Having a bad day is nothing unusual, everyone goes through one every once in a while. Most people simply slog it through and call it a day after hitting the hay. But sometimes things go south so bad that calling a day just bad becomes somewhat of an understatement.
If you’ve had a tough day today, here are some instances of people who probably had it worse than you to make yourself feel better. From TV related to kitchen disasters, here are some doses of the worst day ever.
If you’ve had a tough day today, here are some instances of people who probably had it worse than you to make yourself feel better. From TV related to kitchen disasters, here are some doses of the worst day ever.
When the TV Decides to Take a Walk
Most tech and electronic gizmos tend to burn a hole through the wallet, so losing or breaking something like a smartphone or laptop is understandably a painful affair. But how are you supposed to feel when you’ve just wrecked a widescreen TV worth a couple of grand?
This guy must have felt like the world was crashing around him when his TV decided it wanted to take a walk. Who knows whether he bought a new TV after this, but one thing is for sure; this fella was scarred by this tragedy for a long time!
Even Walls Aren't Immune To Pimples
Plumbing is a seriously iffy affair, but sometimes things can literally get blown out of proportion as can be seen below. Looking out the window, it’s easy to tell that it just stopped raining, but it sure had to be one heck of a downpour to cause the wall to grow a tumor.
From the looks of it, the owner is about to get stuck with a hefty repair bill. Maybe it’s best not to cheap out when building your home in the first place because this looks like a total nightmare.
A Big Dose of NOPE
You really need to work extra hard to tick off the universe so bad that it sends a frog in a popsicle your way. Or maybe it’s just bad luck. Whatever the case might be, it’s surprising the person holding this cursed popsicle is still holding it given he/she nearly chomped on a raw frog leg.
This is a scene that belongs in a horror movie, not reality. Unless this was an edited photo created for shock value, the poor guy or gal probably lost their love for popsicles for good.
Two for the Money, One for the Show
Both the owner and the insurance company rep must have had a hard time trying to figure out how to best put this incident in words. Any instance of your car getting flooded or catching fire is bad enough, but how do you explain both happening simultaneously?
It would’ve been highly enlightening if the owner of the car ever explained how this impossible scenario happened in the first place. But in hindsight of today’s social media landscape where stupid and dangerous trends gain momentum easily, maybe it’s best he didn’t.
One Last Ride to the Pool
An expensive car lying in a swimming pool is something you usually see in movies and sitcoms for dramatic or comedic effect, but when it happens in real life, there’s only one question to ask - how? It didn’t get in crashing through the wall, that’s for sure due to the general lack of debris around the pool.
It’s as if someone whimsically decided to drop a very expensive Lexus from the sky. The owner of the car must have been in tears once they saw what happened to their precious baby.
A Long Walk to Nothing
For those who love traveling and exploring new cities, getting to see different views and vistas from high points is one of the main draws of traveling. But imagine getting greeted with this skyline after taking a long walk to the top of a tourist observation spot. Definitely not the view the person who took the picture was expecting.
If you like traveling and don’t want to ruin your mood for the day with something like this, consider checking the weather forecast beforehand. The last thing you want to do is spoil your mood for nothing as this person did.
When You Lose It Before You Use It
One of the worst feelings ever that almost everyone can relate to is ruining something you just bought without even getting the chance to use it. But it takes special ‘talent’ or some serious bad luck to cut a mouse wire while trying to cut the plastic cover, despite the transparent packaging.
Calling this fiasco a grave error can be an understatement if it's evening and you're stuck with no way to use your PC for the night. Whoever had to go through this definitely became warier handling sharp objects in the future to avoid any more facepalms.
The Case of the Sinking Bike
Out of all the crazy instances of bad luck in this list so far, this one seems to have jumped straight out of a cartoon. The person who parked his bike on the wet cement obviously didn’t expect half of his bike to sink into the road, but that doesn’t explain how he didn’t notice it happening in the first place considering his footprints are all over the place.
The guy responsible for the work probably threw a fit when he had to start over again thanks to the unintended creation of this piece of modern art.
The Cost of Reliving Your Childhood
Sometimes there’s a very good reason certain rides come with an age and size restriction, as this young lady found out much to her chagrin. Trying to relive your youth is definitely adorable, but if the attempt leaves you stuck on a children’s swing with the fire department riding to your rescue, it’s best not to do it in the first place.
The whole thing must have been extremely harassing for the girl which is evident from her very animated facial expression. The moral of the tale - know the limits of your age!
When You Don't Read the Label
For those of you who never knew what happened to paint when you leave it in a place that is a little too warm, this is the result. Not only has paint been wasted but the bigger issue is that money - and quite a bit - will need to be spent to fix this mess.
Changing a car’s upholstery isn’t cheap, neither is the tub of paint that went to waste due to the owner’s carelessness. It will be a long time before this guy lets anything liquid touch his car seats.
When Knock-Knock Jokes Stop Being Funny
There’s a good reason why even indigenous tribes make sure that there aren’t large trees around where they live. The last thing you want to find after waking up or coming back home is a large fallen tree trunk poking a hole through your living room wall. But freak accidents can still happen despite precautions, as you can see.
Judging from the damage, the owner got off easy as only the tip of the trunk got through. You might want to check around your home if there are any large trees with rotten trunks to avoid something like this.
When Thor Didn't Get His Laundry on Time
The twisted lump of metal in this picture looks more like the work of Thor from Norse than his friendly, air-headed MCU counterpart. But what’s confusing is the reason behind the thunder god’s wrath towards a poor innocent washing machine. One look at the damage is enough to send shivers down the spine.
One can only hope that the owner of the washing machine didn’t have any clothes inside when the accident took place. Nonetheless, it’s interesting to see how metal melted by lightning has such an interesting imploding effect.
A Very Fowl Attack
The old saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ can manifest itself in strange ways in certain instances, especially when it involves the animal kingdom. Usually, birds are very timid and gentle creatures, but sometimes the prettiest ones can get downright nasty if they’re having a bad day.
This angry peacock somehow got out of its zoo enclosure and immediately started a career in terrorizing small children. The poor girl must have had the worst day of her life thanks to such an unexpected ‘fowl’ attack.
This Ice-Cream Machine Probably Wants a Raise
One of the simple delights of summer is ice cream, but not when it ends up in a mess like this. If you’re running an ice-cream parlor, this is the last thing you want to see on your kitchen floor. Something might have gone wrong with the ice cream machine, but that’s not any consolation for the person who has to clean this mess.
While many might not consider this the worst day ever, the loss of so much good ice cream (it really hurts!) warrants this incident a contending entry in this list.
Go Home Car, You're Drunk
Another instance of a vertical freak accident, this guy has to be one of the luckiest guys alive. One can only hazard a guess as to how this pickup truck managed to not split in half and send the driver’s compartment rolling down. Given the condition of the vehicle, the worst could have happened easily.
This guy must have been sweating and praying like crazy despite the cold weather while waiting for help to arrive and rescue him. If he did, who could blame him? This is one hair-raising situation no one wants to find themselves in.
Manhole Ambushes Are the Worst
It’s unclear how this woman found herself stuck in this awkward and painful position, but one can only assume she must have been very preoccupied to not notice the manhole lid clearly lying on the sidewalk.
On the flip side, things could have gone a lot worse for the poor woman if the manhole was round instead of being square. At that moment, the only thing worse than falling down and getting stuck in a manhole would have been falling down straight into the drain below and getting hurt.
When the Universe Is Angry at You
Do you sometimes feel that the universe is just laughing at you? No? The person holding this cursed can of Coca-Cola would beg to differ. Anyone would feel personally attacked if they find themselves in this situation when thirsty.
It seems this was the last straw in an already bad day for the person who captioned the picture. After all, it’s during times like these when you feel the entire universe is conspiring against you.
"I Can't Take It Anymore, It's Over"
For even the ‘gonna be late for work’ guys and gals out there, this is the worst thing that could happen out of the blue. You really need to have a special kind of bad luck to break your key while it’s in the ignition. It almost seems as if the key decided to get dramatic and break up its relationship with the ignition like a passive-aggressive romantic partner.
Apparently, this fella was so embarrassed that he preferred to call in sick than explain to his boss what happened by sending a screenshot. If skipping work wasn’t bad enough, the poor guy has to now deal with calling in the mechanic and dealing with the bill before he can drive anywhere.
The Final Straw After an Already Bad Day
It’s understandable if someone wants to call it a day experiencing what happened in this picture. This tool had one simple task- unscrew the cork at which it failed miserably. The poor guy/gal must have had a really bad day if he/she just gave up and hit the bed after this.
At least in this instance, there’s a culprit- the manufacturer of the corkscrew. Why is it that things these days are so flimsy and undependable? Who knows? One thing’s for sure- this is the last situation you find yourself in when you want to enjoy a glass of wine.
When 'Tangled' Doesn't Even Begin to Describe It
If you’re an electrician, then this definitely qualifies as a valid instance of the worst day ever. Working through a bunch of tangled wires is definitely not an easy job even on the best of days, but this one takes the cake. How these ended up in such an enormous tangle is anybody’s guess, but the sight sure isn’t pretty.
The guy who had to fix this probably had to chug down a couple of beers after the job to drown his sorrows. The next time you have a bad day at work, just try to remember this picture.
When Hitch-Hiking Goes Wrong
Did the vacuum cleaner decide to hitch an elevator ride? Or did the elevator decide to kidnap the vacuum cleaner? These questions will have to remain a mystery as machines can’t talk. On the other hand, the poor elderly Sikh gentleman standing in front of the elevator looks absolutely dumbfounded trying to make sense of things.
If this guy’s the one responsible for fixing this mess then the feeling is understandable. It's tough to focus on fixing the mess when you’re left wondering how it happened in the first place.
You Can't Make Lemonade From Dry Lemons
When life gives you lemons, sometimes it’s best to cry instead of trying to make lemonade. Imagine coming back home from work or on a vacation to find your kitchen in this state. Whatever happened, it caused some serious damage as apparent from the broken cutlery and electronic accessories lying about on the floor.
The sight alone is frustrating enough without even getting started on the busy work and money that will have to be spent on repairs and buying new stuff for the kitchen.
A Bad Case of Falling Flat
If you thought that the broken TV at the beginning of this list was bad, you might want to change your mind after seeing this. Not only did the TV manage to fall off the bracket, but it also somehow managed to pull down the fireplace mantel along with it. It’s highly doubtful the owner of the home had a good time footing the bills for the damage.
As far as TV-related mishaps go, this one definitely takes the cake in this list. Dealing with replacing a TV is bad enough; the damage to the fireplace just makes it hurt more.
Kitchen Redecoration Shouldn't Involve Blenders
When people talk about redecorating their kitchen, this picture definitely not what they have in mind. It looks like the blender literally blew off like a bomb. What’s more interesting is that part of the blender somehow managed to wedge itself into the roof. Makes one wonder what was this person actually try to blend to cause this freak accident, and how he/she survived to take the picture
If you like experimenting with new recipes with your blender, this should serve as an excellent warning as to why you shouldn’t go overboard.
Vanishing Act Gone Wrong
Reality is often stranger than fiction, and this picture serves as a good example for this old proverb. The combination of bad luck required for a person to literally fall down the floor has to be very, very slim. The poor guy’s weight doesn’t seem to be at blame here as he seems to have a healthy physique.
On a merrier note, the damages were probably covered by the insurance company as the accident seems to be the result of poor building materials than anything else.
When Life Becomes Looney Tunes
The elderly gentleman in this picture is extremely lucky that he didn’t fall into the hole dug right outside his building. The lack of any safety warnings or precautions is not funny in the least as the hole looks deep enough to kill or seriously injure someone who’s not paying attention very easily.
Seriously, who hired these guys for the job in the first place? At his age, the man probably had a fright bad enough to ruin his entire week, not just the day.
Someone Likes Playing Dominoes It Seems
If anyone finds out that they have to fix the mess in this picture, no one would blame them for quitting on the spot. If those shipping containers aren’t empty, a lot of time and effort will have to be spent fixing this mess. Unless this happened due to bad weather or an earthquake, the person who made this mess probably kept their mouth shut.
Anyone who makes such a devastating cargo fiasco definitely deserves to get fired, unless it’s caused by Mother Nature, so here’s to hoping that was the case.
The Moment When You Realize You're Done for
The last thing you want to happen when flying your aircraft is losing your landing gear. Imagine the pure terror this pilot had to go through when he/she realized that the landing slide came off during takeoff. This is a very scary scenario because the slides are what keeps the fuel tank safe which can blow up at light impacts.
We sure hope the pilot made it down safe because this is one heck of a situation that can turn any pilot's day bad.
Next Up, Take a Look at a Few of the Funniest Work Safety Fails That Will Make Your Jaw Drop in Awe.
These Pictures of Work Safety Fails Will Totally Freak You Out
Nail Clipper Adaptor
At first glance, the strange-looking metal device in this photograph may look like some sort of extreme Swiss army knife. But if you take a closer look, it’s made up of a basic household item: nail clippers. Who knew that the same thing that cuts your nails can also convert electricity?
Nail Clipper Adaptor
At first glance, the strange-looking metal device in this photograph may look like some sort of extreme Swiss army knife. But if you take a closer look, it’s made up of a basic household item: nail clippers. Who knew that the same thing that cuts your nails can also convert electricity?
If you aren’t “one of the Navy’s finest electricians,” you may want to head over to your local convenience store and purchase a real adapter. This thing looks pretty dangerous!
Ceiling Sweeper
Sometimes days at work can be so slow that you find yourself asking your boss to give you another job. We can guess that this is exactly what happened to the guy in this picture. Or maybe his boss caught him slacking off on the job and handed him a broom so he would get to work.
We’re not sure why he’s spending his day sweeping the fluorescent lights, but we applaud him for his bravery - it takes a lot of guts to willingly stand that high up on that pallet jack.
Wobbly Ladder
Can you imagine being on top of this incredibly unstable ladder? We wonder how scary it would feel to experience that first wobble that promises impending doom of falling flat on the ground.
Hopefully, the guys who put this crazy setup together have an awesome balance or this could go downhill very quickly. Nonetheless, this idea shows some impressive initiative and problem-solving skills.
Do Not Block
This picture is proof that some people see regulations as loose guidelines that they are recommended to follow, but not required to. Whoever put all of those shopping carts in front of this fire exit door clearly didn’t care about the “Do Not Block” notice.
However, even if those shopping carts were moved to the side, there is still a giant slab of concrete blocking the way. Someone needs to tell whoever is inside that grocery store that, if there is to be a fire, they should think about another emergency exit!
Hard-To-Reach Places
This is one instance where that makeshift ladder compilation would surely come in handy. Meanwhile, this guy seems to be pretty resourceful as he makes good use of the top of his door. Hopefully, he won’t have to repair his door hinge after this.
We have all done some crazy things in order to get to those hard-to-reach places, but this man took things to the next level. He probably should have considered investing in a house-friendly stepladder.
Too Hot to Handle
If we were able to find a picture of this on the Internet, hopefully, that means that the problem got solved and nothing terrible happened. However, the pipe in this photograph does not look healthy at all.
It’s safe to assume that no one would be crazy enough to touch this mess, so who knows how they were able to clean this up. Perhaps they called some kind of professional to help them sort it out.
Ladders on Ladders
We can understand that not every household has a fireman-approved ladder just lying around in their storage shed. Nonetheless, we are still shocked every time we see some of the creative concoctions people have come up with in order to get to hard-to-reach places.
Whatever way you look at it, things could go very wrong very quickly in this situation. If they had taken a few more seconds to think about it, they probably would have found a safer solution!
There are so many scary things about this daunting photograph. First of all, why are so many people standing on a non-existent floor that looks like it's about to crumble into pieces? Also, look at that guy in the back with the striped shirt - he is really going at it with that hammer!
Fortunately, these men do have one thing that is keeping them from falling towards the ground: thin, wire mesh. At least it appears to be somewhat supportive!
Electric Eye Washer
At this point, you probably think you’ve seen it all when it comes to terrifying safety fails, but take a look at this horribly placed eye washer - who would be clueless enough to take the chance and use it?
Perhaps these guys didn’t have enough space to fit everything they needed in one room, but surely they could have come up with a different setup. Whoever architect decided to install an eyewash station right under a giant electrical outlet was probably fired after this photograph was taken.
Electricity + Braille = Disaster
Here are two things that definitely don’t belong together: a braille sign for the blind and a broken, exposed wire. This photograph looks like an awful accident just waiting to happen. That would be terrifying to get a surprise electric shock if you were just trying to read a sign.
This issue could be quickly resolved by covering the wiring with some electrical tape. Some people rely on those signs to give them valuable information, so hopefully, some tape was applied shortly after this picture was taken.
What People Do for Air-Con in the Summer
When it’s a boiling summer day and all you can think about is cranking up the air conditioner, you would probably be pretty pissed off if you discovered your air-con wasn’t working. It looks like these guys were so angry about having no air conditioning that they were willing to put their lives at risk in order to fix it.
We’re not quite sure why these guys needed to resort to such crazy methods - why didn’t they just call a technician and save themselves the hassle?
Wrong Place for a Nap
Sometimes a midday nap is just totally necessary. Especially during a long day of work, there is nothing better than giving yourself a little break to catch a few Zs. Although most jobs don’t usually have special areas dedicated to napping, there are definitely a few areas that should be anti-nap zones.
For example, look at the guy in this photograph! One wrong roll could see him off that terrifying ledge. Next time, he should find a safer place to snooze.
Optical Illusion or Record Breaker
Take one good look at this horrifying photograph and we promise you will agree with us: there is no way this picture could ever have a happy ending. We can only hope that the photographer was trying to pull off some sort of optical illusion by situating the man on a flat roof, but who knows.
This could be someone practicing to break some Guinness World Record balancing stunt. Either way, it sure looks scary and we would not want to be that man!
When You Don’t Have a Car Jack
There are many ways to reach the underside of a car. The most common and safest way to do this is usually by using a car jack. However, this guy didn’t have a car jack on hand, so he decided to prop up his car with two beam-like objects instead.
It looks like the beams are somewhat doing their job at the moment, but what happens when it’s time for the guy to remove them safely? We hope he was able to figure something out without damaging his truck - or himself.
Makeshift Hedge Trimmer
Having a friend in construction who owns a crane can definitely come in handy sometimes. Especially when you need to trim the top of the hedges in your front yard. What better way is there to reach those pesky hedges than to sail over them in your lawnmower with the help of a giant crane.
It is probably much safer and less time-consuming to use hedge trimmers instead, but at least this guy looks like he was having a good time!
That’s What Friends Are For
One of life’s greatest pleasures is having loyal friends that will do just about anything for you: including holding onto your legs for dear life to make sure you don’t fall headfirst into a hole.
Who knows what sparked these guys to come up with this dangerous system. Whatever fell into that hole must have been really valuable if these three men were willing to take such serious measures in order to retrieve it.
Double-Ladder Hedge Trimmer
Here’s another guy that was so desperate to trim the tops of these hedges that he was willing to risk his life in order to accomplish it. This double-ladder setup looks pretty dangerous - perhaps he should’ve found a friend with a crane before resorting to this option.
We are not health experts, but we can still agree that a helmet - or a taller ladder - would have been good to have in this situation. At least he has a friend holding the ladder so it’s just a little bit more sturdy.