathalie had always been proud of her mother. She’s very expressive and loves everyone to know that she’s also a daughter. Aside from the octuplets whom she hailed as her favorite models, she shares photos of her loving mom from time to time as well --just like this one that was posted in June 2016.
Nathalie wrote: My mom is in Germany at about 2. I can't get over how much Caleb resembles her! #tbt #Germany #1940#thosecheeksandpoutylip #missusomuch Well, to those who have seen the picture of Caleb, be the judge!
What About Dad?
Almost three years ago, on June 24, 2016, Nathalie posted a photo of her hero. Her words were heartfelt and somehow, her followers had spotted a soft spot in Octomom’s heart. It was his father’s birthday and her words went like this.
Growing up he was my hero; so strong, seemingly indestructible, yet the kindest, most loving, nurturing, and giving man I had the honor of calling my dad. He was (besides mom) my most influential teacher, my best friend, my "Eddie." I love him so much and am not ready to let go. Happy birthday Eddie. I love you so much. #GratefulYouWereMyDad
She Knows How to Piss Off the Kids
The media had released so many photos of Nathalie, from her rollercoaster past to the times her octuplets had shocked the world. During those moments, Nathalie tried to hide her other kids away from the public’s eyes. It seemed that they had become used to it and weren’t always in the mood to have their photos uploaded.
However, in this photo, we could see the ever adorable Elijah pushing her sister Amerah on a stroller. Nathalie made it clear that she hacked her son’s account and even left a note “ELIJAH DONT DELETE THIS”.
They Love the Sun and the Sand
Whether you have always been a follower or you have just browsed Nathalie’s IG account for the first time, it isn’t that hard to tell that the family is living a simple life. However, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors from time to time.
In this picture, we could see how the kids enjoy being under the sun. Posing beautifully with her adorable brood, Nathalie dubbed the moment as “home away from home.”
Who Looks Exactly Like Her?
It was no secret that Nathalie’s children were fathered by an anonymous donor, likely found at a sperm bank. The pictures of the kids show that each has their own distinct features and unspoken characters. The difference doesn’t make any one of them less adorable anyway.
But in this picture that goes with the caption, “Focused at the park...#MeAtOne #tbt”, you can only wonder which of her fourteen children had strongly inherited her genes.